
José Ramón Rodríguez Pérez

Full Professor

Universidad Andres Bello

Santiago, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Dr. Rodriguez has a broad and deep knowledge in the area of power electronics and electrical drives. His active research lines are focused on the development of matrix converter topologies and control, multilevel converters topologies and modulation


  •  Electrotecnic, Erlangen University. Alemania, 1985
  •  Electrical Engineering, UNIVERSIDAD TECNICA FEDERICO SANTA MARIA. Chile, 1977
  •  Electrical Engineering, UNIVERSIDAD TECNICA FEDERICO SANTA MARIA. Chile, 1977

Experiencia Académica

  •   Full Professor Full Time



    2004 - 2014

  •   Assistant Professor Full Time



    1977 - 1982

  •   Full Professor Full Time



    Santiago, Chile

    2015 - A la fecha

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Head of the mining group Full Time

    Siemens Company


    1996 - 1997

Formación de Capital Humano

Aguilera, Ricardo: Deteccion y manejo de fallas en inversores multicelda.
Alvarez, Rodrigo: Development and investigation of an advance gate unif for hv-igbt’s.
Andler, Daniel: Analisis de eficiencia de los metodos de modulacion aplicados a convertidores multinivel NPC.
Bernal, Rafael: Adaptacion de control directo de torque para aplicaciones en accionamientos con inversores multinivel.
Kouro, Samir: Control directo de torque (DTC) de maquinas de induccion alimentadas por inversores multinivel.
La Rocca, Bruno: Aplicacion del control predictivo para disminuir las perdidas por conmutacion en convertidores multinivel.
Lezana, Pablo: Convertidores multiceldas regenerativos.
Lizama, Ignacio: Control predictivo para rectificadores fuente de corriente de alta potencia.
Miranda, Hernan: Control directo de torque en maquinas de induccion.
Ortiz, Gabriel: Reconfiguracion de convertidores multicelda en cascada bajo operacion en falla.
Perez, Jesus: Control predictivo de torque en un motor de induccion alimentado por un inversor de 3 niveles.
Rebolledo, Jaime: Modulacion de inversores multinivel asimetricos.
Robles, Hernan: Evaluacion de eficiencia de metodos de modulacion en inversores multinivel puente H en cascada.
San Martin, Juan: Monitoreo inteligente del desempeño de protecciones contra sobrevoltajes en un sistema industrial.
Vargas, Rene: Control predictivo de 3 niveles.
Vattuone, Luna: Control predictivo de corriente en inversores fuente de voltaje de 5 fases.
Villanueva, Elena: Diseño de un sistema de generacion electrica con paneles fotovoltaicos basado en una topologia multinivel puente-H.
Contreras, Ivan: Control Predictivo en un Convertidor Matricial Indirecto de Cuatro Piernas.
Cuevas, Cristian: Control Predictivo de un Inversor de 4 Piernas.

Cortes, Patricio: Control predictivo de convertidores estaticos.
Kouro, Samir: Mejoramiento de desempeño de inversores multinivel en accionamientos de alta potencia.
Lezana, Pablo: Caracteristicas de operacion de los convertidores multicelda en cascada regenerativos.
Rebolledo, Jaime: Sistema de control de un cicloconversor de 12 pulsos tolerante a fallas de semiconductores.
Vargas, Rene: Predictive control applied to matrix converters.
Rivera, Marco: Predictive Control in an Indirect Matrix Converter.
Fuentes, Cristian: Optimization of the design of DC-DC converters for improving the electromagnetic compatibility with the front-end electronic for the super Large Hadron Collider Trackers.

Difusión y Transferencia

General Co-chair, IEEE- Internatinal Conference on Industrial Technology, ICIT2010, 14-17 March 2010, Vina del Mar, chile

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Miembro del Consejo de Educación Superior,


    Chile, 2007

    Nombrado por el presidente de la República durante los años 2007-2008

  •   Presidente del Consejo de Rectores


    Chile, 2008

    Presidente del Consejo de Rectores de Valparaíso.

  •   Miembro fundador

    Academia de Ingeniería de Chile

    Chile, 2009

    Miembro fundador de la Academia de Ingeniería de Chile en 2009 y Secretario en 2010.

  •   Compañero IEEE

    IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

    Chile, 2011

    Compañero IEEE, para: "El desarrollo de nuevas topologías y métodos de control para convertidores y unidades electrónicas de potencia", marzo de 2011.

  •   Premio Nacional

    Ciencias Aplicadas y Tecnología de Chile

    Chile, 2014

    Premio Nacional de Ciencias Aplicadas y Tecnología de Chile, 2014

  •   Premio al Logro Dr. Eugene Mittelman

    Industrial Electroncis Society del IEEE

    Chile, 2015

    Premio al Logro Dr. Eugene Mittelman otorgado por la Industrial Electroncis Society del IEEE, 2015

  •   Premio de Investigación Humboldt

    Sociedad Alexander von Humboldt

    Alemania, 2016

    Premio de Investigación Humboldt otorgado por la Sociedad Alexander von Humboldt, Alemania 2016.

  •   Distinción: Profesor invitado extranjero

    Institutos Haixi, Academia de Ciencias de China

    China, 2017

    Distinguido como "Profesor invitado extranjero Jaixi Lu en los Institutos Haixi, Academia de Ciencias de China", China, febrero de 2017.

  •   Distinción: Profesor honorario

    Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas

    Peru, 2017

    Profesor honorario de la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas "en reconocimiento a sus méritos profesionales y académicos sobresalientes en el campo de la ingeniería y la investigación científica", Lima, Perú, abril de 2017.

  •   Distinción: Profesor Invitado

    Universidad de Ciencia y Tecnología de Huazhong

    China, 2019

    Nombrado Profesor Invitado en la Universidad de Ciencia y Tecnología de Huazhong en Wuhan, China, en junio de 2019.

  •   Distinción: Profesor Honorario

    Universidad de Shandong

    Chile, 2019

    Nombrado profesor honorario en la Universidad de Shandong, China, en junio de 2019


Article (394)

