
Sebastian Saa Silva

Profesor auxiliar

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Quillota, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Manejo nutricional e interpretación del análisis foliar en frutales caducifolios. Experimentación en ecofisiología a través de relaciones fuente sumidero con énfasis en estudio del comportamiento reproductivo del almendro y nogal


  •  Horticulture and Agronomy, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA- DAVIS. Estados Unidos, 2013
  •  Ingeniero Agrónomo, PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DE CHILE. Chile, 2008

Experiencia Académica

  •   Profesor auxiliar Full Time


    Ciencias Agronómicas y de los Alimentos

    Quillota, Chile

    2014 - A la fecha

  •   Investigador Postdictoral Full Time


    Estados Unidos

    2013 - 2014

  •   Investigador graduado Full Time


    Estados Unidos

    2009 - 2013

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Profesor auxiliar Full Time

    Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

    Quillota, Chile

    2014 - A la fecha

  •   Investigador Postdoctoral Full Time

    University of California, Davis

    Estados Unidos

    2013 - 2014

  •   Investigador graduado Full Time

    University of California, Davis

    Estados Unidos

    2009 - 2013

Formación de Capital Humano

Tesis de Postgrado dirigidas:

2016 - 2017 Eduardo Fernández: “Effect of foliar nitrogen on the survival and return bloom in almond spurs Prunus dulcis (Mill.) DA Webb.”.

2016 - 2017 Daniela Valdebenito: “The morphology of walnut (Juglans regia L.) shoots is affected by their position in the canopy and is related to the number and size of
their fruits”.

2016 - 2017 Javiera Morales: “Interaction between nitrogen rates and the symptoms caused by Phytophthora spp. in walnuts”.

2016 - 2017 Laureano Alvarado: “Study of the disease resistance of clonal Paradox walnut rootstocks RX1, VLASH and VX211 to the symptoms of Phytophthora spp.”.

2015 - 2017 Jeannette Guajardo: “Incidence, severity and damage of species of Phytophthora associated with walnut decay in Chile”.

2015 - 2017 Sophia Tobar: "Influence of pollen source from different cultivars of chirimoyo (Annona cherimola Mill.), on the phenotype characteristics of the epidermis of the
chirimoyo variety ‘Concha Lisa’ when artificially pollinated ".

2015 - 2017 Alejandra Pinto: “Effects of fruit load and management of avocado var. Edranol on its potential as a pollinator”.

2015 - 2016 Carlos Ferrer: “Effects of the application of Benzyladenine on the first growth phase of mandarins var. W murcott.”

Difusión y Transferencia

Agosto, 2014. Interactions between environment and fruit load on yield parameters in almond (Prunus dulcis). 29th International Horticultural Congress. Brisbane, Australia.

Agosto, 2013. Source sink relationships: Fruit presence negatively affects leaf carbon assimilation, nutrient concentration, and leaf area at the spur level. Plant Nutrition for Nutrient and Food Security. XVII International Plant Nutrition Colloquium. Estambul, Turquía.

Enero, 2013. Megafol UC Davis: Understanding and improving spur performance in almond trees. 3rd Business Innovation Annual Meeting. Miami, Estados Unidos.

Noviembre, 2012. Early water stress and foliar spray effects on the bearing capacity of almond trees. The First World Congress on Biostimulants in Agriculture. International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS). Strasbourg, Francia.

Mayo, 2012. Development of leaf sampling and interpretation methods and nutrient budget approach to nutrient management in almond (Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D.A.Webb). The Seventh International Symposium on Mineral Nutrition of Fruit Crops. International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS) in collaboration with King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL). Chanthaburi, Tailandia.

Mayo, 2012. Testing the effectiveness of zinc formulations using peach seedlings. The Seventh International Symposium on Mineral Nutrition of Fruit Crops. International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS) in collaboration with King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL). Chanthaburi, Tailandia.

Agosto, 2010. Advanced sensing and management technologies to optimize resource use in perennial crops nutrient and water status. American Society for Horticultural Science (ASHS). Palm Desert, Estados Unidos.

Agosto 2009. Development of leaf sampling and interpretation methods for almond. Plant Nutrition for Sustainable Development and Global Health. XVI International Plant Nutrition Colloquium; IPNC Council. Sacramento, Estados Unidos.

Junio, 2016. El almendro en Chile: bases de la intensificación del cultivo. VII Jornada del almendro, IRTA, Lérida, Spain.

Abril, 2016. Claves productivas en el manejo del almendro y nogal. ExpoNut, Santiago, Chile.

Junio, 2015. Hábitos Reproductivos del Almendro y el Nogal: Su Potencial Productivo. 2ª Conferencia y Exhibición Redagrícola: "Nuevas Tecnologías para la Agricultura" Santiago, Chile.

Noviembre, 2014. ¿Cuándo una aplicación foliar es justificable? Énfasis en Boro y Zinc. PMA Fruittrade Latin America, Santiago, Chile.

