Vivian DAfonseca da Silva Ferreira
Assistant Professor and Researcher
Catholic University of Maule
Talca, Chile
Bioinformatics; Genetics and Genomics of microorganisms; Diagnosis of infectious diseases; Bioinformatics applied to Human Health; Study of Genetic and Epigenetic factors in cancer.
Genetics, Federal University of Minas Gerais. Brasil, 2011
Genetics, Federal University of Minas Gerais. Brasil, 2008
Biology, University Center of Brasilia. Brasil, 2005
Volunteer Professor Part Time
Federal University of Minas Gerais
Belo Horizonte, Brasil
2008 - 2010
Post Doctorate Full Time
University of Brasilia
Medical School
Brasília, Brasil
2015 - 2016
Post Doctorate Full Time
Catholic University of Maule
Vicerrectory of Research and Postgraduate
Talca, Chile
2018 - 2020
Professor Part Time
Catholic University of Maule
Medical School
Talca, Chile
2020 - 2021
Assistant Professor Full Time
Vicerrectory of Research and Postgraduate
Talca, Chile
2020 - 2022
Scientific Iniciation Part Time
Centro Universitario de Brasilia
Faculty of Health Sciences
Brasília, Brasil
2004 - 2004
Assistant Professor and Researcher Full Time
Faculty of Medicine
Talca, Chile
2022 - A la fecha
Researcher Collaborator Part Time
Osvaldo Cruz Foundation - FIOCRUZ
Belo Horizonte, Brasil
2009 - 2010
Researcher Full Time
Brazilian Company of Agriculture - EMBRAPA
Brasília, Chile
2012 - 2015
Reviewer Full Time
Brazilian Center for Research in Evaluation and Selection and Promotion of Events
Brasília, Brasil
2015 - 2015
Researcher Full Time
University of Brasilia
Brasília, Brasil
2015 - 2016
Member Other
Latin American Society of Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine
Santiago, Chile
2019 - A la fecha
Member Other
Genetics Society of Chile
Santiago, Chile
2020 - A la fecha
Reviewer Other
Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening
Talca, Chile
2020 - A la fecha
Vicepresident Part Time
Scientific Ethics Committee of UCM
Talca, Chile
2022 - A la fecha
Assistant Professor Full Time
Catholic University of Maule
Talca, Chile
2020 - A la fecha
Investigadora Colaboradora en la Red Nacional de Laboratorios para el diagnostico de Covid19 Part Time
Convenio HRT - UCM
Talca, Chile
2020 - 2020
Member of Scientific Ethics Committee of UCM Part Time
Universidad Catolica del Maule
Talca, Chile
2020 - 2021
Student: Noemí Burgos. Identificación de ncRNA de Fusobacterium nucleatum mediante bases de datos y enfoques computacionales. In English: Identification of Fusobacterium nucleatum ncRNA by databases and computational approaches. Profesional Practice II. (Undergraduate in Engineering in Biotechnology) - Catholic University of Maule. Supervisor: Vivian DAfonseca da Silva Ferreira. 2022 (Finished).
Student: Hellen Urrea. Predicción de ARNs no codificantes en genoma de bacteria Porphyromonas gingivalis. In English: CPrediction of non-coding RNAs in the genome of the bacterium Porphyromonas gingivalis. Profesional Practice II. (Undergraduate in Engineering in Biotechnology) - Catholic University of Maule. Supervisor: Vivian DAfonseca da Silva Ferreira. 2022 (Finished).
Student: Felipe Mardones.Análisis computacionales de mutaciones sin sentido en datos de cáncer cervicouterino. In English: Computational analyzes of missense mutations in cervical cancer data. Profesional Practice III. (Undergraduate in Engineering in Biotechnology) - Catholic University of Maule. Supervisor: Vivian DAfonseca da Silva Ferreira. 2022 (Finished).
Student: Javier Alejandro Díaz Rojas. Analisis in silico de mutaciones deleterias en genes que codifican las histonas metiltransferases humanas. Carrera: Ingeniería Civil en Bioinformatica, Universidad de Talca. Practica profesional. In English: In silico analysis of deleterious mutations in genes encoding human histone methyltransferases. Career: Civil Engineering in Bioinformatics, Universidad de Talca. Professional practice. 2021 (Finished).
Student: Tania isabela Aravena Vasquéz. Enfoque computacional para la identificación de alteraciones genéticas y expresión génica de histonas metiltransferasas y sus implicaciones en el cáncer de riñón de células claras. In English: Computational approach to identification of genetic alterations and gene expression of methyltransferase histones and their implications in clear cell renal cell cancer. Undergraduate thesis (Undergraduate in Engineering in Biotechnology) - Catholic University of Maule. Supervisor: Vivian DAfonseca da Silva Ferreira. 2021 (Finished).
Student: Francisca Beatriz Valenzuela. Establecimiento de genes constitutivos como referencia en plantas de arándano con tratamiento de poliploidía. In English: Establishment of housekeeping genes as a reference in blueberry plants with polyploidy treatment. Undergraduate thesis (Undergraduate in Engineering in Biotechnology) - Catholic University of Maule. Supervisor: Vivian DAfonseca da Silva Ferreira. 2021 (finished).
Student: Dafne Alejandra Reyes. Enfoque computacional de las alteraciones en histonas metiltransferasas involucradas en cáncer gástrico. In English: Computational approach to detect alterations in histone methyltransferases involved in gastric cancer. Undergraduate thesis (Undergraduate in Engineering in Biotechnology) - Catholic University of Maule. Supervisor: Vivian DAfonseca da Silva Ferreira. 2021 (finished).
Student: Melany Opazo. Anotación funcional de proteinas hipotéticas y genómica comparativa de Mycobacterium microti. In English: Functional annotation of hypothetical proteins and comparative genomics of Mycobacterium microti. Undergraduate thesis (Undergraduate in Engineering in Biotechnology) - Catholic University of Maule. Supervisor: Vivian DAfonseca da Silva Ferreira. 2021 (finished).
