
Marco Esteban Rivera Abarca

Full Professor


Curicó, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Power Electronics, Predictive Control, Renewable Energies, Control of Power Converters, Matrix Converters, Microgrids, Electromobility


  •  Science in Engineer, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION. Chile, 2004
  •  Civil Electronics Engineer, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION. Chile, 2007
  •  Science in Engineering with Specialization in Electrical Engineering, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION. Chile, 2008
  •  Electronic Engineering, UNIVERSIDAD TECNICA FEDERICO SANTA MARIA. Chile, 2011
  •  Mid-level Technician in Administration and Services with specialization in Business Administration, Escuela Técnico Profesional. Chile, 2013

Experiencia Académica

  •   Post Doctoral Researcher Full Time


    Valparaiso, Chile

    2011 - 2013

  •   Associate Professor Full Time



    Curicó, Chile

    2013 - A la fecha

  •   Visiting PhD Other



    2010 - 2010

  •   Visiting PhD Other



    2010 - 2010

  •   Visiting Researcher Other



    2011 - 2011

  •   Visiting Researcher Other



    2012 - 2012

  •   Visiting Professor Other



    2013 - 2013

  •   Invited Professor Other


    Monterrey, México

    2013 - 2013

  •   Visiting Professor Other


    México City, México

    2013 - 2013

  •   Visiting Researcher Other


    Munich, Alemania

    2013 - 2013

  •   Visiting Professor Other


    Electrical Engineering

    Belgrade, Serbia

    2013 - 2013

  •   Visiting Professor Other



    2014 - 2014

  •   Visiting Professor Other


    Nottingham, Reino Unido

    2014 - 2014

  •   Visiting Professor Other


    Lüneburg, Alemania

    2014 - 2014

  •   Visiting Professor Other


    Munich, Alemania

    2014 - 2014

  •   Visiting Professor Other


    Nottingham, Reino Unido

    2015 - 2015

  •   Visiting Professor Other


    Electrical Engineering

    Belgrade, Serbia

    2016 - 2016

  •   Visiting Professor Other


    Buenos Aires, Argentina

    2016 - 2016

  •   Visiting Professor Other


    Asunción, Paraguay

    2016 - 2016

  •   Visiting Professor Other


    Newcastle, Australia

    2016 - 2016

  •   Visiting Professor Other


    Sydney, Australia

    2016 - 2016

  •   Visiting Professor Other


    Sydney, Australia

    2016 - 2016

  •   Visiting Professor Other


    Nottingham, Reino Unido

    2016 - 2016

  •   Visiting Professor Other


    Engineering and Science

    Aalborg, Dinamarca

    2017 - 2017

  •   Visiting Professor Other


    Tehran, Irán

    2017 - 2017

  •   Visiting Professor Other


    Electrical Engineering

    Belgrade, Serbia

    2017 - 2017

  •   Visiting Professor Other


    Nottingham, Reino Unido

    2017 - 2017

  •   Visiting Professor Other


    Nanyang, Singapur

    2017 - 2017

  •   Marie Curie Fellow for Early Stage Research Training in Electrical Energy Conversion and Conditioning Technology Scholarship Other


    Cork, Irlanda

    2008 - 2008

  •   Visiting Professor Other


    Asunción, Paraguay

    2016 - 2016

  •   Visiting Professor Other


    Belgrade, Chile

    2016 - 2016

  •   Visiting Professor Other


    Asunción, Chile

    2016 - 2016

  •   Visiting Professor Other


    Asunción, Paraguay

    2018 - 2018

  •   Visiting Professor Other


    Asunción, Paraguay

    2018 - 2018

  •   Visiting Professor Other


    Asunción, Paraguay

    2018 - 2018

  •   Visiting Professor Other


    Electrical Engineering

    Belgrade, Serbia

    2019 - 2019

  •   Visiting Professor Other


    Nottingham, Reino Unido

    2019 - 2019

  •   Visiting Professor Other


    Ningbo, China

    2019 - 2019

  •   Visiting Professor Other


    Changsha, China

    2019 - 2019

  •   Visiting Professor Other


    Asunción, Paraguay

    2019 - 2019

  •   Visiting Professor Part Time


    Asunción, Paraguay

    2019 - 2019

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Assistant Professor Full Time


    Curicó, Chile

    2013 - 2015

  •   Post Doctoral Researcher Full Time


    Valparaíso, Chile

    2011 - 2013

  •   Associate Professor Full Time

    Universidad de Talca


    2015 - 2019

  •   Full Professor Full Time

    Universidad de Talca


    2019 - A la fecha

Formación de Capital Humano

As indicated bellow, Prof. Rivera has experience in the area of Digital Control, Computer, Electrical Engineering, Power Electronics, Renewable Energy among others.
He has supervised postdoctoral researches from the Computer Science, Electrical, Mechatronics Engineering as well as PhD. MSc and undergraduate students.

Postdoctoral Researchers

• Siva Rama Krishna Madeti. Development of Online Distributed Monitoring for Grid Connected Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant with Fault Detection Scheme. International Postdoctoral Degree Fund Universidad de Talca. (2019-2010). (Supervisor).

• Yamisleydi Salgueiro. Artificial Intelligence in Microgrids. Universidad de Talca. Chile. 2017 (Supervisor).

• José Riveros. Aportaciones en la modulación por ancho de impulso para accionamientos electromecánicos multifásicos. Proyecto Fondecyt Posdoctoral 2017, Nº 3170014. Laboratory of Energy Conversion and Power Electronics. Universidad de Talca. Chile. (Investigador Patrocinante).

• José Luis Elizondo. Power predictive control for matrix converters in renewable energy applications. Laboratory of Energy Conversion and Power Electronics. Universidad de Talca. Chile. 2014 (Supervisor).

PhD Theses

• Ricardo Pérez. Communication systems in microgrids. Doctorate in Engineering Systems, Universidad de Talca, Curicó, Chile. (Under development) - (Supervisor).

• Mohammad Ali Hosseinzadeh. An assessment between a new cascaded multilevel topology and conventional cascaded H-Bridge multilevel converter. Doctorate in Engineering Systems, Universidad de Talca, Curicó, Chile. (Under development) - (Supervisor).

• Maryam Sarbanzadeh. A new topology for cascaded multilevel power converters with reduced number of components. Doctorate in Engineering Systems, Universidad de Talca, Curicó, Chile. (Under development) - (Supervisor).

• Jazmín Ramirez. Rectificador Separable para Futuros Vehículos Inalámbricos. Doctorate in Communications and Electronics, Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN), Ciudad de México, México. (External Supervisor).

• Jorge Rodas. Application of on-line estimators of rotor variables for the improvement of the performance in multiphase speed variators. Doctorate in Electronic Engineering, Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Asunción, Paraguay (External examiner).

• Sergio Toledo. Development and implementation of new converter topologies for grid interconnection of generation systems based on renewable energies. Doctorate in Engineering Systems, Universidad de Talca, Curicó, Chile. (Under development) - (Supervisor).

• Alex Olloqui. Predictive direct power control of a dfig with an indirect matrix converter. Doctorate in Information Technology and Communications, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Monterrey, NL, Mexico. (Supervisor).

Master Theses

• Sebastián Rojas. Predictive Control for a PMSM System Application. Master of Science of Engineering with mention in Energy Conversio, UTalca - Universidad de Talca. (Under development) - (Supervisor).

• Carlos Muñoz. Predictive Control for a Solar Energy System. Master of Science of Engineering with mention in Energy Conversio, UTalca - Universidad de Talca. (Under development) - (Supervisor).

• Miguel López. Predictive Control of a Multi-Drive System Fed by a Multi-phase Matrix Converter. Master of Electronic Engineering, UTFSM - Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María. (Supervisor).

• Cristian García. Experimental Implementation of Predictive Control Techniques in a Four-Leg Indirect Matrix Converter. 2013. Master of Science in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM - Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María. (Supervisor).

• Iván Contreras. Predictive Control en a Four-Leg Indirect Matrix Converter. 2011. Master of Electronic Engineering, UTFSM - Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María. (Supervisor).

Undergraduate Theses

1. Fernando Díaz. Implementación de una estrategia de control predictivo indirecto para un convertidor matricial directo, Civil Mechatronic Engineering, Universidad de Talca. 2019. (Under development).
2. Ramón Gutiérrez. Estudio comparativo de la eficiencia de un inversor fuente de voltaje de dos niveles basado en dispositivos semiconductores IGBTs y SiC, Civil Mechatronic Engineering, Universidad de Talca. 2019. (Under development).
3. Víctor Olea. Diseño y puesta en marcha de un convertidor de cuatro piernas, Civil Mechatronic Engineering, Universidad de Talca. 2019. (Under development).
4. Daniel Faúndez. Diseño y puesta en marcha de una nueva topología de conversión AC/AC basada en un rectificador trifásico con inyección de tercera armónica y un convertidor NPC de tres niveles, Civil Mechatronic Engineering, Universidad de Talca. 2019. (Under development).
5. Sebastián Villagra. Implementación experimental de técnicas de control predictivo operando a frecuencia fija de conmutación en topologías de convertidores matriciales monofásicos, Civil Mechatronic Engineering, Universidad de Talca. 2019. (Under development).
6. Consuelo Rodríguez. Control predictivo operando a frecuencia fija de conmutación de una máquina de inducción alimentada por un inversor fuente de voltaje, Civil Mechatronic Engineering, Universidad de Talca. 2019. (Under development).
7. Jorge Moyano. Desarrollo de un sensor espacializado para predecir el estado hídrico de los cultivos, Civil Mechatronic Engineering, Universidad de Talca. 2019. (Under development).
8. Richard Arancibia. Implementación de un sistema de generación solar para aplicaciones agroalimentarias, Civil Mechatronic Engineering, Universidad de Talca. 2019. (Under development).
9. Alexander Ruiz. Implementación de una estrategia de control predictivo indirecto para un convertidor matricial directo operando a frecuencia fija de conmutación, Civil Mechatronic Engineering, Universidad de Talca. 2019. (Under development).
10. Fabián Díaz. Diseño, construcción y puesta en marcha de una arquitectura multimodular de conversión de energía basada en convertidores puente H con transformadores de aislación para la interconexión de micro-redes y sistemas de generación, Civil Mechatronic Engineering, Universidad de Talca. 2019. (Under development).
11. Pablo López. Diseño, construcción y puesta en marcha de una arquitectura multimodular de conversión de energía basada en convertidores matriciales monofásicos AC/AC con transformadores de aislación para la interconexión de micro-redes y sistemas de generación, Civil Mechatronic Engineering, Universidad de Talca. 2019. (Under development).
12. Gerardo Castro. Diseño y puesta en marcha de un circuito de conversión AC/AC sin elementos almacenadores de energía (convertidor matricial) de dos etapas para aplicaciones de energías renovables, Civil Mechatronic Engineering, Universidad de Talca. 2019. (Under development).
13. Felipe Herrera. Implementación de técnicas de control predictivo para la interconexión a la red eléctrica de micro-redes basadas en convertidores NPC con sistemas de generación solar, Civil Mechatronic Engineering, Universidad de Talca. 2019. (Under development).
14. Javier Saavedra. Experimental Implementation of Predictive Control Strategies in a Two Level Voltage Source Inverter Connected to the Electrical Grid, Civil Mechatronic Engineering, Universidad de Talca. 2018.
15. Nicolás Vicencio. Experimental Implementation of Predictive Control Strategies in a Two Level Voltage Source Inverter, Civil Mechatronic Engineering, Universidad de Talca. 2018.
16. Pedro Torres. Implementation of an Indirect Matrix Converter. Mechatronic Engineering, Universidad de Talca. 2017.
17. Jorge Guerrero Rivas. Development of a Wireless Data Acquisition System for the Specialized Study of Vine Phenology. Mechatronic Engineering, Universidad de Talca. 2017.
18. Claudio Uribe Figueroa. Design, Construction, Implementation and Experimental Validation of a Single Phase Multi-Modular Matrix Converter. Mechatronic Engineering, Universidad de Talca. (Integration Workshop II, Thesis Project). 2016.
19. Sebastián Rojas Hernández. Construction of a Direct Single Phase Matrix Converter and Experimental Implementation of an SPWN Modulation Technique and a Predictive Control. Mechatronic Engineering, Universidad de Talca. (Thesis Project). 2016.
20. Maximiliano Pérez Zepeda. Design of a Multi-Level Modular Converter for High Power Applications. Mechatronic Engineering, Universidad de Talca. 2015.
21. Fernando Morales Arriagada. Experimental Implementation of Modulation and Control Techniques for a Voltage Source Inverter. April 2015. Mechatronic Engineering, Universidad de Talca. 2015.
22. Pablo Petrowitsch Crignola. Predictive Control of an AC Power Supply for Aircrafts Based on a Matrix Converter. 2013. Undergraduate thesis, Civil Electronic Engineering, UTFSM - Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María. (Adviser). 2013.
23. Patricio A. Zavala Hidalgo. Predictive Control of a Current Source Rectifier Operating at a Reduced Switching Frequency. 2012. Undergraduate thesis, Civil Electronic Engineering, UTFSM - Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María. (Adviser). 2012.
24. Cristian Caimanque Vega. Comparison of the Classic Vector Control Method v/s Predictive Control in an Indirect Matrix Converter. 2011. Undergraduate thesis, Civil Electronic Engineering, UTFSM - Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María. (Adviser). 2011.
25. Cristian Cuevas Cortés. Predictive Control of a 4-Leg Inverter. 2011. Undergraduate thesis, Civil Electronic Engineering, UTFSM - Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María. (Adviser). 2011.

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Second Prize Paper Award


    Chile, 2015

    V. YARAMASU, B. WU; M. RIVERA, J. RODRIGUEZ. A New Power Conversion System for Megawatt PMSG Wind Turbines using Four-Level Converters and a Simple Control Scheme Based on Two-Step Model Predictive Strategy – Part II: Simulation and Experimental Analysis. Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, IEEE Journal of, vol.2, no.1, pp.14,25, March 2014. DOI: 10.1109/JESTPE.2013.2294922. V. YARAMASU, B. WU, M. RIVERA, J. RODRIGUEZ. A New Power Conversion System for Megawatt PMSG Wind Turbines using Four-Level Converters and a Simple Control Scheme Based on Two-Step Model Predictive Strategy -- Part I: Modeling and Theoretical Analysis. Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, IEEE Journal of, vol.2, no.1, pp.3, 13, March 2014. DOI: 10.1109/JESTPE.2013.2294920.

  •   AIE IEEE Outstanding Engineer

    Electrical and Electronics Industry Association and the Institute of Eletrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE.

    Chile, 2015

    Awarded with the AIE IEEE Outstanding Engineer Award 2015 (Premio AIE IEEE Ingeniero Sobresaliente 2015). Electrical and Electronics Industry Association (Asociación de la Industria Eléctrica- Electrónica, AIE), and the Institute of Eletrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE. August 2015.

  •   Best paper award

    Special Session on Inverter Control I at the 30th Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition APEC

    Chile, 2015

    Best paper award and best presentation of Special Session on Inverter Control I at the 30th Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition APEC 2015, Charlotte, NC, March 15 - 19, 2015. APEC 2015. M. UDDIN, S. MEKHILEF, M. NAKAOKA, M. RIVERA. Model Predictive Control of Induction Motor with Delay Time Compensation: An Experimental Assessment.

  •   Best paper award

    Special Session on Matrix Converters at 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society

    Chile, 2013

    ? Best paper award of Special Session on Matrix Converters at 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON2013, Vienna, Austria, 10-13 November 2013. P. PETROWITSCH, M. RIVERA, J. RODRIGUEZ, A. OLLOQUI, J.L. ELIZONDO, M. MACIAS, O. MICHELOUD, J. ESPINOZA, P. WHEELER, P. ZANCHETTA. Predictive voltage control with imposed source current waveforms in an indirect matrix converter.

  •   Chilean Academy of Sciences 2012 Doctorate Thesis Award

    Chilean Academy of the Sciences

    Chile, 2012

    Awarded with the Chilean Academy of Sciences 2012 Doctorate Thesis Award (Premio Tesis de Doctorado Academia Chilena de Ciencias 2012). Award to the best PhD Thesis developed in 2011 for national and foreign students in any Exact or Natural Sciences Program in Chile. Chilean Academy of the Sciences (Academia Chilena de Ciencias). Chile, June 2013.

  •   Scholarship from the Chilean Research Fund CONICYT for PhD

    Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

    Chile, 2011

    Awarded with the Scholarship from the Chilean Research Fund CONICYT for PhD. Studies at Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile, 2008 - 2011.

  •   Scholarship from the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María for PhD

    Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

    Chile, 2011

    Awarded with the Scholarship from the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María for PhD. Studies, Valparaíso, Chile, 2008 - 2011.

  •   Marie Curie Host Fellowships f

    Early Stage Research Training in Electrical Energy Conversion and Conditioning Technology Scholarship at the Power Electronics Research Laboratory of University College Cork

    Chile, 2008

    Awarded the Marie Curie Host Fellowships for Early Stage Research Training in Electrical Energy Conversion and Conditioning Technology Scholarship at the Power Electronics Research Laboratory of University College Cork, Cork, Ireland, 2008.

  •   Undergraduate Scholarship Faculty of Engineering for Master Studies

    Universidad de Concepción

    Chile, 2008

    Awarded with the Undergraduate Scholarship Faculty of Engineering for Master Studies at the Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile, 2006 - 2008.

  •   Juan Gómez Millas Scholarship for Undergraduate Studies

    Universidad de Concepción

    Chile, 2007

    Awarded with Juan Gómez Millas Scholarship for Undergraduate Studies at the Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile, 2001 - 2007.

  •   Best Paper Award

    IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.

    Chile, 2019

    Award for the paper named "Finite-Set Model Predictive Control Strategies for a 3L-NPC Inverter Operating with Fixed Switching Frequency."

  •   2021 Best Conference Paper Award of The IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES)


    Estados Unidos, 2021

    ? 2021 Best Conference Paper Award of The IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES). S. TOLEDO, M. AYALA, E. MAQUEDA, M. RIVERA, T. DRAGICEVIC, P. WHEELER, R. GREGOR. Active and Reactive Power Control based on Predictive Voltage Control in a Six-Phase Generation System using Modular Matrix Converters. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2020, pp. 1059-1065, DOI: 10.1109/ICIT45562.2020.9067285. URL: -


Article (419)