Julio, 2014.¿Cuándo y cuánto nitrógeno aplicar en los huertos de almendros? 1ª Conferencia y Exhibición Redagrícola: "Nuevas Tecnologías para la Agricultura", Santiago, Chile.

Julio, 2014. El análisis foliar como herramienta de monitoreo. Charlas de extensión Agronomía/PUCV, Quillota, Chile.

Junio, 2014. Principios y demanda nutritiva del almendro: 2.0. Huertos del Valle, Seminario. Buin, Chile.

Febrero, 2014. Nitrogen forms, transformations, function, and management in agriculture. Nitrogen Management Training for Certified Crop Advisers, Fresno, Estados Unidos.

Diciembre, 2013. Workshop: Management of nitrogen in almonds. The almond conference. Almond Board of California, Sacramento, Estados Unidos.

Mayo, 2013. Environmental Stewardship Tour 2013. Almond Board of California, Salida, Estados Unidos.

Mayo, 2013. Leaf Sampling Early in the Season 36th Annual Nickels Field Day Meeting. Arbuckle, Estados Unidos.

Marzo, 2013. Protocol for early season sampling and in-season nutrient budgeting in almond. PECC, Fruit & Nut Center, UC-Davis Davis, Estados Unidos.

Diciembre, 2012. Development of leaf sampling methods and nutrient budget for almond. The almond conference. Almond Board of California, Sacramento, Estados Unidos.

Noviembre, 2012. Management of N in almonds. CDFA-FREP and WPHA Annual Workshop, Modesto, Estados Unidos.

Junio, 2012. Principios y demanda nutritiva del almendro. Huertos del Valle, Buin, Chile.

Febrero, 2012. New approaches to almond nutrient management. regulatory issues impacting California agriculture, American Society of Agronomy, Visalia, Estados Unidos.

2017 Agenda de Innovación para el almendro. Programa de Innovación en Frutos Secos. Informe Final. Fundación para la Innovación Agraria (FIA), Chile.

2017 Agenda de Innovación para el nogal. Programa de Innovación en Frutos Secos. Informe Final. Fundación para la Innovación Agraria (FIA), Chile.

2016 Parametrización y comportamiento de las ecuaciones productivas de nogales en plena producción. Informe Final. ChileNut.

2016 Determinación de la incidencia y daño de especies de Phytophthora asociadas al decaimiento en árboles de nogal (Juglans regia L.) en la zona central de Chile.
Informe Final. ChileNut.

2016 Evaluación del uso de AVG para aumentar cuaja en almendros. Informe Final. Valent Biosciences, Chile.

2016 SUNBLOCK, nuevo protector solar orgánico para mejorar la productividad de la fruticultura chilena frente al cambio climático global. Informe Final. CORFO, Chile.

2014 Aumento de cuaja en cerezos var. Brooks a través de aplicaciones foliares de Boro, Zn y AVG. Informe Final. COMPO, Chile.

2013 Development of leaf sampling and interpretation methods for almond and pistachio. Informe Final. California Department of Food and Agriculture: Fertilizer
Research and Education Program, Estados Unidos.

2013 Development of leaf sampling and interpretation methods for Almond and development of a nutrient budget approach to fertilizer management in almond. Informe
Final. Almond Board of California, Estados Unidos.

2012 Development of leaf sampling and interpretation methods for almond and pistachio. Informe Final. California Department of Food and Agriculture: Fertilizer
Research and Education Program, Estados Unidos.

2012 Development of leaf sampling and interpretation methods for almond and development of a nutrient budget approach to fertilizer management in almond.Informe
Final. Almond Board of California, Estados Unidos.

Abril, 2017 Hull Rot, amenaza creciente en buenos huertos de almendro. Revista: RedAgricola.

Abril, 2017 Sustento científico en la lucha contra Phytophthora en nogal. Revista: RedAgricola.

Noviembre, 2016 Importancia de Phytophthora en nogal y futuras estrategias de control. Revista: Revista ChileNut.

Agosto, 2016 El potencial de los nuevos portainjertos para almendros. Revista: El Mercurio Campo.

Agosto, 2016 Control biológico y preventivo, las estratégias para enfrentar la Phytophthora. Revista: El Mercurio Campo.

Junio 2016 El potencial de las nuevas variedades de almendros. Revista: Revista El Campo.

Abril, 2016 Investigación local apoyará al cultivo del nogal. Revista: RedAgricola.

Abril, 2016 Almendra autofértil, una opción a la disminución de abejas. Revista: Revista El Campo.

Octubre, 2014 Octubre Claves para definir planes de manejo nutricional en suelos y plantas. Revista: El Mercurio Campo.

Junio, 2013 Avances en el análisis foliar para monitorear la nutrición en huertos frutales. Opinión Editorial: Portal Frutícola.