Student: Tania Isabella Aravena Vasquéz. Prospección de las alteraciones genéticas en las histonas metiltransferasas estudiadas en cáncer gástrico: un enfoque computacional. In English: Analysis of genetic alterations in histone methyltransferases studied in liver cancer: a computational approach. Undergraduate thesis (Undergraduate in Engineering in Biotechnology) - Catholic University of Maule. Supervisor: Vivian DAfonseca da Silva Ferreira. 2021 (finished).
Student: Maria de los Angeles Salazar. Detección de Mycobacterium spp causantes de tuberculosis con métodos moleculares utilizando PCR a partir de muestras parafinadas. In English: Detection of Mycobacterium spp causing tuberculosis with molecular methods using PCR from paraffinized samples. Undergraduate thesis (Undergraduate in Engineering in Biotechnology) - Catholic University of Maule. Supervisor: Vivian DAfonseca da Silva Ferreira. 2019 (finished).
Student: Elizabeth Catalina Valdés Muñoz. Estandarización de método de diagnóstico molecular para la detección de Mycobacterium Spp. a partir de muestras de biopsias parafinadas del Hospital Regional de Talca (HRT). In English: Standardization of the molecular diagnostic method for detection of Mycobacterium Spp. from paraffinized biopsy samples from the Hospital Regional de Talca (HRT). Undergraduate thesis (Undergraduate in Engineering in Biotechnology) - Catholic University of Maule. Co-supervisor: Vivian DAfonseca da Silva Ferreira. 2019 (finished).
Student: Yuliana Teresa Maureira Quintana. Uso de nuevos partidores moleculares para la identificacion de las regiones oncogenicas E6 y L1 del virus papiloma humano (HPV) en pacientes cáncer cervicouterino asistidos en el Hospital Regional del Maule. In English: Use of novel molecular primers for identification of the E6 and L1 oncogenic regions of the human papilloma virus (HPV) in cervical cancer patients treated at the Maule Regional Hospital. Undergraduate thesis (Undergraduate in Engineering in Biotechnology) - Catholic University of Maule. Co-supervisor: Vivian DAfonseca da Silva Ferreira. 2019 (finished).
Supervision of scientific iniciation:
Student: Cathalina Isabel Marín Sanhueza. Anotación funcional de proteinas hipotéticas y genómica comparativa de Enterococcus faecalis. In English: Functional annotation of hypothetical proteins and comparative genomics of Enterococcus faecalis. Scientific Iniciation. (Undergraduate in Engineering in Biotechnology) - Catholic University of Maule. Supervisor: Vivian DAfonseca da Silva Ferreira. 2021 (finished).
Student: Cássio Faria. Anotación Funcional de diferentes aislados de Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis. In English: Functional annotation of different isolates of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis. 2010. Scientific Initiation. (Undergraduate in Pharmacy) - Federal University of Minas Gerais. Supervisor: Vívian D'Afonseca da Silva Ferreira. 2010 (finished).
Student: Wanderson Marques da Silva. Estado del arte de la Linfadenitis caseosa y su agente etiológico Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis. 2008. In English: State of the art of caseous lymphadenitis and its etiological agent Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis. 2008. Undergraduate thesis (Undergraduate in Biomedicine) - Universidade José do Rosário Vellano. Co-supervisor: Vívian D'Afonseca da Silva Ferreira. 2008 (finished).
Student: Pablo Matias de Oliveira Moraes. Sequenciación del Genoma de Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis; Generación de mutantes de genes exclusivos de C. pseudotuberculosis y su utilización en el desarrollo de vacunas vivas atenuadas. In English: Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis Genome Sequencing; Generation of mutants of exclusive genes of C. pseudotuberculosis and their use in the development of live attenuated vaccines. 2007. Scientific Initiation. (Undergraduated in Biology) - Federal University of Minas Gerais. Supervisor: Vívian D'Afonseca da Silva Ferreira 2007 (finished).
Student: Anna Theresa Dias Bomfim. Sequenciación de la bacteria C. pseudotuberculosis. In English: Sequencing of the C. pseudotuberculosis bacterium. 2006. Scientific Initiation. (Undergraduated in Biology) - UNA. Supervisor: Vívian D'Afonseca da Silva Ferreira 2006 (finished).
Participation in qualification test (doctorate):
Bertioli, D. J.; Rocha, T.; D´Afonseca, Vivian; Arrieta, J.G.. Participación en la defensa de la cualificación de doctorado de la estudante Natália Faustino Pires. Bioprospección de peptídos cíclicos en plantas del Cerrado. In English: Participation in the defense of the doctoral qualification of the student Natália Faustino Pires. Bioprospecting of cyclic peptides in Cerrado plants. (Doctorate in Botany) - Universidade de Brasília. 2013 (finished).
Arencibia, Ariel D; D'Afonseca, V; González, Gloria Rossana; Reyes, Dafne Alejandra; Valenzuela, Francisca Beatriz. Title: Método y sistema de diagnóstico molecular para detección de Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In English: Molecular diagnostic method and system for the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Number of record: PCTCL202005003. Institution of record: Catholic University of Maule. Request date: PCT: 01/04/2020 Year: 2020, Chile.
Covid19 Diagnosis - Chilean Laboratory Network:
Dr. D'Afonseca was invited to participate as a collaborator working with the diagnosis of covid19 at Regional Hospital of Talca, Maule region. This project was part of national iniciative to promote the improvement of the covid19 diagnosis processes within of the Chilean Laboratory Network. Time: 6 mounths, 2020.
Work evaluation:
Dr D'Afonseca participó en el Proyecto Asociativo Regional Explora de CONICYT Maule ER190046, como parte del comité Científico Evaluador 2019. La participación se efectuó en el IX Congreso Regional de Investigación Escolar. In English: Dr D'Afonseca has participated in the Explore Regional Associative Project of CONICYT Maule ER190046, as part of the Scientific Evaluating Committee 2019. The participation took place in the IX Regional School Research Congress, Talca, Maule, 2019.
