Melissa Calegaro Nassif
Principal Investigator, head lab
Universidad Mayor
Santiago, Chile
We are interested in autophagy and lysosomal pathways' role in developing and preventing aging-associated diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), in a sex-dependent detail.
Biological Sciences, Biochemistry , UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO GRANDE DO SUL. Brasil, 2006
PhD in Biomedical Sciences, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2012
Bach. Degree in pharmacy, UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO GRANDE DO SUL. Brasil, 2003
Postdoctoral Research Position Part Time
Santiago, Chile
2012 - 2013
PhD graduate Researcher CONICYT Part Time
Santiago, Chile
2007 - 2011
Master Researcher CNPq Part Time
Porto Alegre, Brasil
2004 - 2006
Volunteer Undergraduate Research Assistant Part Time
Porto Alegre RS, Brasil
2000 - 2001
Undergraduate scholarship holder CNPq (Scientific Initiation Initiative) Part Time
2002 - 2004
Principal Investigator, Lab Head, Assistant Professor Full Time
Research Vice Presidency
Santiago, Chile
2017 - At present
Director, Neurobiology Doctoral Program Full Time
Research Vice Presidency
Santiago, Chile
2017 - 2022
Associate Professor Full Time
Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud
Santiago, Chile
2023 - At present
PhD graduate student CONICYT Full Time
Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile
2007 - 2012
Magíster thesisist CNPq (National Research Council, Brazil) Full Time
Neuroprotection and Cell Signaling Laboratory, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Porto Alegre, Brasil
2004 - 2006
Ayudante de Investigación de pregrado
Laboratorio de Neuroprotecao e Sinalizacao Celular
2000 - 2004
Researcher Teacher in Biotechnology career Full Time
Universidad Mayor
Santiago, Chile
2012 - At present
Postdoctoral Researcher Full Time
Universidad de Chile/Universidad Mayor
2012 - 2014
FONDECYT Postdoc Fellow/Project 3140110 Full Time
Universidad Mayor
Santiago, Chile
2014 - 2017
Director of the PhD program in Neurobiology Other
Universidad Mayor
Santiago, Chile
2017 - 2022
Member of the academic committee of the doctoral program in Neurobiology Other
Universidad Mayor
Santiago, Chile
2017 - At present
Secretary Other
Chilean Cell Biology Society (SBCCh)
2023 - At present
1. Wileidy A. Gomez, 2021, “Mitophagy as a link between Down syndrome and Alzheimer's disease”, Ph.D. in Integrative Genomics, Universidad Mayor, tutor.
2. Guilherme Rucatti, en progreso, Tesis Doctorado en Neurobiología, co-tutoría con DR. Mario Sanhueza y Dra. Carol SanMartin
Supervised Master's thesis (completed).
1. Bastián Cortés, 2017, "Evaluation of Rubicon-like Levels in the Cortex and Hippocampus of a mouse experimental model of Alzheimer's during the Progression of the Disease", Master of Medical Sciences, Mention in Cellular and Molecular Biology, School of Medicine, University of Valparaíso, tutor.
Supervised undergraduate thesis (completed).
1. Julio I. Henríquez Millán and Alejandra A. Velázquez Palma, 2018, "Correlation between Rubicon protein levels with the appearance of diagnostic markers in an in vitro experimental model of Alzheimer's disease", School of Medical Technology, tutor. Best Thesis Award - Morphology - Scientific Conference TM - UM - 2018.
2. Esteban Leyton and Diego Matus, 2019, "Differential expression of genes related to autophagy in lymphocytes from patients with mild cognitive impairment type Alzheimer's and mild Alzheimer's", School of Medical Technology, tutor, Best Thesis Award - Clinical Bioanalysis, Hematology, and Blood Bank - Scientific Conference 2019 and Best Thesis by the College of Medical Technologists of Chile, Clinical Bioanalysis, Hematology, and Blood Bank.
3. Felipe Andrés García Olave, March 2018 to December 2018, "iPS cells of Down syndrome as a study model of Alzheimer's disease: Comparing proteins involved in macroautophagy", School of Biotechnology, tutor.
4. José Matías Benítez, 2021, “Analysis of expression and function of the def-8 gene during the embryonic development of zebrafish”, School of Biotechnology, co-tutored with Dr. Leonardo Valdivia, co-tutor, Universidad Mayor.
5. Sebastián Oyarce P., 2020/2021, “Defining the role of Def8 in the autophagic pathway in a model of Alzheimer's disease in D. melanogaster”, School of Biotechnology, co-tutored with Dr. Mario Sanhueza, co-advisor, Major university.
6. Diego González, Daniela Rivera, Paola Fuentealba, 2023, “Efecto de una proteína de la autofagia en la muerte celular asociada a la Enfermedad de Alzheimer: DEF8”, Escuela de Tecnología Médica, tutora, Universidad Mayor.
7. Cristian Godoy, 2021, “Modulación de la cardiotoxicidad mediada por antraciclinas mediante miARNs”, Escuela de Biotecnología, cotutora interna.
