Maria de la Luz Aylwin Ostale
Associate Professor
Universidad de Talca
Talca, Chile
How does experience shapes perception and brain function? How do we become experts at discriminating and categorizing sensory stimulus? We study the behavioral and functional properties involved in perceptual discrimination expertise.
Physiology, UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Estados Unidos, 1994
Biology, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 1984
Postdoctoral Full Time
Davis, Estados Unidos
1995 - 1997
Associate professor Full Time
Santiago, Chile
2011 - 2013
Associate professor Full Time
Talca, Chile
2013 - A la fecha
Assitant professor Full Time
Santiago, Chile
1998 - 2011
“Estudio Psicofísico y Electroencefalográfico durante Aprendizaje Perceptual Visual: correlato entre la neurofisiología y el comportamiento”. Rodrigo Montefusco
“Comparación del rendimiento y estrategias de aprendizaje utilizadas por sujetos con y sin vulnerabilidad social en una tarea de aprendizaje conceptual.” Veronica Vidal.
“Efectos de la consolidación off-line de la tarea de una tarea de condicionamiento por evitación activa sobre los eventos físicos del sueño REM en la rata.” Ingrid Buller
“Rol del refuerzo positivo en el aprendizaje de conceptos en pacientes con enfermedad de Alzheimer.” Dra. Carolina Delgado Derio.
Undergraduate Thesis
“Aprendizaje conceptual visual en niños en edad escolar” Natalia Andrea Escobar Márquez, Myriam Deborah Gutiérrez Villegas
Graduate courses
Director: Cognitive Neuroscience
Director: Paper seminar in Learning; memory and plasticity
Teacher: Introductory course of Neuroscience, Neuropsychiatry.
Undergraduate courses
Sessiones for various undergraduate topics.
Courses for in service teachers (4)
Teaching Molecular Biology with the use of simulators.
Teaching Celular Biology with the use of simulatores
Teaching Action Potential and Synapses with the use of simulators
Neurobiology of Learning, memory, attention and motivation and its aplication to teaching.
Coordination of the Biology section of the Virtual high school site in Univesity of Talca.
Glutamate and ACh responses in neurons from the mitral cell layer of rat olfactory bulb slices |
Laboratorios virtuales de Biologia: Biologia Celular |
Laboratorios virtuales de Biologia: Biologia Molecular y Biotecnologia |
Laboratorios virtuales de Biologia: Potencial de Accion y Sinapsis |