Event organizer:
D'Afonseca, V. I Simposio Online de Bioinformatica de la UCM. In English: I Online Symposium on Bioinformatics of the UCM. (Online Symposium), Talca, Chile, 2020. 5 hours. (Symposium)
D'Afonseca et al., V. I Workshop Bioinformática Next-Gen: Ensamblaje y Anotación de Genomas Bacterianos Completos. In English: I Next-Gen Bioinformatics Workshop: Assembly and Annotation of Complete Bacterial Genomes. Date: December 7-11, 2009. Federal University of Pará, Belém, Brazil, 2009. (Workshop)
Lectures and course given and work presentation:
D'Afonseca V. Microrganismos y salud humana. In English: Microorganisms and human health. Evento: Feria Cientifica - Hospital de Molina, UCM y ACCDIS. Julio 2022 (Online Lecture).
D'Afonseca, V. Minería de datos biológicos con aplicación en el área biomédica. In English: Biological data mining with application in the biomedical area. Webinar: Ciencias computacionales al servicio de problematicas en quimica medicinal y ambiental. Marzo 2022 (Webinar)
D'Afonseca V., , M. Salazar-Viedma, T.I. Aravena Vásquez. Asignatura genética de las histonas metiltransferasas y su implicancia en cáncer de hígado: un enfoque computacional. In Enghish: Genetic assignment of histone methyltransferases and their implication in liver cancer: a computational approach. XVII Congreso Latinoamericano de Genética. Octubre, 2021 (Congress)
D'Afonseca, V.; Marcela Salazar-Viedma; Tania Isabella Aravena Vasquez. 66 Brazilian Congress of Genetics. Genetic alterations of genes encoding histone methyltransferases and their role in liver cancer: a computational approach. Poster presentation, Congress, September - 2021.
D'Afonseca, V. Participación en mesa redonda “Niñas en STEM”, que se encuentra en el marco de la mesa de trabajo del convenio entre SEREMIA de Salud, Seremia de Educación, INJUV y Seremi de la mujer y Equidad de Género - Maule. Investigadora invitada. 2021. In English: Participation in the workshop "Girls in STEM", organizers: SEREMIA de Salud, Seremia de Educación, INJUV and Seremi de la Mujer y Equidad de Género - Maule. Invited researcher. 2021. (Workshop)
D'Afonseca, V. Minería de datos biológicos con aplicación en el área microbiológica. In English: Biological data mining with application in the microbiological area.I Simposio Online de Bioinformatica de la UCM. In English: I Online Symposium on Bioinformatics of the UCM. (Online Symposium). Talca, Chile, 2020. (Lecture)
D'Afonseca, V. Minería de datos biológicos con aplicación en el área microbiológica. In English: Biological data mining with application in the microbiological area. Centro de Investigación de Estudios Avanzados de Maule (CIEAM). Universidad Católica del Maule, Talca, Chile, 2020 (Lecture)
D’Afonseca, V. Course monitor - CBAB: Plataforma de Secuenciación de Nueva Generación “NGS – SOLID”: Secuenciación, ensamblaje y anotación de un genoma bacteriano. In English: CBAB: New Generation Sequencing Platform "NGS - SOLID": Sequencing, assembly and annotation of a bacterial genome. PostGraduate Program in Genetics and Molecular Biology. Date: August 30 - September 10, 2010. Federal University of Pará, Belém, Brazil, 2010. (Course)
D’Afonseca, V. Lecture: Functional annotation. In CBAB: Plataforma de Secuenciación de Nueva Generación “NGS – SOLID”: Secuenciación, ensamblaje y anotación de un genoma bacteriano. In English: CBAB: New Generation Sequencing Platform "NGS - SOLID": Sequencing, assembly and annotation of a bacterial genome. Postgraduate Program in Genetics and Molecular Biology. Date: September 8, 2010. Federal University of Pará, Belém, Brazil, 2010. (Lecture)
D’Afonseca, V. Practical Course: Workshop of Assembly and annotation of genomes. In CBAB: Plataforma de Secuenciación de Nueva Generación “NGS – SOLID”: Secuenciación, ensamblaje y anotación de un genoma bacteriano. In English: CBAB: New Generation Sequencing Platform "NGS - SOLID": Sequencing, assembly and annotation of a bacterial genome. Postgraduate Program in Genetics and Molecular Biology. Date: September 7-8, 2010. Federal University of Pará, Belém, Brazil, 2010. (Practical course)
D’Afonseca, V. Practical Course: Workshop of Assembly and annotation of genomes. In CBAB: Plataforma de Secuenciación de Nueva Generación “NGS – SOLID”: Secuenciación, ensamblaje y anotación de un genoma bacteriano. In English: CBAB: New Generation Sequencing Platform "NGS - SOLID": Sequencing, assembly and annotation of a bacterial genome. Postgraduate Program in Genetics and Molecular Biology. Date: September 9, 2010. Federal University of Pará, Belém, Brazil, 2010. (Practical course)
D’Afonseca, V. Course given: Structure and function of the genome – BIG866. 30 hours. University Federal of Minas Gerais; Postgraduate of Genetic (doctorate and master). Belo Horizonte, Brazil. 1° semester, 2010. (Course)
