
Javier Andrés Muñoz Vidal

Profesor Titular


Curicó, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Multilevel Active Power Filters; Modular Harmonic Compensation; Asymmetric Topologies


  •  Ingeniería Eléctrica, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION. Chile, 2012
  •  Ingeniería Eléctrica, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION. Chile, 2009
  •  Ingeniero Civil Electrónico, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2007
  •  Ciencias de la Ingeniería, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2004

Experiencia Académica

  •   Académico Full Time

    Universidad de Talca

    Facultad de Ingeniería

    Curico, Chile

    2011 - A la fecha

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Académico Part Time

    Universidad de Concepcion

    Concepcion, Chile

    2007 - 2010


Article (23)

An MPPT Algorithm for PV Systems Based on a Simplified Photo-Diode Model
Modelling of SEPIC, Cuk and Zeta Converters in Discontinuous Conduction Mode and Performance Evaluation
Multivariable Deadbeat Control of Power Electronics Converters with Fast Dynamic Response and Fixed Switching Frequency
A Simple Self-Tuning Resonant Control Approach for Power Converters Connected to Micro-Grids With Distorted Voltage Conditions
Analysis and Design of a Control Strategy for Tracking Sinusoidal References in Single-Phase Grid-Connected Current-Source Inverters
Analysis and Design of a Multicell Topology Based on Three-Phase/Single-Phase Current-Source Cells
Enhanced Predictive Control for a Wide Time-Variant Frequency Environment
Laboratory Implementation of a Boost Interleaved Converter for PV Applications
Model Predictive Control for Power Converters in a Distorted Three-Phase Power Supply
An Integrated Controllable Network Transformer-Hybrid Active Filter System
Control of multilevel STATCOMs
A New Modulation Method for a 13-Level Asymmetric Inverter Toward Minimum THD
Decoupled and Modular Harmonic Compensation for Multilevel STATCOMs
Improving Power Quality in Cascade Multilevel Converters Based on Single-Phase Nonregenerative Power Cells
Resonant Control for H-Bridge Topology based on Single-Phase Current-Source Inverter
Review of predictive control methods to improve the input current of an indirect matrix converter
All-on-Chip dq-Frame Based D-STATCOM Control Implementation in a Low-Cost FPGA
Digital Implementation of Selective Harmonic Elimination Techniques in Modular Current Source Rectifiers
FPGA v/s DSP Performance Comparison for a VSC-Based STATCOM Control Application
Analysis, Design and Control of a Unified Power-Quality Conditioner Based on a Current-Source Topology
Design of a Discrete-Time Linear Control Strategy for a Multicell UPQC
A High-Performance Multicell Topology Based on Single-Phase Power Cells for Three-Phase Systems Operating Under Unbalanced AC Mains and Asymmetrical Loads
Design of a Modular UPQC Configuration Integrating a Components Economical Analysis

ConferencePaper (52)

Study of reactive power compensation capabilities and LC filter design for a three-phase current-source STATCOM
Series Active Power Compensator Based on Single-Phase Current-Source Converters with Minimum DC Current Operation
Simulation and experimental study of a state-of-the-art M-STATCOM
A modulated model predictive control scheme for a two-level voltage source inverter
Bidirectional power flow control of a single-phase current-source grid-tie battery energy storage system
Design of an asymmetric multilevel shunt active power filter
Enhancing photovoltaic applications with embedded circuitry within the solar panels
Finite control set model predictive control with reduced switching frequency applied to multi-cell rectifiers
Interleaved boost converter for multi-string photovoltaic topologies
Nonlinear control and model predictive control applied to a multi-cell AFE rectifier
Nonlinear control strategy for current source cascaded H-bridge inverters - An approach considering single-phase DQ components
Operating region and control for power converters connected to a variable frequency and amplitude voltage grid supply
Predictive Current Control with fixed switching frequency for an NPC converter
Review of current control techniques for a cascaded H-Bridge STATCOM
Study of a state-of-the art M-STATCOM
An efficiency comparison between a 18 pulses diode rectifier and a multi-cell AFE rectifier operating with FCS - MPC
D-q-DC reference frame control strategy for single-phase current source cascaded inverters
Discrete Synchronism Methods for Polluted Single Phase and Unbalanced Three-Phase Systems
Operating Region Comparison of Symmetric and Asymmetric Multilevel Shunt Active Power Filters
Resonant Control for H-Bridge Topologies based on Single-Phase Current-Source Inverters
Resonant control for multi-cell cascaded H-Bridge topologies based on current source inverters
Two Predictive Control Techniques for Output Voltage Control and Improvement of the Source Currents in an Indirect Matrix Converter
A comprehensive control strategy for an asymmetric multilevel Shunt Active Power Filter
Current-source cascaded multilevel converters based on single-phase power cells
Finite control set - Model predictive control applied to multicell rectifiers
Improved steady state and transient behavior of static power converters by means of an operating mode identifier algorithm
On the DC inductors size reduction in a multi-cell topology based on current source converters by means of magnetic couplings
Predictive control for static power converters working in wide frequency ranges
Predictive control of a current source rectifier with imposed sinusoidal input currents
Switching losses analysis of an asymmetric multilevel Shunt Active Power Filter
A novel modulation technique for asymmetric multi-cell inverters of 27-level without regeneration
Asymmetric multilevel STATCOM to compensate reactive power and current harmonics
Comparison of CSI and VSI based modular rectifiers with magnetic AC coupling for large current and low voltage applications
Reducing harmonics and DC-Link capacitors in cascaded multilevel converters using inter-cell magnetic couplings
Static power converter synchronization and control under varying frequency conditions
Design and testing of a medium voltage controllable network transformer prototype with an integrated hybrid active filter
Design of modular rectifiers with magnetic AC coupling for large current and low voltage applications
Discrete Nonlinear Control based on a double dq Transform of a Multi-Cell UPQC
Improving power quality in cascade multilevel converters based on single-phase non-regenerative power cells
Modular harmonic cancellation in a multilevel STATCOM
A Novel Multi-Level CSI Based Topology with Inter-Cell Magnetic Couplings for Minimum DC Storage Components
A novel multi-level topology based on current source power cells for high performance applications
Concepts of decoupled control for a shunt active filter based on multilevel current source converters
Decoupled control of a unified power quality conditioner based on a current source topology for fast AC mains disturbance compensation
Design of a discrete-time linear control scheme for a modular UPQC
Systematic design comparison of discrete-time linear controllers for a DSTATCOM
A Multi-Cell Unified Power Quality Conditioner that Operates with Asymmetrical DC Links Voltages for Minimum THD
A modular approach for integrating harmonic cancellation in a multi-cell based UPQC
Multi-cell topologies for three-phase systems operating under unbalanced AC mains and asymmetrical loads
Multiobjective LMI-based controller design for reactive power compensation in a DSTATCOM
A novel multi-level three-phase UPQC topology based on full-bridge Single-Phase Cells
DC Link Voltage Unbalance Control in Three-Phase UPQCs based on NPC Topologies