1. TALK International Professional Women's Association (IPWA) Talk International Professional Women's Association (IPWA) Should I stay or should I go: be scientist woman in Chile Melissa Calegaro Nassif Santiago, Chile August/2022 2022
2. Meeting CHILEAN SOCIETY FOR CELL BIOLOGY Poster XXXIV ANNUAL MEETING TMBIM6 PREVENTS THE APOPTOSIS ON IN VITRO AND IN VIVO MODELS OF PARKINSON´S DISEASE Pablo Ahumada-Montalva1; Carolina Jerez2,3; Sara Borquez1,5; Maria José Cabedo1,5; Yulliet Zabala1,5; Catalina Plaza1,5; Wileidy Gómez6; Melissa Calegaro-Nassif6; Mario Sanhueza7; Rene Vidal2,3,4; Diego Rojas-Rivera Puerto Varas/Chile December 12 – 16, 2022 2022
3. Meeting CHILEAN SOCIETY FOR CELL BIOLOGY Talk XXXIV ANNUAL MEETING PACER REPRESSES RIPK1-DEPENDENT APOPTOSIS AND NECROPTOSIS INDEPENDENTLY OF ITS ROLE IN AUTOPHAGY. Diego Rojas-Rivera1,2,3,5, Sebastián Beltrán2, Melissa Calegaro-Nassif1,2, Lorena Abarzúa1, Cristian Bergmann4, Mathieu J.M. Bertrand3,5, Patricio A. Manque4,6, Ute Woehlbier1,4. Puerto Varas/Chile December 12 – 16, 2022 2022
4. Meeting Trisomy 21 Research Society Poster online 4 International Conference Trisomy 21 Research Society "MITOPHAGY AS A MOLECULAR CROSSTALK BETWEEN DOWN SYNDROME AND ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE" W. Gomez, V. Maracaja-Coutinho, M. Nassif, and V. Parra Barcelona, Spain 2021 2021
5. Meeting Sociedad de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular de Chile Poster online "XLIV Reunión Anual SBBMCh “Mitophagy as Molecular Crosstalk Between Down Syndrome and Alzheimer’s Disease” W. Gomez, V. Maracaja-Coutinho, M. Nassif, and V. Parra Online, Chile June to December 2021 2021
6. TALK CICA (Centro de Investigación Clínica Avanzada) - U. de Chile Talk Ciclo de Seminarios - CICA (Centro de Investigación Clínica Avanzada) - U. de Chile 2021 "El delicado equilíbrio de la vía autofágica en neurodegeneración" Melissa Calegaro Nassif Santiago, Chile Julio/30/2021 2021
7. Meeting "Chilean Biochemistry And Molecular Biology Society Poster "Xlii Annual Meeting Of The Chilean Biochemistry And Molecular Biology Society Molecular Crosstalk Between Down Syndrome And Alzheimer’s Disease: A Bioinformatics Approach W. Gomez, V. Maracaja-Coutinho, M. Nassif, and V. Parra Iquique/Chile Octubre/8-11/2019 2019
8. Meeting ACCDiS Poster SIBI 2019 - III International Symposium On Integrative Bioinformatics A Bioinformatic Approach Of The Molecular Crosstalk Between Down Syndrome And Alzheimer’s disease W. Gomez, V. Maracaja-Coutinho, M. Nassif, and V. Parra Pucón/Chile Diciembre/11-13/2019 2019
9. Meeting Sociedad de Biología Celular de Chile Poster XXXIII Reunión Anual Sociedad de Biología Celular de Chile Expression and function of the novel Alzheimer-linked gene def-8 in zebrafish Benitez J.M.; Vicencio, E.;Ortis, O., Cortes, B., Nassif, M. and Valdivia, L.E. Puerto Varas/Chile Noviembre/25-29/2019 2019
10. TALK Instituto de Ciencias e Innovación en Medicina (ICIM), UDD Talk Seminarios Académicos del Instituto de Ciencias e Innovación en Medicina (ICIM) Canibalismo como neuroprotección: papel de la autofagia en neurodegeneración Melissa Calegaro Nassif Santiago, Chile jul-24 2019
11. Meeting Trisomy 21 Research Society Poster 3rd International Conference Trisomy 21 Research Society Molecular crosstalk between down syndrome and Alzheimer’s disease: a bioinformatics approach Wileidy Goméz Barcelona, Spain jun, 06-09 2019
12. Meeting Sociedad de Biologi?a Celular de Chile. Poster XXXII Reunio?n Anual de la Sociedad de Biologi?a Celular de Chile Rubicon family of proteins in the interplay between Down’s syndrome and Alzheimer’s disease F. Garcia, W. Gomez, S. Espinoza, J. Henriquez, A. Vela?squez, C. Bergmann, D. Ponce, M.I. Behrens, V. Parra, M. Nassif. Puerto Varas/Chile, octubre, 2018 2018
13. Meeting Sociedad de Biologi?a Celular de Chile. Poster XXXII Reunio?n Anual de la Sociedad de Biologi?a Celular de Chile. Pacer as a new autophagy protein involved in ALS pathogenesis. S. Beltra?n, M. Nassif, E. Vicencio, J. Arcos, L. Labrador, C. Cortez, .. P. Manque, U. Woehlbier. Puerto Varas/Chile, octubre, 2018 2018
14. Meeting Sociedad de Biologi?a Celular de Chile. Poster XXXII Reunio?n Anual de la Sociedad de Biologi?a Celular de Chile. Assessment of the role of Pacer and Rubicon in experimental models of Alzheimer’s disease. S. Espinoza, J. Henriques1, A. Vasquez1, B. Cortes1, C. Cortez2, C. Bergmann1, P. Murgas1, C. Duran3, C. Hetz3, P. Manque1, U. Woehlbier1, M. Nassif1 Puerto Varas/Chile, octubre, 2018 2018
15. Meeting Sociedad de Biologi?a Celular de Chile. Poster XXXII Reunio?n Anual de la Sociedad de Biologi?a Celular de Chile. Molecular interplay between Down syndrome and Alzheimer’s disease: a bioinformatics approach. W. Gomez1, A.G Go?mez-Contreras, F. Garcia, V. Maracaja-Coutinho, M. Nassif, V. Parra Puerto Varas/Chile, octubre, 2018 2018
