
Mariavictoria Benavente Delagado

Profesora Catedrática

Universidad de Girona

Girona, España

Líneas de Investigación

Bienestar en la Infancia y Adolescencia, Derechos de los niños y calidad de vida para jóvenes, ancianos y mujeres, absentismo escolar y participación infantil y juvenil. Infancia y riesgo Adolescencia y uso de TICs


  •  Psicóloga, Universidad de Girona. Chile, 1997
  •  Psicología, Universidad de Girona. Chile, 2004

Experiencia Académica

  •   Profesora Asociada Other

    Universidad de Girona

    Educación y Psicología

    Girona, España

    2004 - 2006

  •   Profesora agregada Other

    Universidad de Girona

    Educación y Psicología

    Girona, España

    2010 - 2019

  •   Profesora Catedrática Other

    Universidad de Girona

    Educación y Psicología

    Girona, Chile

    2019 - A la fecha

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Profesora Catedrática Other

    Universidad de Girona

    Girona, España

    2019 - A la fecha

  •   Co- Coordinadora Grupo de Investigación en Infancia, Adolescencia, Derechos de los niños y su Calidad de Vida Other

    Universidad de Girona

    Girona, Chile

    2016 - A la fecha

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Acreditación de investigación avanzada

    Agencia para la calidad del sistema universitario

    España, 2015

    Obtención de la acreditación de investigación avanzada por parte de la Agencia para la Calidad del Sistema Universitario de Cataluña (AQU)

  •   Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado en Psicología del año 2006


    Chile, 2006

    Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado en Psicología del año 2006 (Universidad de Girona).

  •   Best Dissertation Award

    International Society of Quality of Life Studies

    Estados Unidos, 2007

    Mención honorífica al Best Dissertation Award 2007 otorgado por la International Society of Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS).


Article (41)

A Qualitative Longitudinal Study on the Well-Being of Children and Adolescents
Children's Perspectives and Evaluations of Safety in Diverse Settings and Their Subjective Well-Being: A Multi-National Approach
Peer violence, school environment and developmental contexts: its effects on well-being
Perceptions of Safety, Satisfaction with Neighborhood and Life Satisfaction Among Chilean Adolescents
The Evolution of Positive and Negative Affect in a Longitudinal Sample of Children and Adolescents
The Importance of Feeling Adequately Heard by Adults and Enjoying Time with Family in Relation to Children's Subjective Well-Being
The interplay between school and home location and its relationship with children's subjective well-being
Assessment of Free Time Motivation on a Sample of 11 to 18 Year-Old Catalan-Speaking Spanish Adolescents
Children's rights and their subjective well-being from a multinational perspective
Ferran Casas: a Pioneer in Child and Adolescent Subjective Wellbeing
Prosociality as a Form of Productive Aging: Predictors and Their Relationship With Subjective Well-Being
What Aspects are Important to Adolescents to Achieve Full Satisfaction in Life?
Changes with Age in Subjective Well-Being Through the Adolescent Years: Differences by Gender
Peer violence in the School Environment and Its Relationship with Subjective Well-Being and Perceived Social Support Among Children and Adolescents in Northeastern Brazil
Psychosocial risk and protective factors for the health and well-being of professionals working in emergency and non-emergency medical transport services, identified via questionnaires
School: One world or two worlds? Children's perspectives
Subjective well-being: what do adolescents say?
What Leads Subjective Well-Being to Change Throughout Adolescence? An Exploration of Potential Factors
Psychosocial stressors, sense of community, and subjective wellbeing in children and adolescents in urban and rural areas in Northeast Brazil
Well-Being, Resilience and Quality of Life from Children's Perspectives. A Contextualized Approach
Adolescents' Perspective on Their Participation in the Family Context and its Relationship with Their Subjective Well-Being
Does Satisfaction with Food Matter? Testing the Personal Well-Being Index-School Children (PWI-SC) with an Additional Item on Satisfaction with Food on a Sample of 10 to 12-Year-Olds
Los estilos y estrategias de afrontamiento y su relación con el bienestar personal en una muestra de adolescentes.
Propiedades psicométricas del EATQ-R en una muestra de adolescentes españoles de habla catalana
Reconsidering Life Domains that Contribute to Subjective Well-Being Among Adolescents with Data from Three Countries
Aspects of Leisure on Adolescent's Well-Being in Two Countries
Temperament and Personal Wellbeing in a Sample of 12 to 16 Year-Old Adolescents
Children as Advisers of Their Researchers: Assuming a Different Status for Children
Children's Subjective Well-Being Measured Using a Composite Index: What Impacts Spanish First-Year Secondary Education Students' Subjective Well-Being?
School Satisfaction Among Adolescents: Testing Different Indicators for its Measurement and its Relationship with Overall Life Satisfaction and Subjective Well-Being in Romania and Spain
Food Indicators and Their Relationship with 10 to 12 Year-olds' Subjective Well-Being
Testing the Personal Wellbeing Index on 12-16 Year-Old Adolescents in 3 Different Countries with 2 New Items
Testing the Relationship Between Parents' and Their Children's Subjective Well-Being
Non-linearity, Complexity and Limited Measurement in the Relationship Between Satisfaction with Specific Life Domains and Satisfaction with Life as a Whole
Satisfaction with Spirituality, Satisfaction with Religion and Personal Well-Being among Spanish Adolescents and Young University Students
Does subjective well-being show a relationship between parents and their children?
Using non-linear models for a complexity approach to psychological well-being
A complexity approach to psychological well-being in adolescence: Major strengths and methodological issues
The values adolescents aspire to, their well-being and the values parents aspire to for their children
The well-being of 12- to 16-year-old adolescents and their parents: Results from 1999 to 2003 Spanish samples
Relationships between parents' and children's salient values for future and children's overall life satisfaction. a comparison across countries

BookSection (4)

Estratègies per assolir objectius en activitats relacionades amb la televisió o l’ordinador: les seves correlacions amb el benestar dels adolescents
Living conditions, interviewer effects and perceived well-being of the elderly. A multiple correspondence analysis approach
Personal well-being and interpersonal communication of 12 to 16 year-old girls and their own mothers: Gender and intergenerational issues
Satisfaction with present safety and future security as components of personal well-being among young people: relationships with other psychosocial constructs

BookWhole (3)

A non-linear approach to psychological well-being in adolescence: some contributions from the complexity paradigm
El benestar psicològic a l’adolescència: la perspectiva de les ciències de la complexitat
Risc i protecció social en el maltractament infantil: la perspectiva dels models organitzadors

ConferencePaper (5)

Comparability of online and paper questions and most suitable online formats according to children’s opinions: Results of focus groups.
Evolution of Subjective Well-Being components during 5 years in a sample of 10-16 year-old children
Positive Affect and its Relationship with General Life Satisfaction among 10 and 12-year-old Children in 18 Countries
School-related satisfaction of children in Spain: Is school one world or two worlds, from the perspective of children?.
Testing subjective well-being homeostasis theory with children’s and adolescents’ longitudinal data
Mariavictoria Benavente

Profesora Catedrática


Universidad de Girona

Girona, España

Ferran Casas

Profesor Emérito


Universidad de Girona

Girona, España

Jaime Alfaro

Investigador docente


Universidad del Desarrollo

Santiago , Chile

Jorge Varela

Docente investigador


Universidad del Desarrollo

Santiago, Chile

Edmundo Melipillán


Universidad del Desarrollo

Concepción, Chile