D’Afonseca, V. Course given: Didactic Experience II: Introduction of Genetics and Evolution – BIG 870. 30 hours. University Federal of Minas Gerais; Postgraduate of Genetic (doctorate and master). Belo Horizonte, Brazil. 1° semester, 2010. (Course)
D’Afonseca, V. Course given: Special topics in Genetics and Evolution – BIG 847. 30 hours. University Federal of Minas Gerais; Postgraduate of Genetic (doctorate and master). Belo Horizonte, Brazil. 1° semester, 2010. (Course)
D’Afonseca, V. Course given: Assembly and annotation of a genome. 96 hours. University Federal of Pará; Postgraduate Program in Genetics and Molecular Biology. (doctorate and master). Laboratory of Bioinformatics. Date: 18th June – 2nd July, 2009. Belém, Brazil. 1° semester, 2009. (Course)
D’Afonseca, V. Lecture given: Genomes Network integration Pará-Minas: Pangenomics study of different strains of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis pathogen using SOLID platform. University Federal of Pará; Postgraduate Program in Genetics and Molecular Biology. (Doctorate and master). Date: 30th June, 2009. Belém, Brazil. 1° semester, 2009. (Lecture)
D’Afonseca, V. Comparative genomics among different strains of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis. In 25º Congreso Brasileño de Microbiología. Sociedad Brasileña de Microbiología. Fecha: 8-12 de octubre. Porto de Galinhas, Brasil, 2009. (Congreso). In English: 25th Brazilian Congress of Microbiology. Brazilian Society of Microbiology. Date: October 8-12. Porto de Galinhas, Brazil, 2009. (Lecture)
D’Afonseca, V. Course given: Genetics of prokaryotes microorganisms – BIG 840. 15 hours. University Federal of Minas Gerais; Postgraduate of Genetic (master). Belo Horizonte, Brazil. 1° semester, 2009. (Course)
D’Afonseca, V. Course given: Introduction to Genetics and Evolution – BIG 601. 15 hours. University Federal of Minas Gerais; Postgraduate of Genetic (master). Belo Horizonte, Brazil. 1° semester, 2009. (Course)
D’Afonseca, V. Course given: Introduction to Genetics and Evolution – BIG 601. 15 hours. University Federal of Minas Gerais; Postgraduate of Genetic (master). Belo Horizonte, Brazil. 1° semester, 2008. (Course)
D’Afonseca, V. Course given: Introduction to Genetics and Evolution – BIG 601. 15 hours. University Federal of Minas Gerais; Postgraduate of Genetic (master). Belo Horizonte, Brazil. 2° semester, 2008. (Course)
D’Afonseca, V. Course given: Introduction to Genetics and Evolution – BIG 601. 15 hours. University Federal of Minas Gerais; Postgraduate of Genetic (master). Belo Horizonte, Brazil. 1° semester, 2008. (Course)
D’Afonseca, V. Course given: Introduction to Genetics and Evolution – BIG 601. 15 hours. University Federal of Minas Gerais; Postgraduate of Genetic (master). Belo Horizonte, Brazil. 2° semester, 2007. (Course)
Abstracts and Poster in Congress and Events:
Melany Opazo; Vívian D'Afonseca; Sara Cuadros-Orellana. Anotación funcional de proteínas hipotéticas dentro del genoma de Mycobacterium microti por medio de herramientas bioinformáticas. ALAG – XVIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Genética, Chile Octubre, 2021 (Poster and abstract).
D'Afonseca; Marcela Salazar-Viedma; Tania Isabella Aravena Vasquez. Asignatura genética de las histonas metiltransferasas y su implicancia en cáncer de hígado: un enfoque computacional. ALAG – XVIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Genética, Chile Octubre, 2021 (Poster and abstract).
Francisca Valenzuela; Ariel Arencibia; Vívian D'Afonseca. Validación de genes de referencia a partir de una población de plantas de arándano (vaccinium corymbosum) regeneradas en colchicina. ALAG – XVIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Genética, Chile Octubre, 2021 (Poster and abstract).
Marcela Salazar Viedma; Vívian D'Afonseca; Dafne Alejandra Reyes. Análisis computacional de las alteraciones genéticas de genes que codifican las histonas metiltransferases en cáncer de estómago. ALAG – XVIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Genética, Chile Octubre, 2021 (Poster and abstract).
D'Afonseca, V.; Marcela Salazar-Viedma; Tania Isabella Aravena Vasquez. 66 Brazilian Congress of Genetics. Genetic alterations of genes encoding histone methyltransferases and their role in liver cancer: a computational approach. Poster presentation, Congress, September - 2021.
Congreso Latino Americano de Farmacogenomica y Medicina Personalizada. In Eglish: Latin American Congress of Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine. Identification of altered genes in gallbladder cancer as potential driver mutations for diagnostic and prognostic purposes: an computational approach. Cuzco, Perú, 2019. (Banner presentation).