16. Meeting Sociedad de Biologi?a Celular de Chile. Poster XXXI Reunio?n Anual de la Sociedad de Biologi?a Celular de Chile. FAM120A – a new protein associated with pathological characteristics of ALS E. Vicencio, Arcos, J, Bargsted, L, Matus, S, Cortez, B, Nassif, M, Cortez, C, Manque, P. and Woehlbier, U. Puerto Varas/Chile, octubre, 2017 2017
17. Meeting Sociedad de Biologi?a Celular de Chile. Poster XXXI Reunio?n Anual de la Sociedad de Biologi?a Celular de Chile Involvement of Rubicon family of proteins in neurodegeneration. B. Cortez. Puerto Varas/Chile, octubre, 2017 2017
18. Meeting Sociedad de Biologi?a Celular de Chile. Poster XXXI Reunio?n Anual de la Sociedad de Biologi?a Celular de Chile Rubicon-like dysregulation during ALS pathogenesis J. Arcos. Puerto Varas/Chile, octubre, 2017 2017
19. Meeting Sociedad de Biologi?a Celular de Chile. Poster XXXI Reunio?n Anual de la Sociedad de Biologi?a Celular de Chile FAM120A - a new protein embedded in the ALS disease network E. Vicencio. Puerto Varas/Chile, octubre, 2017 2017
20. Meeting Sociedad de Biologi?a Celular de Chile. Poster XXXI Reunio?n Anual de la Sociedad de Biologi?a Celular de Chile Network approach identifies RUBCNL as a protein involved in ALS pathogenesis S. Beltran Puerto Varas/Chile, octubre, 2017 2017
21. Meeting Gordon Research Seminar Poster Autophagy in Stress, Development & Disease (GRS) Gordon Research Seminar BCI - a new protein involved in the autophagy pathway M. Nassif, Emiliano Vicencio, Sebastia?n Beltra?n, Cristia?n A. Munoz Bergmann, Rene Vidal, Claudio Hetz, Ute Woehlbier, Patricio Manque. Ventura, USA 19-21 de marzo, 2016 2016
22. Meeting Gordon Research Conference Poster Autophagy in Stress, Development & Disease (GRC) Gordon Research Conference. BCI - a new protein involved in the autophagy pathway. M. Nassif, Emiliano Vicencio, Sebastia?n Beltra?n, Cristia?n A. Munoz Bergmann, Rene Vidal, Claudio Hetz, Ute Woehlbier, Patricio Manque. Ventura, USA 21-25 de marzo, 2016 2016
Meeting EMBO Poster FEBS-EMBO 2014 Bci is a new component of the autophagy pathway. Patricio A. Manque, Melissa Nassif, Emiliano Vicencio, Camila Gherardelli, Jose? M. Matamala, Rene L. Vidal3, Raul Arias, Marcelo Rojas, Vinicius Maracaja, Claudio Hetz, Ute Woehlbier. Paris, Francia junio, 2014 2014
Meeting ZING Poster AUTOPHAGY ZING CONFERENCE. MEXICO. Trehalose protects against amyotrophic lateral sclerosis progression by enhancing autophagy Karen Castillo, Melissa Nassif, Vicente Valenzuela, Fabiola Rojas, Soledad Matus, Gabriela Mercado, Felipe A. Court, Brigitte van Zundert, and Claudio Hetz. Mexico 2012/11/27-2012/12/01 2012
Meeting ICBM Poster II Congreso Ciencia Joven a entrega de virus adeno-asociado codificante para XBP-1s en el sistema nervioso central, prolonga la sobrevida de ratones modelo de esclerosis lateral amiotro?fica Valenzuela V, Matus S, Nassif M, Hetz C. Chile 2011/09/08-2011/09/08 2012
Meeting ZING Poster AUTOPHAGY ZING CONFERENCE. MEXICO. Induction of autophagy decrease mutSOD1 aggregation in ALS cellular model and alleviate and attenuates disease progression in a mouse model of the disease. Castillo K., Lopez E, Nassif M, Matus S, and Hetz C Mexico 2011/12/06-2011/12/11. 2011
Meeting Sociedad de Biologi?a Celular de Chile. Poster Annual meeting of Cellular Biology Society of Chile A role of Beclin1 in the regulation of autophagy in Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Nassif M, Hetz C. A Puerto Varas/Chile, 2011/11/01-2011/11/05. 2011
Meeting EMBO Poster EMBO workshop Proteolysis and Neurodegeneration Targeting the autophagy machinery decreases mutant SOD1 aggregation in a cellular model of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Castillo, K; Caballero, B; Nassif, M, Matus S., and Hetz, C. Madrid, España 4-7 de mayo 2010
Meeting Gordon Conference Poster Autophagy In Stress, Development & Disease A role of BECLIN-1 in the regulation of autophagy in Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Nassif, M. ; Matus, S. ; CASTILLO, K. ; BROWN R.H., Hetz, C. Barga, Italia 25-30 de septiembre 2010
Meeting Sociedad de Biologi?a Celular de Chile. Poster XXIII Reunion Anual de la Sociedad de Biologi?a Celular de Chile Mutant SOD1 species increase autophagy leves in a model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis by interfering autophagy regulatory complex BCL-2/Beclin1 Nassif, M. ; Matus, S. ; CASTILLO, K. ; Hetz, C. Pucón, Chile noviembre, 2009 2009
Meeting Sociedad de Biologi?a Celular de Chile. Oral XXII Reunion Anual Sociedad de biologia celular de Chile XBP-1 Deficiency in vivo protects against Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis due to increased autophagy. MARTINEZ, G. ; Matus, S. ; Thielen, P. ; Nassif, M. ; Brown RH ; Hetz, C. ; Glimcher L. Pucón, Chile noviembre, 2008 2008