Febrero, 2013 Protocol for early season sampling and in-season nutrient budgeting in almond. Editorial: Almond Board of California.

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Departmental award for academic performance from the Horticulture and Agronomy department


    Estados Unidos, 2013

    Reconocimiento de excelencia académica otorgado por el Departamento de Horticultura y Agronomía de la Universidad de California, Davis

  •   Becas Chile- CONICYT


    Chile, 2009

    Beca de estudio para optar al título de Ph.D. in Horticulture and Agronomy, en University of California, Davis, Estados Unidos.


Article (18)

Colour and in vitro quality attributes of walnuts from different growing conditions correlate with key precursors of primary and secondary metabolism
Increase in final fruit size of tangor (Citrus reticulata x C-sinensis) cv W. Murcott by application of benzyladenine to flowers
Increases in leaf nitrogen concentration and leaf area did not enhance spur survival and return bloom in almonds (Prunus dulcis [Mill.] DA Webb)
Outbreak of Crown and Root Rot of Walnut Caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi in Chile
Spring bud growth depends on sugar delivery by xylem and water recirculation by phloem Munch flow in Juglans regia
Spur behavior in Almond trees (Prunus dulcis [Mill.] DAWebb): effects of flowers, fruit, and "June drop" on leaf area, leaf nitrogen, spur survival and return bloom
The morphology of a Walnut (Juglans regia L.) shoot is affected by its position in the canopy and correlated to the number and size of its fruits
Nitrogen increases hull rot and interferes with the hull split phenology in almond (Prunus dulcis)
Spur behavior in Almond trees (Prunus dulcis [Mill.] DAWebb): effects of flowers, fruit, and “June drop” on leaf area, leaf nitrogen, spur survival and return bloom
The influence of elevated CO2 on the photosynthesis, carbohDydrate status, and plastochron of young peach (Prunuspersica) trees
Foliar application of microbial and plant based biostimulants increases growth and potassium uptake in almond (Prunus dulcis [Mill.] D. A. Webb)
Light interception, leaf nitrogen and yield prediction in almonds: A case study
Seasonal changes in nutrient content and concentrations in a mature deciduous tree species: Studies in almond (Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D. A. Webb)
Fruit presence negatively affects photosynthesis by reducing leaf nitrogen in almond
Prediction of leaf nitrogen from early season samples and development of field sampling protocols for nitrogen management in Almond (Prunus dulcis [Mill.] DA Webb)
Development of leaf sampling and interpretation methods and nutrient budget approach to nutrient management in almond (prunus dulcis (Mill.) D.A.Webb)
Effect of spur type, foliar sprays, and differential nitrogen rates on leaf nutrient content and spur leaf area of almond trees (prunus dulcis (MILL.) D.A.WEBB)
Testing the effectiveness of zinc formulations using peach seedlings

ConferenceProceedingWhole (10)

Will climate change threaten temperate fruit trees in warm growing regions?
Interactions between environment and fruit load on yield parameters in almond
Almond Spurs: photosynthetic capacity of their leaves, nitrogen effects on their survival, and their use for the prognosis of nitrogen in Californian almond orchards (Prunus dulcis [Mill.] DA Webb).
Development of leaf sampling and interpretation methods for almond and development of a nutrient budget approach to fertilizer management in almond.
Development of leaf sampling and interpretation methods for almond and pistachio
Multi-discipline analysis of long-term nutrient optimization trial, data integration, data exploration, web delivery, and application development.
Development of leaf sampling and interpretation methods for almond and pistachio.
Development of leaf sampling and interpretation methods for almond.
Early water stress and foliar spray effects on the bearing capacity of almond trees
Development of a nutrient-budget approach and optimization of fertilizer management in almond.

Review (1)

Biostimulants in agriculture
Sebastian Saa

Profesor auxiliar

Escuela de Agronomía

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Quillota, Chile

Eduardo Oyanedel


Escuela de Ciencias Agrícolas y Veterinarias

Universidad Vina del Mar

Viña del Mar, Chile

Themis Michailides

professor and plant pathologist

Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center Plant Pathology - CAES

UC Davis

Parlier, Estados Unidos

Ximena Besoain





Johanna Martiz

Profesor Asociado

Fruticultura y Enologia

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Ignacia Hernández


Facultad de Ciencias Agronómicas y de los alimentos

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Quillota, Chile

Romina Pedreschi

Full Professor

Faculty of Agronomic and Food Sciences

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaiso

Quillota, Chile

Ximena Besoain

Profesora Titular

Escuela de Agronomía

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Quillota, Chile

Lea Toledo



Bureau Veritas

Santiago, Chile

Jeannette Guajardo

Onion Sales Specialist


Santiago, Chile

Claudia Fuentealba

Associate Professor

Faculty of Agronomic and Food Sciences

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Valparaíso, Chile