
Samir Kouro Renaer

Associate Professor

Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria

Valparaiso, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

- Power Electronics - Renewable energy systems (wind and photovoltaic) - Electromobility (electric vehicles, charging infrastrucure) - Green hydrogen production - Medium voltage and high power converter topologies (multilevel power converters)


  •  Electronics Engineering, UNIVERSIDAD TECNICA FEDERICO SANTA MARIA. Chile, 2008
  •  Electronics Engineering, UNIVERSIDAD TECNICA FEDERICO SANTA MARIA. Chile, 2004
  •  Electronics Engineer, UNIVERSIDAD TECNICA FEDERICO SANTA MARIA. Chile, 2004

Experiencia Académica

  •   Associate researcher Full Time


    Valparaiso, Chile

    2008 - 2009

  •   Postdoctoral Fellow Full Time

    Ryerson University

    Faculty of Engineering

    Toronto, Canada

    2009 - 2011

  •   Young academic Full Time


    Valparaiso, Chile

    2011 - 2014

  •   Scientific Assistant Full Time


    Valparaiso, Chile

    2004 - 2008

  •   Associate Professor Full Time


    Valparaiso, Chile

    2014 - A la fecha

  •   Director de Innovación Full Time


    Valparaíso, Chile

    2019 - 2021

  •   Director General de Investigación, Innovación y Emprendimiento Full Time


    Valparaíso, Chile

    2021 - 2022

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Young Academic Full Time

    Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria

    Valparaiso, Chile

    2011 - 2014

  •   Postdoctoral Fellow Full Time

    Ryerson University

    Toronto, Canada

    2009 - 2011

  •   Research Associate Full Time

    Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria

    Valparaiso, Chile

    2008 - 2009

  •   Scientific Assistant Full Time

    Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria

    Valparaiso, Chile

    2004 - 2008

  •   Associate Professor Full Time

    Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria

    Valparaiso, Chile

    2014 - A la fecha

Formación de Capital Humano

Samir Kouro has guided 51 undergraduate thesis, 31 Master thesis, 9 PhD thesis and supervised 8 postdoctoral researchers. He teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses in subjects on power electronics, renewable energy systems and electronics.

Difusión y Transferencia

Dr. Kouro has participated in 26 invited keynote and plenary presentations, 13 tutorial courses, 52 presentations in seminars and workshops, 31 presentations in outreach activities to general public, 8 contributions to public policy, 7 patents applications (4 granted, 1 licensed), and co-founded one spinoff company.

Premios y Distinciones

  •   IEEE 2012 Power Electronics Society Richard M. Bass Outstanding Young Power Electronics Engineer Award


    Estados Unidos, 2012

    The Richard M. Bass Outstanding Young Power Electronics Engineer Award recognizes outstanding achievement in the field of power electronics by an engineer less than 35 years of age.

  •   2011 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics Best Paper Award


    Estados Unidos, 2011

    The award was given to the paper: J. I. Leon, S. Kouro, S. Vazquez, R. Portillo, L. G. Franquelo, J. M. Carrasco and J. Rodriguez. “Multidimensional Modulation Technique for Cascaded Multilevel Converters”. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 412–420, February 2011

  •   2008 IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine Best Paper Award


    Chile, 2008

    This award was given to the following paper: L. Franquelo, J. Rodriguez, J. I. Leon, S. Kouro, R. Portillo and M. A. Prats. “The Age of Multilevel Converters Arrives”. IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 28–39, June 2008.

  •   2012 IEEE Industry Applications Magazine Best Paper Award


    Chile, 2012

    This award was given to the following paper: S. Kouro, J. Rodriguez, B. Wu, S. Bernet, M. Perez. “Powering the Future of Industry: High-Power Adjustable Speed Drive Topologies”. IEEE Industry Applications Magazine, vol. 18, no. 4, pp.26–39, July-Aug 2012

  •   The “Ismael Valdes Valdes” award

    Chilean Institute of Engineers

    Chile, 2005

    In recognition of skills for organizing and directing, moral conditions, and good technical preparation.