Meeting Gordon Conference Poster In: Gordon Conference: Stress Proteins In Growth, Development & Disease XBP-1 deficiency in the nervous system protects against amyotrophic lateral sclerosis by increasing autophagy. Matus, S. ; Nassif, M. ; Thielen, P. ; Court F. ; CUERVO, A. M. ; MARTINEZ, G. ; KIFFIN, R. ; Brown RH ; Glimcher L. ; Hetz, C. Andover, EEUU june 28 - July 3, 2009 2009
Meeting FONDAP Poster Congreso FONDAP Papel del factor pro-apopto?tico BIM promueve la muerte de motoneuronas en un modelo transge?nico de Esclerosis Lateral Amiotro?fica Nassif, M. ; Matus, S. ; Leon, C. ; Hetz, C. San Jose del Maipo abril, 2008 2008
Meeting Gordon Conference Poster Gordon Conference : Cell death Title: XBP-1 Deficiency in Neurons Protects Against Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis by Increasing Autophagy. Hetz, C. ; Thielen, P. ; Matus, S. ; Nassif M; Brown RH ; Glimcher L. Barga, Italia 6-11 de julio 2008
Meeting Sporadic Neurodegeneration Poster Sporadic Neurodegeneration: Genes, Environment and Therapeutic Strategies. XBP-1 deficiency in neurons protects against amyotrophic lateral sclerosis by increasing autophagy. Thielen, P. ; Hetz, C. ; Matus, S. ; Nassif, M. ; Brown RH ; Glimcher L. Boston, EEUU july 31-august 01 2008
Meeting IBRO/LARC Poster I Congress IBRO/LARC of Neurosciences for Latin America, Caribbean and Iberian Peninsula, XBP-1 deficiency protects against Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis due to increased. Nassif, M.; Thielen, P. ; Matus, S. ; Glimcher L. ; Hetz, C. Buzios, Brasil 1-4 de septiembre 2008
Meeting Neurotoxicity Society Poster III Neurotoxicity Society Meeting DT-diaphorase protection in catecholaminergic cell line against aminochrome neurotoxic effects. Cardenas S. ; Paris I ; Fuentes, P. ; Graumann R ; Riveros A ; Lozano J. ; Nassif, M. ; Caviedes P ; Segura-Aguilar J . Pucón, Chile Octubre, 2007 2007
Meeting Biophysics Society Poster III Meeting on the Molecular Mechanisms of Neurodegeneration Beta- amyloid peptide toxicity in organotypic hippocampal slice culture involves AKT/PKB, GSK3beta and PTEN. Nassif, M. ; Horn, A. ; HOPPE, J. ; Gerhardt, D. ; Frozza, R. L. ; Zamin, L. L. ; SIMAO, F. ; SALBEGO, C. Milan, Italy. May 19-21, 2007 2007
Meeting UFRGS Oral Salao de Iniciac?ao cienti?fica UFRGS Envolvimento da proteína cinase B(Akt) e da fosfatase da proteína PI3-K (PTEN) na neurotoxicidade provocada pelo peptídeo AB25-35 em cultura organotípica de hipocampo de ratos Hoppe, Juliana Bender; Nassif, Melissa Calegaro ; Santin, Katiane; Frozza, Rudimar Luiz; Horn, Ana Paula; Zamin, Lauren Lúcia; Simão, Fabrício; Gerhardt, Daniéli; Salbego, Christianne Gazzana Porto Alegre, Brasil Octubre, 15-20 2006
Meeting UFRGS Oral Salao de Iniciac?ao cienti?fica UFRGS Estudo do efeito neuroprotetor da oxcarbazepina em culturas organotípicas de hipocampo submetidas à privação de oxigênio e glicose e seu possível envolvimento com a via da PI3-K Comiran, Ricardo Argenta; Nassif, Melissa Calegaro; Frozza, Rudimar Luiz; Horn, Ana Paula; Zamin, Lauren Lúcia; Simão, Fabrício; Gerhardt, Daniéli; Salbego, Christianne Gazzana Porto Alegre, Brasil Octubre, 15-20 2006
Meeting UFRGS Poster Porto Alegre Brain Symposium: Advances in the diagnosis and treatment of brain diseases Toxicity of Beta-amyloid Peptides AB1-42 and AB25-35 in Organotypic Hippocampla Slice Culture. Frozza, R. L. ; Nassif, M. ; HOPPE, J. ; SANTIN, K. ; Horn, A. ; Zamin, L. L. ; SIMAO, F. ; Gerhardt, D. ; COMIRAN, R. ; SALBEGO, C. Porto Alegre, Brasil Octubre, 2006 2006
Meeting Symposium on Neuroprotection and Neurorepair Poster In: 4th International Symposium on Neuroprotection and Neurorepair: Cerebral Ischemia and Stroke Cellular death in hippocampus in response to PI3K inhibition and oxygen ang glucose deprivation. Horn, A. ; Gerhardt, D. ; Zamin, L. L. ; SIMAO, F. ; Nassif, M. ; HORN, F. ; NETTO, C. A. ; LENZ, G. ; SALBEGO, C. Magdeburg, Alemania April, 2006 2006
Meeting Symposium on Neuroprotection and Neurorepair Poster 4th International Symposium on Neuroprotection and Neurorepair: Cerebral Ischemia and Stroke Protective effect of resveratrol against oxygen-glucose deprivation in organotypic hippocampal slice cultures: involvement of PI3K pathway SALBEGO, C. ; Zamin, L. L. ; PILLA, P. D. ; Horn, A. ; Nassif, M. ; SIMAO, F. ; NETTO, C. A. Magdeburg, Alemania April, 2006 2006
Meeting FeSBE Poster XXI Reunia?o Anual da FeSBE - Resumos Envolvimento da prtei?na cinase B (AKT) e da fosfatase da protei?na PI3-K (PTEN) na neurotoxicidade provocada pelo pepti?deo Aß25-35 em cultura organoti?pica de hipocampo de ratos. Hoppe J, Nassif M, Santin K, Zamin LL, Frozza RL, Simao F, Gerhardt D, Salbego C . Sao Paulo 23 a 26 de Agosto 2006