Ramos, Doralina Do Amaral Rabello; Ferreira, Vivian D'Afonseca Da Silva; Berzoti-Coelho, Maria Gabriela; Burin, Sandra Mara; Magro, Cíntia Leticia; Cacemiro, Maira Da Costa; Simões, Belinda Pinto; Saldanha-Araujo, Felipe; Castro, Fabíola Attié; Pittella-Silva, Fábio. Abstract 366: Association of and with chronic myeloid leukemia. Proceedings: AACR Annual Meeting, April 14-18, Chicago, IL, 2018. (Abstract)
Ramos, Doralina Do Amaral Rabello; Ribeiro, Beatriz Itai Haupt; Castro, Tércia Maria Mendes Lousa De; Ferreira, Vívian D'afonseca Da Silva; Takano, Gustavo Henrique Soares; Duarte, Eliza Carla Barroso; Carneiro, Fabiana Pirani; Silva, Fábio Pittella. Abstract 2398: Molecular analysis of histone methyltransferases SUV420H1 and SUV420H2 and their potential as prognostic markers in head and neck cancer. Proceedings: AACR Annual Meeting, April 1-5, 2017; Washington, DC, 2017. (Abstract)
Pinto, AC.; Resende, DM; Soares, SC; D’Afonseca, V; Almeida, SS; Moore, R; Silva, A; Miyoshi, A; Ruiz, JC; Azevedo, V. Análisis comparativa de los pseudogenes de Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis (Cp1002 y CpC231) y otra especie Corynebacterium diphtheriae (NCTC 13129). In English: Comparative analysis of the Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis (Cp1002 and CpC231) pseudogenes and another species Corynebacterium diphtheriae (NCTC 13129). In 25th Brazilian Congress of Microbiology. Brazilian Society of Microbiology. Date: October 8-12. Porto de Galinhas, Brazil, 2009. (Abstract)
Almeida, SS; Seyffert, N; Prudencio CR; Santos, FAA; D’Afonseca, V; Soares, SC; Ribeiro, D; Miyoshi, A; Goulart, LR; Azevedo, V. Peptidos recombinante de Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis mediante phage display. In English: Recombinant peptides from Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis using phage display. In 25th Brazilian Congress of Microbiology. Brazilian Society of Microbiology. Date: October 8-12. Porto de Galinhas, Brazil, 2009. (Abstract)
D'Afonseca, V; Morais, PMRO; Dorella, F; Pacheco, LGC; Almeida, SS; Pinto, AC; Santos, AR; Cerqueira, PG; Seyffert, N; Castro, TPL; Soares, SC; Prosdocimi, F; Pena, I; Ortega, JM; Oliveira, SC; Coser, ER; Oliveira, GC; Meyer, R; Miyoshi, A; Azevedo, V. Caracterización del contenido génico y organización genómica de Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis. In English: Characterization of the gene content and genomic organization of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis. In 54th Brazilian Congress of Genetics. Brazilian Society of Genetics. Date: September 16-19, 2008. Salvador, Brazil, 2008. (Abstract)
Pacheco, LGC; Castro, TLP; Seyffert, N; Dorella, F; Pinto, AC; D'Afonseca, V; Soares, SC; Morais, PMRO; Cerqueira, PG; Marques, WS; Ribeiro, D; Meyer, R; Miyoshi, A; Azevedo, V. Rol del factor sigma de Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis en la resistencia al estrese y en la regulación de factores asociados a la virulencia. In English: Role of the sigma factor of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis in resistance to stress and in the regulation of factors associated with virulence. In 54th Brazilian Congress of Genetics. Brazilian Society of Genetics. Date: September 16-19, 2008. Salvador, Brazil, 2008. (Abstract)
Seyffert, N; Pacheco, LGC; Castro, TLP; Dorella, F; Cerqueira, PG; Pinto, AC; Soares, SC; Morais, PMRO; D'Afonseca, V; Oliveira, SC; Meyer, R; Miyoshi, A; Azevedo, V. Integración de la genómica y proteómica de Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis para el imunodiagnóstico de la linfadenitis caseosa. In English: Integration of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis genomics and proteomics for the immunodiagnosis of caseous lymphadenitis. In 54th Brazilian Congress of Genetics. Brazilian Society of Genetics. Date: September 16-19, 2008. Salvador, Brazil, 2008. (Abstract)
Dorella, F; Cerqueira, PG; Pacheco, LGC; Seyffert, N; Pinto, AC; D'Afonseca, V; Castro, TLP; Soares, SC; Oliveira, SC; Meyer, R; Moraes, PRMO; Azevedo, V. Analysis of the vaccine potential of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis mutants obtained through random mutagenesis. In English: 54th Brazilian Congress of Genetics. Brazilian Society of Genetics. Date: September 16-19, 2008. Salvador, Brazil, 2008. (Abstract)
Soares, SC; Pinto, AC; Dorella, F; Cerqueira, PG; Pacheco, LGC; Castro, TLP; D'Afonseca, V; Seyffert, N; Meyer, R; Azevedo, V; Miyoshi, A. Plasticidad genómica de Corynebacterium diphtheriae: implicaciones en la virulencia. In English: Genomic plasticity of Corynebacterium diphtheriae: implications for virulence. In 54th Brazilian Congress of Genetics. Brazilian Society of Genetics. Date: September 16-19, 2008. Salvador, Brazil, 2008. (Abstract)
Cerqueira, PG; Pinto, AC; Dorella, F; Pacheco, LGC; Soares, SC; Castro, TLP; D'Afonseca, V; Seyffert, N; Meyer, R; Miyoshi, A; Azevedo, V. Construcción de una biblioteca genómica de Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis para la identificación de promotores a través de la expresión de GFP. In English: Construction of a genomic library of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis for the identification of promoters through the expression of GFP. In 54th Brazilian Congress of Genetics. Brazilian Society of Genetics. Date: September 16-19, 2008. Salvador, Brazil, 2008. (Abstract)
Marques, WS; Seyffert, N; Pacheco, LGC; Castro, TLP; Dorella, F; Cerqueira, PG; Pinto, AC; D'Afonseca, V; Portela, RW; Soares, SC; Meyer, R; Miyoshi, A; Azevedo, V. Identificación de epitopos de la superficie de fagos para el imunodiagnóstico de la linfadenitis caseosa en caprinos. In English: Identification of phage surface epitopes for the immunodiagnosis of caseous lymphadenitis in goats. In 54th Brazilian Congress of Genetics. Brazilian Society of Genetics. Date: September 16-19, 2008. Salvador, Brazil, 2008. (Abstract)