  •   2016 IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Bimal K. Bose Award for Industrial Electronics Applications in Energy Systems


    Italia, 2016

    Awarded for “Contributions to power conversion and control of photovoltaic and wind energy systems

  •   2015 IEEE Industrial Electronics Society J. David Irwin Early Career Award


    Japón, 2015

    For contributions to research and development of multilevel converter technology and their application to renewable energy conversion systems

  •   Best Paper Award, IEEE 12th International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics, and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG 2018)


    Qatar, 2018

    Best paper award received in Doha, Qatar, April 11, 2018.

  •   2nd place Prize Paper Award IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics


    Estados Unidos, 2015

    2nd place prize paper award.

  •   1st prize IEEE Industry Applications Magazine Best Paper Award 2012


    Chile, 2012

    Best paper award of 2012

  •   Elevated to IEEE Senior Member


    Chile, 2017

    Elevated to the category of Senior Member of IEEE

  •   IEEE-AIE Ingeniero Sobresaliente 2018

    IEEE - AIE

    Chile, 2018

    Premio presentado por IEEE región 9 y AIE por trayectoria destacada.

  •   Highly Cited Researchers 2018

    Clarivate Analytics

    Estados Unidos, 2018

    Reconocimiento por ser uno de los investigadores más citados del mundo en el año 2018.

  •   IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine Best Paper Award


    Chile, 2022

    Premio al mejor articulo de la revista IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine

  •   Premium Award for Best Paper in IET Electric Power Applications


    Chile, 2019

    Premio al mejor articulo del año en la revista IET Electric Power Applications

  •   IEEE Fellow


    Estados Unidos, 2025

    Elevated to IEEE Fellow for contributions in power converter topologies and control for energy transition applications.


Article (188)

