
Miguel Ernesto Figueroa Toro

Profesor Titular

Universidad de Concepción

Concepción, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Embedded image and video processing, smart cameras, high-performance computing, hardware accelerators, network traffic analysis and anomaly detection, reconfigurable computing, very-large scale integration systems


  •  Computer Science & Engineering, UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON-SEATTLE. Estados Unidos, 2005
  •  Computer Science & Engineering, UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON-SEATTLE. Estados Unidos, 1999
  •  Ciencias de la Ingeniería con Mención en Ingeniería Eléctrica, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION. Chile, 1997
  •  Ingeniero Civil Electrónico, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION. Chile, 1990
  •  Ciencias de la Ingeniería Electrónica, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION. Chile, 1988

Experiencia Académica

  •   Profesor Titular Full Time


    Facultad de Ingeniería


    1994 - A la fecha

  •   Instructor Full Time


    Facultad de Ingeniería


    1992 - 1993

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Analog Design Engineer Part Time

    Impinj, Inc.

    Seattle, WA, Estados Unidos

    2001 - 2002

  •   Ingeniero de software Full Time

    Sonda Automatización S.A.

    Santiago, Chile

    1993 - 1994

Formación de Capital Humano

Past Ph. D. students (Electrical Engineering program at Universidad de Concepción)
- Bárbaro López-Portilla (graduated 2024) "Vision circuit architecture with on-chip spatial window operations"
- Christian Vega (graduated 2023) "Explicit feedback congestion control in Science DMZ cyberinfrastructures based on programmable data-plane switches"
- Javier Soto (graduated 2023) "Algorithms and architectures for genomic similarity computation on hardware accelerators" (in Spanish)
- Wladimir Valenzuela (graduated 2022) "Intelligent Image Sensor for Heterogeneous Smart Camera Architectures"
- Gonzalo Carvajal (graduated 2013) "Network devices for hard real-time communication on switched Ethernet"

Current Ph,D. students (Electrical Engineering program at Universidad de Concepción)
- Juan Felipe González (estimated graduation 2025)
- Yaime Fernández (estimated graduation 2025)
- Carolina Gallardo (estimated graduation 2029)

Past Master's students (Electrical Engineering program at Universidad de Concepción)
- Álvaro Guzmán (graduated 2025) "Selection Criteria based on sketches for the genomic similitude problem" (in Spanish)
- Paulo Ubisse (graduated 2021) "Hardware acceleration for empirical entropy estimation using sketches" (in Spanish)
- Ignacio Pérez (graduated 2021) "Hardware acceleration for inference in convolutional neural networks" (in Spanish)
- Pablo Verdugo (graduated 2020) "High-level synthesis of architectures for video processing" (in Spanish)
- Silvana Díaz (graduated 2019) "Instrument for the early screening of skin cancer based on multimodal images"
- Antonio Saavedra (graduated 2018) "Hardware acceleration for emergent motif mining in DNA sequence streams" (in Spanish)
- Javier Cárdenas (graduated 2018) "Multimodal image registration of VIS, SWIR and LWIR images" (in Spanish)
- Luis Araneda (graduated 2016) "Model and heterogeneous computing framework for infrared video" (in Spanish)
- Wladimir Valenzuela (graduated 2016) "Nonuniformity correction, super resolution and stabilization in infrared microscopy images" (in Spanish)
- Javier Soto (graduated 2016) "Face detection and recognition in infrared images on special-purpose hardware" (in Spanish)
- Nicole Ávila (graduated 2015) "Fast segmentation of white-matter fibers" (in Spanish)
- Alejandro Wolf (graduated 2015) "Nonuniformity correction and thermal stabilization of infrared microbolometers" (in Spanish)
- Rodolfo Redlich (graduated 2014) "Special-purpose hardware for real-time image processing" (in Spanish)
- Waldo Valenzuela (graduated 2009) "A study of Principal Component Analysis and its implementation in VLSI" (in Spanish)
- Gonzalo Carvajal (graduated 2009) "Linear subspace methods in analog VLSI applied to face recognition" (in Spanish)

Current Master's students (Electrical Engineering program at Universidad de Concepción)
- Carolina Gallardo (estimated graduation 2025)