D'Afonseca, V; Morais, PMRO; Dorella, F; Pacheco, LGC; Almeida, SS; Pinto, AC; Santos, AR; Cerqueira, PG; Seyffert, N; Castro, TLP; Soares, SC Prosdocimi, F; Pena, I; Ortega, JM; Oliveira, SC; Oliveira, GC; Coser, ER; Oliveira, LM; Meyer, R; Miyoshi, A; Azevedo, V. Construcción de una biblioteca genómica de Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis y su caracterización mediante Genome Sequence Survey (GSS). In English: Construction of a genomic library of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis and its characterization by Genome Sequence Survey (GSS). In 26th Meeting of Genetics of Microorganisms - REGEM. Date: September 15-16, 2008. Salvador, Brazil, 2008. (Abstract)
Pacheco, LGC; Castro, TLP; Seyffert, N; Dorella, F; Pinto, AC; D'Afonseca, V; Soares, SC; Morais, PMRO; Cerqueira, PG; Marques, WS; Ribeiro, D; Meyer, R; Oliveira, SC; Miyoshi, A; Azevedo, V. Papel del factor sigma de Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis en la resistencia al estrés y en la regulación de factores asociados a la virulencia. In English: Role of the sigma factor of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis in resistance to stress and in the regulation of factors associated with virulence. In 26th Meeting of Genetics of Microorganisms - REGEM. Date: September 15-16, 2008. Salvador, Brazil, 2008. (Abstract)
Soares, SC; Pinto, AC; Dorella, F; Cerqueira, PG; Pacheco, LGC Seyffert, N; D'Afonseca, V; Castro, TLP; Azevedo, V; Miyoshi, A. Análisis de las islas de patogenicidad de Corynebacterium diphtheriae por PCR2 (Plasticity of hromossome revealed by long range - Polymerase Chain Reaction). In English: Analysis of the pathogenicity islands of Corynebacterium diphtheriae by PCR2 (Plasticity of hromossome revealed by long range - Polymerase Chain Reaction). In 26th Meeting of Genetics of Microorganisms - REGEM. Date: September 15-16, 2008. Salvador, Brazil, 2008. (Abstract)
Cerqueira, PG; Pinto, AC; Dorella, F; Pacheco, LGC; Soares, SC; Castro, TLP; D'Afonseca, V; Seyffert, N; Miyoshi, A; Azevedo, V. Construcción de una biblioteca genómica de Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis para la identificación de promotores a través de la expresión de GFP. In English: Construction of a genomic library of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis for the identification of promoters through the expression of GFP. In 26th Meeting of Genetics of Microorganisms - REGEM. Date: September 15-16, 2008. Salvador, Brazil, 2008. (Abstract)
Seyffert, N; Pacheco, LGC; Castro, TLP; Dorella, F; Cerqueira, PG; Pinto, AC; Soares, SC; D'Afonseca, V; Oliveira, SC; Meyer, R; Miyoshi, A; Azevedo, V. Análisis inmunoproteómico del secretoma de Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis con fines diagnósticos. In English: Immunoproteomic analysis of the Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis secretome for diagnostic purposes. In 26th Meeting of Genetics of Microorganisms - REGEM. Date: September 15-16, 2008. Salvador, Brazil, 2008. (Abstract)
Marques, WS; Seyffert, N; Pacheco, LGC; Castro, TLP; Pinto, AC; D'Afonseca, V; Portela, RW; Soares, SC; Meyer, R; Miyoshi, A; Azevedo, V. Uso de phage display en la selección de péptidos para el diagnóstico de linfadenitis caseosa en pequeños rumiantes. In English: Use of phage display in the selection of peptides for the diagnosis of caseous lymphadenitis in small ruminants. In 26th Meeting of Genetics of Microorganisms - REGEM. Date: September 15-16, 2008. Salvador, Brazil, 2008. (Abstract)
Dorella, F; Cerqueira, PG; Pacheco, LGC; Seyffert, N; Pinto, AC; D'Afonseca, V; Castro, TLP; Soares, SC; Oliveira, SC; Meyer, R; Miyoshi, A; Azevedo, V. Analysis of the vaccine potencial of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis mutants obtained through random mutagenesis. In 26th Meeting of Genetics of Microorganisms - REGEM. Date: September 15-16, 2008. Salvador, Brazil, 2008. (Abstract)
D'Afonseca, V; Moraes, PRMO; Pacheco, LGC; Dorella, F; Capanema, ER; Pena, I; Prosdocimi, F; Ortega, JM; Meyer, R; Oliveira, GC; Oliveira, SC; Miyoshi, A; Azevedo, V. Partial-genome sequence through GSS analyses and comparative genomic og Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis the ethiological agent of Caseous Limphadenitis Disease. In English: 24th Brazilian Congress of Microbiology. Brazilian Society of Microbiology. Date: October 3-6. Brasilia, Brazil, 2007. (Abstract)
Soares, SC; D'Afonseca, V; Dorella, F; Capanema, ER; Azevedo, V; Miyoshi, A. Análisis de plasticidad genómica de cepas de Corynebacterium diphtheriae por PCR (Plasticity of Cromossome Relealed by Long Range - Polymerase Chain Reaction). In English: Analysis of genomic plasticity of strains of Corynebacterium diphtheriae by PCR (Plasticity of Cromossome Relealed by Long Range - Polymerase Chain Reaction). In 24th Brazilian Congress of Microbiology. Brazilian Society of Microbiology. Date: October 3-6. Brasilia, Brazil, 2007. (Abstract)
Congress, Courses and Events participation:
Feria Cientifica - Hospital de Molina, UCM y ACCDIS. Julio 2022 (Online Lecture).
Ciencias computacionales al servicio de problematicas en quimica medicinal y ambiental. Marzo 2022 (Webinar)
Técnicas de análisis de datos con lenguaje y entorno analítico de R y R-estudio (30 horas). UCM, Diciembre 2021
ALAG – XVIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Genética, Chile Octubre, 2021 (Virtual Congress).
Minicurso GENÉTICA - Edição gênica via CRISPR - conceitos e perspectivas (3 horas). In 66 Brazilian Congress of Genetics. Congress, September, Brasil - 2021 (Virtual Congress).
Minicurso GENÉTICA - Interpretação funcional de polimorfismos genéticos em regiões não codificantes associados com
doenças complexas e respostas a fármacos (8 horas). In 66 Brazilian Congress of Genetics. Congress, September, Brasil - 2021 (Virtual Congress).
Minicurso REGEM-Ferramentas computacionais para investigação de Non-coding RNAs (8 horas). In 66 Brazilian Congress of Genetics. Congress, September, Brasil - 2021 (Virtual Congress).
66 Brazilian Congress of Genetics. Congress, September, Brasil - 2021 (Virtual Congress).
WORKSHOP FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF GENOMIC EPIDEMIOLOGY. Workshop, July 15th to August 16th, 2021. NIH and Johns Hopkins University, USA. (Virtual Workshop).