Generalized Feed-Forward Sampling Method for Multilevel Cascaded H-Bridge Converters
Photovoltaic to electrolysis off-grid green hydrogen production with DC-DC conversion
Transformerless partial power converter topology for electric vehicle fast charge
Charging Infrastructure and Grid Integration for Electromobility
Common DC-Link Capacitor Lifetime Extension in Modular DC/DC Converters for Electric Vehicle Fast Chargers via Variable-Angle Interleaved Operation
Dual-Purpose Converters for DC or AC Grid as Energy Transition Solution: Perspectives and Challenges
Period Control Approach Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control Switching Phase Control for Interleaved DC/DC Converters
Predictive Control of Common-Ground Five-Level PV Inverter Without Weighting Factors and Reduced Computational Burden
A Survey on Capacitor Voltage Control in Neutral-Point-Clamped Multilevel Converters
Dual-Boost Inverter for PV Microinverter Application-An Assessment of Control Strategies
Harmonic Impedance Model of Multiple Utility-Interactive Multilevel Photovoltaic Inverters
Novel Concept of Solar Converter With Universal Applicability for DC and AC Microgrids
Partial-Power Converter Topology of Type II for Efficient Electric Vehicle Fast Charging
The DC Transformer Power Electronic Building Block: Powering Next-Generation Converter Design
A bidirectional versatile buck–boost converter driver for electric vehicle applications
A Fast Converging Hybrid MPPT Algorithm Based on ABC and P&O Techniques for a Partially Shaded PV System
Binary Search Based Flexible Power Point Tracking Algorithm for Photovoltaic Systems
Bipolar DC Power Conversion: State-of-the-Art and Emerging Technologies
Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure: From Grid to Battery
Enhanced Switching Frequency Control in FCS-MPC for Power Converters
Evaluation of DCX converters for off-grid photovoltaic-based green hydrogen production
Hardware-in-the-Loop to Test an MPPT Technique of Solar Photovoltaic System: A Support Vector Machine Approach
MPPT Algorithm Based on Artificial Bee Colony for PV System
Photovoltaic Green Hydrogen Challenges and Opportunities: A Power Electronics Perspective
SiC-MOSFET or Si-IGBT: Comparison of Design and Key Characteristics of a 690 V Grid-Tied Industrial Two-Level Voltage Source Converter
The use of solar energy in the copper mining processes: A comprehensive review
Ultrawide Voltage Gain Range Microconverter for Integration of Silicon and Thin-Film Photovoltaic Modules in DC Microgrids
Variable-Angle PS-PWM Technique for Multilevel Cascaded H-Bridge Converters with Large Number of Power Cells
FCS Model Predictive Torque Control with Switching Period Tracking for EV Powertrains
Comparison of 1700-V SiC-MOSFET and Si-IGBT Modules Under Identical Test Setup Conditions
Current Control of Interleaved DC-DC Converter Considering a Current Dependent Inductance
Energy Storage Sizing Strategy for Grid-Tied PV Plants under Power Clipping Limitations
Five-Level T-type Cascade Converter for Rooftop Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems
Leakage Current Elimination PWM Method for Fault-Tolerant String H-NPC PV Inverter
Mechatronized maximum power point tracking for electric field energy harvesting sensor
Model Predictive Control of a regenerative Flying Capacitor Converter with reduced switch count
MPPT performance enhancement of low-cost PV microconverters
Photovoltaic Module and Submodule Level Power Electronics and Control
Sliding Mode Based Control of Dual Boost Inverter for Grid Connection
Step-Down Partial Power DC-DC Converters for Two-Stage Photovoltaic String Inverters
Sub-modular Power Optimizers Based on Partial Power Converters for Utility Scale PV Plants
Three-Mode Reconfigurable Rectifier for DC-DC Converters with Wide Input Voltage Range
Wavelet-based ESS sizing strategy to enable power peak-shaving in PV systems
Wide Input Voltage Range High Step-Up DC-DC Converter with Fault-Tolerant Operation Capability
Analysis of Partial Power DC-DC Converters for Two-Stage Photovoltaic Systems
Analysis of Partial Power DC-DC Converters for Two-Stage Photovoltaic Systems
DC-DC MMC for HVdc Grid Interface of Utility-Scale Photovoltaic Conversion Systems
DC-DC MMC for HVdc Grid Interface of Utility-Scale Photovoltaic Conversion Systems
Pseudo-Partial-Power Converter without High Frequency Transformer for Electric Vehicle Fast Charging Stations
Reduced Multilevel Converter: A Novel Multilevel Converter With a Reduced Number of Active Switches
Reduced Multilevel Converter=> A Novel Multilevel Converter With a Reduced Number of Active Switches
Step-Up Partial Power DC-DC Converters for Two-Stage PV Systems with Interleaved Current Performance
Step-Up Partial Power DC-DC Converters for Two-Stage PV Systems with Interleaved Current Performance
Switching Frequency Regulation for FCS-MPC Based on a Period Control Approach
Switching Frequency Regulation for FCS-MPC Based on a Period Control Approach
A novel multilevel converter with Reduced switch count for low and medium voltage applications
Circulating current control scheme for double-star winding induction motor drive based, ship propulsion system
DC-DC MMC for HVDC Grid Interface of Utility-Scale Photovoltaic Conversion Systems
Evaluation of photovoltaic microinverter configurations based on different converter stages and step-up voltage ratios
Experimental Validation of a Single DC Bus Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter for Multistring Photovoltaic Systems