Proyecto (18)

Advanced vector control techniques for high accuracy and fast dynamic power response of wind turbine
Estación Inteligente de Bombeo Solar
Modular Inverters with low number of units for medium voltage grid applications
Multifunctional Asymmetric Multilevel Topologies for Photovoltaic Energy Injection to Microgrids
Optimal design of predictive controllers for power converters in renewable energy applications
Reconfiguración automática integrada a paneles solares para la obtención de la máxima potencia de un arreglo fotovoltaico
Análisis, Diseño e Implementación de Nuevos Sistemas de Compensación Basada en Filtros Activos para la Mejora de la Calidad de la Potencia Eléctrica
Desarrollo e Implementación de Nuevas Topologías de Convertidores para la Interconexión a Red de Sistemas de Generación Basados en Energías Renovables
New Configurations of Power Converters for Grid Interconnection Systems
Sistema inteligente para optimización de paneles solares integrado con una plataforma web - PV Optimizer
Instalación de planta piloto de aprovechamiento de residuos para generación de energía y secado de leña.
Use of M-STATCOM/DFIGs to Stabilize a Wind Farm
Desarrollo de un sistema móvil para la generación de mapas térmicos que permitan un manejo óptimo del riego
Nuevas alternativas tecnológicas para el aprovechamiento de la energía eólica en la Región del Maule.
Multilevel Active Power Filters with Dedicated Modules to Compensate Harmonic Components
Estudio de suministro energético fotovoltaico para riego del secano, caso del sector Loncomilla y su potencial regional
Plataforma regional de gestión de la energía
Control Discreto Multi-variable de Convertidores Estáticos Trifásicos PWM para Esquemas de Compensación Híbridos
Javier Muñoz

Profesor Titular

Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica


Curicó, Chile

José Espinoza

Profesor Titular



Concepcion, Chile

Carlos Baier

Profesor Asociado

Departamento de Electromecánica y Conversión de Energía

Universidad de Talca


Pedro Melin

Profesor Asociado

Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica

Universidad del Bio-Bio

Concepcion, Chile

Jaime Rohten

full time academic position

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Universidad del Bío-Bío

Concepcion, Chile

Eduardo Espinosa

Profesor Asociado

Ingeniería Eléctrica


Concepcion, Chile

Marco Rivera

Full Professor

Electrical Engineering


Curicó, Chile

Johan Guzman

Profesor Asociado

Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica

Universidad del Bío-Bío

Concepción, Chile

Luis Morán


Concepción, Chile

Daniel Sbarbaro


Electrical Engineering

Universidad de Concepcion

Concepcion, Chile

Marcelo Pérez

Profesor Asociado


Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria

Valparaiso, Chile

José Silva

Profesor Asociado

Ciencias de la Ingeniería

Universidad de Los Lagos

Puerto Montt, Chile

Carlos Restrepo


Departamento de Electromecánica y Conversión de Energía


Curicó, Chile

Javier Riedemann

Research Associate

Electronic and Electrical Engineering

University of Sheffield

Sheffield, Reino Unido

Luca Tarisciotti

Full Professor


Universidad Andres Bello

Santiago, Chile

Miguel Figueroa

Profesor Titular

Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica

Universidad de Concepción

Concepción, Chile

Miguel Torres

Profesor Asistente

Universidad de Los Andes

Santiago, Chile

Christian Rojas

Research Professor


Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria

Valparaiso, Chile

José Rodríguez

Full Professor

Facultad de Ingeniería

Universidad Andres Bello

Santiago, Chile

Alan Wilson

Investigador Postdoctoral

Centro Avanzado de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica

Valparaíso, Chile

Cesar Silva

Profesor Adjunto (Associate Professor)

Departamento de Electrónica


Valparaiso, Chile

Catalina González

Profesora Investigadora

de ingeniería Electrónica

Universidad Andrés Bello

Santiago , Chile

Rodrigo Aliaga

Estuadiante Doctorado

U de Talca

Curicó, Chile

Pablo Acuña

Associate Professor

Electrical Engineering

Universidad de Talca

Curico, Chile