Meeting FeSBE Poster XXI Reunia?o Anual da FeSBE - Resumos Estudo do Efeito Neuroprotetor da Oxcarbazepina em Culturas Organoti?picas de Hipocampo Submetidas A? Privac?a?o de Oxige?nio e Glicose e Seu Possi?vel Envolvimento com a Via da Pi3-K. Comiran R, Simao F, Zamin LL, Frozza RL, Nassif M, Horn AP, Gerhrdt D, Salbego C . Sao Paulo 23 a 26 de Agosto 2006
Meeting FeSBE Poster XXI Reunia?o Anual da FeSBE 2006 Resumos Investigac?a?o do envolvimento dos transportadores de glutamato glast e glt-1 no efeito neuroprotetor do resveratrol em culturas organoti?picas de hipocamposubmetidasa?privac?a?odeoxige?nioeglicose Comiran r, Zamin LL, Dillenburg-Pilla P, Simao F, Horn AP, Frozza RL, Nassif M, Gerhardt D, Salbego C . Sao Paulo 23 a 26 de Agosto 2006
Meeting Poster First Chilean International Symposium on Neurodegenerative Diseases Neurotoxicity Induced by Abeta25-35 in Organotypic Hippocampal Culture and the Possible Neuroprotection of Atorvastatin and 17beta-Estradiol. Nassif M., Hoppe J., Santin K., Sima?o F., Zamin L.L., Salbego C. Santiago, Chile Noviembre 21 al 25 2005
Meeting Sociedad Chilena de Neurociencias Poster 1r Congreso de la Sociedad Chilena de Neurociencia Boldine Neurotoxic Effects on Rat Hippocampal Slices After in vitro Oxygen-Glucose Deprivation and Investigation of Boldine Antioxidant Activity Nassif M., Konrath E., Santin K., Salbego C., Henriques A.T. Santiago, Chile Diciembre 1-2 2005
Meeting Neurotoxicity Society Poster II Neurotoxicity Society Meeting - Mechanisms for Neurodegenerative Disorders Neurotoxicity Induced by Amyloid beta-peptide (AB42) in Organotypic Hippocampal Cultures and Involvement of GSK3B and iNOS Proteins. Nassif M., Hoppe J., Horn A.P., Sima?o F., Zamin L.L., Salbego C. Viña del Mar, Chile junio, 2005 2005
Meeting UFRGS Poster Mostra Inova UFRGS Neurotoxicidade Induzida pelo Pepti?deo A-beta em Cultura Organoti?pica de Hipocampo de Ratos e Involvimento das Protei?nas O?xido Ni?trico Sintase Induzi?vel (INOS) e GSK- 3BETA. Nassif M., Hoppe J., Horn A.P., Sima?o F., Frozza R., Salbego C. Porto Alegre, Brasil maio, 2005 2005
Meeting FFFCMPA Poster XXI Semana Acade?mica da FFFCMPA Potencial neuroprotetor do resveratrol: possi?vel envolvimento das enzimas Akt e GSK- 3beta Pilla-Dillenburg P., Zamin L., Nassif M., Horn A.P., Frozza R., Sima?o F., Salbego C. Porto Alegre, Brasil setembro, 2005 2005
Meeting UFRGS Poster Mostra Inova UFRGS Efeitos Neuroprotetores do Estradiol e seus Possi?veis Mecanismos de Ac?a?o em Modelos in vitro de Isquemia Cerebral. Salbego C., Netto C.A., Rocha E., Horn A., Sima?o F., Zamin L.L., Nassif M., Cimarosti H. . Porto Alegre, Brasil maio, 2005 2005
Meeting FESBE Poster FESBE Neurotoxicidade do pepti?deo AB42 em cultura organoti?pica de hipocampo de ratos e possi?vel envolvimento da protei?na GSK-3B Hoppe J., Nassif M., Santin K., Frozza R., Horn A., Zamin L.L., Sima?o F., Salbego C. Sao Paulo, Brasil Septiembre, 2005 2005
Meeting FESBE Poster FESBE Envolvimento da protei?na o?xido ni?trico sintase induzi?vel (INOS) na neurotoxicidade provocada pelo pepti?deo AB42 em cultura organoti?pica de hipocampo de ratos. antin K., Nassif M., Hoppe J., Frozza R., Salbego C. . Sao Paulo, Brasil Septiembre, 2005 2005
Meeting FESBE Poster FESBE Efeito da privac?a?o de oxige?nio e glicose sobre para?metros de estresse oxidativo em fatias de hipocampo de ratos e investigac?a?o do efeito antioxidante da boldina. Konrath E., Santin K., Nassif M., Salbego C., Henriques A.T. Sao Paulo, Brasil Septiembre, 2005 2005
Meeting UFRGS Oral Salao de Iniciac?ao cienti?fica UFRGS Neurotoxicidade Induzida pelo Pepti?deo Ab25-35 em Cultura Organoti?pica de Hipocampo de Ratos e Possi?vel Efeito Neuroprotetor da Atorvastatina. Hoppe J, Nassif M, Salbego C . Porto Alegre, Brasil Octubre, 17-21 2005
Meeting UFRGS Oral Salao de Iniciac?ao cienti?fica UFRGS Avaliac?a?o do Efeito NeurotA?xico da Boldina Sobre Fatias de Hipocampo de Ratos Submetidas a? Privac?a?o de Oxige?nio e Glicose e Investigac?a?o do Efeito Antioxidante da Boldina. Santin K, Konrath E, Nassif M, Santin A, Henriques A, Salbego C Porto Alegre, Brasil Octubre, 17-21 2005
Meeting UFRGS Poster XXX SEMANA ACADE?MICA DE ESTUDOS FARMACE?UTICOS Envolvimento das protei?nas GSK3beta e INOS na neurotoxicidade induzida pelo pepti?deo AB42 em cultura organoti?pica de hipocampo de ratos Santin K, Nassif M, Hoppe J, Frozza R, Salbego C. Porto Alegre, Brasil Mayo, 2005 2005
Meeting FESBE Poster XIX FeSBE tividade do Extrato de Kava (Piper methysticum) em Modelo in vitro de Lesa?o Celular e Avaliac?a?o de um Possi?vel Mecanismo de Neuroprotec?a?o Nassif M, Tavares A, Zamin LL, Cimarosti H, Horn A, Frozza RL, Buzin L, Salbego C . Sao Paulo, Brasil Septiembre, 2004 2004