Programa de Desarrollo, Empoderamiento y Liderazgo Femenino. Eightvolution, Talca, Chile. 2021. In English: Workshop of Development, Empowerment and Female Leadership.(Online course).
Aspectos claves en el desarrollo de proyectos de investigación aplicada. Innovación UANDES, Universidad de los Andes, Chile, 2021. In English: Important aspects in the development of applied research projects. (Online course).
Virtual Workshop on Long Read Sequencing. The Jackson Laboratory, USA. May 25, 2021. (Virtual Workshop).
Short Course on the Genetics of Addiction. The Jackson Laboratory, USA. May 10, 2021. (Online Short Course).
Hereditary Cancer Syndromes. The Wayne State University School of Medicine, USA. May 10, 2021. (Internet Activity Enduring Material Program).
Basics of CRISPR/Cas9. The Jackson Laboratory, USA. May 05, 2021. (Internet Activity Enduring Material Program).
Categorizing Cancer Risk. The University of Connecticut School of Medicine, USA. April 23, 2021. (Internet Activity Enduring Material Program).
Beyond Genes: Epigenetics, Environment, and Health. The Jackson Laboratory, USA. April 23, 2021. (Internet Activity Enduring Material Program).
Genetic Testing Process. The Jackson Laboratory, USA. April 23, 2021. (Internet Activity Enduring Material Program).
Genetic Testing Technology for Cancer. The University of Connecticut School of Medicine, USA. April 23, 2021. (Internet Activity Enduring Material Program).
29th Annual Short Course on experimental Models of Human Cancer. The Jackson Laboratory, USA, 2020. (Congress/Mini course).
Introducción al Sistema Globalmente Armonizado de Clasificación y Etiquetado de las Sustancias Peligrosas. In English: Introduction to the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Harmful Substances. Talca, Chile, 2020. (Workshop).
LIII Reunión Annual Sociedad de Genetica de Chile. In English: LIII Annual Meeting of the Genetics Society of Chile. Santiago, Chile, 2020. (Congress).
3 Congreso Latino Americano de Farmacogenomica y Medicina Personalizada. In English: 3 Latin American Congress of Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine. Cuzco, Perú, 2019. (Congress).
Aspectos básicos en ética, manejo y experimentación con animales. In English: Basic aspects in ethics, handling and experimentation with animals. Talca, Chile, 2019. (Symposium).
I Jornada de Actualización del CIB UCM: Bioseguridad en el Laboratorio. In English: I CIB UCM Update Workshop: Laboratory Biosafety. Talca, Chile, 2019. (Workshop).
Workshop de bases metodológicas y uso práctico del software estadístico R con R-Studio. In English: Workshop on methodological bases and practical use of the statistical software R with R-Studio. Talca, Chile, 2018. (Workshop).
Curso de Capacitación y Elaboración y Revisión de de Preguntas/Ítems (CESPE). Centro Brasileño de Investigación en Evaluación, Selección y Promoción de Eventos. 4 de julio de 2015. Brasilia, Brasil, 2015. (Curso). In English: Training Course for Preparation and Review of Questions / Items (CESPE). Brazilian Center for Research in Evaluation, Selection and Promotion of Events. July 4, 2015. Brasilia, Brazil, 2015. (Course).
Curso de Capacitación y Elaboración de Preguntas/Ítems (CESPE). Centro Brasileño de Investigación en Evaluación, Selección y Promoción de Eventos. 23 de mayo de 2015. Brasilia, Brasil, 2015. (Curso). In English: Training Course for Preparation of Questions / Items (CESPE). Brazilian Center for Research in Evaluation, Selection and Promotion of Events. May 23, 2015. Brasilia, Brazil, 2015. (Course).
Curso CBAB: Plataforma de Secuenciación de Nueva Generación "NGS - SOLiD": Secuenciación, ensamblaje y anotación de un genoma bacteriano. 90 horas. Fecha: 30 de agosto – 10 septiembre de 2010. Belém, Brasil, 2010 (Curso). In English: CBAB Course: New Generation Sequencing Platform "NGS - SOLiD": Sequencing, assembly and annotation of a bacterial genome. 90 hours. Date: August 30 - September 10, 2010. Belém, Brazil, 2010 (Course).
Curso Introducción al Programa Bionumerics: Plataforma de software para el análisis de datos. Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais. 8 horas Fecha: 24-25 de febrero de 2010. (Curso). In English: Course Introduction to the Bionumerics Program: Software platform for data analysis. Federal University of Minas Gerais. 8 hours. Date: February 24-25, 2010. (Course).