Experimental Validation of a Single DC Bus Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter for Multistring Photovoltaic Systems
Guest Editorial Energy Conversion in Next-generation Electric Ships
Guest Editorial=> Advances in Multi-MW Wind Energy Conversion Systems
Leakage Current Mitigation in Photovoltaic String Inverter Using Predictive Control With Fixed Average Switching Frequency
Leakage Current Mitigation in Photovoltaic String Inverter Using Predictive Control With Fixed Average Switching Frequency
Leakage Current Mitigation in Photovoltaic String Inverter Using Predictive Control With Fixed Average Switching Frequency
Medium-Voltage Power Converter Interface for Multigenerator Marine Energy Conversion Systems
Medium-Voltage Power Converter Interface for Multigenerator Marine Energy Conversion Systems
Medium-Voltage Power Converter Interface for Multigenerator Marine Energy Conversion Systems
Microinverter based on series connected submodular photovoltaic power cells
Multi-Channel Partial Power DC-DC Converter for Current Balancing of LED strings
Multiobjective Fuzzy-Decision-Making Predictive Torque Control for an Induction Motor Drive
Multiobjective Fuzzy-Decision-Making Predictive Torque Control for an Induction Motor Drive
Operation of an hybrid PV-battery system with improved harmonic performance
Partial power converter for a two-stage photovoltaic cascaded string inverter
Partial power DC-DC converter for electric vehicle fast charging stations
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator-Based Wind Energy Conversion Systems: Survey on Power Converters and Controls
PMSG-based wind energy conversion systems: survey on power converters and controls
PMSG-based wind energy conversion systems=> survey on power converters and controls
Push-pull based pseudo DC-link PV microinverter
Robotics in Power Systems – Enabling a more reliable and safe grid
Robotics in Power Systems=> Enabling a More Reliable and Safe Grid
Sub-Module Photovoltaic Microinverter with Cascaded Flybacks and Unfolding H-bridge Inverter
Variable-Angle Phase-Shifted PWM for Multilevel Three-Cell Cascaded H-Bridge Converters
Variable-Angle Phase-Shifted PWM for Multilevel Three-Cell Cascaded H-Bridge Converters
Power Production Losses Study by Frequency Regulation in Weak-Grid-Connected Utility-Scale Photovoltaic Plants
Power Production Losses Study by Frequency Regulation in Weak-Grid-Connected Utility-Scale Photovoltaic Plants
The Essential Role and the Continuous Evolution of Modulation Techniques for Voltage Source Inverters in Past, Present and Future Power Electronics
The Essential Role and the Continuous Evolution of Modulation Techniques for Voltage-Source Inverters in the Past, Present, and Future Power Electronics
The Essential Role and the Continuous Evolution of Modulation Techniques for Voltage-Source Inverters in the Past, Present, and Future Power Electronics
Circuit Topologies, Modeling, Control Schemes, and Applications of Modular Multilevel Converters
Circuit Topologies, Modeling, Control Schemes, and Applications of Modular Multilevel Converters
Circuit Topologies, Modelling, Control Schemes and Applications of Modular Multilevel Converters
Design of a Cleaning Program for a PV Plant Based on Analysis of Energy Losses
Design of a Cleaning Program for a PV Plant Based on Analysis of Energy Losses
Design of a Cleaning Program for a PV Plant Based on Analysis of Energy Losses
Editorial Special Issue on Modular Multilevel Converters
Editorial Special Issue on Modular Multilevel Converters
Electric Vehicle Charging Station Using a Neutral Point Clamped Converter With Bipolar DC Bus
Electric Vehicle Charging Station using a Neutral Point Clamped Converter with Bipolar DC Bus
Electric Vehicle Charging Station Using a Neutral Point Clamped Converter With Bipolar DC Bus
Generalised approach for predictive control with common-mode voltage mitigation in multilevel diode-clamped converters
Generalised approach for predictive control with common-mode voltage mitigation in multilevel diode-clamped converters
Generalised approach for predictive control with common-mode voltage mitigation in multilevel diode-clamped converters
Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems: An Overview of Recent Research and Emerging PV Converter Technology
Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems: An Overview of Recent Research and Emerging PV Converter Technology
Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems=> An Overview of Recent Research and Emerging PV Converter Technology
High-Power Wind Energy Conversion Systems: State-of-the-Art and Emerging Technologies
High-Power Wind Energy Conversion Systems: State-of-the-Art and Emerging Technologies
High-Power Wind Energy Conversion Systems=> State-of-the-Art and Emerging Technologies
Model Predictive Control MPC's Role in the Evolution of Power Electronics
Model Predictive Control MPC's Role in the Evolution of Power Electronics
Model Predictive Control: MPC’s Role in the Evolution of Power Electronics
Multilevel Direct Power Control – A Generalized Approach for Grid-Tied Multilevel Converter Applications
Multilevel Direct Power Control-A Generalized Approach for Grid-Tied Multilevel Converter Applications
Multilevel Direct Power Control-A Generalized Approach for Grid-Tied Multilevel Converter Applications
Photovoltaic Energy Conversion Systems
Photovoltaic Energy Conversion Systems
Predictive Control for Low Voltage Ride-Through Enhancement of Three-Level Boost and NPC Converter based PMSG Wind Turbine