Past undergraduate students (Electronics Engineering and Biomedical Engineering programs at Universidad de Concepción, only graduated from 2014 to date)
- Carolina Gallardo (graduated 2024) "Acelerador hardware para estimación de cuantiles en tráfico de redes"
- Sofía Vera (graduated 2023) "Acelerador hardware para estimación de entropía de tráfico de red utilizando estimaciones de su distribución"
- Basthian Sánchez (graduated 2023) "Sistema de visión artificial para cajeros de autoservicio"
- Diego Rebolledo (graduated 2023) "Plataforma móvil de identificación y localización de contenedores utilizando visión por computadora"
- Mónica Venegas (graduated 2023) "Control de fase de interferómetro en fibra óptica multi-núcleo utilizando FPGA"
- Jaime Palacios (graduated 2022) "Back-End Digital para Radiómetros de Vapor de Agua de Pseudo-Correlación"
- Joaquín Lomas (graduated 2021) "Estación de monitoreo de calidad del aire con sensores de bajo costo"
- Matías Espinoza (graduated 2020) "Integración de dispositivos Zigbee a plataforma de domótica"
- Joaquín Ureña (graduated 2020) "Diseño de parlante inteligente Alexa para la asistencia a la tercera edad"
- Eric Cabrera (graduated 2020) "Realidad aumentada con fines turísticos utilizando smartphones"
- Camila Quintanilla (graduated 2019) "Sistema embebido para la detección de vehículos en estacionamientos inteligentes"
- Nicolás Sánchez (graduated 2019) "Sistema de control de un mini dron cuadricóptero"
- Thomas Krohmer (graduated 2019) "Acelerador hardware para clustering de datos usando funciones hash"
- Ignacio Pérez (graduated 2019) "Emulador de redes neuronales celulares sobre un FPGA"
- Wladimir Aburto (graduated 2018) "Diseño e implementación del firmware de un sistema embebido para el control de iluminación en un supermercado"
- Ignacio Vargas (graduated 2017) "Plataforma de desarrollo para sistemas heterogéneos de procesamiento de video"
- Silvana Díaz (graduated 2017) "Segmentación de imágenes para un dispositivo semi-automático de apoyo a la detección temprana de cáncer a la piel"
- Antonio Saavedra (graduated 2017) "Acelerador hardware para clasificación de rostros basado en sensado compresivo"
- Pablo Verdugo (graduated 2017) "Corrección en tiempo real de video Full-HD de eventos deportivos con alto contraste de iluminación"
- Fabián Inostroza (graduated 2016) "Registro de imágenes sobre video multimodal en tiempo real"
- Javier Cárdenas (graduated 2015) "Inspección de calidad de frutas en tiempo real basado en imágenes hiperespectrales"
- Wladimir Valenzuela (graduated 2015) "Implementación en hardware de algoritmo reductor de striping noise en imágenes hiperespectrales"
- Javier Soto (graduated 2015) "Detección de rostros en video infrarrojo en tiempo real"

Difusión y Transferencia

Patents and Transfer

- Patent: John D. Hyde, Miguel E. Figueroa, Todd E. Humes, Cristopher J. Diorio, Terry D. Hass, and Chad A. Lindhorst, “Apparatus for Trimming a Digital to Analog Converter,” US Patent 8,102,007 B1. Status: Granted, Publication date: January 24, 2012, USA.

- Patent: John D. Hyde, Miguel E. Figueroa, Todd E. Humes, Cristopher J. Diorio, Terry D. Hass, and Chad A. Lindhorst, “Method and Apparatus for Trimming a Digital to Analog Converter,” US Patent 6,664,909 B1. Status: Granted, Publication date: December 16, 2003, USA.

- Consultant for technology companies in Chile (2004 - to date).

Invited talks and keynote addresses

- Invited talk “Hardware accelerators for streaming algorithms using sketches,” Department of Integrated Information Technology, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina, United States, April 24, 2024

- Invited talk “Sketch-based algorithms and hardware acceleration,” Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States, March 24, 2023.

- Invited talk “Hardware acceleration with streaming algorithms,” International Symposium on Communication Technologies for Earthquake Disasters (on line), Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, November 6, 2022.