Meeting International Congress on Neuroregeneration Poster II International Congress on Neuroregeneration Neuroprotective Activity of Kava-Kava Extract (Piper methysticum), in Organotypic Culture of Rat Hippocampus Exposed to Oxygen and Glucose Deprivation. Nassif M, Tavares A, Horn A, Zamin LL, Salbego C Rio de Janiero, Brasil September 20–24 2004
Meeting International Congress on Neuroregeneration Poster II International Congress on Neuroregeneration 17 Beta-estradiol Protects against Oxygen and Glucose Deprivation in Rat Hippocampal Organotypic Cultures and Activates AKT and Inativates GSK-3 Beta. Cimarosti H, Zamin LL, Nassif M, Salbego c, Netto CA . Rio de Janiero, Brasil Septiembre, 2004 2004
Meeting UFRGS Oral Salao de Iniciac?ao cienti?fica UFRGS Possível envolvimento das enzimas AKT e GSK3beta na ação neuroprotetora do 17 beta-estradiol Frozza, Rudimar Luiz; Cimarosti, Helena Iturvides; Horn, Ana Paula; Nassif, Melissa Calegaro; Zamin, Lauren Lúcia; Netto, Carlos Alexandre; Salbego, Christianne Gazzana Porto Alegre, Brasil Octubre 25-29 2004
Meeting UFRGS Oral Concurso Acade?mico de Pesquisa Cienti?fica (CAPEC) Efeito Neuroprotetor Do Resveratrol Avaliado em Cultura Organoti?pica de Hipocampo de Ratos Submetidos a? Privacao de Oxige?nio e Glicose Pilla PD, Zamin LL, Nassif M, Salbego C . O Porto Alegre, Brasil Junho, 2004 2004
Meeting SBBq Poster XXXII Reuniao Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Bioqui?mica e Biologia Molecular (SBBq) Neuroprotective Effect of 17-beta estradiol in slices of rat hippocampus exposed to an in vitro model of ischemia. Nassif M, Cimarosti H, Balk R, Tavares A, Zamin LL, Frozza RL, Buzin L, Dalmaz C, Salbego C Minas Gerais, Brasil Maio, 2003 2003
Meeting SBBq Poster XXXII Reuniao Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Bioqui?mica e Biologia Molecular (SBBq) Investigation of the neuroprotective effect of genistein and verification of the phosphorylation of tyrosine in an in vitro model of cellular death Nassif M, Zamin LL, Cimarosti H, Frozza RL, Buzin L, Cecchin S, Salbego C . Minas Gerais, Brasil Maio, 2003 2003
Meeting FESBE Poster XVIII Reunia?o Anual da Federac?a?o de Sociedades de Biologia Experimental feito do tratamento agudo e cro?nico com 17 beta-estradiol em fatias hipocampais de ratas ovariectomizadas submetidas a estresse e expostas a um modelo in vitro de isquemia. I Nassif M, Cimarosti H, Balk R, Zamin LL, Frozza RL, Buzin L, Dalmaz C, Salbego C . Minas Gerais, Brasil Septiembre, 2003 2003
Meeting UFRGS Oral XXIV Concurso Acade?mico de Pesquisa Cienti?fica Avaliac?a?o do efeito do tratamento cro?nico com 17 beta-estradiol em ratas ovariectomizadas submetidas a estresse em um modelo de isquemia in vitro de fatias hipocampais Nassif M, Cimarosti C, Frozza RL, Buzin L, Zamin LL, Balk R, Dalmaz C, Salbego C . Porto Alegre, Brasil Junio, 2003 2003
Meeting UFRGS Oral Sala?o de Iniciac?a?o Cienti?fica da UFRGS (SIC) Efeito do tratamento cronico com 17beta-estradiol em ratas ovariectomizadas sobre modelo de isquemia in vitro em fatias hipocampais. Nassif M, Cimarosti H, Balk R, Zamin LL, Frozza RL, Buzin L, Netto CA, Dalmaz C, Salbego C . Porto Alegre, Brasil 2003 nov. 24-28 2003
Meeting UFRGS Oral Sala?o de Iniciac?a?o Cienti?fica da UFRGS (SIC) Avaliação do efeito do lítio sobre a captação de glutamato em fatias hipocampais expostas à privação de oxigênio e glicose Buzin, Luciane; Cimarosti, Helena Iturvides; Thomazi, Ana Paula; Frozza, Rudimar Luiz; Zamin, Lauren Lúcia; Nassif, Melissa Calegaro; Ferreira, Otemar Júnior; Horn, Ana Paula, Wofchuk, Susana Tchernin, Netto; Carlos Alexandre, Salbego, Christianne Gazzana Porto Alegre, Brasil 2003 nov. 24-28 2003
Meeting UFRGS Oral XIII Sala?o de Iniciac?a?o Cienti?fica Atividade Neuroprotetora do extrato de Kava-kava (Piper methisticum), em cultura organoti?pica de hipocampo de ratos submetidas a? deprivac?a?o de oxige?nio e glicose. Nassif M, Tavares A, Cimarosti A, Valentim L, Salbego C . Porto Alegre, Brasil Diciembre, 2-6 2002
Meeting UFRGS Poster XXXI Reunia?o Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Bioqui?mica e Biologia Molecular (SBBq) Neuroprotective Activity of Kava-Kava extract (Piper methysticum), in organotypic culture of rat hippocampus exposed to oxygen and glucose deprivation Tavares A, Nassif M, Cimarosti H, Valentim L, Salbego C, Netto CA . Mina Gerais, Brasil Maio, 2002 2002
Meeting Colegio de Farmaceuticos de Brasil Poster XI Encontro Estadual de Farmace?uticos Bioqui?micos III Encontro de Farmace?uticos do Mercosul Investigation of the Neuroprotective Effect of Lithium in an in vitro Model of Cellular Death Cimarosti H, Tavares A, Zamin LL, Nassif M, Rodnight R. Florianópolis, Brasil Outubro, 2002 2002
Meeting FESBE Poster XVII Reunia?o Anual da Federac?a?o de Sociedades de Biologia Experimental FeSBE Atividade Neuroprotetora do Extrato de Kava-kava (Piper methysticum), em cultura organoti?pica de Hipocampo de Ratos Submetida a? Privac?a?o de Oxige?nio e Glicose Tavares A, Nassif M, Cimarosti H, Salbego C Salvador, Brasil Septiembre, 2002 2002