Predictive Control for Low-Voltage Ride-Through Enhancement of Three-Level-Boost and NPC-Converter-Based PMSG Wind Turbine
Predictive Control for Low-Voltage Ride-Through Enhancement of Three-Level-Boost and NPC-Converter-Based PMSG Wind Turbine
Introduction to the Special Section on Modulation Techniques for DC-to-AC Power Converters
Introduction to the Special Section on Modulation Techniques for DC-to-AC Power Converters
Use of Stored Energy in PMSG Rotor Inertia for Low-Voltage Ride-Through in Back-to-Back NPC Converter-Based Wind Power Systems
Use of Stored Energy in PMSG Rotor Inertia for Low-Voltage Ride-Through in Back-to-Back NPC Converter-Based Wind Power Systems
Use of Stored Energy in PMSG Rotor Inertia for Low-Voltage Ride-Through in Back-to-Back NPC Converter-Based Wind Power Systems
Improved Active Frequency Drift Anti-islanding Detection Method for Grid Connected Photovoltaic System
Improved Active Frequency Drift Anti-islanding Detection Method for Grid Connected Photovoltaic Systems
Improved Active Frequency Drift Anti-islanding Detection Method for Grid Connected Photovoltaic Systems
POWERING THE FUTURE OF INDUSTRY High-power adjustable speed drive topologies
POWERING THE FUTURE OF INDUSTRY High-power adjustable speed drive topologies
Powering the Future of Industry: High-Power Adjustable Speed Drive Topologies
Cascaded h-bridge multilevel converter multistring topology for large scale photovoltaic systems
Current Source Converter Based Wind Energy Conversion Systems
Multidimensional Modulation Technique for Cascaded Multilevel Converters
Multidimensional Modulation Technique for Cascaded Multilevel Converters
Multidimensional Modulation Technique for Cascaded Multilevel Converters
Model Predictive Control of Multilevel Cascaded H-Bridge Inverters
Model Predictive Control of Multilevel Cascaded H-Bridge Inverters
Model Predictive Control of Multilevel Cascaded H-Bridge Inverters
Recent Advances and Industrial Applications of Multilevel Converters
Recent Advances and Industrial Applications of Multilevel Converters
Recent Advances and Industrial Applications of Multilevel Converters
Guidelines for Weighting Factors Design in Model Predictive Control of Power Converters and Drives
Model Predictive Control-A Simple and Powerful Method to Control Power Converters
Model Predictive Control-A Simple and Powerful Method to Control Power Converters
Model Predictive Control-A Simple and Powerful Method to Control Power Converters
Multilevel Converters: an Enabling Technology for High Power Applications
S. Kouro
Unidimensional Modulation Technique for Cascaded Multilevel Converters
Unidimensional Modulation Technique for Cascaded Multilevel Converters
Unidimensional Modulation Technique for Cascaded Multilevel Converters
Current-source converter and cycloconverter topologies for industrial medium-voltage drives
Current-source converter and cycloconverter topologies for industrial medium-voltage drives
Current-source converter and cycloconverter topologies for industrial medium-voltage drives
Multicarrier PWM with DC-link ripple feedforward compensation for multilevel inverters
Multicarrier PWM with DC-link ripple feedforward compensation for multilevel inverters
Multicarrier PWM with DC-link ripple feedforward compensation for multilevel inverters
The Age of Multilevel Converters Arrives
The Age of Multilevel Converters Arrives
The Age of Multilevel Converters Arrives
High performance torque and Flux control for multilevel inverter fed induction motors
High-performance torque and flux control for multilevel inverter fed induction motors
High-performance torque and flux control for multilevel inverter fed induction motors
Multilevel voltage-source-converter topologies for industrial medium-voltage drives
Multilevel voltage-source-converter topologies for industrial medium-voltage drives
Multilevel voltage-source-converter topologies for industrial medium-voltage drives
Reduced switching-frequency-modulation algorithm for high-power multilevel inverters
Reduced switching-frequency-modulation algorithm for high-power multilevel inverters
Reduced switching-frequency-modulation algorithm for high-power multilevel inverters
Large current rectifiers: State of the art and future trends
Large current rectifiers: State of the art and future trends
Large current rectifiers=> State of the art and future trends
Multilevel inverter modulation method with DC-link disturbance compensation
Output sinus filter for medium voltage drive with direct torque control
Resonances in a high-power active-front-end rectifier system
Resonances in a high-power active-front-end rectifier system
Resonances in a high-power active-front-end rectifier system
Direct torque control with imposed switching frequency in an 11-level cascaded inverter
Direct torque control with imposed switching frequency in an 11-level cascaded inverter
Direct torque control with imposed switching frequency in an 11-level cascaded inverter
Hysteresis current control of a vector controlled induction motor and DTC: an assessment
Hysteresis current control of a vector controlled induction motor and DTC: an assessment
Hysteresis current control of a vector controlled induction motor and DTC=> an assessment
Modeling and analysis of common-mode voltages generated in medium voltage PWM-CSI drives
Modeling and analysis of common-mode voltages generated in medium voltage PWM-CSI drives
Modeling and analysis of common-mode voltages generated in medium voltage PWM-CSI drives
Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure – From Grid to Battery