- Invited talk “Embedded camera architectures with on-sensor feature extraction,” Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile, June 25, 2018.

- Invited talk “Special-purpose architectures for high-performance video processing and computer vision in smart infrared cameras,” Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile, June 2, 2016.

- Invited talk “Special-purpose architectures for high-performance video processing and computer vision in smart infrared cameras,” Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile, June 1, 2016.

- Keynote address, 7th Summer School on Integrated Circuit Design, “High-performance embedded digital systems for infrared video processing,” Concepción, Chile, January 13, 2016.

- Keynote address, Summer School on Computational Intelligence, “Learning systems in CMOS VLSI with local adaptation,” Concepción, Chile, December 1, 2015.

- Invited talk, 2nd Summer School on Integrated Circuit Design, “Current research by the VLSI group at Universidad de Concepción,” Santiago, Chile, January 14, 2010.

- Keynote address, International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, “Adaptive systems in CMOS floating-gate technology,” September 12, 2006, Veracruz, Mexico.


- Press articles, newspapers El Sur and El Mercurio.
- Radio interview, Citoyens, Radio Universidad de Chile, 2015.

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Outstanding paper award


    Alemania, 2020

    Outstanding paper award at 23th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD): Architectures, Methods & Tools

  •   Best paper award

    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

    Brasil, 2012

    Best paper award at IEEE Southern Programmable Logic Conference (SPL 2012)


Article (50)

Using virtual function replacement to mitigate 0-day attacks in a multi-vendor NFV-based network
Machine learning controller for data rate management in science DMZ networks
A CMOS Image Readout Circuit with On-Chip Defective Pixel Detection and Correction
A streaming algorithm and hardware accelerator to estimate the empirical entropy of network flows
JACC-FPGA: A hardware accelerator for Jaccard similarity estimation using FPGAs in the cloud
Transmission of optical communication signals through ring core fiber using perfect vortex beams
Guaranteeing Network Reliability to 0-Day Exploits Using Cost-Effective Heterogeneous Node Migration
Motion-Based Object Location on a Smart Image Sensor Using On-Pixel Memory
Superficial white matter bundle atlas based on hierarchical fiber clustering over probabilistic tractography data
Survey of cooperative advanced driver assistance systems: from a holistic and systemic vision
A heterogeneous hardware accelerator for image classification in embedded systems
A high-throughput hardware accelerator for network entropy estimation using sketches
Face recognition on a smart image sensor using local gradients
Maximizing network reliability to 0-day exploits through a heterogeneous node migration strategy
Post-measurement adjustment of the coincidence window in quantum optics experiments
Mining Discriminative K-Mers in DNA Sequences Using Sketches and Hardware Acceleration
Multimodal registration of visible, SWIR and LWIR images in a distributed smart camera system
An Instrument for Accurate and Non-Invasive Screening of Skin Cancer Based on Multimodal Imaging
An embedded system for image segmentation and multimodal registration in noninvasive skin cancer screening
Clustring of Whole-Brain White Matter Short Association Bundles Using HARDI Data
Embedded registration of visible and infrared images in real time for noninvasive skin cancer screening
Fast Automatic Segmentation of White Matter Streamlines Based on a Multi-Subject Bundle Atlas
High-dimensional decoy-state quantum key distribution over multicore telecommunication fibers
Integrating Dynamic-TDMA Communication Channels into COTS Ethernet Networks
Modeling and Compensating Temperature-Dependent Non-Uniformity Noise in IR Microbolometer Cameras
A compact hardware architecture for digital image stabilization using integral projections
Embedded nonuniformity correction in infrared focal plane arrays using the Constant Range algorithm
Postselection-Loophole-Free Bell Test Over an Installed Optical Fiber Network
Quantum key distribution with untrusted detectors
Empirical frequency domain model for fixed-pattern noise in infrared focal plane arrays
Model, analysis, and evaluation of the effects of analog VLSI arithmetic on linear subspace-based image recognition
All-on-Chip dq-Frame Based D-STATCOM Control Implementation in a Low-Cost FPGA
FPGA v/s DSP Performance Comparison for a VSC-Based STATCOM Control Application
Long-distance distribution of genuine energy-time entanglement
Analysis and Compensation of the Effects of Analog VLSI Arithmetic on the LMS Algorithm
Subspace-based Face Recognition on an FPGA
Image Recognition in Analog VLSI with On-Chip Learning
Blind Source-Separation in Mixed-Signal VLSI Using the InfoMax Algorithm
Effects of analog-VLSI hardware on the performance of the LMS algorithm
A 19.2 GOPS mixed-signal filter with floating-gate adaptation
A 19.2GOPS, 20mW adaptive FIR filter
A 300-MS/s 14-bit, digital-to-analog converter in logic CMOS
A floating-gate trimmed, 14-bit, 250 Ms/s digital-to-analog converter in standard 0.25 mu m CMOS
Adaptive CMOS: From biological inspiration to systems-on-a-chip
Competitive learning with floating-gate circuits
A mixed-signal approach to high-performance low-power linear filters
A 200MHz, 3mW, 16-tap mixed-signal FIR filter
Architecture design of reconfigurable pipelined datapaths
Linear pseudosystolic array for partitioned matrix algorithms