Meeting UFRGS Poster XI Congresso Brasileiro de Biologia Celular (SBBC) Investigation of the Neuroprotective Effect of Lithium: an in vitro Model of Cellular Death. Cimarosti H, Tavares A, Zamin LL, Nassif M, Gaelzer R, Rocha E, Salbego C . Porto Alegre, Brasil Abril, 2002 2002
Meeting FESBE Poster XVII Reunia?o Anual da Federac?a?o de Sociedades de Biologia Experimental FeSBE Investigac?a?o do efeito neuroprotetor do Li?tio em um modelo in vitro de morte celular. Cimarosti H, Rodnight R, Nassif M, Tavares A, Valentin L, Paiva R, Rocha e, Salbego C . Salvador, Brasil Septiembre, 2002 2002
Meeting Colegio de Farmaceuticos de Brasil Poster X Encontro Estadual de Farmace?uticos e Bioqui?micos Atividade Neuroprotetora do Extrato de kava-kava (Piper methisticum), em cultura organoti?pica de hipocampo de ratos submetidos a? deprivac?a?o de oxige?nio e glicose. Nassif M, Tavares A, Cimarosti H, Valentin L, Salbego C . Florianópolis, Brasil Outubro, 2001 2001
2017 - 2022: Director of the Doctoral Program in Neurobiology, Vice-Rector for Research - Universidad Mayor.
- Responsible for the accreditation process. The process concludes with the granting of accreditation for two years.
- Professor responsible for chairs and doctoral courses.
- Academic researcher and responsible for publication and participation in research and technology projects.
- Thesis supervision for master's and doctoral students.
- Creation of new training courses in research.
- President of the Academic Committee of the Ph.D. program in Neurobiology.
- Member of the Self-Assessment Committee of the Ph.D. program in Neurobiology.
Other relevant work experiences:
2022: Evaluator of research and technology transfer projects, University of Texas.
2018: Member of the Gender, Multidisciplinary, and Transversal Work Center, Universidad Mayor.
2017 - Present: Review editor for international science and research journals.
2016: Member of the Self-study Committee in the Accreditation Process of the Biotechnology Career in CNA, Universidad Mayor.
2013 - 2021: Participation and development of more than 10 events between talks, workshops, webinars, and guided tours for adults and schoolchildren.
Links to outreach events
https://www.inspiring-girls.cl/Universidad Mayor
• 2014: “Mentoring Leadership Program – ComunidadMujer Foundation”, ComunidadMujer Foundation, Telefonica Building, Providencia, Santiago, Chile.
• 2020: “Keys to innovation in university teaching”, University of Barcelona, Online Coursera.
• 2020: “Online Teaching Workshops by BlackBoard – Universidad Mayor”- Support strategies to encourage student participation in the virtual classroom; Assessment for Learning; Rubrics: elaboration and use in virtual campus.
• 2016: “Pedagogical Tools for the Teaching of Sciences”, OFECS, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Mayor, 24 teaching hours.
Travel Grant IBRO/LARC
Brasil, 2008
Travel Grant IBRO/LARC (2008) to “1er Congreso IBRO/LARC de Neurociencias de América Latina, Caribe y Península Ibérica”, Búzios, RJ, Brazil.
Travel Grant IBRO
Italia, 2010
Travel Grant IBRO (2010) to Gordon Conference "Autophagy in Stress, Development & Disease", Lucca, Italy.
2010 Int'l Diversity Fellowship
Gordon Conference
Estados Unidos, 2010
“2010 Int'l Diversity Fellowship” to Gordon Conference "Autophagy in Stress, Development & Disease", Lucca, Italy.
“Vicerrectoría de Asuntos Académicos de la Universidad de Chile para cursos cortos en el extranjero o pasantías”
Chile, 2010
2010, May to June: Guido Kroemer Laboratory, M.D., Ph.D., INSERM, U848, Institut Gustave Roussy, Pavillon de Recherche 1, F-94805 Villejuif (Paris), France. 2010, one week: Bernard Schneider, Ph.D., Laboratoire d'Etude de la Neurodégénérescence, Brain Mind Institute, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Station 15, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland.
“Proyecto de Apoyo a la realización de tesis doctoral”
Chile, 2010
“Proyecto de Apoyo a la realización de tesis doctoral” (2010): CONICYT, Chile.
“Iniciación Científica” fellowship
CNPq Brasil
Brasil, 2004
“Iniciación Científica” fellowship (2001 to 2004): CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa, Brazil).
Bci is a new component of the autophagy pathway |
Chapter 19 - The Delicate Balance of Autophagy in Neurodegeneration |
Chapter 17 - When the Good Turns Bad: Challenges in the Targeting of Autophagy in Neurodegenerative Diseases |
Autophagy impairment: a crossroad between neurodegeneration and tauopathies |
Targeting autophagy in ALS A complex mission |
Outside in: Unraveling the Role of Neuroinflammation in the Progression of Parkinsons Disease |
The Enigmatic Role of C9ORF72 in Autophagy |