BookSection (3)

Application of Predictive Control in Power Electronics: An AC-DC-AC Converter System
Chapter 14: DC–AC Converters
Chapter 11: Single-Phase Controlled Rectifiers

BookWhole (1)

Power Conversion and Control of Wind Energy Systems

ConferencePaper (59)

Capacitor Voltage Ripple Reduction Modulation Method for String Photovoltaic Inverters
Current Control of Interleaved DC-DC Converter in Continuous and Discontinuous Mode
Single-switch impedance-source galvanically isolated DC-DC converter with combined energy transfer
Bidirectional partial power converter interface for energy storage systems to provide peak shaving in grid-tied PV plants
Harmonic interaction modelling of multiple utility-interactive multilevel photovoltaic systems
Impedance norton modelling of utility-interactive multilevel photovoltaic systems
Maximizing energy harvest of the impedance source PV microconverter under partial shading conditions
PV farm operation withindependent reactive power compensation regardless of the active power level generation
Single-phase dual-mode time-sharing PV string inverter
Sub-module photovoltaic microinverter with cascaded push-pull and unfolding H-bridge inverter
Unfolding PV Microinverter Current Control: Rectified Sinusoidal vs Sinusoidal Reference Waveform
Charging architectures integrated with distributed energy resources for sustainable mobility
Adaptive phase-shifted PWM for multilevel cascaded H-bridge converters for balanced or unbalanced operation
Back-to-back wind energy conversion system configuration based on 9-switch dual converter and open-end-winding PMSG
Comparison of single-phase T-type multilevel converters for grid-connected PV systems
Design of a cleaning program for a PV plant based on the analysis of short-term and long-term effects
Dual three-phase PMSG based wind energy conversion system using 9-switch dual converter
Evaluation of output connections of interleaved dc-converter stage for photovoltaic ac-module configurations
Finite control set model predictive control of a Stacked Multicell Converter
Finite control set model predictive control of a stacked multicell converter with reduced computational cost
Model predictive control of interleaved boost converters for synchronous generator wind energy conversion systems
Model predictive control of interleaved DC-DC stage for photovoltaic microconverters
Multiobjective Fuzzy Predictive Torque Control of an induction machine fed by a 3L-NPC inverter
Multiobjective Predictive Control of a three-phase seven-level cascaded H-bridge converter for grid-connected photovoltaic systems
Nine switch multi-channel dual converter for WECS
Photovoltaic DC-DC converter for direct power interface to copper electrorefining process
Predictive control of an H-NPC converter for single-phase rooftop photovoltaic systems
Asymmetric Cascaded Converter for Solar PV Applications
Distributed dc bus EV charging station using a single dc-link h-bridge multilevel converter
Five-level H-bridge NPC central photovoltaic inverter with open-end winding grid connection
Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Converter Interface for Wave Dragon Energy Conversion System
Cascaded H-bridge multilevel converter topology and three-phase balance control for large scale photovoltaic systems
Dual-boost-NPC converter for a dual three-phase PMSG wind energy conversion system
Predictive control of a current source converter operating with low switching frequency
Predictive control of a single-phase cascaded h-bridge photovoltaic energy conversion system
Single DC-link cascaded H-bridge multilevel multistring photovoltaic energy conversion system with inherent balanced operation
Model predictive control based selective harmonic mitigation technique for multilevel cascaded H-bridge converters
Six-phase PMSG wind energy conversion system based on medium-voltage multilevel converter
Generalized direct power control for grid connected multilevel converters
Model predictive control for cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverters with even power distribution
NPC multilevel multistring topology for large scale grid connected photovoltaic systems
Control methods for Low Voltage Ride-Through compliance in grid-connected NPC converter based wind power systems using predictive control
Control of a cascaded h-bridge multilevel converter for grid connection of photovoltaic systems
Model Predictive Control of Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverters
Model predictive control with constant switching frequency using a discrete space vector modulation with virtual state vectors
Predictive control based selective harmonic elimination with low switching frequency for multilevel converters
Switching loss analysis of modulation methods used in neutral point clamped converters
Two-dimensional modulation technique for multilevel cascaded H-bridge converters
Control of an Hybrid Multilevel Inverter for Current Waveform Improvement
Modified staircase modulation with low input current distortion for multicell converters
Switching loss analysis of modulation methods used in cascaded h-bridge multilevel converters
Level-shifted PWM for Cascaded Multilevel Inverters with Even Power Distribution
Power distribution in hybrid multi-cell converter with nearest level modulation
Direct Torque Control With Reduced Switching Losses for Asymmetric Multilevel Inverter Fed Induction Motor Drives
High performance torque and flux control for multilevel inverter fed induction motors
Multicarrier PWM with DC-link ripple feedforward for multilevel inverters
A reduced switching frequency modulation algorithm for high power multilevel inverters
A novel direct torque control scheme for induction machines with space vector modulation
Direct torque control with imposed switching frequency and torque ripple minimization in an 11-level cascaded inverter