A Deadbeat Predictive Current Harmonics Suppression Method for IPMSM Based on Quasi Proportional Resonant Control
A Direct Optimal Input Determination Data-Based Predictive Current Control for PMSM Drives Without System Identification
A Generalized Derivation Method of Tree-Type Active Neutral-Point-Clamped Multilevel Topologies
A high gain and compact size asymmetrical 17-level inverter for medium- and high-power applications
A Model-Data Hybrid Driven Diagnosis Method for Open-Switch Faults in Three-Phase T-Type Grid-Connected Converters
A New Generalized Multisource Inverter for Electric Vehicles Controlled by Model Predictive
A Nonclamped H10 Topology to Achieve Leakage Current Reduction for Transformerless Grid-Connected Converter
A Novel Extended Sliding-Mode Predictive Control With Dynamic Optimization and Virtual Voltage Vectors
A Reduced Common-Mode Voltage Control Scheme for Three-Level H10 Converter Considering Dead-Time Effect
A Robust Predefined-Time Sliding Mode Predictive Control for SPMSM Speed Regulation Systems Using an Ultralocal Model
A Simple Model-Free Solution for Finite Control-Set Predictive Control in Power Converters
A Simplified Optimal Switching Sequence Model Predictive Control Without Weighting Coefficients for T-Type Single-Phase Three-Level Inverters
A Two-Step Event-Triggered-Based Data-Driven Predictive Control for Power Converters
Adaptive Inertia Observer-Based Model-Free Predictive Current Control for PMSM Driving System of Electric Vehicles
Adaptive Ultralocalized Time-Series for Improved Model-Free Predictive Current Control on PMSM Drives
Allocation and Sizing of DSTATCOM with Renewable Energy Systems and Load Uncertainty Using Enhanced Gray Wolf Optimization
An Efficient Multi-Vector-Based Model Predictive Current Control for PMSM Drive
An Improved Model Predictive Voltage Control With Reduced Computational Burden for T-Type Three-Phase Three-Level Inverters
An Improved Single-Phase Multiple DC Source Inverter Topology for Distributed Energy System Applications
An improved switch-capacitor based 13-level inverter topology with reduced device count and lower TSV
An Optimal Switching Sequence Model Predictive Control Scheme for the 3L-NPC Converter with Output LC Filter
ANPC Switched-Capacitor 19L Inverter Using SHE PWM for 1-φ HFAC PDS Applications
Compensating the Measurement Error in Model-Free Predictive Control of Induction Motor via Kalman Filter-Based Ultra-Local Model
Condition Monitoring Using Digital Fault-Detection Approach for Pitch System in Wind Turbines
Constrained Predictive Controllers for High-Performance Sensorless IPMSM Drive Systems With Full-Range Speed Operations
Continuous Control Set Predictive Speed Control of SPMSM Drives With Stability Improvement
Cooperative Decision-Making Approach for Multiobjective Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control Without Weighting Parameters
Decoupled Continuous Control Set Model Predictive Control for T-Type Three-Phase Four-Leg Three-Level Inverters Driving Constant Power Loads
Dynamic-Linearization-Based Predictive Control of a Voltage-Source Inverter
Economic Model Predictive Control for Microgrid Optimization: A Review
Efficiency Enhancement in Synchronous Reluctance Motors by Active Flux Adjustment Based on Robust Model-Based Approaches
Electric Motor Bearing Fault Noise Detection via Mel-Spectrum-Based Contrastive Self-Supervised Transformer Model
Electrostatically Doped Junctionless Graphene Nanoribbon Tunnel Field-Effect Transistor for High-Performance Gas Sensing Applications: Leveraging Doping Gates for Multi-Gas Detection
Enhanced Maximum Power Point Tracking Using Modified PSO Hybrid With MPC Under Partial Shading Conditions
Experimental Assessment of a Decentralized Control Strategy for a Back-to-Back Modular Multilevel Converter Operating in Low-Frequency AC Transmission
Fast FCS-MPC for neutral-point clamped converters with switching constraints
Finite Control-Set Learning Predictive Control for Power Converters
Flux-Weakening Scheme for Four-Switch Inverter-Fed IM Drives With Optimized Overmodulation-Based Modulated Predictive Torque Control
Four Consecutive Samples Based Sensorless Control for PMSM Drives
Four-Wire Three-Level NPC Shunt Active Power Filter Using Model Predictive Control Based on the Grid-Tied PV System for Power Quality Enhancement
Full-Cycle Iterative Observer: A Comprehensive Approach for Position Estimation in Sensorless Predictive Control of SynRM
Fuzzy Approximation ARX Model-Based Intelligent Two-Horizon Robust FCS-MPC for Power Converter
Hexagonal zoning deadbeat model predictive control of induction motor
High-Performance Sequential Model Predictive Control of a Four-Level Inverter for Electric Transportation Applications
Learning-Based Resilient FCS-MPC for Power Converters Under Actuator FDI Attacks
Low Complexity Model Predictive Flux Control Based on Discrete Space Vector Modulation and Optimal Switching Sequence for Induction Motors
Low voltage ride through enhancement of a permanent magnet synchronous generator based wind energy conversion system in an islanded microgrid: A dynamic matrix controlled virtual DC machine
Low-Complexity and Less-Conservativeness Ostrowski Stability Criterion for Parallel Fractional Grid-Connected Converters Under Unbalanced Grid
Low-Complexity Virtual-Vector-Based FCS-MPC With Unaffected Neutral-Point Voltage for Three-Phase T-Type Inverters
Model Predictive Control in Multilevel Inverters Part I: Basic Strategy and Performance Improvement
Model Predictive Control in Multilevel Inverters Part II: Renewable Energies and Grid Applications
Model Predictive Control of a Modular Multilevel Converter Considering Control Input Constraints
Model-Free Moving-Discretized-Control-Set Predictive Control for Three-Phase Dual-Active-Bridge Converters
Model-Free Predictive Control Using Sinusoidal Generalized Universal Model for PMSM Drives
Model-Free Predictive Current Controller for Common Mode Voltage Stabilization by Finite odd Virtual Vector set
Modulated Model Predictive Current Control With Active Damping for <i>LC</i>-Filtered PMSM Drives
Motor-Parameter-Free Model Predictive Current Control for PMSM Drives
Multistep Predictive Current Control for Electrical Drives With Adaptive Horizons
New Label-Free DNA Nanosensor Based on Top-Gated Metal-Ferroelectric-Metal Graphene Nanoribbon on Insulator Field-Effect Transistor: A Quantum Simulation Study
Nonlinear-Disturbance-Observer-Based Model-Predictive Control for Servo Press Drive
Performance Projection of Vacuum Gate Dielectric Doping-Free Carbon Nanoribbon/Nanotube Field-Effect Transistors for Radiation-Immune Nanoelectronics
Position Sensorless Control Strategy Based on an Enhanced High Order Generalized Integrator Flux Observer for PMSM Drives
Power Quality Enhancement of Unbalanced Vehicle Microgrids by T-Type Converters Using Dual-Flexible Model Predictive Control
Power-frequency admittance model of multi-VSGs grid-connected system considering power coupling
Predictive Control of Voltage Source Inverter: An Online Reinforcement Learning Solution
Pseudo-Three-Layer Sequential Model-Free Predictive Control With Neural-Network Observer for Parallel T-Type Three-Level Converters
Robust Predictive Control of Grid-Connected Converters: Sensor Noise Suppression With Parallel-Cascade Extended State Observer
Robust Sequential Model-Free Predictive Control of a Three-Level T-Type Shunt Active Power Filter
Semiclosed Loop Based on Predictive Current Control for SPMSM Drives During Servo Stamping
Simultaneous Optimization of Network Reconfiguration and Soft Open Points Placement in Radial Distribution Systems Using a Lévy Flight-Based Improved Equilibrium Optimizer
Sliding Mode Control of an Electric Vehicle Driven by a New Powertrain Technology Based on a Dual-Star Induction Machine
Transient Stability Analysis and Virtual Power Compensation of a Virtual Synchronous Generator Under Low-Voltage Fault
Variable-Vector-Based Model Predictive Control With Reduced Current Harmonic and Controllable Switching Frequency for PMSM Drives