A Novel Modulated Model Predictive Control Applied to Six-Phase Induction Motor Drives
A SVPWM, Partial Zero-Voltage Transition AC-DC Converter for Electric Vehicle Applications
Comparative Assessment of Model Predictive Current Control Strategies applied to Six-Phase Induction Machines
Predictive Control for Microgrid Applications: A Review Study
A Cost-Effective and Low-Complexity Predictive Control for Matrix Converters Under Unbalanced Grid Voltage Conditions
A Generalised Multifrequency PWM Strategy for Dual Three-Phase Voltage Source Converters
A Leakage-Inductance-Tolerant Commutation Strategy for Isolated AC/AC Converters
A Leakage-Inductance-Tolerant Commutation Strategy for Isolated AC/AC Converters
A Leakage-Inductance-Tolerant Commutation Strategy for Isolated AC/AC Converters
A Three-Phase Modular Isolated Matrix Converter
An Approach to Natural Sampling Using a Digital Sampling Technique for SPWM Multilevel Inverter Modulation
Control of a Three-Phase Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter for Solar Energy Injection
Data for resistance and inductance estimation within a voltage source inverter
Experimental evaluation of predictive voltage control for a four-leg two-stage matrix converter
Finite-State Model Predictive Control With Integral Action Applied to a Single-Phase Z-Source Inverter
Finite-State Model Predictive Control With Integral Action Applied to a Single-Phase Z-Source Inverter
Fixed switching frequency predictive control of an asymmetric source dual inverter system with a floating bridge for multilevel operation
Fixed switching frequency predictive control of an asymmetric source dual inverter system with a floating bridge for multilevel operation
Modified H-Bridge Inverter with Reduced Number of Switching Devices
New Cascaded Multilevel Inverter Configuration with Reduced Number of Components
New Reduced Switched Multilevel Inverter for Three-Phase Grid-Connected PV System, Performance Evaluation
New Single-Phase Asymmetric Reduced Multilevel Inverter Based on Switched-Diode for Cascaded Multilevel Inverters
Predictive-Fixed Switching Current Control Strategy Applied to Six-Phase Induction Machine
Review of model predictive control strategies for matrix converters
Selective Harmonic Elimination In Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter Using Genetic Algorithm Approach
A Leakage-Inductance-Tolerant Commutation Strategy for Isolated AC/AC Converters
A Modulated Model Predictive Control Scheme for the Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Machine
A Modulated Model Predictive Control Scheme for the Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Machine.
A Modulated Model Predictive Control Scheme for the Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Machine.
A Modulated Model Predictive Control Scheme for the Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Machine.
Computationally Efficient Model Predictive Control of a Four-Leg Inverter for Common Mode Voltage Elimination
Design and Implementation of a Modular Bidirectional Switch Using SiC-MOSFET for Power Converter Applications
Design and Implementation of a Modular Bidirectional Switch Using SiC-MOSFET for Power Converter Applications
Design and Implementation of a Modular Bidirectional Switch Using SiC-MOSFET for Power Converter Applications
Development of Synchronized Voltage Modulation Techniques for Seven-Phase Voltage Source Inverters
Efficiency analysis of a modular H-bridge based on SiC MOSFET
Efficiency analysis of a modular H-bridge based on SiC MOSFET
Finite-Set Model-Predictive Control Strategies for a 3L-NPC Inverter Operating With Fixed Switching Frequency
Finite-Set Model-Predictive Control Strategies for a 3L-NPC Inverter Operating With Fixed Switching Frequency
Finite-State Model Predictive Control with Integral Action Applied to a Single-Phase Z-Source Inverter
Finite-State Model Predictive Control with Integral Action Applied to a Single-Phase Z-Source Inverter.
Guest Editorial: Special Section on Predictive Control in Power Electronics, Electrical Drives and Industrial Applications.
Guest Editorial=> Special Section on Predictive Control in Power Electronics, Electrical Drives and Industrial Applications
High Performance Modified Model Predictive Control of a Voltage Source Inverter
High Performance Modified Model Predictive Control of a Voltage Source Inverter
High Performance Modified Model Predictive Control of a Voltage Source Inverter
High Performance Modified Model Predictive Control of a Voltage Source Inverter
Methodologies of Energy Management and Control in Microgrid
Novel orthogonal signal generator for single phase PLL applications
Novel orthogonal signal generator for single phase PLL applications
Open-Circuit Fault Diagnosis and Fault-Tolerant Model Predictive Control of SubMultilevel Inverter
Predictive Control Strategies Operating at Fixed Switching Frequency for Input Filter Resonance Mitigation in an Indirect Matrix Converter
Predictive Torque Control of Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Generator fed by a Matrix ConverterPredictive Torque Control of Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Generator fed by a Matrix Converter
Simple Boost Control of a New High Voltage Gain ZSource Inverter
A Computationally Efficient Lookup Table Based FCS-MPC for PMSM Drives Fed by Matrix Converters
A Computationally Efficient Lookup Table Based FCS-MPC for PMSM Drives Fed by Matrix Converters
A Modular AC-DC Power Converter with Zero Voltage Transition for Electric Vehicles
A modular AC-DC Power Converter with Zero Voltage Transition for Electric Vehicles
A Modular AC-DC Power Converter with Zero Voltage Transition for Electric Vehicles
A Review of Predictive Control Techniques for Matrix Converter Applications
A Review of Predictive Control Techniques for Matrix Converter Applications
A Review of Predictive Control Techniques for Matrix Converter Applications
Active Power Support of a Full-Scale Converter-based WECS Through Modular Flywheel Storage System with DC Bus Signaling.
An Experimental Evaluation of Predictive Current Control and Predictive Torque Control for a PMSM Fed by a Matrix Converter
An Experimental Evaluation of Predictive Current Control and Predictive Torque Control for a PMSM Fed by a Matrix Converter
An Experimental Evaluation of Predictive Current Control and Predictive Torque Control for a PMSM Fed by a Matrix Converter
Cascade-Free Model Predictive Control for Single-Phase Grid-Connected Power Converters
Cascade-Free Model Predictive Control for Single-Phase Grid-Connected Power Converters
Communications in smart grids
Comparative Study of Predictive Control Strategies at Fixed Switching Frequency for an Asymmetrical Six-Phase Induction Motor Drives.
Experimental assessment of IGBT and SiC-mosfet based technologies for matrix converter using predictive current control
Fixed frequency model predictive control with active damping for an indirect matrix converter
Guest Editorial
Implementation of a predictive control technique for multilevel NPC converters
Indirect Model Predictive Control Strategies for a Direct Matrix Converter with Mitigation of Input Filter Resonances
Indirect Model Predictive Control Strategies for a Direct Matrix Converter with Mitigation of Input Filter Resonances
Indirect Model Predictive Control Strategies for a Direct Matrix Converter with Mitigation of Input Filter Resonances
Indirect Model Predictive Control Strategy with Active Damping Implementation for a Direct Matrix Converter Operating at Fixed Switching Frequency
Indirect model predictive current control techniaues for a direct matrix converter
Indirect Predictive Control Strategy with Fixed Switching Frequency for a Direct Matrix Converter
Indirect Predictive Control Strategy with Fixed Switching Frequency for a Direct Matrix Converter
Indirect Predictive Control Strategy with Fixed Switching Frequency for a Direct Matrix Converter
Indirect Predictive Control Techniques for a Matrix Converter Operating at Fixed Switching Frequency
Indirect Predictive Control Techniques for a Matrix Converter Operating at Fixed Switching Frequency
Indirect Predictive Control Techniques for a Matrix Converter Operating at Fixed Switching Frequency
Indirect Predictive Control Techniques for a Matrix Converter Operating at Fixed Switching Frequency
Indirect Predictive Control Techniques for a Matrix Converter Operating at Fixed Switching Frequency
Investigation on passivity based control for electrical applications
Model Based Predictive Control for a Three-Phase Cascade H-Bridge Multilevel STATCOM Operating at Fixed Switching Frequency.
Model Based Predictive Control with a Fixed Switching Frequency Applied to a Single-Phase Cascade H-Bridge Multilevel STATCOM
Model Based Predictive Control with a Fixed Switching Frequency Applied to a Single-Phase Cascade H-Bridge Multilevel STATCOM
Model Based Predictive Control with a Fixed Switching Frequency Applied to a Single-Phase Cascade H-Bridge Multilevel STATCOM
Model Based Predictive Control with a Fixed Switching Frequency Applied to a Single-Phase Cascade H-Bridge Multilevel STATCOM.
Model Predictive Control for Power Converters and Drives: Advances and Trends
Model Predictive Control for Power Converters and Drives=> Advances and Trends
Modulated Model Predictive Current Control for H-Bridge Two-Level Single Phase Active Power Filters STATCOM
Modulated Model Predictive Current Control for H-Bridge Two-Level Single Phase Active Power Filters STATCOM
Modulated Model Predictive Current Control for H-Bridge Two-Level Single Phase Active Power Filters STATCOM
Modulated Model Predictive Current Control for H-Bridge Two-Level Single Phase Active Power Filters STATCOM.
Modulated model predictive current control of an indirect matrix converter with active damping
Modulated Predictive Control for Indirect Matrix Converter
Modulated Predictive Control for Indirect Matrix Converter
Modulated Predictive Control for Indirect Matrix Converter.
Novel Orthogonal Signal Generator for Single Phase PLL Applications
Predictive Control for an Asymmetric Multilevel Converter for PV Energy Injection.
Predictive control strategies for an indirect matrix converter operating at fixed switching frequency
Predictive Current Control With Instantaneous Reactive Power Minimization for a Four-Leg Indirect Matrix Converter
Predictive Current Control With Instantaneous Reactive Power Minimization for a Four-Leg Indirect Matrix Converter
Predictive Current Control with Kalman Filter Observer for a Five-Phase Induction Machine Operating at Fixed Switching Frequency
Predictive Current Control with Kalman Filter Observer for a Five-Phase Induction Machine Operating at Fixed Switching Frequency
Predictive Current Control with Kalman Filter Observer for a Five-Phase Induction Machine Operating at Fixed Switching Frequency
Predictive Current Control with Kalman Filter Observer for a Five-Phase Induction Machine Operating at Fixed Switching Frequency.
Predictive torque and flux control with reactive power minimization for a multi-drive indirect matrix converter system operating at fixed switching frequency
Realization of cascaded multilevel inverter
Speed Sensorless Predictive Current Control of a Five-Phase Induction Machine
Speed Sensorless Predictive Current Control of a Five-Phase Induction Machine
Speed Sensorless Predictive Current Control of a Five-Phase Induction Machine.
. Model based predictive control with switcher of redundant vectors for a cascade H-bridge multilevel STATCOM.
. Non-Isolated and Inverting Nx Multilevel Boost Converter for Photovoltaic DC Link Applications.
A Computationally Efficient Lookup Table Based FCS-MPC for PMSM Drives Fed by Matrix Converters.
A Generalized MPC Framework for the Design and Comparison of VSI Current Controllers
A Generalized MPC Framework for the Design and Comparison of VSI Current Controllers
A Generalized MPC Framework for the Design and Comparison of VSI Current Controllers
A novel predictive-fixed switching frequency technique for a cascade H-bridge multilevel STATCOM.
A Predictive Current Control for a Single-Phase Matrix Converter
A Review of Power Converter Topologies with Medium/High Frequency Transformers for Grid Interconnection Systems.
A Review of Predictive Control Techniques for Matrix Converters - Part I
A Review of Predictive Control Techniques for Matrix Converters - Part I
A Review of Predictive Control Techniques for Matrix Converters - Part I
A Review of Predictive Control Techniques for Matrix Converters - Part I
A Review of Predictive Control Techniques for Matrix Converters - Part I
A Review of Predictive Control Techniques for Matrix Converters - Part I
A Review of Predictive Control Techniques for Matrix Converters - Part II
A Review On Multilevel Inverter with Reduced Switch Count.
A Venturini based modulation technique for a new isolated AC/AC power converter.
Active and Reactive Power Control Strategy for Grid-Connected Six-Phase Generator by Using Multi-modular Matrix Converters.
Active and Reactive Power Control Strategy for Grid-Connected Six-Phase Generator by Using Multi-Modular Matrix Converters.
An Overview of Solar Energy in Chile.
Asymmetric Multilevel Topology for Photovoltaic Energy Injection to Microgrids.
Cascade-Free Model Predictive Control for Single-Phase Grid-Connected Power Converters
Cost Effective Control of a Partially Flat Boost Converter Fed DC Motor.
Discrete Resonant Control for wide frequency range operation of power converters.
Evaluation of a Trapezoidal Predictive Controller for a Four-Wire Active Power Filter for Utility Equipment of Metro Railway, Power-Land Substations
Evaluation of a Trapezoidal Predictive Controller for a Four-Wire Active Power Filter for Utility Equipment of Metro Railway, Power-Land Substations
Evaluation of a Trapezoidal Predictive Controller for a Four-Wire Active Power Filter for Utility Equipment of Metro Railway, Power-Land Substations
Evaluation of a Trapezoidal Predictive Controller for a Four-Wire Active Power Filter for Utility Equipment of Metro Railway, Power-Land Substations.
Experimental Implementation of a Linear Control Technique for a Single-Phase Matrix Converter
Experimental Implementation of a Linear Control Technique for a Single-Phase Matrix Converter
Experimental Implementation of a Linear Control Technique for a Single-Phase Matrix Converter.
Finite-States Model-Based Predictive Control with Increased Prediction Horizon for a 7-Level Cascade H-Bridge Multilevel STATCOM.
Microgrid Energy Management and Control=> Technical Review.
Model Predictive Control for Power Converters and Drives: Advances and Trends.
Model Predictive Control for Power Converters in a Distorted Three-Phase Power Supply
Model Predictive Control for Power Converters in a Distorted Three-Phase Power Supply
Model Predictive Control for Power Converters in a Distorted Three-Phase Power Supply
Model predictive control of a current source inverter together with its current source.
Model predictive current control with neutral current elimination for H-bridge two-level active power filters.
Modulated Model Predictive Rotor Current Control (M2PC) of a DFIG driven by an Indirect Matrix Converter with Fixed Switching Frequency.
Modulation Strategies for an Open-End Winding Induction Machine fed by a Two-Output Indirect Matrix Converter
Modulation strategies for an open-end winding induction machine fed by a two-output indirect matrix converter
Modulation strategies for an open-end winding induction machine fed by a two-output indirect matrix converter
Multi-Modular Matrix Converter Topology applied to Distributed Generation Systems
Multivariable control for a three-phase rectifier based on deadbeat algorithm.
New Configurations of Power Converters for Grid Interconnection Systems.
New Hardware Device to Simulate the Movement of Electric Train Wheel on Rail
Open-End Winding Induction Machine Fed by a Dual-Output Indirect Matrix Converter
Open-End Winding Induction Machine Fed by a Dual-Output Indirect Matrix Converter
Open-End Winding Induction Machine Fed by a Dual-Output Indirect Matrix Converter
Open-end Winding Induction Machine fed by a Dual-Output Indirect Matrix Converter.
Overview of Wind Energy Conversion Systems Development, Technologies and Power Electronics Research Trends.
Predictive Control at Fixed Switching Frequency for a Dual Three-Phase Induction Machine with Kalman Filter-Based Rotor Estimator.
Predictive Control in Matrix Converters - Part I=> Principles, Topologies and Applications
Predictive Control in Matrix Converters - Part I=> Principles, Topologies and Applications
Predictive Control in Matrix Converters - Part I=> Principles, Topologies and Applications.
Predictive Control in Matrix Converters - Part II=> Control Strategies, Weaknesses and Trends
Predictive Control in Matrix Converters - Part II=> Control Strategies, Weaknesses and Trends
Predictive Control in Matrix Converters - Part II=> Control Strategies, Weaknesses and Trends.
Predictive Control in Power Converters and Electrical Drives - Part I.
Predictive Control in Power Converters and Electrical Drives - Part II
Predictive Control in Power Converters and Electrical Drives - Part III
Predictive Control in Power Converters and Electrical Drives - Part III
Predictive Control in Power Converters and Electrical Drives - Part IV.
Predictive Control in Power Converters and Electrical Drives- Part I
Predictive Control in Power Converters and Electrical Drives-Part I
Predictive Control in Power Converters and Electrical Drives-Part III
Predictive Control in Power Converters and Electrical Drives-Part IV
Predictive Control in Power Converters and Electrical Drives?Part I
Predictive Control in Power Converters and Electrical Drives?Part IV
Predictive Control of a Single Phase Current Source-Fed Multilevel Converter.
Predictive Current Control with Instantaneous Reactive Power Minimization for a Four-Leg Indirect Matrix Converter.
Predictive current control with reactive power minimization in six-phase wind energy generator using multi-modular direct matrix converter.
Predictive power control strategy for a grid-connected 2L-VSI with fixed switching frequency.
Predictive Torque Control of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor fed by a Matrix Converter without weighting factor
Recommendations for Writing Research Papers.
Signal flow graph modeling of a cascaded coupled inductor-based high step-up DC-DC converter.
Sliding Mode Control of Electric Drives/Review.
Special Section on Predictive Control in Power Converters and Electrical Drives - Part I
Using Extended Kalman Filter and Adaptive Filter for Sensorles Predictive Torque Control of PM-Assissted Synchronous Reluctance Motor
Wind Energy in Chile=> Potential, Technology and Development.
X-Y converter family=> A New Breed of Buck Boost Converter for High Step-Up Renewable Energy Applications.
A Modulated Model Predictive Control Scheme for a Two-Level Voltage Source Inverter.
A New Predictive Control Scheme for a VSI with Reduced Common Mode Voltage Operating at Fixed Switching Frequency.
A Simple Current Control Strategy for a Four-Leg Indirect Matrix Converter
A Simple Current Control Strategy for a Four-Leg Indirect Matrix Converter
A Simple Current Control Strategy for a Four-Leg Indirect Matrix Converter
A Simple Current Control Strategy for a Four-Leg Indirect Matrix Converter
A Single-Objective Predictive Control Method for a Multi-Variable Single-Phase Three-Level NPC Converter-Based Active Power Filter
A Single-Objective Predictive Control Method for a Multivariable Single-Phase Three-Level NPC Converter-Based Active Power Filter
A Single-Objective Predictive Control Method for a Multivariable Single-Phase Three-Level NPC Converter-Based Active Power Filter
A Single-Objective Predictive Control Method for a Multivariable Single-Phase Three-Level NPC Converter-Based Active Power Filter
An AC-DC Converter with Trapezoidal Predictive Controller for Wireless Electric Vehicle Applications.
Bidirectional Power Flow Control of a Single-Phase Current Source Grid-Tie Battery Energy Storage System.
Design of an Asymmetric Multilevel Shunt Active Power Filter.
Experimental Validation of Minimum Cost Function Based Model Predictive Converter Control for Efficient Reference Tracking
Experimental validation of minimum cost function-based model predictive converter control with efficient reference tracking
Experimental validation of minimum cost function-based model predictive converter control with efficient reference tracking
Experimental validation of minimum cost function-based model predictive converter control with efficient reference tracking
Finite States Model Predictive Current Control with Two Step Horizon of Four-leg NPC Converters. SS on Multilevel Power Converters.
Finite States Modelated Model Predictive Control for Active Power Filtering Systems.
Generalised approach for predictive control with common-mode voltage mitigation in multilevel diode-clamped converters
Generalised approach for predictive control with common-mode voltage mitigation in multilevel diode-clamped converters
Generalized Approach for Predictive Control with Common-Mode Voltage Mitigation in Multilevel Diode-Clamped Converters
High performance operation for a four-leg NPC inverter with two-sample-ahead predictive control strategy
High performance operation for a four-leg NPC inverter with two-sample-ahead predictive control strategy
High Performance Operation for a Four-Leg NPC Inverter with Two-Sample-Ahead Predictive Control Strategy
High performance operation for a four-leg NPC inverter with two-sample-ahead predictive control strategy
Imposed Weighting Factor Optimization Method for Torque Ripple Reduction of IM Fed by Indirect Matrix Converter with Predictive Control Algorithm
Imposed Weighting Factor Optimization Method for Torque Ripple Reduction of IM Fed by Indirect Matrix Converter with Predictive Control Algorithm
Imposed Weighting Factor Optimization Method for Torque Ripple Reduction of IM Fed by Indirect Matrix Converter with Predictive Control Algorithm
Imposed Weighting Factor Optimization Method for Torque Ripple Reduction of IM Fed by Indirect Matrix Converter with Predictive Control Algorithm
Indirect Power Control of a DFIG using Model-Based Predictive Rotor Current Control with an Indirect Matrix Converter.
Model Predictive Control of Induction Motor with Delay Time Compensation=> An Experimental Assessment.
Modulated Model Predictive Control (M2PC) with Fixed Switching Frequency for an NPC Converter.
Nonlinear Control Strategy for Current Source Cascaded H-bridge Inverters - An Approach Considering Single-Phase DQ Components.
Online Predictive Model Fitting Algorithm for Supply Inductance Estimation.
Predictive Control of an Indirect Matrix Converter Operating at Fixed Switching Frequency and Unbalanced AC-Supply.
Predictive Control of an Indirect Matrix Converter Operating at Fixed Switching Frequency and Without Weighting Factors.
Predictive Control of an Indirect Matrix Converter Operating at Fixed Switching Frequency.
Predictive Control of Four-leg Power Converters.
Predictive Control with Imposed Sinusoidal Source and Load Currents of an Indirect Matrix Converter Operating at Fixed Switching Frequency and Without Weighting Factors.
Predictive Control with Imposed Sinusoidal Source and Load Currents of an Indirect Matrix Converter Operating at Fixed Switching Frequency.
Predictive Current Control for a VSI with Reduced Common Mode Voltage Operating at Fixed Switching Frequency.
Predictive Current Control of a Four-Wire, Active Power Filter for an Unbalanced Utility Load of Metro Railway.
Predictive Current Control with Fixed Switching Frequency for an NPC Converter.
Predictive Torque Control of a Multi-Drive System Fed by a Dual Indirect Matrix Converter
Predictive Torque Control of a Multidrive System Fed by a Dual Indirect Matrix Converter
Predictive Torque Control of a Multidrive System Fed by a Dual Indirect Matrix Converter
Predictive Torque Control of a Multidrive System Fed by a Dual Indirect Matrix Converter
Review of Current Control Techniques for a Cascaded H-Bridge STATCOM.
Torque and Flux Control of an Induction Machine Fed by a Matrix Converter Under Unbalanced AC Supply with Reactive Power Minimization.
A New Power Conversion System for Megawatt PMSG Wind Turbines using Four-Level Converters and a Simple Control Scheme Based on Two-Step Model Predictive Strategy -- Part I: Modeling and Theoretical Analysis
A New Power Conversion System for Megawatt PMSG Wind Turbines using Four-Level Converters and a Simple Control Scheme Based on Two-Step Model Predictive Strategy – Part II: Simulation and Experimental Analysis
A New Power Conversion System for Megawatt PMSG Wind Turbines Using Four-Level Converters and a Simple Control Scheme Based on Two-Step Model Predictive Strategy-Part I: Modeling and Theoretical Analysis
A New Power Conversion System for Megawatt PMSG Wind Turbines Using Four-Level Converters and a Simple Control Scheme Based on Two-Step Model Predictive Strategy-Part I=> Modeling and Theoretical Analysis
A New Power Conversion System for Megawatt PMSG Wind Turbines Using Four-Level Converters and a Simple Control Scheme Based on Two-Step Model Predictive Strategy-Part I=> Modeling and Theoretical Analysis
A New Power Conversion System for Megawatt PMSG Wind Turbines Using Four-Level Converters and a Simple Control Scheme Based on Two-Step Model Predictive Strategy-Part II: Simulation and Experimental Analysis
A New Power Conversion System for Megawatt PMSG Wind Turbines Using Four-Level Converters and a Simple Control Scheme Based on Two-Step Model Predictive Strategy-Part II=> Simulation and Experimental Analysis
A New Power Conversion System for Megawatt PMSG Wind Turbines Using Four-Level Converters and a Simple Control Scheme Based on Two-Step Model Predictive Strategy-Part II=> Simulation and Experimental Analysis
Control of an Open-End Winding Induction Machine Via a Two-Ouput Indirect Matrix Converter.
d-q-DC Reference Frame Control Strategy for Single-Phase Current Source Cascaded Inverters.
Finite State Model-based Predictive Current Control with Two-step Horizon for Four-leg NPC Converters
Finite State Model-based Predictive Current Control with Two-step Horizon for Four-leg NPC Converters
Generalized Carrier Based Pulse Width Modulation Technique for a Three to n-Phase Dual Matrix Converter.
Improved Active Power Filter Performance for Renewable Power Generation Systems
Improved Active Power Filter Performance for Renewable Power Generation Systems
Improved Active Power Filter Performance for Renewable Power Generation Systems
Improved Active Power Filter Performance for Renewable Power Generation Systems. Power Electronics
Improving Power Quality in Cascade Multilevel Converters Based on Single-Phase Non-Regenerative Power
Improving Power Quality in Cascade Multilevel Converters Based on Single-Phase Nonregenerative Power Cells
Improving Power Quality in Cascade Multilevel Converters Based on Single-Phase Nonregenerative Power Cells
Improving Power Quality in Cascade Multilevel Converters Based on Single-Phase Nonregenerative Power Cells
Model Predictive Approach for a Simple and Effective Load Voltage Control of Four-Leg Inverter With an Output LC Filter
Model Predictive Approach for a Simple and Effective Load Voltage Control of Four-Leg Inverter With an Output LC Filter
Model Predictive Approach for a Simple and Effective Load Voltage Control of Four-Leg Inverter With an Output LC Filter
Model Predictive Approach for a Simple and Effective Load Voltage Control of Four-Leg Inverter with an Output LC Filter
Model Predictive Torque Ripple Reduction with Weighting Factor Optimization Fed by an Indirect Matrix Converter
Model Predictive Torque Ripple Reduction with Weighting Factor Optimization Fed by an Indirect Matrix Converter
Model Predictive Torque Ripple Reduction with Weighting Factor Optimization Fed by an Indirect Matrix Converter
Model Predictive Torque Ripple Reduction with Weighting Factor Optimization Fed by an Indirect Matrix Converter
Model-Based Predictive Rotor Current Control for Grid Synchronisation of a DFIG driven by Indirect Matrix Converter
Model-Based Predictive Rotor Current Control for Grid Synchronization of a DFIG Driven by an Indirect Matrix Converter
Model-Based Predictive Rotor Current Control for Grid Synchronization of a DFIG Driven by an Indirect Matrix Converter
Model-Based Predictive Rotor Current Control for Grid Synchronization of a DFIG Driven by an Indirect Matrix Converter
Operating Region Comparison of Symmetric and Asymmetric Multilevel Shunt Active Power Filters.
Predictive Control of an Induction Machine Fed by a Matrix Converter With Increased Efficiency and Reduced Common-Mode Voltage
Predictive Control of an Induction Machine fed by a Matrix Converter with Increased Efficiency and Reduced Common-Mode Voltage
Predictive Control of an Induction Machine Fed by a Matrix Converter With Increased Efficiency and Reduced Common-Mode Voltage
Predictive Control of an Induction Machine Fed by a Matrix Converter With Increased Efficiency and Reduced Common-Mode Voltage
Predictive Indirect Matrix Converter Fed Torque Ripple Minimization with Weighting Factor Optimization.
Review of predictive control methods to improve the input current of an indirect matrix converter
Review of predictive control methods to improve the input current of an indirect matrix converter
Review of predictive control methods to improve the input current of an indirect matrix converter
Simple and Robust Multi-Objective Predictive Control Method for a Single-Phase Three-Level NPC Converter Based Active Power Filter.
Two Predictive Control Techniques for Output Voltage Control and Improvement of the Source Currents in an Indirect Matrix Converter.
A Comparative Assessment of Model Predictive Current Control and Space Vector Modulation in a Direct Matrix Converter
A Comparative Assessment of Model Predictive Current Control and Space Vector Modulation in a Direct Matrix Converter
A Comparative Assessment of Model Predictive Current Control and Space Vector Modulation in a Direct Matrix Converter
A Comparative Study of Reduced Order Estimators Applied to the Speed Control of Six-Phase Generator for a WT Applications.
A FCS-MPC of an Induction Motor Fed by Indirect Matrix Converter with Unity Power Factor Control.
A New Predictive Control Method for Cascaded Multilevel Converters with Intrinsic Modulation Scheme.
A Novel Design and Automation of a Biaxial Solar Tracking System for PV Power Applications.
A Simple Current Control Strategy for Two-Level Four-Leg Inverters=> The Model Predictive Approach.
A Simple Predictive Current Control of a Single-Phase Matrix Converter.
An active power filter using single–phase NPC converters and predictive control for medium voltage distribution systems.
Analysis and Design of a Cascaded H-Bridge Topology Based on Current-Source Inverters.
Common mode voltage and zero sequence current reduction in an open-end load fed by a two output indirect matrix converter.
Current-source cascaded multilevel converters based on single-phase power cells.
Digital Predictive Current Control of a Three-Phase Four-Leg Inverter
Digital Predictive Current Control of a Three-Phase Four-Leg Inverter
Digital Predictive Current Control of a Three-Phase Four-Leg Inverter
Digital Predictive Current Control of a Three-Phase Four-Leg Inverter
Efficiency Analysis of Reduced-Order Observers Applied to the Predictive Current Control of Asymmetrical Dual Three-Phase Induction Machines.
Guest Editorial - Special Section on Digital Control Systems in Power Electronics and Electrical Drives - Part III
Methods of source current reference generation for predictive control in a direct matrix converter
Methods of Source Current Reference Generation for Predictive Control in a Direct Matrix Converter
Methods of source current reference generation for predictive control in a direct matrix converter
Methods of source current reference generation for predictive control in a direct matrix converter
Model Predictive Control of an Active Front end Rectifier with Unity Displacement Factor.
Model Predictive Current Control of Two-Level Four-Leg Inverters – Part I: Concept, Algorithm and Simulation Analysis
Model Predictive Current Control of Two-Level Four-Leg Inverters – Part II: Experimental Implementation and Validation
Model Predictive Current Control of Two-Level Four-Leg Inverters-Part I: Concept, Algorithm, and Simulation Analysis
Model Predictive Current Control of Two-Level Four-Leg Inverters-Part I=> Concept, Algorithm, and Simulation Analysis
Model Predictive Current Control of Two-Level Four-Leg Inverters-Part I=> Concept, Algorithm, and Simulation Analysis
Model Predictive Current Control of Two-Level Four-Leg Inverters-Part II: Experimental Implementation and Validation
Model Predictive Current Control of Two-Level Four-Leg Inverters-Part II=> Experimental Implementation and Validation
Model Predictive Current Control of Two-Level Four-Leg Inverters-Part II=> Experimental Implementation and Validation
MPC Algorithms for Parallel Multicell Converters.
Multiobjective Switching State Selector for Finite-States Model Predictive Control Based on Fuzzy Decision Making in a Matrix Converter
Multiobjective Switching State Selector for Finite-States Model Predictive Control Based on Fuzzy Decision Making in a Matrix Converter
Multiobjective Switching State Selector for Finite-States Model Predictive Control Based on Fuzzy Decision Making in a Matrix Converter
Predictive Control of a Current Source Rectifier with Imposed Sinusoidal Input Currents.
Predictive Control of Multicell Converters.
Predictive Control of Two Parallel Induction Machines Fed by a Six-Leg Indirect Matrix Converter Under an Unbalanced AC-Supply.
Predictive Current Control and DC-Link Capacitor Voltages Balancing for Four-Leg NPC Inverters.
Predictive Current Control of a Four Leg Indirect Matrix Converter with Imposed Source Currents and Common-Mode Voltage Reduction.
Predictive Torque Control of a Multi-Drive System Based on a Two-Stage Six-Leg Matrix Converter with Unity Input Power Factor Power Engineering.
Predictive Torque Control of a Multi-Drive System Fed by a Six-Leg Indirect Matrix Converter.
Predictive Voltage Control with Imposed Source Current Waveforms in an Indirect Matrix Converter.
Review of predictive control methods to improve the input current of an indirect matrix converter
Switching Losses Analysis of an Asymmetric Multilevel Shunt Active Power Filter.
Switching Strategies for an Indirect Matrix Converter Fed Open-End Load.
A Comparative Assessment of Model Predictive Current Control and Space Vector Modulation in a Direct Matrix Converter
A Simple Predictive Voltage Control Method with Unity Displacement Power Factor for Four-Leg Indirect Matrix Converters.
Comparison of Model Based Predictive Control and Fuzzy Logic Control of the Rotor Current in a DFIG with an Indirect Matrix Converter.
Control of a Matrix Converter With Imposed Sinusoidal Source Currents
Control of a Matrix Converter With Imposed Sinusoidal Source Currents
Control of a Matrix Converter With Imposed Sinusoidal Source Currents
Control of an Induction Machine Fed by an Indirect Matrix Converter with Unity Displacement Power Factor Operating Under Unbalanced Ac-Supply.
Cost-function Based Predictive Voltage Control of Two-Level Four-Leg Inverters Using Two Step Prediction Horizons for Standalone Power Systems.
Current Control for an Indirect Matrix Converter With Filter Resonance Mitigation
Current Control for an Indirect Matrix Converter With Filter Resonance Mitigation
Current Control for an Indirect Matrix Converter With Filter Resonance Mitigation
Enhanced Model Predictive Voltage Control of Four-Leg Inverters with Switching Frequency Reduction for Standalone Power Systems.
Geometrical Approach for a Predictive Current Controller Applied to a Three-Phase Two-Level Four-Leg Inverter.
Imposed Sinusoidal Source and Load Currents for an Indirect Matrix Converter
Imposed Sinusoidal Source and Load Currents for an Indirect Matrix Converter
Imposed Sinusoidal Source and Load Currents for an Indirect Matrix Converter
Imposed Sinusoidal Source and Load Currents for an Indirect Matrix Converter
Improved Active Power Filter Performance for Distribution Systems with Renewable Generation.
Instantaneous Reactive Power Minimization and Current Control for an Indirect Matrix Converter Under a Distorted AC Supply
Instantaneous Reactive Power Minimization and Current Control for an Indirect Matrix Converter Under a Distorted AC Supply
Instantaneous Reactive Power Minimization and Current Control for an Indirect Matrix Converter Under a Distorted AC Supply
Instantaneous Reactive Power Minimization and Current Control for an Indirect Matrix Converter under a Distorted AC-Supply
Introduction to the Special Section on Digital Control
Multi-cell Topology Based on Voltage-Source Converters with a Reduced DC Capacitor by Means of a Predictive Control Scheme.
Multiobjective Switching State Selector for Finite States Model Predictive Control based on Fuzzy Decision Making in a Matrix Converter
Predictive Control of a Current Source Inverter Operating at Low Switching Frequency.
Predictive Current Control is a Current Source Inverter Operating with Low Switching Frequency.
Predictive Load Voltage and Capacitor Balancing Control for a Four-Leg NPC Inverter.
Reduction of Common-Mode Voltage in an Indirect Matrix Converter with Imposed Sinusoidal Input/Output Waveforms.
A Review of Control and Modulation Methods for Matrix Converters
A simple Current Control Method with Instantaneous Reactive Power Minimization for Four-Leg Indirect Matrix Converters.
Control of a Matrix Converter with Imposed Sinusoidal Source Currents
Current Control for an Indirect Matrix Converter with Filter Resonance Mitigation
Predictive Current Control With Input Filter Resonance Mitigation for a Direct Matrix Converter
Predictive Current Control with Input Filter Resonance Mitigation for a Direct Matrix Converter
Predictive Current Control With Input Filter Resonance Mitigation for a Direct Matrix Converter
Predictive Current Control With Input Filter Resonance Mitigation for a Direct Matrix Converter
Rotor Current Fuzzy Control of a DFIG with an Indirect Matrix Converter.
A Simple and Effective Solution for Superior Performance in Two-Level Four-Leg Voltage Source Inverters=> Predictive Voltage Control.
Model Predictive Control of a Doubly Fed Induction Generator with an Indirect Matrix Converter.
Model Predictive Control of Three-Phase Four-Leg Neutral Point Clamped Inverters.
Predictive Control of a Direct Matrix Converter Operating Under an Unbalanced AC Source.
Predictive Control of Source and Load Currents in a Direct Matrix Converter.
Predictive Current Control of Three-Phase Two-Level Four-Leg Inverters.
Predictive Current Control with Reactive Power Minimization in an Indirect Matrix Converter.
Predictive Torque and Flux Control of an Induction Machine fed by an Indirect Matrix Converter with Reactive Power Minimization.
Predictive Torque and Flux Control of an Induction Machine fed by an Indirect Matrix Converter with Reactive Power Minimization.
Predictive Control for Current Source Rectifier Operating at Low Switching Frequency.
Predictive Control of an Indirect Matrix Converter
Predictive control of an indirect matrix converter
Predictive Control of an Indirect Matrix Converter
Predictive Control of an Indirect Matrix Converter
Predictive Control of the Indirect Matrix Converter with Active Damping.
Predictive control with active damping in a direct matrix converter.
Current Control in Matrix Converters Connected to Polluted AC Voltage Supplies.
Predictive Torque Control with Input PF Correction Applied to an Induction Machine fed by a Matrix Converter.
Behavior of the Predictive DTC Based Matrix Converter Under Unbalanced AC Supply.
Fixed Switching Frequency Predictive Control of an Asymmetric Source Dual Inverter System with a Floating Bridge for Multilevel Operation.
. Indirect Predictive Control Strategy with Fixed Switching Frequency for a Direct Matrix Converter.
A New Topology of Multilevel Inverter with Reduced Part Count.
Active Power Supportof a Full-Scale Converter-based WECS Through Modular Flywheel Storage System with DC Bus Signaling.
An Experimental Evaluation of Predictive Current Control and Predictive Torque Control for a PMSM fed by a Matrix Converter.
Análisis de Desempeño de un Sistema Fotovoltaico de 8.2 KWp Conectado a Red en la Patagonia Chilena
Finite Control Set–Model Predictive Control Applied To Multi-Cell Afe Rectifier With Improve Harmonic Rejection. Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion
Finite-Set Model Predictive Control Strategies for a 3L-NPC Inverter Operating with Fixed Switching Frequency
Finite-Set Model Predictive Control Strategies for a 3L-NPC Inverter Operating with Fixed Switching Frequency
Indirect Model Predictive Control Strategies for a Direct Matrix Converter with Mitigation of Input Filter Resonances.
Indirect Model Predictive Control Strategies with Input Filter Resonance Mitigation for a Matrix Converter Operating at Fixed Switching Frequency.
Indirect Predictive Control Techniques for a Matrix Converter Operating at Fixed Switching Frequency.
Methodologies of Energy Management and Control in Microgrid.
Modulated Model Based Predictive Control with Switcher of Redundant States for a Three-Phase Cascade H-Bridge Multilevel STATCOM.
Predictive CoCurrent Control of the Coupled-Inductor Buck--Boost DC--DC Switching Converter using a Model Predictive Control Approachntrol for Microgrids Applications
Predictive Control for Microgrids Applications
Predictive Control Strategies Operating at Fixed Switching Frequency for Input Filter Resonance Mitigation in an Indirect Matrix Converter.
Review of Predictive Control Techniques for Matrix Converter Applications.
Signal Flow Graph Modeling of a Coupled Inductor-Based High Step-Up DC-DC Converter.
Single Phase Open-Circuit Fault Tolerant Operation of Inverter Driven PMSM System Using Modulated Model Predictive Control
Weighting Factor Selection in Power Converters Based on Model Predictive Control. 2020

BookSection (1)

Predictive Control of Four-Leg Converters for Photovoltaic Energy Systems. Solar Photovoltaic Power Plants: Advanced Control and Optimization Techniques

BookWhole (2)

Power Converters, Drives, and Control for Sustainable Applications
DSP controllers for three-phase unity-power-factor rectifiers

ConferencePaper (343)

. A Study of Cost Function Selection in Model Predictive Control Applications.
An Overview of Solar Energy in Chile.
Common-Mode Voltage Reduction in a VSI Inverter Applying Sequential Predictive Control.
Design of Higher Order Converter for Piezo Electric Energy Harvesting Applications.
Field-Oriented Control with a Predictive Current Strategy of an Induction Machine Fed by a Two-Level Voltage Source Inverter.
Linear Quadratic Control Design for a Buck-Boost Power Converter Supplied by a Solar Array.
Power Management Control Strategy for a Photovoltaic Micro-Inverter with Embedded Hybrid Energy Storage System.
Predictive Control Operating at Fixed Switching Frequency of an Induction Machine Fed by a Voltage Source Inverter.
Predictive Control Review for a Three-Phase Converter.
Predictive Current Control Applied to a 3L-NPC Inverter.
Predictive Current Control Strategy for a Multi-modular Matrix Converter.
Predictive Torque and Flux Control of an Induction Machine Fed by a Voltage Source Inverter.
Predictive Voltage Control at Fixed Switching Frequency with Reduced Reactive Power in a Direct Matrix Converter.
Reactive Power Control Using a Model-Based Predictive Control Strategy Applied to an Indirect Matrix Converter.
Simulation and Experimentation of 57 Level Inverter.
A Cascade PI-SMC Method for Brushless Doubly-Fed Induction Machine with Matrix Converter
A Modulated Model Predictive Current Control for PMSM With Parameter Robustness Improvement
Active and Reactive Power Control based on Predictive Voltage Control in a Six-Phase Generation System using Modular Matrix Converters
An Overmodulation Strategy Based on a Generalised Duty Cycle Solution for Three-Phase Inverters
An Overmodulation Technique for Asymmetrical Six-Phase Voltage Source Inverters With Low Voltage Harmonic Injection
Comparative Assessment of Model Predictive Current Control Strategies applied to Six-Phase Induction Machines. 2020
Control Strategy and Communication Architecture for Power Sharing in Microgrids
Finite Control Set–Model Predictive Control Applied To Multi-Cell Afe Rectifier With Improve Harmonic Rejection
Model Predictive Control Applied to the Three-Phase Neutral Point Clamped Inverter
Modulated Model Predictive Current Control of a Four-Leg Inverter
Modulated Predictive Voltage Control of Four-Leg Inverter with Fixed Switching Frequency
Power Sharing Control of Islanded AC Microgrid Considering Droop Control and Virtual Impedance
Predictive Torque Control with Fixed Switching Frequency for Induction Motor Drives
Recent Advantages of Predictive Control in Power Converters
A comparative analysis in asymmetric inverters non-regenerative
A New Basic Unit for Symmetric and Asymmetric Cascaded Multilevel Inverters with Reduced Power Electronic Devices
A New Ground Power Unit (GPU) Supply for Aircraft Applications
A new topology of AC-AC ground power unit for aeronautical applications
A new topology of multilevel inverter with reduced part count
A review of AC-DC converters with injection circuits-Part i
An Assessment of Parallel Connected Silicon Carbide based Electronic Switches
An asymmetric modular multilevel converter of 27 levels
Analysis of current control techniques in an indirect matrix converter
Analysis of H-Bridge STATCOM with Fault Phase Controlled by Modulated Predictive Current Control
Architectures for Microgrids Interconnection
Communication Improvements for Intelligent Systems in Microgrids - Part i
Communication Improvements for Intelligent Systems in Microgrids - Part II
Comparison of vegetation indices acquired from RGB and Multispectral sensors placed on UAV
Control of Energy Storage and Photovoltaic Systems using Model Predictive Control
Control Techniques for a Single-Phase Matrix Converter
Design, assembly and startup of a single-phase multi-modular matrix converter for grid interconnection
Digital count of Sunflower plants at emergence from very low altitude using UAV images
FCS - MPC and Feedback Quantizer applied to a Multi-Cell AFE Rectifier
Genetic Algorithm Technique for 7-Level Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Converter THD Minimization
Implementation of Predictive Control in a Three-Phase Neutral Point Clamped Inverter
Implementation of Twenty seven level and Fifty one level Inverter using constant voltage sources
Improved Speed Control of BLDC Motor using Luo converter by Sliding Mode Control
Microgrid Power Sharing Controller based on OFDM with QPSK and 64 QAM
Model Predictive Control in Three-Phase Inverters
Modelling communication network for intelligent applications in microgrids-Part i
Modelling communication network for intelligent applications in microgrids-Part II
Modulated Model Predictive Current Control for a PMSM Operating with a Three-level NPC Inverter
Multi-objective Metaheuristics' Challenges in the Optimization of Microgrids Planning and Management
Multiagent-based Decision Support Systems in Smart Microgrids
New Reduced Back-to-Back Multilevel Converter Based on Switched-Diodes
Optimized Predictive Control and Equalization of Zero-States for a 27-level Cascade Asymmetric Multilevel Converter
Predictive Control Applied to a Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Converter
Predictive Control for a Flying Capacitor Multilevel Inverter
Predictive Control for MPPT in a Single-Stage Photovoltaic System
Predictive control in power converter applications: Challenge and trends
Predictive Control Strategies in Power Converters
Predictive current control operating at fixed swwitching frequency in a grid-connected NPC converter
Predictive current control strategy for a direct matrix converter with modulated switching pattern
Predictive Voltage Control of the Direct Matrix Converter applied to Grid Current Injection
Predictive Voltage Control Operating at Fixed Switching Frequency of a Neutral-Point Clamped Converter
Predictive voltage control techniques for AC UPS applications
Predictive voltage control using matrix converter for a stand-alone wind energy based microgrid
Present and Future of the Chilean Electrical Grid
Recent Challenge and Trends of Predictive Control in Power Electronics Application
Reduced modified T-type topology for cascaded multilevel inverters
Review of MPC Techniques for MMCs
The Voltage Source Inverter
Third order sliding mode control of buck converter fed permanent magnet DC motor
Three-Phase AC-DC Converters with Passive, Active and Hybrid Current Injection Circuits - Part II
Three-Phase AC-DC Converters with Passive, Active and Hybrid Current Injection Circuits -Part i
Three-Phase Rectifiers with Current Compensation Schemes - Part I: Passive Circuits
Three-Phase Rectifiers with Current Compensation Schemes - Part II: Active and Hybrid Configurations
Towards Distribution Revenue Adequacy in Chile: Lessons Learned from Australia
Trends and challenges of predictive control in power electronics
Voltage Utilization Enhancement of Dual Inverters by Model Predictive Control for Motor Drive Applications.
Weighting Factor Design in Model Predictive Control for Power Converters
Wind Energy Development and Technology in the World: A Brief Overview
7-Level asymmetric multilevel current source inverter with predictive control
A Comparative Analysis in Asymmetric Inverters Non – Regenerative
A new AC/AC power converter
A new pulse width modulation technique for neutral-point clamped voltage source inverters
A New Pulse Width Modulation Technique for Neutral-Point Clamped Voltage Source Inverters.
A Wind Speed Sensorless MPPT-Pitch Angle Control Scheme for a WECS Using Integral Sliding Mode Control and Neural Network.
An assessment of predictive current control applied to the direct matrix converter based on SiC-MOSFET bidirectional switches
An Assessment of Predictive Current Control Applied to the Direct Matrix Converter Based on SiC-MOSFET Bidirectional Switches.
An indirect model predictive current control for a direct matrix converter with instantaneous reactive power minimization
An Indirect Model Predictive Current Control for a Direct Matrix Converter with Instantaneous Reactive Power Minimization.
An Integral Design of Ground Power Unit Supply for Aircraft Applications
Cascaded multilevel inverter based on new sub-module inverter with reduced number of switching devices
Communication Systems and Security Issues in Smart Microgrids.
Current-Source Multilevel Inverter Operated at Constant Switching Frequency with a Hybrid FCS-MPC Strategy.
DC transformer based on the versatile DC-DC noninverting buck-boost converter for fuel cell emulation
Development of synchronized voltage modulation techniques for seven-phase voltage source inverters
Development of Synchronized Voltage Modulation Techniques for Seven-Phase Voltage Source Inverters.
Dual-Stage DC-DC Multistring Configuration for Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion
Finite states-modulated model predictive control of a Quasi-z-Source Inverter with LCL filter
Fixed switching frequency predictive control for a multi-drive indirect matrix converter system
Fixed Switching Frequency Predictive Control for a Multi-Drive Indirect Matrix Converter System.
Generalised pulse width modulation algorithm for three-phase voltage source converters
Improving efficiency in the shoot-through state of a single-phase Z-source inverter
Improving Efficiency in the Shoot-Through State of a Single-Phase Z-Source Inverter.
Improving the selection of IQF raspberries in processing lines: a Virtual Reality approach for training and selecting personnel
Indirect matrix converter open circuit fault detection and diagnosis with model predictive control strategy
Indirect Matrix Converter Open Circuit Fault Detection and Diagnosis with Model Predictive Control Strategy.
Indirect model predictive control with imposed sinusoidal source currents for a Direct Matrix Converter Working at fixed switching frequency
Losses evaluation for a two-level three-phase stand-alone voltage source converter using model predictive control
Losses Evaluation for a Two-Level Three-Phase Stand-Alone Voltage Source Converter Using Model Predictive Control.
Model predictive control for a 27-level asymmetric multilevel STATic COMpensator
Model Predictive Control for a 27-Level Asymmetric Multilevel STATic COMpensator.
Modeling and analysis of dual three-phase self-excited induction generator for wind energy conversion systems
Modeling and Analysis of Dual Three-Phase Self-Excited Induction Generator for Wind Energy Conversion Systems.
Modified boost with switched inductor different configurational structures for DC-DC converter for renewable application
Modified Boost with Switched Inductor Different Configurational Structures for DC-DC Converter for Renewable Application.
Modified high voltage conversion inverting cuk DC-DC converter for renewable energy application
Modified High Voltage Conversion Inverting Cuk DC-DC Converter for Renewable Energy Application.
Modulated Model Predictive Control of Assymetric Source dual Inevretr system for Open End Winding Induction Motor Drive.
Modulated model predictive control of assymetric source dual inverter system for open end winding induction motor drive
New cascaded multilevel converters based on switched-diode six-level configuration
New Cascaded Multilevel Converters based on Switched-Diode Six-Level Configuration.
New fundamental multilevel inverter with reduced number of switching elements
New Fundamental Multilevel Inverter with Reduced Number of Switching Elements.
Open-Circuit Fault Diagnosis and Fault- Tolerant Model Predictive Control of SubMultilevel Inverter
Population-based metaheuristics in microgrids applications
Predictive Control of a 27-level Asymmetric Multilevel Current Source Inverter
Predictive control of a current source rectifier in wind energy conversion system with PMSG
Predictive Current Control of a Grid-Connected NPC Converter
Predictive torque control of brushless doubly fed induction generator fed by a matrix converter
Predictive Torque Control of Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Generator fed by a Matrix Converter.
Recent Predictive Control Strategies Applied to Flying Capacitor Multilevel Inverters
Simple boost control of a new high voltage gain Z-source inverter
Simple Boost Control of a New High Voltage Gain ZSource Inverter.
Three-Phase Rectifiers with Current Compensation Schemes - Part I: Passive Circuits.
Three-Phase Rectifiers With Current Compensation Schemes - Part II: Active and Hybrid Configurations.
Communications in Smart Grids.
Ferrous-Alloys Addition in Stainless Steel with MOVMO.
Indirect Model Predictive Current Control Techniques for a Direct Matrix Converter.
Predictive Control Strategies for an Indirect Matrix Converter Operating at Fixed Switching Frequency.
Realization of Cascaded Multilevel Inverter.
7-Level Asymmetric Multilevel Current Source Inverter with Predictive Control.
Active Power Support of a Full-Scale Converter-based WECS Through Modular Flywheel Storage System with DC Bus Signaling
Comparative study of predictive control strategies at fixed switching frequency for an asymmetrical six-phase induction motor drive
Experimental Assessment of IGBT and SiC-MOSFET based Technologies for Matrix Converter using Predictive Current Control.
Fixed Frequency Model Predictive Control with Active Damping for an Indirect Matrix Converter.
Implementation of a Predictive Control Technique for Multilevel NPC Converters.
Indirect Model Predictive Control Strategy with Active Damping Implementation for a Direct Matrix Converter Operating at Fixed Switching Frequency.
Indirect Model Predictive Control with Imposed Sinusoidal Source Currents for a Direct Matrix Converter Working at Fixed Switching Frequency.
Indirect Predictive Control Strategy with Mitigation of Input Filter Resonances for a Direct Matrix Converter.
Investigation on Passivity Based Control for Electrical Applications.
Model based predictive control with switcher of redundant vectors for a cascade H-bridge multilevel STATCOM
Model based predictive current control for a three-phase cascade H-bridge multilevel STATCOM operating at fixed switching frequency
Model Based Predictive Currrent Control for a Three-Phase Cascade H-Bridge Multilevel STATCOM Operating at Fixed Switching Frequency
Modulated model based predictive control with switcher of redundant states for a three-phase cascade H-bridge multilevel STATCOM
Modulated Model Predictive Current Control of an Indirect Matrix Converter with Active Damping.
Predictive control for an asymmetric multilevel converter for PV energy injection
Predictive current control with reactive power minimization in six-phase wind energy generator using multi-modular direct matrix converter
Predictive power control strategy for a grid-connected 2L-VSI with fixed switching frequency
Predictive Torque and Flux Control with Reactive Power Minimization for a Multi-Drive Indirect Matrix Converter System operating at Fixed Switching Frequency.
Signal flow graph modeling of a cascaded coupled inductor-based high step-up DC-DC converter
Support Vector Machines for Classification of Electrical Resistance Values within a VSI
Support Vector Machines for Classification of Electrical Resistance Values within a VSI.
A New Hardware Device to Simulate the Movement of Electric Train Wheel on Rail
A Novel Predictive-Fixed Switching Frequency Technique for a Cascade H-Bridge Multilevel STATCOM
A Predictive Control Strategy for a Single-Phase AC-AC Converter
A Predictive Control Strategy for a Single-Phase AC-DC Converter
A Predictive Control Strategy for a Single-Phase AC-DC Converter.
A Review of Power Converter Topologies with Medium/High Frequency Transformers for Grid Interconnection Systems
A Review On Multilevel Inverter with Reduced Switch Count
A Venturini based Modulation Technique for a New Isolated AC/AC Power Converter
Active and Reactive Power Control Strategy for Grid-Connected Six-Phase Generator by Using Multi-modular Matrix Converters
An Overview of Solar Energy in Chile
An overview of solar energy in Chile [Una Vision General de la Energia Solar en Chile]
Asymmetric multilevel topology for photovoltaic energy injection to microgrids
Cost Effective Control of a Partially Flat Boost Converter fed DC motor
Discrete Resonant Control for Wide Frequency Range Operation of Power Converters
Experimental Implementation of a Linear Control Technique for a Single-Phase Matrix Converter
Finite-states model predictive control with increased prediction horizon for a 7-level cascade H-bridge multilevel statcom
Indirect Predictive Control Strategy with Mitigation of Input Filter Resonances for a Direct Matrix Converter
Microgrid Energy Management and Control: Technical Review
Model Predictive Control of a Current Source Inverter together with its Current Source
Modulated Model Predictive Rotor Current Control ((MPC)-P-2) of a DFIG driven by an Indirect Matrix Converter with Fixed Switching Frequency
Modulated model predictive rotor current control (M2PC) of a DFIG driven by an indirect matrix converter with fixed switching frequency
Multi-modular matrix converter topology applied to distributed generation systems
Multivariable Control for a Three-Phase Rectifier Based on Deadbeat Algorithm
New Configurations of Power Converters for Grid Interconnection Systems
Non-Isolated and Inverting Nx Multilevel Boost Converter For Photovoltaic DC Link Applications
Overview of Wind Energy Conversion Systems Development, Technologies and Power Electronics Research Trends
Predictive Control at Fixed Switching Frequency for a Dual Three-Phase Induction Machine with Kalman Filter-Based Rotor Estimator
Predictive Control in Matrix Converters - Part I: Principles, Topologies and Applications
Predictive Control in Matrix Converters - Part II: Control Strategies, Weaknesses and Trends
Predictive Control of a Single Phase Current Source-Fed Multilevel Converter
Predictive Torque Control of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor fed by a Matrix Converter without weighting factor
Recommendations for Writing Research Papers
Recommendations for writing research papers [Recomendaciones para Escribir Artículos de Investigación]
Sliding Mode Control of Electric Drives/Review
Using Extended Kalman Filter and Adaptive Filter for Sensorles Predictive Torque Control of PM-Assissted Synchronous Reluctance Motor
Wind Energy in Chile: Potential, Technology and Development
Wind energy in Chile: Potential, technology and development [Energía Eolica en Chile: Potencial, Tecnologia y Desarrollo]
X-Y Converter Family: A New Breed of Buck Boost Converter for High Step-up Renewable Energy Applications
A modulated model predictive control scheme for a two-level voltage source inverter
A new predictive control scheme for a VSI with reduced common mode voltage operating at fixed switching frequency
An AC-DC converter with trapezoidal predictive controller for wireless electric vehicle applications
Bidirectional power flow control of a single-phase current-source grid-tie battery energy storage system
Design of an asymmetric multilevel shunt active power filter
Finite states modulated model predictive control for active power filtering systems
Indirect power control of a DFIG using model-based predictive rotor current control with an indirect matrix converter
Model Predictive Control of Induction Motor with Delay Time Compensation: An Experimental Assessment
Modulated model predictive control (M2PC) with fixed switching frequency for an NPC converter
Nonlinear control strategy for current source cascaded H-bridge inverters - An approach considering single-phase DQ components
Online predictive model fitting algorithm for supply inductance estimation
Predictive control of an indirect matrix converter operating at fixed switching frequency
Predictive control of an indirect matrix converter operating at fixed switching frequency and unbalanced AC-supply
Predictive control of an indirect matrix converter operating at fixed switching frequency and without weighting factors
Predictive control of four-leg power converters
Predictive control with imposed sinusoidal source and load currents of an indirect matrix converter operating at fixed switching frequency
Predictive control with imposed sinusoidal source and load currents of an indirect matrix converter operating at fixed switching frequency and without weighting factors
Predictive current control for a VSI with reduced common mode voltage operating at fixed switching frequency
Predictive current control of a four-wire, active power filter for an unbalanced utility load of metro railway
Predictive Current Control with fixed switching frequency for an NPC converter
Review of current control techniques for a cascaded H-Bridge STATCOM
Torque and flux control of an induction machine fed by a matrix converter under unbalanced AC supply with reactive power minimization
Control of an open-end winding induction machine via a two-output indirect matrix converter
D-q-DC reference frame control strategy for single-phase current source cascaded inverters
Generalized carrier based pulse width modulation technique for a three to n-phase dual matrix converter
Operating Region Comparison of Symmetric and Asymmetric Multilevel Shunt Active Power Filters
Predictive indirect matrix converter fed torque ripple minimization with weighting factor optimization
Simple and robust multi-objective predictive control method for a single-phase three-level NPC converter based active power filter
Two Predictive Control Techniques for Output Voltage Control and Improvement of the Source Currents in an Indirect Matrix Converter
A comparative study of reduced order estimators applied to the speed control of six-phase generator for a WT applications
A FCS-MPC of an Induction Motor Fed by Indirect Matrix Converter with Unity Power Factor Control
A novel design and automation of a biaxial solar tracking system for PV power applications
A simple current control strategy for two-level four-leg inverters: The model predictive approach
A Simple Predictive Current Control of a Single-Phase Matrix Converter
An active power filter using single-phase NPC converters and predictive control for medium voltage distribution systems
Analysis and design of a Cascaded H-Bridge topology based on current-source inverters
Common mode voltage and zero sequence current reduction in an open-end load fed by a two output indirect matrix converter
Current-source cascaded multilevel converters based on single-phase power cells
Efficiency analysis of reduced-order observers applied to the predictive current control of asymmetrical dual three-phase induction machines
Model predictive control of an active front end rectifier with unity displacement factor
Predictive Control in Matrix Converters.
Predictive control of a current source rectifier with imposed sinusoidal input currents
Predictive control of MultiCell converters
Predictive control of two parallel induction machines fed by a six-leg indirect matrix converter under an unbalanced ac-supply
Predictive current control and DC-link capacitor voltages balancing for four-leg NPC inverters
Predictive current control in a current source inverter operating with low switching frequency
Predictive current control of a four-leg indirect matrix converter with imposed source currents and common-mode voltage reduction
Predictive torque control of a multi-drive system based on a two-stage six-leg matrix converter with unity input power factor
Predictive torque control of a multi-drive system fed by a six-leg indirect matrix converter
Predictive voltage control with imposed source current waveforms in an indirect matrix converter
Switching losses analysis of an asymmetric multilevel Shunt Active Power Filter
Switching strategies for an indirect matrix converter fed open-end load
A simple predictive voltage control method with unity displacement power factor for four-leg indirect matrix converters
Comparison of Model Based Predictive Control and Fuzzy Logic Control of a DFIG with an Indirect Matrix Converter
Control of an induction machine fed by an indirect matrix converter with unity displacement power factor operating with an unbalanced AC-supply
Cost-function based predictive voltage control of two-level four-leg inverters using two step prediction horizon for standalone power systems
Enhanced model predictive voltage control of four-leg inverters with switching frequency reduction for standalone power systems
Geometrical approach for a predictive current controller applied to a three-phase two-level four-leg inverter
Improved active power filter performance for distribution systems with renewable generation
Multi-cell topology based on voltage-source converters with a reduced DC Capacitor by means of a predictive control scheme
Predictive control of a current source converter operating with low switching frequency
Predictive load voltage and capacitor balancing control for a four-leg NPC inverter
Reduction of common-mode voltage in an indirect matrix converter with imposed sinusoidal input/output waveforms
Predictive Control of an Indirect Matrix Converter.
A simple current control method with instantaneous reactive power minimization for four-leg indirect matrix converters
A simple and effective solution for superior performance in two-level four-leg voltage source inverters: Predictive voltage control
Model Predictive Control of a Doubly Fed Induction Generator with an Indirect Matrix Converter
Model predictive control of three-phase four-leg neutral-point-clamped inverters
Predictive control of a direct matrix converter operating under an unbalanced AC source
Predictive control of source and load currents in a direct matrix converter
Predictive Current Control of Three-Phase Two-Level Four-Leg Inverter
Predictive current control with reactive power minimization in an indirect matrix converter
Predictive torque and flux control of an induction machine fed by an indirect matrix converter
Predictive torque and flux control of an induction machine fed by an indirect matrix converter with reactive power minimization
PredictiveModel Predictive Control of a Doubly Fed Induction Generator with an Indirect Matrix Converter Control for Current Source Rectifier Operating at Low Switching Frequency
Predictive Control for Current Source Rectifier Operating at Low Switching Frequency
Predictive Control for Current Source Rectifiers Operating at Low Switching Frequency
Predictive Control of the Indirect Matrix Converter with Active Damping
Predictive Control with Active Damping in a Direct Matrix Converter
Current Control in Matrix Converters connected to Polluted AC Voltage Supplies
Predictive torque control with input PF correction applied to an induction machine fed by a matrix converter
A New AC/AC Power Converter.
. Computationally Efficient Model Predictive Control for a Four-Leg Inverter with Common Mode Voltage Elimination
A New Ground Power Unit (GPU) Supply for Aircraft Applications.
A New Topology of AC-DC Ground Power Unit for Aeronautical Applications.
A Review of AC-DC Converters with Injection Circuits - Parte I
A Review of AC-DC Converters with Injection Circuits - Parte II.
An Asymmetric Modular Multilevel Converter of 27 Levels.
Analysis of Current Control Techniques is an Indirect Matrix Converter.
Back-to-Back Modified T-Type Half-Bridge Module for Cascaded Multi-level Inverters with Decreased Number of Components
Cascaded Multilevel Inverter Based on New Sub-Module Inverter with Reduced Number of Switching Devices.
Communication Improvements for Intelligent Systems in Microgrids - Part I.
Communication Improvements for Intelligent Systems in Microgrids - Part II.
Comparison of Vegetation Indices Acquired from RGB and Multispectral Sensors Placed on UAV.
Control of a Three-Phase Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter for Solar Energy Injection.
DC Transformer based on the Versatile DC-DC Noninverting Buck-boost Converter for Fuel Cell Emulation.
Design Assembly and Startup of a Single-Phase Multi.Modular Matrix Converter for Grid Interconnection.
Finite States-Modulated Model Predictive Control of a Quasi-Z-Source Inverter with LCL Filter.
Generalised Pulse Width Modulation Algorithm for Three-Phase Voltage Source Converters.
Model Predictive Control for the New Reduced Multi-level Grid-Connected Converter
Model-based Predictive Control in Three-Phase Inverters
Modelling Communication Network for Intelligent Applications in Microgrids Part I.
Modelling Communication Network for Intelligent Applications in Microgrids Part II.
Modified H-Bridge Inverter with Reduced Number of Switching Devices.
New Asymmetric Cascaded Multi-level Converter with Reduced Components.
New Reduced Asymmetric Basic Module Multilevel Converters for Cascaded Configurations
New Reduced Switched Multilevel Inverter for Three-Phase Grid-Connected PV System: Performance Evaluation.
New Single-Phase Asymmetric Converter Based on a Switched-Diode for a Cascaded Multilevel Configuration
New Sub-Module for Cascaded Multilevel Inverters with Reduced Switching Devices
New Sub-Module Inverter for Cascaded Multilevel Inverter with Reduced Number of Switch Counts
Optimized Predictive Control and Equalization of Zero-States for a 27-level Cascade Asymmetric Multilevel Converter.
Performance Assessment of Classification Methods for the Inductance within a VSI
Performance Evaluation of Cascaded H-bridge Multilevel Grid-Connected Converter with Model Predictive Control Technique
Population-based Metaheuristics in Microgrids Applications.
Predictive Control Applied to Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Converter
Predictive Control for a Flying Capacitor Multilevel Inverter.
Predictive Control for MPPT in a Non-DC/DC Stage Photovoltaic System
Predictive Control for MPPT in a Photovoltaic System without DC/DC stage.
Predictive Control in Power Converter Applications: Challenge and Trends.
Predictive Control of a Current Source Rectifier in Wind Energy Conversion System with PMSG.
Predictive Control of a Three-Phase Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter for Solar Energy Injection
Predictive Current Control of a Grid-Connected NPD Converter.
Predictive Current Control Operating at Fixed Switching Frequency in a Grid-Connected NPC Converter.
Predictive Current Control Strategy for a Direct Matrix Converter with Modulated Switching Pattern.
Predictive Voltage Control Techniques for AC UPS Applications.
Predictive Voltage Control using Matrix Converter for a Stand-alone Wind Energy based Microgrid.
Recent Challenge and Trends of Predictive Control in Power Electronics Application.
Recent Predictive Control Strategies Applied to Flying Capacitor Multilevel Interters
Reduced Modified T.type Topology for Cascaded Multilevel Inverters.
Selective Harmonic Elimination In Cascaded Multilevel Inverters Using Genetic Algorithm Approach
Third Order Sliding Mode Control of Buck Converter Fed Permanent Magnet DC Motor.
Three-Phase AC-DC Converters with Passive, Active and Hybrid Current Injection Circuits - Part I.
Three-Phase AC-DC Converters with Passive, Active and Hybrid Current Injection Circuits - Part II.
Trends and Challenges of Predictive Control in Power Electronics.
Using Clustering Algorithms to Segment UAV-based RGB Images

ConferenceProceedingWhole (3)

An Improved Dynamic Compensation Scheme for Power Distribution Systems with Renewable Generation.
A simple Voltage Control Method with Unity Displacement Power Factor for Four-Leg Indirect Matrix Converters.
Torque and Flux Control of an Induction Machine Fed by an Indirect Matrix Converter with Instantaneous Unity Power Factor Operating Under Unbalanced AC-Supply.

Editorial (3)

Guest Editorial: Special section on predictive control in power electronics, electrical drives and industrial applications
Special Issue: Advances in Predictive Control of Variable-Speed Electric Drives
Predictive Control in Power Converters and Electrical Drives-Part II

EditorialMaterial (2)

Guest Editorial Special Section on Digital Control Systems in Power Electronics and Electrical Drives-Part III
Introduction to the Special Section on Digital Control Systems in Power Electronics and Electrical Drives-Part II

JournalWhole (7)

Guest Editorial.
A Cost-Effective and Low-Complexity Predictive Control for Matrix Converters Under Unbalanced Grid Voltage Conditions.
A Generalised Multifrequency PWM Strategy for Dual Three-Phase Voltage Source Converters.
A Leakage-Inductance-Tolerant Commutation Strategy for Isolated AC/AC Converters.
A Three-Phase Modular Isolated Matrix Converter.
Data for resistance and inductance estimation within a Voltage Source Inverter.
Experimental Evaluation of Voltage Control for a Four-Leg Two-Stage Matrix Converter.

Proyecto (29)

Doctorate in Electronic Engineering
Maestría en Ingeniería Electrónica – Énfasis en Energías Renovables y Eficiencia Energética
Power Electronics for Renewable Energy Systems Applications.
UNNC Visiting Scholars Scheme
Research on Model predictive control for Power Electronics and machine drive applications.
trengthening of the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Teaching and Research in the Electrical Engineering Area for Renewable Energy Applications
Design and Implementation of a Scalable Multi-Modular Power Converter Prototype for Renewable Energies.
Image Processing in Horticultural Products Applied to an Automated Hydroponic Greenhouse.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) in Photogrammetric Applications for Planialtimetric Analysis and Volume Calculation.
Comunication Skills Workshops=> Newton Picarte.
Flexible Energy Management Strategies for Microgrid Clusters and Generation Systems Based on Multiport Modular Power Converter Structures
Fortalecimiento de la Docencia e Investigación en Electrónica de Potencia para Aplicaciones de Energía Renovable
Strengthening of Teaching and Research in Power Electronics for Renewable Energy Applications
Advanced Vector Control Techniques for High Accuracy and Fast Dynamic Power Response of Wind Turbines.
Analysis, Design and Implementation of New Active Filter-Based Compensation Systems for the Improvement of Power Quality.
Development and Efficiency Analysis of New Control Algorithms Focused on the Six-Phase Generator in Wind Power Applications.
Development and Implementation of New Converter Topologies for the Matrix Converters for Grid Interconnection with Generation Systems Based on Renewable Energies.
Master’s Degree in Electronic Engineering.
Optimal design of predictive controllers for power converters in renewable energy applications.
Power Electronics for Renewable Energy Systems.
Installation of Pilot Plant for the Use of Waste for the Generation of Energy and Drying of Firewood.
New Configuration of Power Converters for Grid Interconnection Systems.
Predictive Control Techniques of Power Converters for Renewable Energy Systems. Proyectos de Intercambio 2012, CONICYT and BMBF from Germany
The use of Matrix Converters for Grid Interconnection Systems.
Optimization of the Operation of an Indirect Matrix Converter for a Distorted Grid.
Predictive Control in a Four-Leg Indirect Matrix Converters.
Development and Implementation of Predictive Control Methods for and Indirect Matrix Converter.
Control of Indirect Matrix Converters.
Development of a Control Method for Matrix Converters.

Review (1)

A Review of Control and Modulation Methods for Matrix Converters
Marco Rivera

Full Professor

Electrical Engineering


Curicó, Chile

José Rodríguez

Full Professor

Facultad de Ingeniería

Universidad Andres Bello

Santiago, Chile

José Espinoza

Profesor Titular



Concepcion, Chile

Christian Rojas

Research Professor


Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria

Valparaiso, Chile

Carlos Baier

Profesor Asociado

Departamento de Electromecánica y Conversión de Energía

Universidad de Talca


Luca Tarisciotti

Assistant Professor


Universidad Andres Bello

Santiago, Chile

Javier Muñoz

Profesor Titular

Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica


Curicó, Chile

Alan Wilson

Investigador Postdoctoral

Centro Avanzado de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica

Valparaíso, Chile

Yamisleydi Salgueiro




Curicó, Chile

Pedro Melin

Profesor Asociado

Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica

Universidad del Bio-Bio

Concepcion, Chile


Assistance Professor

Electrical Engineering

Universidad de Talca

Curico, Chile

Jaime Rohten

full time academic position

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Universidad del Bío-Bío

Concepcion, Chile

Eduardo Espinosa

Profesor Asistente

Ingeniería Eléctrica


Concepcion, Chile

Johan Guzman

Profesor Asociado

Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica

Universidad del Bío-Bío

Concepción, Chile

ruben peña


ingeniería eléctrica


Concepcion, Chile

Luis Morán


Concepción, Chile

Jesus Cardenas

Profesor Titular

Ingeniería Eléctrica

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Marcelo Pérez

Profesor Asociado


Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria

Valparaiso, Chile


Investigadora asociada



Valparaiso, Chile

Pablo Acuña

Associate Professor

Electrical Engineering

Universidad de Talca

Curico, Chile

José Silva

Profesor Asociado

Ciencias de la Ingeniería

Universidad de Los Lagos

Puerto Montt, Chile

Samir Kouro

Associate Professor

Department of Electronic Engineering

Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria

Valparaiso, Chile

Cesar Silva

Profesor Adjunto (Associate Professor)

Departamento de Electrónica


Valparaiso, Chile

Miguel Torres

Profesor Asistente

Universidad de Los Andes

Santiago, Chile

Ariel Villalón


Universidad de Talca

Talca, Chile

Felipe Besoain



Universidad de Talca

Talca, Chile

Fabio Zamorano

Gestor de Proyectos

Subdirección de Proyectos de Investigación

Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo


Alejandro Angulo


Ingeniería Eléctrica


Valparaiso, Chile

Freddy Flores

Profesor Asociado

Departamento de Ciencias de la Ingeniería

Universidad Andrés Bello

Santiago, Chile

Carlos Restrepo


Departamento de Electromecánica y Conversión de Energía


Curicó, Chile


Profesor Asistente

Ingeniería Eléctrica

Universidad de Magallanes

Punta Arenas, Chile

Fernando Fuentes

Investigador Lider en Ingeniería en Biosistemas Agroalimentarios

Instituto de Investigación Interdisciplinaria

Universidad de Talca

Talca, Chile

Daniel Sbarbaro


Electrical Engineering

Universidad de Concepcion

Concepcion, Chile

Rolando Burgos

Profesor, Director de CPES

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Virginia Tech

Blacksburg, Estados Unidos

Andrés Mora

Profesor Asociado




Cesar Astudillo

Assistant Professor

Deptartment of Computer Science

Universidad de Talca

Curico, Chile