Editorial (2)

Energy Conversion in Next-Generation Electric Ships
Special Issue: Advances in Multi-MW Wind Energy Conversion Systems

EditorialMaterial (2)

Special Issue on Modular Multilevel Converters, 2015
Introduction to the Special Section on Modulation Techniques for DC-to-AC Power Converters

Proyecto (33)

Competitive Off-Grid Photovoltaic Green Hydrogen Production Based on the Versatile Buck-Boost Power Electronics Building block
Efficient wide output voltage range power converters for universal electric vehicle fast charging stations
Improvement of Energy Efficiency and Availability of Low-Voltage DC Distribution Systems”,
DC-DC converters for direct integration of photovoltaic systems into the copper electro-refining process
Fuel Cell Lifespan extension in Hybrid Systems: Energy Management Strategies for Electromobility
High power modular lighting LED power driver based on partial power converter
Interleaved and Bidirectional Partial Power DC-DC Converters for Photovoltaic and Energy Storage Applications
Control Strategies and hardware topologies for the operation of Energy Storage system in microgrids
DC-DC converter topologies and control for DC distributed electric vehicle fast charging stations
High Efficiency Partial Power DC-DC Converters for String and Multi-string Photovoltaic Systems
High Efficiency Partial Power DC-DC Converters for String and Multi-string Photovoltaic Systems
Sistemas Hibridos de Almacenamiento de Energía para la Mejora en la Gestión de Redes Eléctricas del Futuro
Power converters and control for DC photovoltaic energy conversion systems
Power converters and control for DC photovoltaic energy conversion systems
Predictive control of High Power Inverters
Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Engineering (AC3E)
Analysis and development of low-voltage multilevel converter topologies for photovoltaic systems
Renewable energy conversion systems and smart grid research network
Environmental impact analysis, and sustainability efficiency based criteria for solar energy projects in Northern Chile
Fondecyt 1131041 Multilevel converter configurations for multiphase and open-end winding PMSG Wind Energy Conversion Systems
Sistemas Híbridos Distribuidos de Conversión y Almacenamiento de Energía Fotovoltaica
Solar Energy Research Center, SERC Chile
Tecnologías Avanzadas de Conversión Electrónica de Potencia y Estrategias de Operación para la Integración de Energías Renovables (ARES)
FONDECYT 1110783: “Multilevel Multi-string Topologies for Large Scale Grid Connected Photovoltaic Energy Conversion Systems
Valparaiso Center For Science And Technology (CCTVal)
Fondecyt 1060423 “Advanced Control Techniques for Performance Improvements of Multilevel Converters for High Power Applications
Fondecyt 1040183 “Direct Torque Control of Multilevel Converter Fed Induction Motors”. Period: March 2004
Fondecyt 1080582 “Multilevel Converter Interfaces for Photovoltaic and Wind Power Conversion Systems