ConferencePaper (46)

A hardware accelerator for quantile estimation of network packet attributes
A sketch-based algorithm for network-flow entropy estimation on programmable switches using P4
A hardware accelerator for entropy estimation using the top-k most frequent elements
A hardware architecture for Multiscale Retinex with Chromacity Preservation on an FPGA
A Hardware Accelerator for Edge Detection in High-Definition Video using Cellular Neural Networks
Hardware Acceleration of k-Mer Clustering using Locality-Sensitive Hashing
Parallel optimization of fiber bundle segmentation for massive tractography datasets
A pseudo-correlation MMIC-based 183 GHz water vapor radiometer
An intelligent readout integrated circuit (iROIC) with on-chip local gradient operations
Heavy-hitter detection using a hardware sketch with the countmin-CU algorithm
Multimodal image registration between SWIR and LWIR images in an embedded system
A Hardware Architecture for Real-time Shadow Removal in High-contrast Video
An embedded system for face classification in infrared video using sparse representation
An embedded hardware architecture for real-time super-resolution in infrared cameras
Embedded multimodal registration of visible images on long-wave infrared video in real time
A custom hardware classifier for bruised apple detection in hyperspectral images
A digital architecture for striping noise compensation in push-broom hyperspectral cameras
A texture-based architecture for face detection in IR images on an FPGA
An embedded face-classification system for infrared images on an FPGA
Interactive segmentation of white-matter fibers using a multi-subject atlas
Real-time digital video stabilization on an FPGA
A digital architecture for real-time nonuniformity correction of infrared focal-plane arrays
Atacama: An Open FPGA-based Platform for Mixed-Criticality Communication in Multi-Segmented Ethernet Networks
GPU-Based acceleration of an automatic white matter segmentation algorithm using CUDA
On-line nonuniformity and temperature compensation of uncooled IRFPAs using embedded digital hardware
Spatial and frequency domain metrics for assessing fixed-pattern noise in infrared images
A hardware Kalman-based offset estimator for nonuniformity correction on IRFPA
FPGA-based neural network for nonuniformity correction on infrared focal plane arrays
Hardware-based computation of the roughness index for infrared imagers
An FPGA-based real-time nonuniformity correction system for Infrared Focal Plane Arrays
Subspace-Based Face Recognition on an FPGA
An FPGA-based accelerator for analog VLSI Artificial Neural Network emulation
Image Recognition in Analog VLSI with On-Chip Learning
Blind source-separation in mixed-signal VLSI using the InfoMax algorithm
Subspace-Based Face Recognition in Analog VLSI
A Random-Projection Imager for Visual Pattern Classification in Analog VLSI
Adaptive signal processing in mixed-signal VLSI with anti-Hebbian learning
A reconfigurable VLSI learning array
On-Chip Compensation of Device-Mismatch Effects in Analog VLSI Neural Networks
Adaptive Quantization and Density Estimation in Silicon
Field-Programmable Learning Arrays
A Floating-Gate Trimmable High-Resolution DAC in Standard 0.25um CMOS
A silicon primitive for competitive learning
An FPGA-Based Array Processor for an Ionospheric-Imaging Radar
A Decoupled Access/Execute Processor for Matrix Algorithms: Architecture and Programming

ConferencePoster (3)

A fast algorithm for interactive automatic segmentation of white matter fibers
Optimization of an automatic white matter segmentation algorithm using CUDA
Classification of Parasite Infected Clams Using Hyperspectral Images

Patent (2)

Apparatus for Trimming a Digital to Analog Converter
Method and Apparatus for Trimming a Digital to Analog Converter

Proyecto (16)

Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Machine Learning enhancements for Data Networks using Programmable Data Plane Devices
Towards Smart Optical Networks: Devices and Control Plane
Conmutador Óptico Espacial de Alta Velocidad para Operación en Redes de Fibras Multi-Núcleo
Hardware accelerators for network traffic monitoring on the data plane
Desarrollo de prototipos de radiómetros de pseudo-correlación para sistemas ultra-sensitivos
Embedded smart camera architectures with on-sensor feature extraction
Collaborative Design of an Architecture for Infrared Image Processing and Computer Vision on the Focal Plane
Hardware-Based Image Processing for Infrared and Hyperspectral Cameras
Center for Optics and Photonics
Center for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information
Sistema de simulación para cirugía artroscópica
Reconfigurable Adaptive Systems in Mixed-Signal VLSI
Correlational Learning Algorithms in Analog and Mixed-Mode CMOS
Sistema De Entrenamiento Artroscópico Basado En Visualizacion Interactiva Y Elementos Hapticos

Review (1)

Modern development methods and tools for embedded reconfigurable systems: A survey
Miguel Figueroa

Profesor Titular

Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica

Universidad de Concepción

Concepción, Chile

Gonzalo Carvajal

Assistant Professor


Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria

Valparaiso, Chile

Gonzalo Carvajal

Assistant Professor


Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria

Valparaiso, Chile

Jorge Pezoa

Associate Professor

Electrical Engineering


Concepción, Chile

Pamela Guevara

Full Professor

Electrical Engineering

Universidad de Concepcion

Concepcion, Chile

Cecilia Hernández

Profesor Asistente


Concepción, Chile

Sebastian Godoy

Associate Professor

Electrical Engineering


Concepción, Chile

Gustavo Moreira

Full Professor



Concepción, Chile

Sergio Torres

Profesor Titular

Departamento Electrico


Concepcion, Chile

Yasmany Prieto



Universidad Católica de la Santisima Concepción

Concepción, Chile

Gabriel Saavedra

Profesor asociado

Departamento de ingeniería electrica

Universidad de Concepción

Concepción, Chile

Jaime Cariñe

Profesor Asistente

Ingeniería Eléctrica

Universidad Católica de la Santisima Concepción

Concepcion, Chile

Daniel Sbarbaro


Electrical Engineering

Universidad de Concepcion

Concepcion, Chile

Javier Muñoz

Profesor Titular

Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica


Curicó, Chile

Carlos Baier

Profesor Asociado

Departamento de Electromecánica y Conversión de Energía

Universidad de Talca


Pedro Melin

Profesor Asociado

Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica

Universidad del Bio-Bio

Concepcion, Chile

Esteban Sepúlveda

Associate Professor

De Fisica

Universidad de Concepcion

Concepción, Chile

Pablo Meza

Associate Professor

Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica


Temuco, Chile

Carlos Saavedra

Full Professor


Universidad de Concepcion

Concepción, Chile

Gustavo Cañas



Universidad del Bío-Bío

Concepción, Chile

Rodrigo Reeves

Profesor Asociado


Universidad de Concepcion

Concepcion, Chile

Gonzalo Burgos


Facultad de ingeniera

Universidad de Concepción

Concepción, Chile

Guilherme Xavier

Assistant Profesor

Electrical Engineering

Univerisidad de Concepción

Concepción, Chile

Francisco Pérez


Ingeniería Eléctrica

Universidad de Concepción

Conncepción, Chile

Wagner Ramírez

Postdoctoral Reseacher

Departament of Antennas and Circuits

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

Helsinki, Finlandia

José Espinoza

Profesor Titular



Concepcion, Chile