Melissa Calegaro
Principal Investigator, head lab
Research Vice Presidency
Universidad Mayor
Santiago, Chile

Claudio Hetz
Deputy Director

Felipe Court
Full Professor and Director
Center for Integrative Biology
Universidad Mayor
Huechuraba, Chile

Karen Castillo
Académica Investigadora
,Centro de Investigación de Estudios Avanzados del Maule (CIEAM)
Universidad Catolica del Maule
Talca, Chile

Gabriela Martinez
Profesor Asociado
Filosofía y educación
Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación
santiago, Chile

Ute Wohlbier
Associate Professor
Center for Integrative Biology
Universidad Mayor de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Paulina Troncoso
Bioquimica PhD
Laboratorio Clínico Banco de Sangre Anatomía Patológica
Clínica Alemana de Santiago
Santiago, Chile

Alfredo Criollo
Associated Professor
Research Institute in Dental Sciences
Facultad de Odontología, Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Mario Chiong
Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular
Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Jorge Cancino
Associate Professor
Centro de Biología Celular y Biomedicina
Universidad San Sebastián
Santiago, Chile

Zully Pedrozo
Associated Professor
Physiology and Biophysical
Universidad de Chile

Guillermo Díaz
Química Farmacológica y Toxicológica
Santiago, Chile

Valentina Valenzuela
Investigador Asociado
Centro de Biotecnologia
Universidad de Concepción
Concepción, Chile

Jose Matamala
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Department of Neurological Science
University of Chile
Santiago, Chile

Claudia Duran-Aniotz
Profesor Asociado
Escuela de Psicología
Universidad Adolfo Ibánez
Santiago, Chile

sandra espinoza
asistente de investigacion
Laboratorio Neuroinmunologia
Fundacion Ciencias para la Vida/Universidad San Sebastian
Santiago, Chile

Jimena Sierralta
Full Professor
Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Brigitte van Zundert
Full Professor
Santiago, Chile

Gonzalo Encina
Instituto de Ciencias e Innovación en Medicina
Universidad del Desarrollo
Santiago, Chile

Maria Behrens
Profesor Titular
Neurología y Neurocirugía, y de Neurociencia
Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Paola Murgas
Profesor Investigador Asistente
Facultad de Medicina y Ciencia
Universidad San Sebastián
Puerto Montt, Chile

Pablo Caviedes
Full professor
Santiago, Chile