Review (1)

Multilevel Converters: An Enabling Technology for High-Power Applications
Samir Kouro

Associate Professor

Department of Electronic Engineering

Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria

Valparaiso, Chile

José Rodríguez

Full Professor

Facultad de Ingeniería

Universidad Andres Bello

Santiago, Chile

Marcelo Pérez

Profesor Asociado


Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria

Valparaiso, Chile

Jorge Pontt


Electronics Engineering

Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria

Valparaiso, Chile

Christian Rojas

Research Professor


Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria

Valparaiso, Chile

Sebastián Rivera

Assistant Professor

Electrical Sustainable Energy

Delft University of Technology

Delft, Holanda

Cesar Silva

Profesor Adjunto (Associate Professor)

Departamento de Electrónica


Valparaiso, Chile

Pablo Lezana

Associate Professor

Ingeniería Eléctrica

Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Valparaíso, Chile

Nicolás Müller


Facultad de Ciencias de la Ingeniería

Universidad Austral de Chile

Valdivia, Chile

Hugues Renaudineau



Valparaiso, Chile

Carlos Restrepo


Departamento de Electromecánica y Conversión de Energía


Curicó, Chile

Ricardo Lizana

Académico Jornada Completa de la Carrera (Profesor Asociado)

Ingeniería Eléctrica

Universidad Catolica de la Santisima Concepcion

Concepcion, Chile

Freddy Flores

Profesor Asociado

Departamento de Ciencias de la Ingeniería

Universidad Andrés Bello

Santiago, Chile


Profesor Asociado

Escuela de Ingeniería Eléctrica

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Valparaíso, Chile

Catalina González

Profesora Investigadora

de ingeniería Electrónica

Universidad Andrés Bello

Santiago , Chile

Luis Morán


Concepción, Chile

Marco Rivera

Full Professor

Electrical Engineering


Curicó, Chile

José Espinoza

Profesor Titular



Concepcion, Chile

Margarita Norambuena


Ingeniería Eléctrica

Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

valparaiso, Chile


Investigadora asociada



Valparaiso, Chile

Alan Wilson

Investigador Postdoctoral

Centro Avanzado de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica

Valparaíso, Chile

Mokhtar Aly

Associate Professor

Electronics Ingeniería en Energía y Sustentabilidad AmbientalEngineering

Universidad San Sebastián

Santiago, Chile

Alvaro Liendo

Profesor asistente

Instituto de Matemática

Universidad de Talca

Talca, Chile

Oswaldo Menéndez

Profesor investigador

Facultad de Ingeniería

Universidad Andrés Bello

Santiago, Chile


Assistance Professor

Electrical Engineering

Universidad de Talca

Curico, Chile

Pablo Poblete


Andes Electronics Spa

Rancagua, Chile

Jesus Cardenas

Profesor Titular

Ingeniería Eléctrica

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Eduardo Wiechmann

Profesor Titular

Ingenieria Eléctrica

Universidad de Concepción

Concepcion, Chile

ruben peña


ingeniería eléctrica


Concepcion, Chile

Willy Kracht

Director/Associate Professor

Center of Energy

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile