
Jesus Roberto Cardenas Dobson

Profesor Titular

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

- Electrónica de potencia. - Energía Renovable y micro/mini redes. - Control de máquinas eléctricas.


  •  Ingeniero de Ejecución Electricista, UNIVERSIDAD DE MAGALLANES. Chile, 1983
  •  Ingeniero Civil Electricista, UNIVERSIDAD DE MAGALLANES. Chile, 1990
  •  Master of Science in Modern Electronics, UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM. Reino Unido, 1992
  •  PhD in Electrical Engineering, UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM. Chile, 1996

Experiencia Académica

  •   Full Professor Full Time


    Facultad de Ingeniería

    Punta Arenas, Chile

    1988 - 2009

  •   Full Professor Full Time


    Facultad de Ingeniería

    Santiago, Chile

    2009 - 2012

  •   Full Professor Full Time


    Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas

    Santiago, Chile

    2011 - A la fecha

  •   Visitor Scholar Part Time



    Nottingham, Reino Unido

    1992 - 1993

Formación de Capital Humano

Scopus=45, Google Scholar=52

PH. D. Thesis Supervisor:
1. Matías Díaz, PhD in Electrical Engineering Student (2014-2018 double degree Phd. U Chile U Nottingham UK. Dual Ph.D awarded)
2. Andres Mora, PhD in Electrical Engineering Student (2014-2019 Ph.D awarded)
3. Mauricio Espinoza, PhD in Electrical Engineering Student (2014-2018 Ph.D awarded)
4. Claudio Burgos Ph.D in Electrical Engineering Student (2015-2019 double degree Phd. U Chile U Nottingham UK. Dual Ph.D awarded)
5. Enrique Espina, PhD in Electrical Engineering Student (2017-2020) (double degree U of Waterloo Canada, U of Chile, Dual Ph.D. awarded)
6. Matias Urrutia, PhD in Electrical Engineering Student (2017-2022) (double degree Phd. U Chile U Nottingham UK. Dual Ph.D awarded)
7. Felipe Donoso, PhD in Electrical Engineering Student (2017-2021) (double degree Phd. U Chile U Nottingham UK. Dual Ph.D awarded)
8. Manuel Martinez Ph.D in Electrical Engineering Student (2018-Date) Manuel has finished, but I supervised only two years of his PhD
9. Yeiner Arias Ph.D in Electrical Engineering Student (2019-2023, PhD awarded)
10 Felipe Herrera Ph.D in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2021-Date)
11 Matias Uriarte Ph.D in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2020-date) (in Barcelona now, double degree programme with UPC)
12 Arturo Letelier Ph.D in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2019-date)

Master Thesis Advisor:
11 Graduate students in the period 2013-2017: (2017:3, 2016:4, 2014:2, 2013:2)

Undergraduate Final Project Advisor:
14 Undergraduate students in the period 2010-2017: (2017:2, 2016:2, 2015:1, 2014:2, 2013:3, 2012:2, 2010:2)

Difusión y Transferencia

[1] Consultancy work to the INACH (instituto Antártico Chileno) to solve energy efficiency issues. The energy consumption of the Chilean bases in the Antartic (Yelcho, Escuderos, Isla Decepcion and others) was analysed. March 2015.

[2] Collaboration with the Centre for the Study of the Energy Resources in Magallanes, (CERE), University of Magallanes, 2015. Wind energy projects and electrical generation in small isolated villages.

[3] Project. “Alternatives for the generation of electrical energy in the village of Tehuelche". Project funded by the Chilean National Energy Agency. In this study the utilisation of wind-diesel system was evaluated for a small village of 50 households located in the Chilean Patagonia. Finished in 2007.

[4] Project. “Alternatives for the generation of electrical energy in the village of Renoval". Project funded by the Chilean National Energy Agency. In this study the utilisation of wind-diesel system was evaluated for a small village of 15 households located in the Chilean Patagonia. Finished in 2007.

[5] Feasibility study for the utilisation of wind turbines in the city of Punta Arenas (for EDELMAG). finished 2006.

[7] Feasibility study for the installation of progressive cavity pumps in Magallanes (for the Chilean national oil company). Finished 2006.

[8] Patent of Invention Nr. 43,528, 09 of June 2008, for the measurement of sediments in water tanks using conductivity probes. Minister of Economy Chile.

[9] Design of 400Hz converter prototype for ships and navy vessels, 2020. Consultancy work to the company DTS Chile (https://www.dts.cl/)

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Best Paper Award

    IEEE Industrial Electronics Society

    Estados Unidos, 2005

    The paper R. Cardenas, R. Pena, G. Asher et al., “Control strategies for power smoothing using a flywheel driven by a sensorless vector-controlled induction machine operating in a wide speed range,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 603-614, 2004, was selected as the best paper published in the IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics during 2004.

  •   Ramon Salas Edwards


    Chile, 2009

    Obtención del premio “Ramon Salas Edwards”, entregado por el Instituto de Ingenieros de Chile al artículo “Sensorless Control for a Switched Reluctance Wind Generator, Based on Current Slopes and Neural Networks”, IEEE Trans. On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 56, Nr. 3, pp. 817-825, 2009.

  •   Best Paper Award

    Eighth International Conference and Exhibition on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies EVER’13

    Mónaco, 2013

    El artículo "Matrix Converter Based Voltage Sag Generator to Test LVRT Capability in Renewable Energy Systems", por Matías Díaz y Roberto Cárdenas fue premiado como el mejor artículo entre los 120 presentados a la Eighth International Conference and Exhibition on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies EVER’13, March 27-30, 2013, Monte-Carlo, Mónaco.

  •   Best Paper of the Session Multilevel Converters IV


    Austria, 2013

    El artículo " Current Control and Capacitor Balancing for 4-Leg NPC Converters Using Finite Set Model Predictive Control.", por Felix Rojas, Ralph Kennel (TU of Munich) y Roberto Cárdenas (Universidad de Chile) fue seleccionado como el mejor paper de la sesión Multilevel Converter (IV) en IECON 2013, Viena, Austria, 11 de Noviembre del 2013

  •   Best Paper Award

    Ninth International Conference and Exhibition on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies EVER’13

    Mónaco, 2014

    El artículo "Analysis of Synchronous and Stationary Reference Frame Control Strategies to Fulfill LVRT Requirements in Wind Energy Conversion System", por Matías Díaz y Roberto Cárdenas fue premiado como el mejor artículo entre los presentados a la Ninth International Conference and Exhibition on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies EVER’13, March 25-27 , 2014, Monte-Carlo, Mónaco.

  •   Best Paper Award

    European Power Electronics Association

    Finlandia, 2014

    El artículo "Control strategy of a dual-inverter system for an open-end winding induction machine based on indirect matrix converter" , J.Riedmann, R. Peña,R. Cárdenas, J. Clare, P. Wheeler, R. Blasco, publicado en los Proceedings of the European Power Electronics Association,(EPE-2014, Lappeenranta Finland), fue seleccionado como uno de los mejores artículos de la conferencia.

  •   Medalla al mérito académico, "Hernando de Magallanes"


    Chile, 2006

    Medalla al mérito académico, "Hernando de Magallanes". Medalla entregada en la ceremonia inaugural del año académico 2006, Universidad de Magallanes, en reconocimiento al mérito académico.

  •   Reconocimiento a la calidad de las publicaciones


    Chile, 2013

    Reconocimiento de la Universidad de Chile a la calidad de las publicaciones. Este reconocimiento fue entregado en la ceremonia inaugural del año académico 2013, por publicar en revistas clasificadas en el 6% superior de la especialidad.

  •   Reconocimiento a la calidad de las publicaciones


    Chile, 2014

    Reconocimiento de la Universidad de Chile a la calidad de las publicaciones. Este reconocimiento fue entregado en la ceremonia inaugural del año académico 2014, por publicar en revistas clasificadas en el 6% superior de la especialidad.

  •   Reconocimiento a la calidad de las publicaciones


    Chile, 2016

    Reconocimiento de la Universidad de Chile a la calidad de las publicaciones. Este reconocimiento fue entregado en la ceremonia inaugural del año académico 2016, por publicar en revistas clasificadas en el 6% superior de la especialidad.

  •   Best evaluated project in the 2012 Fondecyt Contest


    Chile, 2011

    El proyecto Fondecyt Nr. 1121104. “Control of an open-end winding induction machine via an indirect matrix converter”. (Coinvestigator. 2012-2015.), fue el mejor evaluado entre todos los presentados al grupo de Ingeniería 2, Fondecyt Chile en el 2011.

  •   Proyecto de Ingeniería 2 mejor evaluado


    Chile, 2010

    El proyecto Fondecyt Nr. 1110984. “Control Systems And Modulation Techniques For a Three-Level Neutral-Point-Clamped Matrix Converter Topology”. (Investigador principal 2011-2014), fue el mejor evaluado entre todos los presentados al grupo de Ingeniería 2, Fondecyt Chile en el 2010.

  •   Associate Editor IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics


    Estados Unidos, 2015

    Associate editor of the IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics 2015-2020

  •   In the 2% of the World scientist by total productivity considering the whole career.

    University of Standford

    Estados Unidos, 2022

    In the 2% of the World scientist by total productivity considering the whole career and single year. I received the award during 5 consecutive years. 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024. See https://topresearcherslist.com/Home/Profile/903420

  •   Best Paper Award

    IEEE Industrial Electronics Society

    Estados Unidos, 2019

    The paper F. Donoso, A. Mora, R. Cárdenas, A. Angulo, D. Saez, M. Rivera, ”Finite-Set Model Predictive Control Strategies for a 3L-NPC Inverter Operating with Fixed Switching Frequency”, IEEE Trans, on Industrial Electronics, Vol 65., Nr. 5, pp. 3954-3965, was selected as one of the three best paper published in the IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics during 2018

  •   Member of the top Electronics and Electrical Engineering Scientists in Chile (5th Place).

    Research.com ranking

    Estados Unidos, 2023

    5th Higher H-index in Chile, Electrical and Electronics Engineer.

  •   Between the 29 best researchers at the university of Chile


    Estados Unidos, 2022

    A selection of the 29 researchers with higher H index. The ranking considers all the subjects and departments at the University of Chile


Article (161)

An Optimal Switching Sequence Model Predictive Control Scheme for the 3L-NPC Converter with Output LC Filter
Continuous Control Set Model Predictive Control of a Hybrid Modular Multilevel Converter for Wind Energy Applications
Experimental Assessment of a Decentralized Control Strategy for a Back-to-Back Modular Multilevel Converter Operating in Low-Frequency AC Transmission
Virtual Transmission Solution Based on Battery Energy Storage Systems to Boost Transmission Capacity
A Consensus-Based Distributed Secondary Control Optimization Strategy for Hybrid Microgrid
A Consensus-Based Distributed Secondary Control Optimization Strategy for Hybrid Microgrids
A Two-Step Continuous-Control-Set MPC for Modular Multilevel Converters Operating With Variable Output Voltage and Frequency
Continuous Control Set Model Predictive Control of a Modular Multilevel Converter for Drive Applications
Distributed Control for Modular Multilevel Cascaded Converters: Toward a Fully Modular Topology
Optimal Switching Sequence MPC for Four-Leg Two-Level Grid-Connected Converters
Reinforcement Learning-based False Data Injection Attacks Detector for Modular Multilevel Converter
Reinforcement Learning-Based False Data Injection Attacks Detector for Modular Multilevel Converters
Reinforcement Learning-Based Method to Exploit Vulnerabilities of False Data Injection Attack Detectors in Modular Multilevel Converters
The Closed-Loop Control of the Half-Bridge-Based MMC Drive with Variable DC-Link Voltage
An Overview of Four-Leg Converters: Topologies, Modulations, Control and Applications
Continuous Set Model Predictive Control for Energy Management of Modular Multilevel Matrix Converters
Cyber-Attacks in Modular Multilevel Converters
Distributed Predictive Secondary Control for Imbalance Sharing in AC Microgrids
A Consensus-Based Secondary Control Strategy for Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids With Experimental Validation
Circulating Current Control for the Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter Based on Model Predictive Control
Experimental Validation of a Nested Control System to Balance the Cell Capacitor Voltages in Hybrid MMCs
Multi-Objective Finite-Time Control for the Interlinking Converter on Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids
Predictive Optimal Switching Sequence Direct Power Control for Grid-Tied 3L-NPC Converters
A Vector Control Strategy to Eliminate Active Power Oscillations in Four-Leg Grid-Connected Converters Under Unbalanced Voltages
Control of a Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter for Unified Power Flow Controller Applications
Cooperative Regulation of Imbalances in Three-Phase Four-Wire Microgrids Using Single-Phase Droop Control and Secondary Control Algorithms
Design and Implementation of a Low-Cost Real-Time Control Platform for Power Electronics Applications
Distributed Control Strategy Based on a Consensus Algorithm and on the Conservative Power Theory for Imbalance and Harmonic Sharing in 4-Wire Microgrids
Distributed Predictive Control for Frequency and Voltage Regulation in Microgrids
Improved Modular Multilevel Converter topology for low voltage variable speed drives
Modular Multilevel Converter Based Topology for High-Speed, Low-Voltage Electric Drives
Particle-Filtering-Based Prognostics for the State of Maximum Power Available in Lithium-Ion Batteries at Electromobility Applications
Single-Phase Consensus-Based Control for Regulating Voltage and Sharing Unbalanced Currents in 3-Wire Isolated AC Microgrids
Solid State Transformers: Concepts, Classification, and Control
A Design Methodology of Multiresonant Controllers for High Performance 400 Hz Ground Power Units
An Integrated Converter and Machine Control System for MMC-Based High-Power Drives
Computationally Efficient Cascaded Optimal Switching Sequence MPC for Grid-Connected Three-Level NPC Converters
Control and operation of the MMC-based drive with reduced capacitor voltage fluctuations
Model-Predictive-Control-Based Capacitor Voltage Balancing Strategies for Modular Multilevel Converters
Pareto-based modulated model predictive control strategy for power converter applications
Small-Signal Modelling and Stability Assessment of Phase-Locked Loops in Weak Grids
Vector Control of a Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter Operating Over the Full Output-Frequency Range
Vector control strategies to enable equal frequency operation of the modular multilevel matrix converter
A Control Algorithm Based on the Conservative Power Theory for Cooperative Sharing of Imbalances in 4-Wire Systems
A Control Algorithm Based on the Conservative Power Theory for Cooperative Sharing of Imbalances in Four-Wire Systems
Finite-Set Model-Predictive Control Strategies for a 3L-NPC Inverter Operating With Fixed Switching Frequency
A New Space-Vector-Modulation Algorithm for a Three-Level Four-Leg NPC Inverter
A New Space-Vector-Modulation Algorithm for a Three-Level Four-Leg NPC Inverter
A Simplified Space-Vector Modulation Algorithm for Four-Leg NPC Converters
A Simplified Space-Vector Modulation Algorithm for Four-Leg NPC Converters
An Enhanced dq-Based Vector Control System for Modular Multilevel Converters Feeding Variable-Speed Drives
An Enhanced dq-Based Vector Control System for Modular Multilevel Converters Feeding Variable-Speed Drives
Control of Wind Energy Conversion Systems Based on the Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter
Experimental Evaluation of a CPT-Based Four-Leg Active Power Compensator for Distributed Generation
Experimental Evaluation of a CPT-Based Four-Leg Active Power Compensator for Distributed Generation
Experimental Parameter Extraction in the Single-Diode Photovoltaic Model via a Reduced-Space Search
Experimental Parameter Extraction in the Single-Diode Photovoltaic Model via a Reduced-Space Search
A Resonant Control System for Low-Voltage Ride-Through in Wind Energy Conversion Systems
Model Predictive Torque Control for Torque Ripple Compensation in Variable Speed PMSMs
Model Predictive Torque Control for Torque Ripple Compensation in Variable-Speed PMSMs
Particle-filtering-based estimation of maximum available power state in Lithium-Ion batteries
Particle-Filtering-Based Estimation of Maximum Available Power State in Lithium-Ion Batteries
Resonant control system for low-voltage ride-through in wind energy conversion systems
Secondary Control Strategies for Frequency Restoration in Islanded Microgrids With Consideration of Communication Delays
Secondary Control Strategies for Frequency Restoration in Islanded Microgrids with Consideration of Communication Delays
Secondary Control Strategies for Frequency Restoration in Islanded Microgrids with Consideration of Communication Delays
Vector control of an open-ended winding induction machine based on a two-output indirect matrix converter
Control of a Four-Leg Converter for the Operation of a DFIG Feeding Stand-Alone Unbalanced Loads
Control of a Four-Leg Converter for the Operation of a DFIG Feeding Stand-Alone Unbalanced Loads
Fast Convergence Delayed Signal Cancellation Method for Sequence Component Separation
Fast Delayed Signal Cancellation Method for Component Sequences Separation”
Fuzzy modelling for the state-of-charge estimation of lead-acid batteries
Fuzzy Modelling for the State-of-Charge Estimation of Lead-Acid Batteries
Generation Capacity Expansion Planning Under Hydro Uncertainty Using Stochastic Mixed Integer Programming and Scenario Reduction
Self-Tuning Resonant Control of a Seven-Leg Back-to-Back Converter for Interfacing Variable-Speed Generators to Four-Wire Load
Self-Tuning Resonant Control of a Seven-Leg Back-to-Back Converter for Interfacing Variable-Speed Generators to Four-Wire Loads
3-Phase 4-Wire Matrix Converter Based Voltage Sag/Swell Generator to Test LVRT in Wind Energy Conversion Systems
3-Phase 4-wire matrix converter-based voltage sag/swell generator to test low-voltage ride through in wind energy conversion systems
Dual current control strategy to fulfill LVRT requirements in WECS
Dual Current Control Strategy To Fulfill LVRT Requirements in WECS
Indirect Matrix Converter Modulation Strategies for Open-end Winding Induction Machine
Indirect Matrix Converter Modulation Strategies for Open-end Winding Induction Machine
A Cascade Multilevel Frequency Changing Converter for High-Power Applications
A Cascade Multilevel Frequency Changing Converter for High-Power Applications
A Repetitive Control System for Four-Leg Matrix Converters Feeding Non-Linear Loads
A repetitive control system for four-leg matrix converters feeding non-linear loads
Control of a wind generation system based on a Brushless Doubly-Fed Induction Generator fed by a matrix converter
Control of a wind generation system based on a Brushless Doubly-Fed Induction Generator fed by a matrix converter
Introduction to the Special Section on Control and Grid Integration of Wind Energy Systems - Part II
Introduction to the Special Section on Control and Grid Integration of Wind Energy Systems—Part I
Overview of Control Systems for the Operation of DFIGs in Wind Energy Applications
Overview of Control Systems for the Operation of DFIGs in Wind Energy Applications
Analysis and Experimental Validation of Control Systems for Four-Leg Matrix Converter Applications
Analysis and Experimental Validation of Control Systems for Four-Leg Matrix Converter Applications
Control of a matrix converter for the operation of autonomous systems
Control of a matrix converter for the operation of autonomous systems
The Application of Resonant Controllers to Four-Leg Matrix Converters Feeding Unbalanced or Nonlinear Loads
The Application of Resonant Controllers to Four-Leg Matrix Converters Feeding Unbalanced or Nonlinear Loads
Analytical and Experimental Evaluation of a WECS Based on a Cage Induction Generator Fed by a Matrix Converter
Analytical and Experimental Evaluation of a WECS Based on a Cage Induction Generator Fed by a Matrix Converter
Control of a Doubly Fed Induction Generator via an Indirect Matrix Converter With Changing DC Voltage
Control of a Doubly Fed Induction Generator via an Indirect Matrix Converter With Changing DC Voltage
Experimental Validation of a Space-Vector-Modulation Algorithm for Four-Leg Matrix Converters
Experimental Validation of a Space-Vector-Modulation Algorithm for Four-Leg Matrix Converters
Overview of Multi-MW Wind Turbines and Wind Parks
Overview of Multi-MW Wind Turbines and Wind Parks
A Topology for Multiple Generation System With Doubly Fed Induction Machines and Indirect Matrix Converter
A Topology for Multiple Generation System With Doubly Fed Induction Machines and Indirect Matrix Converter
Control of the Reactive Power Supplied by a Matrix Converter
Control of the Reactive Power Supplied by a Matrix Converter
Control of the Reactive Power Supplied by a WECS Based on an Induction Generator Fed by a Matrix Converter
Control of the Reactive Power Supplied by a WECS Based on an Induction Generator Fed by a Matrix Converter
Control strategy for a Doubly-Fed Induction Generator feeding an unbalanced grid or stand-alone load
Control strategy for a Doubly-Fed Induction Generator feeding an unbalanced grid or stand-alone load
Sensorless Control for a Switched Reluctance Wind Generator, Based on Current Slopes and Neural Networks
Sensorless Control for a Switched Reluctance Wind Generator, Based on Current Slopes and Neural Networks
Stability Analysis of a Wind Energy Conversion System Based on a Doubly Fed Induction Generator Fed by a Matrix Converter
Stability Analysis of a Wind Energy Conversion System Based on a Doubly Fed Induction Generator Fed by a Matrix Converter
MRAS observers for sensorless control of doubly-fed induction generators
MRAS observers for sensorless control of doubly-fed induction generators
Reactive power capability of WECS based on matrix converter
Reactive power capability of WECS based on matrix converter
Sensorless control of doubly-fed induction generators using a rotor-current-based MRAS observer
Sensorless control of doubly-fed induction generators using a rotor-current-based MRAS observer
Wind-diesel generation using doubly fed induction machines
Wind-diesel generation using doubly fed induction machines
Control system for unbalanced operation of stand-alone doubly fed induction generators
Control system for unbalanced operation of stand-alone doubly fed induction generators
Power smoothing using a flywheel driven by a switched reluctance machine
Power smoothing using a switched reluctance machine driving a flywheel
Power smoothing using a switched reluctance machine driving a flywheel
Vector control of front-end converters for variable-speed wind-diesel systems
Vector control of front-end converters for variable-speed wind-diesel systems
Control of a switched reluctance generator for variable-speed wind energy applications
Control of a switched reluctance generator for variable-speed wind energy applications,
MRAS observer for sensorless control of standalone doubly fed induction generators
MRAS observer for sensorless control of standalone doubly fed induction generators
Control strategies for power smoothing using a flywheel driven by a sensorless vector-controlled induction machine operating in a wide speed range
Control strategies for power smoothing using a flywheel driven by a sensorless vector-controlled induction machine operating in a wide speed range,
MRAS observer for doubly fed induction machines
MRAS observer for doubly fed induction machines
Power smoothing in wind generation systems using a sensorless vector controlled induction machine driving a flywheel
Power smoothing in wind generation systems using a sensorless vector controlled induction machine driving a flywheel
Rotor current based MRAS observer for doubly-fed induction machine
Rotor current based MRAS observer for doubly-fed induction machines
Sensorless vector control of induction machines for variable-speed wind energy applications
Sensorless vector control of induction machines for variable-speed wind energy applications
Sensorless control strategy for power smoothing in wind-diesel applications
Sensorless control strategy for power smoothing in wind-diesel applications
Control strategies for enhanced power smoothing in wind energy systems using a flywheel driven by a vector-controlled induction machine
Control strategies for enhanced power smoothing in wind energy systems using a flywheel driven by a vector-controlled induction machine
Control strategy for power smoothing using vector controlled induction machine and flywheel
Control strategy for power smoothing using vector controlled induction machine and flywheel
Power Limitation in Variable Speed Wind Turbines Using Pitch Control and a Mechanical Torque Observer
Experimental Evaluation of a Switched Reluctance Generator For Wind Energy Applications
Experimental Evaluation of a Switched Reluctance Generator for Wind Energy Applications
Power Limitation in Variable Speed Wind Turbines using Pitch Control and a Mechanical Torque Observer
Torque Observer for the Control of Variable Speed Wind Turbines Operating Below Rated Wind Speed
Torque Observer for the Control of Variable Speed Wind Turbines Operating Below Rated Wind Speed
Control of Wind Energy Conversion Systems Based on the Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter
Control strategy of a dual-inverter system for an open-end winding induction machine based on indirect matrix converter

ConferencePaper (53)

Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator WECS based on a four-level double star converter
Active Power Oscillation Elimination in 4-Leg Grid-Connected Converters Under Unbalanced Network Conditions
Improved control strategy of the modular multilevel converter for high power drive applications in low frequency operation
Modelling and Control of the Modular Multilevel Converter in Back to Back Configuration for High Power Induction Machine Drives
Modelling and Control of the Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter and its Applications to Wind Energy Conversion Systems
The application of the modular multilevel matrix converter in high-power wind turbines
A novel LVRT control strategy for modular multilevel matrix converter based high-power wind energy conversion systems
Balancing energy and low frequency operation of the modular multilevel converter in back to back configuration
Dual three-phase PMSG based wind energy conversion system using 9-switch dual converter
Model Predictive Control of Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter
Resonant control system for a 7-leg back-to-back converter for interfacing variable speed generators to 4-wire loads
4-Wire Matrix Converter Based Voltage Sag/Swell Generator to Test LVRT in Renewable Energy Systems
Analysis of Synchronous and Stationary Reference Frame Control Strategies To Fulfill LVRT Requirements in Wind Energy Conversion Systems
Control of an open-end winding induction machine via a two-output indirect matrix converter
Control strategy of a dual-inverter system for an open-end winding induction machine based on indirect matrix converter
3D-SVM algorithm and capacitor voltage balancing in a 4-leg NPC converter operating under unbalanced and non-linear loads
Common mode voltage and zero sequence current reduction in an open-end load fed by a two output indirect matrix converter
Current control and capacitor balancing for 4-leg NPC converters using finite set model predictive control
Matrix converter based Voltage Sag Generator to test LVRT capability in renewable energy systems
Switching strategies for an indirect matrix converter fed open-end load
The application of resonant controller to fulfill LVRT requirements in grid connected VSI
4-leg matrix converter interface for a variable-speed diesel generation system
a control strategy to fulfill LVRT requirements in wind energy conversion systems
Design and experimental validation of a dual mode VSI control system for a micro-grid with multiple generators
Dual Current Control strategy for grid connected wind energy conversion systems under voltage dips
Control of a brushless doubly-fed induction generator via a matrix converter
Resonant controllers for the control of 4-leg matrix converters
A control scheme for two doubly fed induction machines fed by indirect matrix converter
A space vector modulation algorithm for 4-leg matrix converters
Control of a doubly-fed induction generator with an indirect matrix converter with changing DC voltage
Experimental validation of a Space Vector Modulation method for a 4-leg Matrix Converter
Resonant controllers for 4-leg matrix converters
Control Strategy of an Indirect Matrix Converter with Modifying DC Voltage
Fault analysis of uncontrolled rectifier HVDC links for the connection of off-shore wind farms
Analytical and Experimental Evaluation of a WECS Based on a Doubly Fed Induction Generator Fed by a Matrix Converter
Application of Indirect Matrix Converters to Variable Speed Doubly Fed Induction Generators
Control of a doubly-fed induction generator via a Direct Two-stage Power Converter
Control of a Wind Energy Conversion System Based on an Induction Generator Fed by a Matrix-Converter
A hybrid topology for a variable speed wind-diesel generation system using wound rotor induction machines.
Power balancing in variable speed wind-energy systems using vector control of front-end converters
Power smoothing using a flywheel driven by a Switched Reluctance Machine
Sensorless control of a slip ring induction generator based on rotor current MRAS observer
Control System for Grid Generation of a Switched Reluctance Generator Driven by a Variable Speed Wind Turbine
Sensorless control of a doubly-fed induction generator for stand alone operation
Power smoothing in a variable speed wind-diesel system
Control strategy of doubly fed induction generators for a wind diesel energy system.
DC link voltage control of a PWM excited induction generator
Power smoothing control using sensorless flywheel drive in wind-diesel generation systems
Sensorless control of induction machines for wind energy applications
Vector control of a diesel-driven doubly fed induction machine for a stand-alone variable speed energy system.
A cage induction generator using back to back PWM converters for variable speed grid connected wind energy system
Control strategies for energy recovery from a flywheel using a vector controlled induction machine
Control of a grid-connected variable speed WECS based on an induction generator fed by a matrix converter View Document

EditorialMaterial (2)

Introduction to the Special Section on Control and Grid Integration of Wind Energy Systems-Part I
Introduction to the Special Section on Control and Grid Integration of Wind Energy Systems-Part II

Proyecto (82)

Sea Harbour Operation with Renewable Energies (SHORE)
Investigación y desarrollo de un alimentador electrónico para máxima eficiencia en motores de inducción
Novel Modular Multilevel Converter Topologies and Control Strategies for Multi-Megawatt Wind Energy Applications
Advanced Predictive Control Strategies for Reliability Enhancement of Microgrids based on Matrix Converters
Desarrollo de prototipo de convertidor modular para la reutilización de baterías descartadas de electromovilidad
Diseño y desarrollo de nuevo cargardor Ultra-Rápido Multiprotocolo con Capacidad Vehicle to Grid para Vehículos Eléctricos Livianos y Medianos
Enhanced Control Flexibility of Modular Multilevel Converters Through Continuous Control Set Model Predictive Control
Smart Hybrid Transformers for Provision of Ancillary Services
Modular Hybrid Smart Transformer with Virtual Inertia Capability for Distribution Networks
Diseño y desarrollo de nuevo variador de frecuencia basado en converdor modular mulnivel matricial para accionamiento de máquinas eléctricas en minería
Modular Multilevel Technologies For Future Generations of High Power Machines
Robust Distributed Predictive Control Estrategies for the Coordination of Hybrid AC and DC Microgrids
Robust Distributed Predictive Control Strategies for the Coordination of Hybrid AC and DC Microgrids
All Electrical Drive train for Marine Energy Converters
Control Strategies and Hardware Topologies for the Operation of Energy Storage System in Microgrids
Control Strategies and Hardware Topologies for the Operation of Energy Storage Systems in Microgrids
Equipment for the Emluation and Evaluation of Energy Storage Systems
Equipment for the Emulation and Evaluation of Energy Storage Systems
Equipment for the Emulation and Evaluation of energy storage systems
Flexible Energy Management Strategies for Microgrid Clusters and Generation Systems based on Multiport Power Converter Structures
Flexible Energy Management Strategies for Microgrid Clusters and Generation Systems based on Multiport Power Converter Structures
Advanced Centre for Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Desarrollo de un estimador en tiempo real de la energía disponible para bancos de baterías presentes en estaciones volcánicas de monitoreo
Desarrollo de un estimador en tiempo real de la energía disponible para bancos de baterías presentes en estaciones volcánicas de monitoreo
Design and experimental validation of a microgrid prototype for mapuche indian communities
Design and experimental validation of a microgrid prototype for mapuche indian communities
Real-Time Model Predictive Control for Optimal Operation of Clustered Distribution Networks Under Uncertainty
Advanced Centre for Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Design of Robust Predictive Control Strategies for the Operation of Microgrids with High Penetration of Renewable Energy
Modular Multilevel Converter Technologies for High Power Drives
Aplicaciones Eficientes de Baterías de Litio en Almacenamiento, Tracción y Energías Renovables
Control Strategies for Micro-grids
Micro-grid emulator
Micro-grid emulator
Red de Cooperación Internacional WISE-CE=> Sustentatibilidad de Micro-redes Inteligentes
Control of an open-end winding induction machine via an indirect matrix converter
Control of an open-end winding induction machine via an indirect matrix converter
Programable power source and loads
Programable power source and loads
Red de Cooperación Internacional WISE-CE: Sustentabilidad de Micro-redes inteligentes
Control de Grandes Parques Eólicos Off-Shore Conectados Mediante Enlaces HVDC Multipunto con Rectificadores no Controlados
Control Systems And Modulation Techniques For a Three-Level Neutral-Point-Clamped Matrix Converter Topology
Control Systems and Modulation Techniques for a Three-Level Neutral-Point-Clamped Matrix Converter Topology
Control de grandes parque eolicos off-shore conectados mediante enlaces HVDC multipunto con rectificadores no controlados
Vector control of doubly-fed induction generators for variable speed wind-diesel systems
Brushless Doubly fed induction machine controlled by indirect matrix converter
Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Machine Controlled by Indirect Matrix Converter
Núcleo Milenio en Electrónica Industrial y Mecatrónica, Segunda etapa
Variable speed generation using four-leg matrix converters feeding stand-alone unbalanced load.
Control Avanzado de Aerogeneradores Síncronos para Aplicaciones off-shore
Variable speed generation using four-leg matrix converters feeding stand-alone unbalanced load
Control avanzado de aerogeneradores síncronos para aplicaciones off-shore
Control de generadores de inducción de doble excitación para sistemas eólicos vía convertidores de frecuencia de dos etapas.
Control of doubly-fed induction generators using back to back converters
Control vectorial sensorless de generadores de inducción jaula de ardilla y rotor bobinado utilizando conversores matriciales.
Sensorless control of doubly-fed induction generators using matrix converters
Control vectorial sin sensor de posición para máquinas de inducción de doble devanado operando como generadores de velocidad variable.
Sensorless control of variable speed doubly-fed induction generators
Estabilización de potencia eléctrica y generación de energía utilizando máquinas de reluctancia conmutada.
Power smoothing and generation of electrical energy using switched reluctance generators
Producción, comercialización y servicios asociados a sensores para dispersiones industriales
Producción, comercialización y servicios asociados a sensores para dispersiones industriales. Etapa de ejecución 2002-2003
Control vectorial de generadores de inducción de doble excitación para sistemas de generación diesel-eólica de velocidad variable.
Desarrollo y adaptación de sensores industriales para controlar y optimizar la operación de procesos involucrando dispersiones liquidas y minerales
Optimised performance of diesel-generators in hybrid wind-diesel systems
Optimised Performance of Diesel-Generators in Hybrid Wind-Diesel Systems
Control vectorial, sin sensor de posición, de máquinas de inducción utilizadas en sistemas de generación de energía eléctrica.
Sensorless control of variable speed cage induction generators
Estabilización de potencia eléctrica y control de energía utilizando un volante de inercia y una máquina de inducción controlada vectorialmente. Aplicación estudiada; sistemas eólicos.
Estrategias de control de generadores de inducción jaula de ardilla con conversores PWM
Estrategias de control de generadores de inducción jaula de ardilla con conversores PWM.
Intelligent Control Strategies for Electricity Generation from Reneweable Energy Systems
Intelligent control strategies for electricity generation from reneweable energy systems
Power Smoothing using a squirrel cage machine affixed to a flywheel
Battery energy storage system for electrical generation
Desarrollo y adaptación de sensores industriales para controlar y optimizar la operación de procesos involucrando dispersiones líquidas y minerales.
Núcleo Milenio en Electrónica Industrial y Mecatrónica.

Review (1)

Modeling and Advanced Control of Wind Turbines/Wind Farms
Jesus Cardenas

Profesor Titular

Ingeniería Eléctrica

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

ruben peña


ingeniería eléctrica


Concepcion, Chile

Matias Diaz

Profesor Asociado

Ingeniería Eléctrica

Universidad de Santiago

Santiago, Chile

Claudio Burgos

Profesor Asociado

Universidad de O'Higgins

Rancagua, Chile

Andrés Mora

Profesor Asociado




Doris Saez

Full Professor

Electrical Engineering

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Félix Rojas

Profesor Asistente

Ingeniería Eléctrica


Santiago, Chile

Enrique Espina


Ingeniería Eléctrica

Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Javier Pereda

Associate Professor

Electrical Engineering

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Luca Tarisciotti

Full Professor


Universidad Andres Bello

Santiago, Chile

Alejandro Angulo


Ingeniería Eléctrica


Valparaiso, Chile

Marcos Orchard


Electrical Engineering

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

José Rodríguez

Full Professor

Facultad de Ingeniería

Universidad Andres Bello

Santiago, Chile

Marco Rivera

Full Professor

Electrical Engineering


Curicó, Chile

Alex Navas

Assistant Professor

Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Eduardo Reyes


Ingeniería Eléctrica

Universidad de Magallanes

Punta Arenas, Chile

Juan Gómez

Profesor Asistente


Universidad Andrés Bello

Santiago, Chile




Universidad de Santiago de Chile


Rodrigo Palma

Profesor Titular

Ingeniería Eléctrica

Universidad de Chile


Cristian Pineda

Sr Application Engineer


Barcelona, España

Lorenzo Reyes

Assistant Professor

Institute of Electricity and Electronics

Universidad Austral de Chile

Valdivia, Chile

Dante Carrasco

Jefe de Laboratorio

Ingeniería Eléctrica

Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Pablo Lezana

Associate Professor

Ingeniería Eléctrica

Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Valparaíso, Chile

Daniel Olivares

Associate Professor

Universidad Adolfo Ibánez

Santiago, Chile






Constanza Ahumada

Profesor Asistente

Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Bernardo Severino

Research Assistant


Technische Universität Berlin

Berlin, Alemania


Investigadora asociada



Valparaiso, Chile

Heraldo Rozas

Assistant Professor

Ingenieria Eléctrica

Universidad de Chile

Santiago , Chile


Profesor Asociado

Escuela de Ingeniería Eléctrica

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Valparaíso, Chile

Samir Kouro

Associate Professor

Department of Electronic Engineering

Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria

Valparaiso, Chile

Esteban Gil


Electrical Engineering


Valparaiso, Chile

Cesar Silva

Profesor Adjunto (Associate Professor)

Departamento de Electrónica


Valparaiso, Chile

Matías Uriarte


Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica

Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Alvaro Muñoz

Profesor Titular

Universidad San Sebastián

Santiago, Chile

Manuel Martinez

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Instituto de Ciencias de la Ingeniería

Universidad de O'Higgins

Rancagua, Chile

Diego Muñoz

Profesor Asistente

Universidad de O'Higgins

Rancagua, Chile

Diego Soto




Punta Arenas, Chile