Simpósio Interdisciplinar Física + Bioinformática. Universidad Federal de Ouro Preto. 17-20 de noviembre de 2009. Ouro Preto, Brasil, 2009. (Simposio). In English: Symposium Interdisciplinary Physics + Bioinformatics. Federal University of Ouro Preto. November 17-20, 2009. Ouro Preto, Brazil, 2009. (Symposium)
25º Congreso Brasileño de Microbiología. Sociedad Brasileña de Microbiología. Fecha: 8-12 de octubre. Porto de Galinhas, Brasil, 2009. (Congreso). In English: 25th Brazilian Congress of Microbiology. Brazilian Society of Microbiology. Date: October 8-12. Porto de Galinhas, Brazil, 2009. (Congress)
54º Congreso Brasileño de Genética. Sociedad Brasileña de Genética. Fecha: 16-19 de septiembre de 2008. 24 horas. Salvador, Brasil, 2008. (Congreso). In English: 54th Brazilian Congress of Genetics. Brazilian Society of Genetics. Date: September 16-19, 2008. 24 hours. Salvador, Brazil, 2008. (Congress)
26ª Reunión de Genética de Microrganismos – REGEM. Fecha: 15-16 de septiembre de 2008. 16 horas. Salvador, Brasil, 2008. (Congreso) In English: 26th Meeting of Genetics of Microorganisms - REGEM. Date: September 15-16, 2008. 4 pm. Salvador, Brazil, 2008. (Congress)
V Congreso Brasileño de Bioseguridad y V Congreso Latino Americano de Productos Transgénicos. Asociación Nacional de Bioseguridad – ANBio. Fecha: 18 – 21 de septiembre de 2007. 32 horas. Ouro Preto, Brasil. 2007. (Congreso). In English: V Brazilian Congress of Biosafety and V Latin American Congress of Transgenic Products. National Biosafety Association - ANBio. Date: September 18 - 21, 2007. 32 hours. Ouro Preto, Brazil. 2007. (Congress)
24º Congreso Brasileño de Microbiología. Sociedad Brasileña de Microbiología. Fecha: 3-6 de octubre. 30 horas. Brasilia, Brasil, 2007. (Congreso). In English: 24th Brazilian Congress of Microbiology. Brazilian Society of Microbiology. Date: October 3-6. 30 hours. Brasilia, Brazil, 2007. (Congress)
50º Congreso Brasileño de Genética. Sociedad Brasileña de Genética. Fecha: 7-10 de septiembre de 2004. Florianópolis, Brasil, 2004. (Congreso). In English: 50th Brazilian Congress of Genetics. Brazilian Society of Genetics. Date: September 7-10, 2004. Florianópolis, Brazil, 2004. (Congress)
XII Fórum de Bio-ciencias, Centro Universitario de Brasilia, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. 30 horas. Fecha: 1-5 octubre de 2004. Brasilia, Brasil, 2004. (Fórum). In English: XII Bio-Sciences Forum, University Center of Brasilia, Faculty of Health Sciences. 30 hours. Date: October 1-5, 2004. Brasilia, Brazil, 2004. (Forum)
II Congreso UniCeuB de Ciencias de la Salud. Centro Universitario de Brasilia, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. 15 horas. Fecha: 10 de octubre de 2003. Brasilia, Brasil, 2004. (Congreso). In English: II UniCeuB Congress of Health Sciences. University Center of Brasilia, Faculty of Health Sciences. 15 hours. Date: October 10, 2003. Brasilia, Brazil, 2004. (Congress)
Taller de Introducción a la Genética y Biotecnología. DNA goes to school. Centro Universitario de Brasilia, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. 12 horas. Brasilia, Brasil. 2002. (Workshop). In English: Workshop of Introduction to Genetics and Biotechnology. DNA goes to school. University Center of Brasilia, Faculty of Health Sciences. 12 hours. Brasilia, Brazil. 2002. (Workshop)
Notas de divulgación/ entrevistas - disclosure notes / interviews:
Portal UCM, 30 Abril 2020 (30th April, 2020)
Atentos 30 Abril 2020 (30th April, 2020)
Revista Entérate Abril 2020 (April, 2020)
UCM notas 18.12.2020 (18th December, 2020)
El Diario Maule, 2 Mayo de 2021 (2sd May, 2021)
Linares en linea 5 Mayo, 2021 (5th May, 2021)
G9 13.05.2021 (13th May, 2021)
Litoral Press 18.05.2021 (18th May, 2021)
Revista Entérate Junio 2021 (June, 2021)
Portal UCM 15 Julio 2021 (July, 2021)
Maule Noticias 16 Julio 2021 (16th July, 2021)
Diario El Heraldo 17 Julio 2021 (17th July, 2021)
LearnChile 19.08.2021 (19th July, 2021)
TV Maule 07.09.2021 (7th September, 2021)
TVN Chile 07.09.2021 (7th September, 2021)
Portal UCM 07.09.2021 (7th September, 2021)
Portal UCM 12.04.2022 (12th April, 2022)
PhD Scholarship
Brasil, 2010
Beca de doctorado otorgada por la agencia de apoyo a la investigación CAPES - Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior. Fecha: 03/2010 - 07/2011. Brasil. Doctorate scholarship awarded by the research support agency CAPES - Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior. Date: 03/2010 - 07/2011. Brazil.
PostDoctoral Scholarship
Brasil, 2015
Beca de postdoctorado PNPD no.1555427 otorgada por la Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior. Fecha: 09/2015 - 12/2016. Brasil. PNPD postdoctoral scholarship no.1555427 awarded by the Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior. Date: 09/2015 - 12/2016. Brazil.
PostDoctoral Scholarship
Brasil, 2013
Beca Postdoctoral categoria Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial Ed 752010 RHAE no. 384940/2012-9 otorgada por el CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico para el desarrollo de proyectos en la empresa de agricultura de Brasil, EMBRAPA. Fecha: 1/2013 - 6/2013. Postdoctoral scholarship in the Industrial Technological Development category, Ed 752010 RHAE no. 384940 / 2012-9 awarded by the CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico for the development of projects in the Brazilian agriculture company, EMBRAPA. Date: 1/2013 - 6/2014.
PostDoctoral Scholarship
Brasil, 2014
Beca Postdoctoral categoria Fijación de Recursos Humanos tipo D Ed 17/2012 RHAE - A no. 350793/2013-1 otorgada por el CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico para el desarrollo de proyectos en la empresa de agricultura de Brasil, EMBRAPA. Fecha: 9/2013 - 11/2014. Brasil. Postdoctoral scholarship Human Resources Fixation type D category, Ed 17/2012 RHAE - A no. 350793 / 2013-1 awarded by the CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico for the development of projects in the Brazilian agriculture company, EMBRAPA. Date: 9/2013 - 11/2014. Brazil.
PostDoctoral Scholarship
Brasil, 2015
Postdoctoral Scholarship category Fixation of Human Resources type D Ed 17/2012 RHAE - A no. 351298 / 2014-2 awarded by the CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico for the development of projects in the Brazilian agriculture company, EMBRAPA. Date: 11/2014 - 11/2015. Brazil.
Learning from transgenics: Advanced gene editing technologies should also bridge the gap with traditional genetic selection |