A Comprehensive Evaluation of Different Power Quantities in DC Electric Arc Furnace Power Supplies
A New Predictive Current Control With Reduced Current Tracking Error and Switching Frequency for Multilevel Inverters
A Novel Cascaded Repetitive Controller of an LC-Filtered H6 Voltage-Source Inverter
A Novel Continuous Control Set Model Predictive Control for LC-Filtered Three-Phase Four-Wire Three-Level Voltage-Source Inverter
A Quadruple Boost Nine-Level Switched Capacitor Inverter With a Low Count of Components
A Robust Encoderless Control for PMSM Drives: A Revised Hybrid Active Flux-Based Technique
A Robust Predictive Speed Control for SPMSM Systems Using a Sliding Mode Gradient Descent Disturbance Observer
Adaptive fuzzy fractional-order sliding-mode control of LCL-interfaced grid-connected converter with reduced-order
Adaptive Integral Extended State Observer-Based Improved Multistep FCS-MPCC for PMSM
Adaptive Model Predictive Current Control for PMLSM Drive System
Addressing Amplitude and Phase Coupling Problem in Grid Synchronization Systems
An Ensemble Regulation Principle for Multiobjective Finite-Control-Set Model-Predictive Control of Induction Machine Drives
An extended-horizon model predictive torque control with computationally efficient implementation for PMSM drives
An Improved Model Predictive Torque Control for PMSM Drives Based on Discrete Space Vector Modulation
An improved photovoltaic maximum power point tracking technique-based model predictive control for fast atmospheric conditions
Autoregressive Moving Average Model-Free Predictive Current Control for PMSM Drives
Bias-Free Predictive Control of Power Converters with <i>LCL</i> Filter in Micro-Energy Systems
Common DC-Link Multilevel Converters: Topologies, Control and Industrial Applications
Computationally Efficient Model-Free Predictive Control of Zero-Sequence Current in Dual Inverter Fed Induction Motor
Computationally Efficient Predictive Current Control With Finite Set Extension Using Derivative Projection for IM Drives
Continuous-Control-Set Model-Free Predictive Control Using Time-Series Subspace for PMSM Drives
Continuous-Control-Set Model-Free Predictive Fundamental Current Control for PMSM System
Control Design of Grid Synchronization Systems for Grid-Tied Power Converters Using Symmetrical Optimum Method: A Comprehensive Reference
Data-Driven Finite Control-Set Model Predictive Control for Modular Multilevel Converter
Design and Analysis of a Wireless Ultrasonic Motor Drive System
Differential Inverters: A General Design Procedure Integrating a Novel Power Losses Modeling Approach for Utilized DC-DC Modules at Different Modulation Schemes
Digital Twin Techniques for Power Electronics-Based Energy Conversion Systems: A Survey of Concepts, Application Scenarios, Future Challenges, and Trends
Direct Predictive Voltage Control for Grid-Connected Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator System
Discrete Optimization of Weighting Factor in Model Predictive Control of Induction Motor
Distributed Control Algorithm for DC Microgrid Using Higher-Order Multi-Agent System
Dynamic Neural-Based Model Predictive Voltage Controller for an Interleaved Boost Converter With Adaptive Constraint Tuning
Energy Transition Technology: The Role of Power Electronics
Enhanced Model Predictive Control for PMSM Based on Reference Voltage Predictive Model
Enhancement of Power Decoupling for Virtual Synchronous Generator: A Virtual Inductor and Virtual Capacitor Approach
Event-Triggered ESO-Based Robust MPC for Power Converters
Finite Control Set Model Predictive Torque Control With Reduced Computation Burden for PMSM Based on Discrete Space Vector Modulation
Frequency and Inertial Response Analysis of Loads in The Chilean Power System
Frequency stability enhancement of an islanded microgrid: A fractional-order virtual synchronous generator
Generalized Data-Driven Model-Free Predictive Control for Electrical Drive Systems
Grid Impedance Detection Based On Complex Coefficient Filter and Full-order Capacitor Current Observer for Three-phase Grid-connected Inverters
Hybrid Energy Storage System Based on a Multioutput Multilevel Converter
Impartial Sequential Model Predictive Control of Parallel T-Type Rectifiers for Power Sharing and Circulating Current Elimination
Improved Efficiency Optimization Control for Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Generator-DC System by Regulating Stator Frequency
Integration of Reference Current Slope Based Model-Free Predictive Control in Modulated PMSM Drives
Learning-Based Neural Dynamic Surface Predictive Control for MMC
Low-Complexity Dual-Vector Model Predictive Control for Single-Phase Nine-Level ANPC-Based Converter
Low-Complexity Finite Set Model Predictive Control for Split-Capacitor ANPC Inverter With Different Levels Modes and Online Model Update
Low-Complexity Model-Free Combined Control of Grid-Connected Converters Under Normal and Abnormal Grid Conditions
Model Predictive Control for Single-Phase Switched-Capacitor Multilevel Inverters
Model Predictive Control With a Novel Parameter Identification Scheme for Dual-Active-Bridge Converters
Model-Free Predictive Current Control Using Extended Affine Ultralocal for PMSM Drives
Model-Predictive Control of Multilevel Inverters: Challenges, Recent Advances, and Trends
Modulated Model Predictive Control of Modular Multilevel Converters Operating in a Wide Frequency Range
Modulated Model Predictive Torque Control for Fault-Tolerant Inverter-Fed Induction Motor Drives With Single DC-Link Voltage Sensor
Neural Predictor-Based Dynamic Surface Predictive Control for Power Converters
Passivity Fractional-Order Sliding-Mode Control of Grid-Connected Converter With<i> LCL </i>Filter
Passivity-Based Partial Sequential Model Predictive Control of T-Type Grid-Connected Converters With Dynamic Damping Injection
Performances Analysis of Three Grid-Tied Large-Scale Solar PV Plants in Varied Climatic Conditions: A Case Study in Algeria
Power Electronics Technology for Large-Scale Renewable Energy Generation Power electronics is the enabling technology for the grid integration of large-scale renewable energy generation, which provides high controllability and flexibility to energy generation, conversion, transmission, and utilization. However, power electronics also brings several challenges to conventional power grids, e.g., reducing the system inertia. Advanced control strategies have been developed to enhance the energy conversion process. In this article, the grid-integration structure and control for renewable energy are discussed with $a$ focus on large-scale wind, solar photovoltaic, and energy storage systems. Future research and development trends for these technologies are also presented.
Power Sharing and ZSCC Elimination for Parallel T-Type Three-Level Rectifiers Based on Model-Free Predictive Control
Predictive Control for Current Distortion Mitigation in Mining Power Grids
Predictive Control of Common-Ground Five-Level PV Inverter Without Weighting Factors and Reduced Computational Burden
Predictive Discontinuous Modulation Strategy With Embedded Inter-Phase Cluster Voltage Control for Cascaded H-Bridge StatComs
Predictive Torque Control of Induction Motor Based on a Robust Integral Sliding Mode Observer
Predictor-Based Data-Driven Model-Free Adaptive Predictive Control of Power Converters Using Machine Learning
Reinforcement Learning-Based Event-Triggered FCS-MPC for Power Converters
Resiliency Enhancement and Power Quality Optimization of Converter-Based Renewable Energy Microgrids
Resiliency Enhancement Control of Converter Fed Smart Renewable Micro Grids Against Multiple Risks
Robust Exploration Based Finite Control Set Predictive Current Control for SPMSM Drives Under Influence of Measurement Error
Sampling error-based model-free predictive current control of open-end winding induction motor with simplified vector selection
Single-Phase H-Bridge Rectifier Fed High-Speed SRM System Based on Integrated Power Control
Terminal Integral Synergetic Control for Wind Turbine at Region II Using a Two-Mass Model
Ultralocal Model-Free Predictive Control of T-Type Grid-Connected Converters Based on Extended Sliding-Mode Disturbance Observer
A 15-Level Switched-Capacitor Multilevel Inverter Structure With Self-Balancing Capacitor
A Composite DC-DC Converter Based on the Versatile Buck-Boost Topology for Electric Vehicle Applications
A Fuzzy Approximation for FCS-MPC in Power Converters
A Generalized Simplified Virtual Vector PWM to Balance the Capacitor Voltages of Multilevel Diode-Clamped Converters
A Low-Complexity Gradient Descent Solution With Backtracking Iteration Approach for Finite Control Set Predictive Current Control
A New MPC Formulation Based on Suboptimal Voltage Vectors for Multilevel Inverters
A Nine-Level T-Type Converter for Grid-Connected Distributed Generation
A Review of Generators and Power Converters for Multi-MW Wind Energy Conversion Systems
Active Voltage Balancing Control of a Seven-Level Hybrid Multilevel Converter Topology
Advances and opportunities in the model predictive control of microgrids: Part II-Secondary and tertiary layers
An Asymmetric Switched-Capacitor Multicell Inverter With Low Number of DC Source and Voltage Stress for Renewable Energy Sources
An Efficient Model Predictive Control Using Virtual Voltage Vectors for Three-Phase Three-Level Converters With Constant Switching Frequency
An Improved Implicit Model Predictive Current Control With Continuous Control Set for PMSM Drives
Analytical Calculation of Harmonics and Harmonic Losses in Five-Phase Carrier-Based PWM Voltage Source Inverters
Computationally Efficient Model Predictive Control With Fixed Switching Frequency of Five-Level ANPC Converters
Continuous Control Set Predictive Speed Control of SPMSM Drives With Short Prediction Horizon
Data-Driven Iterative Learning Predictive Control for Power Converters
Data-Driven Neural Predictors-Based Robust MPC for Power Converters
Design of Model Predictive Control Weighting Factors for PMSM Using Gaussian Distribution-Based Particle Swarm Optimization
Displacement Current-Based Energy Harvesters in Power Grids: Topologies and Performance Evaluation
Dual-Boost Inverter for PV Microinverter Application-An Assessment of Control Strategies
Efficient switched-capacitor multilevel inverters for high-power solar photovoltaic systems
Encoderless Parallel Predictive Torque Control for Induction Machine Using a Robust Model Reference Adaptive System
Energy Optimization of Air Handling Units Using Constrained Predictive Controllers Based on Dynamic Neural Networks
Enhancement of Voltage Regulation Capability for DC-Microgrid Composed by Battery Test System: A Fractional-Order Virtual Inertia Method
Evaluation of the Main Control Strategies for Grid-Connected PV Systems
Fast Solver for Implicit Continuous Set Model Predictive Control of Electric Drives
Fault-Tolerant Sequential MPC for Vertical Switch Open-Circuit Fault and ZSCC Suppression for Parallel T-Type Converters
Feasibility Study of Model Predictive Control for Grid-Connected Twisted Buck-Boost Inverter
Finite-Set Quasi-Sliding Mode Predictive Control of <i>LC</i>-Filtered Voltage Source Inverters
Gradient Descent Optimization Based Parameter Identification for FCS-MPC Control of <i>LCL</i>-Type Grid Connected Converter
Gradient Descent-Based Objective Function Reformulation for Finite Control Set Model Predictive Current Control With Extended Horizon
Integral Sliding Mode Observer-Based Ultralocal Model for Finite-Set Model Predictive Current Control of Induction Motor
Iterative Gradient Descent-Based Finite Control Set Predictive Current Control With Least-Squares Optimized Duty Cycles
Latest Advances of Model Predictive Control in Electrical Drives-Part II: Applications and Benchmarking With Classical Control Methods
Latest Advances of Model Predictive Control in Electrical DrivesuPart I: Basic Concepts and Advanced Strategies
Low Complexity Finite-Control-Set MPC Based on Discrete Space Vector Modulation for T-Type Three-Phase Three-Level Converters
Low-Cost Multistep FCS-MPCC for PMSM Drives Using a DC Link Single Current Sensor
Maximum Power Point Tracking-Based Model Predictive Control for Photovoltaic Systems: Investigation and New Perspective
Maximum power point tracking-based model predictive control with reduced sensor count for PV applications
Model Predictive Control Using Artificial Neural Network for Power Converters
Model-Based Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithm With Constant Power Generation Capability and Fast DC-Link Dynamics for Two-Stage PV Systems
Model-Free Predictive Control of Grid-Forming Inverters With LCL Filters
Model-free predictive control of non-isolated two-stage AC-DC-DC converter based on linear extended state observer
Moth-Flame-Optimization-Based Parameter Estimation for FCS-MPC-Controlled Grid-Connected Converter With LCL Filter
Multistep Model Predictive Control for Electrical Drives-A Fast Quadratic Programming Solution
Noninteger Lexicographic-Optimization-Based Sequential Model-Predictive Fault-Tolerant Control of T-Type Shunt Active Power Filter
Pareto Optimal Weighting Factor Design of Predictive Current Controller of a Six-Phase Induction Machine Based on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
Power Losses Reduction of T-Type Grid-Connected Converters Based on Tolerant Sequential Model Predictive Control
Reduced Multisource Switched-Capacitor Multilevel Inverter Topologies
Robust Fuzzy-Fractional-Order Nonsingular Terminal Sliding-Mode Control of LCL-Type Grid-Connected Converters
Robust Predictive Control of Grid-Tied Modular Multilevel Converters for HVDC Systems With Virtual-Flux Based Online Inductance Estimation
Robust predictive current control of PWM rectifiers with LCL filters under unbalanced and distorted network conditions
Sequential Model Predictive Fault-Tolerance Control for T-Type Three-Level Grid-Connected Converters With LCL Filters
Space-Vector-Optimized Predictive Control for Dual Three-Phase PMSM With Quick Current Response
Stability Enhancement of Battery-Testing DC Microgrid: An ADRC-Based Virtual Inertia Control Approach
Three-Phase Model-Based Predictive Control Methods With Reduced Calculation Burden for Modular Multilevel Converters
Using vertical areas in finite set model predictive control of a three-level inverter aimed at computation reduction
Voltage Regulation Enhancement of DC-MG Based on Power Accumulator Battery Test System: MPC-Controlled Virtual Inertia Approach
A Centralized Control Strategy for Grid-Connected High-Speed Switched Reluctance Motor Drive System With Power Factor Correction
A Drive Topology for High-Speed SRM With Bidirectional Energy Flow and Fast Demagnetization Voltage
A Fast Converging Hybrid MPPT Algorithm Based on ABC and P&O Techniques for a Partially Shaded PV System
A Full State-Variable Direct Predictive Control for Islanded Microgrids With Parallel Converters
A Novel Torque Boundary-Based Model Predictive Torque Control for PMSM Without Weighting Factor
A Robust Torque and Flux Prediction Model by a Modified Disturbance Rejection Method for Finite-Set Model-Predictive Control of Induction Motor
A Unified Distributed Cooperative Control of DC Microgrids Using Consensus Protocol
An Improved Adaptive Selected Harmonic Elimination Algorithm for Current Measurement Error Correction of PMSMs
Asymmetrical 17-Level Inverter Topology With Reduced Total Standing Voltage and Device Count
Computationally Efficient Finite-Position-Set-Phase-Locked Loop for Sensorless Control of PMSGs in Wind Turbine Applications
Discrete Space Vector Modulation Based Model Predictive Flux Control With Reduced Switching Frequency for IM Drive
Enhancement of Frequency Regulation in AC Microgrid: A Fuzzy-MPC Controlled Virtual Synchronous Generator
Event-Triggered Model Predictive Control for Power Converters
FCS-MPC Based Pre-Filtering Stage for Computational Efficiency in a Flying Capacitor Converter
Finite-Set Model Predictive Current Control of Induction Motors by Direct Use of Total Disturbance
Guest Editorial Model Predictive Control in Energy Conversion Systems
Hardware-in-the-Loop to Test an MPPT Technique of Solar Photovoltaic System: A Support Vector Machine Approach
Low Sensitivity Predictive Control for Doubly-Fed Induction Generators Based Wind Turbine Applications
Model Predictive Control of <i>LC</i>-Filtered Voltage Source Inverters With Optimal Switching Sequence
Model predictive control of microgrids - An overview
Model Predictive Current Control With Low Complexity for Single-Phase Four-Level Hybrid-Clamped Converters
Model-Free Neural Network-Based Predictive Control for Robust Operation of Power Converters
Modified Modulated Model Predictive Control Strategy for a Grid-Connected Converter
MPC-Controlled Virtual Synchronous Generator to Enhance Frequency and Voltage Dynamic Performance in Islanded Microgrids
MPPT Algorithm Based on Artificial Bee Colony for PV System
MTPA-Based Finite-Set Model Predictive Control Without Weighting Factors for Linear Induction Machine
Online Weighting Factor Optimization by Simplified Simulated Annealing for Finite Set Predictive Control
Optimal Cost Function Parameter Design in Predictive Torque Control (PTC) Using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)
Overmodulation Methods for Modulated Model Predictive Control and Space Vector Modulation
Partial Series Resonance Pulse Commutated Current-Fed Three-Phase Current Sharing DC-DC Converter: ZCS Analysis, Design, and Experimental Results
Reduced Switch Multilevel Inverter Topologies for Renewable Energy Sources
Robust predictive current control of induction motors based on linear extended state observer
Sensorless Simplified Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control of SynRM Using Finite Position Set Algorithm
Simple two-stage weighting factor design for finite control set model predictive control of modular multilevel converters
Simplified Predictive Stator Current Phase Angle Control of Induction Motor With a Reference Manipulation Technique
Vision, Challenges, and Future Trends of Model Predictive Control in Switched Reluctance Motor Drives
A Hybrid FCS-MPC With Low and Fixed Switching Frequency Without Steady-State Error Applied to a Grid-Connected CHB Inverter
Active Disturbance-Rejection-Based Speed Control in Model Predictive Control for Induction Machines
An Overview of Microgrids Challenges in the Mining Industry
Computation-efficient Model Predictive Control with Common Mode Voltage Elimination for Five-Level ANPC Converters
Computation-Efficient Model Predictive Control With Common-Mode Voltage Elimination for Five-Level ANPC Converters
Current Control of a Seven-Level Voltage Source Inverter
Denoising and Voltage Estimation in Modular Multilevel Converters Using Deep Neural-Networks
Even-Handed Sequential Predictive Torque and Flux Control
FPGA-Based Continuous Control Set Model Predictive Current Control for PMSM System Using Multistep Error Tracking Technique
Fundamental Device Switching Frequency Control of Current-Fed Nine-Level Inverter for Solar Application
High Performance Model Predictive Control for PMSM by using Stator Current Mathematical Model Self-regulation Technique
Improved Direct Model Predictive Control for Grid-Connected Power Converters
Maximum Thrust per Ampere of Linear Induction Machine Based on Finite-Set Model Predictive Direct Thrust Control
Model Predictive Current Control of a Seven-Level Inverter with Reduced Computational Burden
Multiple-Voltage-Vector Model Predictive Control With Reduced Complexity for Multilevel Inverters
Novel Three-Phase Multilevel Inverter with Reduced Components for Low- and High-Voltage Applications
Parallel Predictive Torque Control for Induction Machines Without Weighting Factors
Robust Loss Minimization for Predictive Direct Torque and Flux Control of an Induction Motor With Electrical Circuit Model
Robust Quasi-Predictive Control of LCL-Filtered Grid Converters
Simple Finite-Control-Set Model Predictive Control of Grid-Forming Inverters With LCL Filters
Switching frequency reduction technique for DSVM-based predictive torque control of induction motor
Tolerant Sequential Model Predictive Direct Torque Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine Drives
Zynq Implemented Luenberger Disturbance Observer Based Predictive Control Scheme for PMSM Drives
A Method to Eliminate Steady-State Error of Model Predictive Control in Power Electronics
A Very Simple Strategy for High-Quality Performance of AC Machines Using Model Predictive Control
Computationally Efficient Cascaded Optimal Switching Sequence MPC for Grid-Connected Three-Level NPC Converters
Experimental evaluation of predictive voltage control for a four-leg two-stage matrix converter
Fundamental Circuit Topology of Duo-Active- Neutral-Point-Clamped, Duo-Neutral-Point-Clamped, and Duo-Neutral-Point-Piloted Multilevel Converters
Model Predictive Control of a Multilevel CHB STATCOM in Wind Farm Application Using Diophantine Equations
Model Predictive Direct Speed Control With Torque Oscillation Reduction for PMSM Drives
Modulated Model-Predictive Control With Optimized Overmodulation
Predictive Voltage Control of Direct Matrix Converters With Improved Output Voltage for Renewable Distributed Generation
Review of model predictive control strategies for matrix converters
Sequential Model Predictive Control of Three-Phase Direct Matrix Converter
Voltage Source Operation of the Energy-Router Based on Model Predictive Control
A Very Simple Strategy for High Quality Performance of AC Machines Using Model Predictive Control
Efficient Direct-Model Predictive Control with Discrete-Time Integral Action for PMSGs
Fast Speed Control of AC Machines without the Proportional-Integral Controller: Using an Extended High-Gain State Observer
Generalized Sequential Model Predictive Control of IM Drives With Field-Weakening Ability
Predictive Direct Voltage Control of Induction Motor with Mechanical Model Consideration for Sensorless Applications
Reduced Multilevel Converter: A Novel Multilevel Converter With a Reduced Number of Active Switches
Robust Predictive Control of Three-Level NPC Back-to-Back Power Converter PMSG Wind Turbine Systems With Revised Predictions
Sensorless Predictive Control of AFE Rectifier with Robust Adaptive Inductance Estimation
Simplified Finite Control Set-Model Predictive Control for Matrix Converter-Fed PMSM Drives
Switching Frequency Regulation for FCS-MPC Based on a Period Control Approach
A Computationally Efficient Lookup Table Based FCS-MPC for PMSM Drives Fed by Matrix Converters
Advanced Control Strategies for Direct-Drive PMSG Wind Turbine Systems: Direct Predictive Torque Control Approaches
An Experimental Evaluation of Predictive Current Control and Predictive Torque Control for a PMSM Fed by a Matrix Converter
Current-Fed Multilevel Converters: An Overview of Circuit Topologies, Modulation Techniques, and Applications
Design and Implementation of Disturbance Compensation-Based Enhanced Robust Finite Control Set Predictive Torque Control for Induction Motor Systems
Finite Control Set Model Predictive Torque Control of Induction Machine With a Robust Adaptive Observer
Hybrid exploration state for the simplified finite control set-model predictive control with a deadbeat solution for reducing the current ripple in permanent magnet synchronous motor
Improvement of Post-Fault Performance of a Cascaded H-bridge Multilevel Inverter
Model Predictive Control for Power Converters and Drives: Advances and Trends
Multiobjective Fuzzy-Decision-Making Predictive Torque Control for an Induction Motor Drive
Multiple-Vector Model Predictive Power Control for Grid-Tied Wind Turbine System With Enhanced Steady-State Control Performance
Nonlinear Direct Control for Three-Level NPC Back-to-Back Converter PMSG Wind Turbine Systems: Experimental Assessment With FPGA
Predictive control of permanent magnet synchronous motor with non-sinusoidal flux distribution for torque ripple minimisation using the recursive least square identification method
Predictive Current Control With Instantaneous Reactive Power Minimization for a Four-Leg Indirect Matrix Converter
Predictive field-oriented control for electric drives
Sensorless model-based PCC for induction machine
Simplified model predictive control with variable weighting factor for current ripple reduction
Torque Ripple Reduction of Predictive Torque Control for PMSM Drives With Parameter Mismatch
Analysis of Finite-Control-Set Model Predictive Current Control With Model Parameter Mismatch in a Three-Phase Inverter
Control of Arm Capacitor Voltages in Modular Multilevel Converters
Effect of sulfur dioxide and modified atmosphere packaging on blueberry postharvest quality
FPGA-Based Experimental Investigation of a Quasi-Centralized Model Predictive Control for Back-to-Back Converters
Predictive Control in Power Converters and Electrical Drives-Part I
Predictive Control of a Back-to-Back NPC Converter-Based Wind Power System
Predictive Slip Control for Electrical Trains
Robustness Improvement of Predictive Current Control Using Prediction Error Correction for Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Machines
The Essential Role and the Continuous Evolution of Modulation Techniques for Voltage-Source Inverters in the Past, Present, and Future Power Electronics
A Simple Current Control Strategy for a Four-Leg Indirect Matrix Converter
Circuit Topologies, Modeling, Control Schemes, and Applications of Modular Multilevel Converters
Decoupled Current Model and Control of Modular Multilevel Converters
Generalised approach for predictive control with common-mode voltage mitigation in multilevel diode-clamped converters
High performance operation for a four-leg NPC inverter with two-sample-ahead predictive control strategy
Imposed Weighting Factor Optimization Method for Torque Ripple Reduction of IM Fed by Indirect Matrix Converter with Predictive Control Algorithm
Model Predictive Control MPC's Role in the Evolution of Power Electronics
Model Predictive Current Control of Grid-Connected Neutral-Point-Clamped Converters to Meet Low-Voltage Ride-Through Requirements
Model predictive torque control with an extended prediction horizon for electrical drive systems
Model-Based Predictive Direct Control Strategies for Electrical Drives: An Experimental Evaluation of PTC and PCC Methods
Predictive Torque Control of a Multidrive System Fed by a Dual Indirect Matrix Converter
A New Power Conversion System for Megawatt PMSG Wind Turbines Using Four-Level Converters and a Simple Control Scheme Based on Two-Step Model Predictive Strategy-Part I: Modeling and Theoretical Analysis
A New Power Conversion System for Megawatt PMSG Wind Turbines Using Four-Level Converters and a Simple Control Scheme Based on Two-Step Model Predictive Strategy-Part II: Simulation and Experimental Analysis
An experimental assessment of finite-state Predictive Torque Control for electrical drives by considering different online-optimization methods
Cascade-Free Predictive Speed Control for Electrical Drives
Encoderless Finite-State Predictive Torque Control for Induction Machine With a Compensated MRAS
Finite State Model-based Predictive Current Control with Two-step Horizon for Four-leg NPC Converters
Improved Active Power Filter Performance for Renewable Power Generation Systems
Model Predictive Approach for a Simple and Effective Load Voltage Control of Four-Leg Inverter With an Output LC Filter
Model Predictive Control A Review of Its Applications in Power Electronics
A Comparative Assessment of Model Predictive Current Control and Space Vector Modulation in a Direct Matrix Converter
Guest Editorial Special Section on Digital Control Systems in Power Electronics and Electrical Drivers - Part III.
Multiobjective Switching State Selector for Finite-States Model Predictive Control Based on Fuzzy Decision Making in a Matrix Converter
Predictive Torque and Flux Control Without Weighting Factors
State of the Art of Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control in Power Electronics
Analysis, Design and Control of a Unified Power-Quality Conditioner Based on a Current-Source Topology
Comparative Evaluation of Three-Phase AC-AC Matrix Converter and Voltage DC-Link Back-to-Back Converter Systems
Control of a Matrix Converter With Imposed Sinusoidal Source Currents
Current Control for an Indirect Matrix Converter With Filter Resonance Mitigation
Delay Compensation in Model Predictive Current Control of a Three-Phase Inverter
High-Performance Control Strategies for Electrical Drives: An Experimental Assessment
Imposed Sinusoidal Source and Load Currents for an Indirect Matrix Converter
Instantaneous Reactive Power Minimization and Current Control for an Indirect Matrix Converter Under a Distorted AC Supply
POWERING THE FUTURE OF INDUSTRY High-power adjustable speed drive topologies
Predictive Control of AC-AC Modular Multilevel Converters
Cascaded h-bridge multilevel converter multistring topology for large scale photovoltaic systems
Guest Editorial Renewable Energy Systems, Part I.
Guest Editorial Renewable Energy Systems, Part II.
High-Performance Motor Drives
Multidimensional Modulation Technique for Cascaded Multilevel Converters
Optimization of DC-DC Converters for Improved Electromagnetic Compatibility With High Energy Physics Front-End Electronics
Overview of Multi-MW Wind Turbines and Wind Parks
Predictive Current Control With Input Filter Resonance Mitigation for a Direct Matrix Converter
Predictive current control with reduction of switching frequency for three phase voltage source inverters
Review of Three-Phase PWM AC-AC Converter Topologies
Simple Carrier-Based PWM Technique for a Three-to-Nine-Phase Direct AC-AC Converter
A Survey on Cascaded Multilevel Inverters
A Survey on Neutral-Point-Clamped Inverters
Guest editorial multilevel, part 1.
Guest editorial multilevel, part 2.
Medium voltage drives-state of the art, challenges, and requirements in industrial applications.
Medium-Voltage Multilevel Converters-State of the Art, Challenges, and Requirements in Industrial Applications
Model predictive current control of cascaded h-bridge inverters.
Predictive Torque Control of an Induction Machine Fed by a Matrix Converter With Reactive Input Power Control
Recent Advances and Industrial Applications of Multilevel Converters
Survey on Fault Operation on Multilevel Inverters
A Predictive Control Scheme for Current-Source Rectifiers
Control of a Single-Phase Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter for Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems
Control Strategies Based on Symmetrical Components for Grid-Connected Converters Under Voltage Dips
Fault Detection on Multicell Converter Based on Output Voltage Frequency Analysis
Input Current Harmonics in a Regenerative Multicell Inverter With Single-Phase PWM Rectifiers
Model Predictive Control of an Inverter With Output LC Filter for UPS Applications
Model Predictive Control-A Simple and Powerful Method to Control Power Converters
Network-Friendly Low-Switching-Frequency Multipulse High-Power Three-Level PWM Rectifier
Predictive Approach to Increase Efficiency and Reduce Switching Losses on Matrix Converters
Predictive Control of an Indirect Matrix Converter
Predictive Torque Control of Induction Machines Based on State-Space Models
Unidimensional Modulation Technique for Cascaded Multilevel Converters
Cascaded multilevel inverter with regeneration capability and reduced number of switches
Current-source converter and cycloconverter topologies for industrial medium-voltage drives
Direct Power Control of an AFE Using Predictive Control
Fault-tolerant operation of multicell-inverters with a space phasor modulator
Multicarrier PWM with DC-link ripple feedforward compensation for multilevel inverters
On the efficiency of voltage source and current source inverters for high.-power drives
Predictive Control Algorithm Technique for Multilevel Asymmetric Cascaded H-Bridge Inverters
Predictive Control in Power Electronics and Drives
Predictive Current Control of an Induction Machine Fed by a Matrix Converter With Reactive Power Control
Predictive current control strategy with imposed load current spectrum.
Predictive Strategy to Control Common-Mode Voltage in Loads Fed by Matrix Converters
The Age of Multilevel Converters Arrives
Model predictive control of a doubly fed induction generator with an indirect matrix converter

BookSection (3)

Chapter 14: DC-AC Converters
Chapter 11: Single-Phase Controlled Rectifiers
Chapter 11: Power electronics handbook

BookWhole (2)

Predictive Control of Power Converters and Electrical Drives
Gearless drives for high-power grinding mills

ConferencePaper (91)

A New Control Technique for Improved Active-Neutral-Point-Clamped (I-ANPC) Multilevel Converters Using Logic-Equations Approach
Hybrid SVM-SOPWM Modulation of Current-Fed Three-level Inverter for High Power Application
A comparison of discrete-time models for model predictive control of induction motor drives
A decision algorithm to select a proper control method for a cascaded multilevel inverter under faulty condition
A fast and simple method to detect short circuit fault in cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter
A reduced switch cascaded transformer multi level inverter
Finite control set model predictive control of a Stacked Multicell Converter
Finite control set model predictive control of a stacked multicell converter with reduced computational cost
Improved predictive torque control of a permanent magnet synchronous motor fed by a matrix converter
Model predictive control of interleaved boost converters for synchronous generator wind energy conversion systems
Multiobjective Fuzzy Predictive Torque Control of an induction motor drive
Predictive control of four-leg power converters
Torque and flux control of an induction machine fed by a matrix converter under unbalanced AC supply with reactive power minimization
Cascaded predictive speed control
Decoupled capacitor voltage control of modular multilevel converters
A simple modulation scheme for a three-phase direct matrix converter
A simple predictive voltage control method with unity displacement power factor for four-leg indirect matrix converters
Comparative evaluation of control schemes for a high bandwidth three-phase AC source
Comparative evaluation of Predictive Control schemes for three-phase buck-type PFC rectifiers
Comparison of Model Based Predictive Control and Fuzzy Logic Control of a DFIG with an Indirect Matrix Converter
Control of an induction machine fed by an indirect matrix converter with unity displacement power factor operating with an unbalanced AC-supply
Cost-function based predictive voltage control of two-level four-leg inverters using two step prediction horizon for standalone power systems
DC voltage balance control in a modular multilevel cascaded converter
Decoupled current control of modular multilevel converter for HVDC applications
Enhanced model predictive voltage control of four-leg inverters with switching frequency reduction for standalone power systems
Geometrical approach for a predictive current controller applied to a three-phase two-level four-leg inverter
Improved active power filter performance for distribution systems with renewable generation
New Junction Temperature Balancing Method for a Three Level Active NPC Converter.
Predictive control of a current source converter operating with low switching frequency
Reduction of common-mode voltage in an indirect matrix converter with imposed sinusoidal input/output waveforms
Single DC-link cascaded H-bridge multilevel multistring photovoltaic energy conversion system with inherent balanced operation
A comparative study of predictive current control for three-phase voltage source inverters based on switching frequency and current error
A Simple Modulation Scheme for a Regenerative Cascaded Matrix Converter
Application of Fuzzy Decision Making to the Switching State Selection in the Predictive Control of a Direct Matrix Converter
Finite states model predictive control for Shunt active filters
Model predictive control based selective harmonic mitigation technique for multilevel cascaded H-bridge converters
Predictive control of a grid-connected cascaded H-bridge multilevel converter
Rotor current fuzzy control of a DFIG with an Indirect Matrix Converter
A simple and effective solution for superior performance in two-level four-leg voltage source inverters: Predictive voltage control
Finite control set model predictive current control of a five-phase voltage source inverter
Generalized direct power control for grid connected multilevel converters
Model predictive control of three-phase four-leg neutral-point-clamped inverters
NPC multilevel multistring topology for large scale grid connected photovoltaic systems
Predictive control of a direct matrix converter operating under an unbalanced AC source
Predictive control of a three-phase UPS inverter using two steps prediction horizon
Predictive control of source and load currents in a direct matrix converter
Predictive control of three-level active NPC converter with evenly energy losses distribution
Predictive current control applied to a matrix converter: An assessment with the direct transfer function approach
Predictive current control of ac-ac modular multilevel converters
Predictive current control of three-phase two-level four-leg inverter
Predictive current control with reactive power minimization in an indirect matrix converter
Predictive current controller for sensorless induction motor drive
Control of a cascaded h-bridge multilevel converter for grid connection of photovoltaic systems
Model predictive control - A simple and powerful method to control power converters
Model predictive control with constant switching frequency using a discrete space vector modulation with virtual state vectors
Speed control of a permanent magnet synchronous motor using predictive current control
Switching loss analysis of modulation methods used in neutral point clamped converters
Two-dimensional modulation technique for multilevel cascaded H-bridge converters
A predictive control scheme for current source rectifiers
Current Control in Matrix Converters connected to Polluted AC Voltage Supplies
Finite-States Model Predictive Control of a Four-Level Diode-Clamped Inverter
High power synchronous machine fed by a cascaded regenerative inverter
Hybrid control of three-phase current source rectifiers
Modified staircase modulation with low input current distortion for multicell converters
Predictive current control of grid-connected neutral-point-clamped converters to meet low voltage ride-through requirements
Predictive Strategy to Reduce Common-Mode Voltages on Power Converters
Predictive torque control with input PF correction applied to an induction machine fed by a matrix converter
Reduction of Switching Losses and Increase in Efficiency of Power Converters using Predictive Control
Switching loss analysis of modulation methods used in cascaded h-bridge multilevel converters
Predictive current control strategy with imposed load current spectrum
A method of predictive current control with reduce number of calculations for five-phase voltage source inverter
A simple current control method for four-leg indirect matrix converters
An improved dynamic compensation scheme for power distribution system with renewable generation
Comparison between FS-MPC control strategy for an ups inverter application in ?-? and ABC frames
Control of a single phase h-bridge multilevel inverter for gridconnected PV applications
Cost-Function based Model Predictive Voltage Control of Three-Phase Four-Leg Inverters using Two Step Prediction Horizon for Standalone Power Systems.
FPGA-based predictive current control of a three-phase active front end rectifier
Generalized modeling and simulation of an modular multilevel
Guidelines for weighting factors adjustment infinite state model predictive control of powerconverters and drives
Model predictive control of cascaded multilevel inverters
Modular Multilevel Cascaded Converter based on AC Capacitors
Modular Multilevel Cascaded Converter based on inductive DC link
Operation of high power cascade multicell converter under fault condition
Predictive control for current source rectifier operating at low switching frequency
Predictive control of DC-link voltage in an active-front-end rectifie
Predictive control of the inderect matrix converter with active dumping
Predictive control with active damping based in a direct matrix converter.
Predictive current control in a single phase PFC boost rectifier
Predictive harmonic elimination modulation with low switching frequency for multilevel power converters
Predictive torque and flux control of an induction machine fed by an indirect matrix converter with reactive power minization
Torque ripple modelling on PMSM

Editorial (4)

Guest Editorial: Special section on predictive control in power electronics, electrical drives and industrial applications
Special Issue: Advances in Predictive Control of Variable-Speed Electric Drives
Predictive Control in Power Converters and Electrical Drives-Part II
Guest Editorial: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

EditorialMaterial (4)

Optimisation and control of electrical systems
Special Issue on Modular Multilevel Converters, 2015
Comments on Predictive Torque Control of Induction Machines Based on State-Space Models
Special Section on Digital Control Systems in Power Electronics and Electrical Drives-I

Patent (1)


Proyecto (12)

Model-Free Predictive Control of AC Microgrids
Application of Model Predictive Control in Power converter
Cyber-physical systems for Smart Mining: Industriañ Electronics 4.0 and Data Driven Process Control
Predictive Control for Energy Transformation with Multilevel Converters
Predictive control of high power inverters
Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Engineering, AC3E
High performance control of electrical machines
Centro Científico Tecnológico de Valparaíso (CCTVal)
Control of indirect matrix converters

Review (9)

Smart grid evolution: Predictive control of distributed energy resources-A review
Wind Turbine Emulators-A Review
Performance Evaluation of PV Model-Based Maximum Power Point Tracking Techniques
A Review of Predictive Control Techniques for Switched Reluctance Machine Drives. Part I: Fundamentals and Current Control
A Review of Predictive Control Techniques for Switched Reluctance Machine Drives. Part II: Torque Control, Assessment and Challenges
Model-Free Predictive Control of Motor Drives and Power Converters: A Review
Voltage Source Multilevel Inverters With Reduced Device Count: Topological Review and Novel Comparative Factors
A Review of Control and Modulation Methods for Matrix Converters
Multilevel Converters: An Enabling Technology for High-Power Applications
José Rodríguez

Full Professor

Facultad de Ingeniería

Universidad Andres Bello

Santiago, Chile


Assistance Professor

Electrical Engineering

Universidad de Talca

Curico, Chile

Marco Rivera

Full Professor

Electrical Engineering


Curicó, Chile

Samir Kouro

Associate Professor

Department of Electronic Engineering

Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria

Valparaiso, Chile

José Espinoza

Profesor Titular



Concepcion, Chile

Marcelo Pérez

Profesor Asociado


Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria

Valparaiso, Chile

Margarita Norambuena


Ingeniería Eléctrica

Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

valparaiso, Chile

Christian Rojas

Research Professor


Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria

Valparaiso, Chile

Jorge Pontt


Electronics Engineering

Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria

Valparaiso, Chile

Cesar Silva

Profesor Adjunto (Associate Professor)

Departamento de Electrónica


Valparaiso, Chile

Pablo Lezana

Associate Professor

Ingeniería Eléctrica

Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Valparaíso, Chile

Luca Tarisciotti

Full Professor


Universidad Andres Bello

Santiago, Chile

Freddy Flores

Profesor Asociado

Departamento de Ciencias de la Ingeniería

Universidad Andrés Bello

Santiago, Chile

Héctor Young

Profesor Asistente

Ingeniería Eléctrica


Temuco, Chile

Ricardo Lizana

Académico Jornada Completa de la Carrera (Profesor Asociado)

Ingeniería Eléctrica

Universidad Catolica de la Santisima Concepcion

Concepcion, Chile

Jesus Cardenas

Profesor Titular

Ingeniería Eléctrica

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Mokhtar Aly

Associate Professor

Electronics Ingeniería en Energía y Sustentabilidad AmbientalEngineering

Universidad San Sebastián

Santiago, Chile

Alan Wilson

Investigador Postdoctoral

Centro Avanzado de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica

Valparaíso, Chile

Pablo Acuña

Associate Professor

Electrical Engineering

Universidad de Talca

Curico, Chile

Catalina González

Profesora Investigadora

de ingeniería Electrónica

Universidad Andrés Bello

Santiago , Chile

Felipe Núñez

Associate Professor

Electrical Engineering

Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Carlos Restrepo


Departamento de Electromecánica y Conversión de Energía


Curicó, Chile

Luis Morán


Concepción, Chile

Javier Pereda

Associate Professor

Electrical Engineering

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Mahmoud Elmorshedy

Assistant Professor

Electrical Power and Machines Engineering

Faculty of Engineering - Tanta University

Gharbeya, Egipto

Juan Yuz

Associate Professor

Department of Electronic Engineering

Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria

Valparaíso, Chile

Juan Gómez

Profesor Asistente


Universidad Andrés Bello

Santiago, Chile

ruben peña


ingeniería eléctrica


Concepcion, Chile

Alejandro Angulo


Ingeniería Eléctrica


Valparaiso, Chile


Investigadora asociada



Valparaiso, Chile

Andrés Mora

Profesor Asociado




Carlos Baier

Profesor Asociado

Departamento de Electromecánica y Conversión de Energía

Universidad de Talca


Pablo Poblete


Andes Electronics Spa

Rancagua, Chile

Eduardo Wiechmann

Profesor Titular

Ingenieria Eléctrica

Universidad de Concepción

Concepcion, Chile

Johan Guzman

Profesor Asociado

Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica

Universidad del Bío-Bío

Concepción, Chile

Pablo Aqueveque

Profesor Asociado

Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica

Universidad de Concepcion

Concepcion, Chile

Pedro Melin

Profesor Asociado

Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica

Universidad del Bio-Bio

Concepcion, Chile

Juan Zoffoli

Associate Professor

Fruticulture and enology


Santiago, Chile

Nicolás Müller


Facultad de Ciencias de la Ingeniería

Universidad Austral de Chile

Valdivia, Chile

Alvaro Liendo

Profesor asistente

Instituto de Matemática

Universidad de Talca

Talca, Chile

Oswaldo Menéndez

Profesor investigador

Facultad de Ingeniería

Universidad Andrés Bello

Santiago, Chile

Juan Salas


Departamento de Ingeniería de Minería

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Enrique Espina


Ingeniería Eléctrica

Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Matias Diaz

Profesor Asociado

Ingeniería Eléctrica

Universidad de Santiago

Santiago, Chile

Alex Navas

Assistant Professor

Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Daniel Sbarbaro


Electrical Engineering

Universidad de Concepcion

Concepcion, Chile

Javier Muñoz

Profesor Titular

Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica


Curicó, Chile

Hugues Renaudineau



Valparaiso, Chile

Rolando Burgos

Profesor, Director de CPES

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Virginia Tech

Blacksburg, Estados Unidos

Saúl Langarica

Profesor Asistente


Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Sebastián Rivera

Assistant Professor

Electrical Sustainable Energy

Delft University of Technology

Delft, Holanda

Pablo Aqueveque

Profesor Titular

Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica

Universidad de Concepción

Concepcion, Chile

Fernando Auat

Associate Professor


Valparaiso, Chile