Marcela Eliana Torrejon Quezada
Associate Professor
Biological Sciences Faculty
Concepcion, Chile
1. Heterotrimeric G signaling during neural crest induction and migration in Xenopus. Specification and differentiation of skeletal cells in Xenopus tropicalis.; Relationship between genomic evolution and morphological change in animals.
Biological Sciences area Cellular and Molecular Biology, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION. Chile, 2000
Biochemist, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION. Chile, 1994
Postdoctoral Full Time
NASA- Ames Research Center
Mountain View, Estados Unidos
2001 - 2005
Associate Professor Full Time
Biological Sciences Faculty
Concepcion, Chile
2005 - At present
Associate Professor Full Time
University of Concepcion
Concepcion, Chile
2005 - At present
Undergraduate Theses
Author:Rodrigo Maldonado
Title: "Ric-8A expression pattern during Xenopus embryogenesis"
Institution: UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Licenciatura/Bachillerato/Bachelor, 2009
Author:Gabriela Toro
Title: "Heat Inducible system generation for gene downregulation in vivo in Xenopus tropicalis".
Institution: UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Licenciatura/Bachillerato/Bachelor, 2010
Author:Cecilia Arriagada
Títle: "Subcellular localization analysis of XtRic-8A and its participation in cell polarity in X. tropicalis embryos".
Institution: UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Licenciatura/Bachillerato/Bachelor, 2011
Author:Jaime Fuentealba
Title: "Participation of Ric-8A in the neutral crest formation during embryogenesis in Xenopus tropicalis".
Institution: UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Licenciatura/Bachillerato/Bachelor, 2011
Author:Marion Rodríguez Corrales
Títle: " Ric-8A función during neutral cresta inducción in Xenopus tropicales".
Institution: UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Licenciatura/Bachillerato/Bachelor, 2014
Author:Juan Ignacio Leal
Títle: "Co-Expression and purificación of Galpha and Ric-8A as a proteína complex"
Institution: UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Licenciatura/Bachillerato/Bachelor, 2015
Master theses
Author:Rodrigo Maldonado
Títle: "Caracterization of Ric-8A participation during Xenopus tropicalis embryogenesis"
Institution: UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Magíster/Master/DEA, 2010
Author:Gabriela Toro Tapia
Títle: "Study of Ric-8A paticipation during the neural development of Xenopus tropical".
Institution: UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Magíster/Master/DEA, 2011
Author:Cecilia Arriagada
Títle: "Subcellular localization analysis of XtRic-8A and its participation in cellular polarity in Xenopus tropicalis".
Institution: UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Magíster/Master/DEA, 2012
Authot:Jaime Fuenetalba
Títle: "Participation of Ric-8A in Neural crest formation during Xenopus tropicalis embryogenesis".
Institution: UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Magíster/Master/DEA, 2012
Author:Sanchez, Rodolfo
Títle: "Study of Ric-8B protein during differentiation process of human Neuroblastome".
Institution: UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Magíster/Master/DEA, 2015
Author:Marion Rodríguez Corrales
Títle: "Functional study of Ric-8A during Neural crest induction in Xenopus tropical".
Institution: UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Magíster/Master/DEA, 2016
Author:Villaseca, Soraya
Títle: "Functional study of Galpha i2 in the polarity during cranial neural crest in Xenopus".
Institution: UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Magíster/Master/DEA, 2017
Author:Riffo, Elizabeth
Títle: "Role of the transcription factor Sal2 in the cell migration".
Institution: UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Magíster/Master/DEA, 2017
Author:Leal, Juan Ignacio
Títle. Ric-8A, a GEF for heterotrimeric G protein, controls cranial neural crest cell polarity during migration".
Institution: UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Magíster/Master/DEA, 2018
Ph.D theses
Author:Gabriela Toro
Títle: "Ric-8A and Galpha13 functional studies during cranial neural crest cell migration in Xenopus."
Institution: UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Doctorado/PhD, 2016
Author:Garrido Bigotes, Adrian
Títle: "Protein-protein interaction between signalling components from JAs with the MBW complex of biosinthesis from proantocianidina and antocianinas and components of signalling pathway of absiciq (ABA) in the Fragaria x and Ananassa Duch"
Institution: UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Doctorado/PhD, 2018
- 2016. From Biochemistry activity “Ciclo de charlas a Ciencias Cierta”. Talk: Transgenesys: Myths and legends". June 28 2016.
- 2016. 16th International Xenopus. From Fundamental Processes to Modelling Human Disease. Title of the talk. “Ric-8A/Galpha13 signaling pathway is required to proper cranial neural crest migration in Xenopus”. September 30, 2016.
- 2018.Developmental Biology Course. Torrejón M. The Lord of the G: a master regulator of Neural Crest migration. January 19, 2018. Quintay.
Communication Media
-2014-2017. WEB page construcción for the Biological Sciences Faculty together with Dres. Alexis Salas, Leonardo Guzmán, Ingeniers and technicians from Biological Sciences Ingenieros y técnico (Juan Pablo Vergara), we have coordinated the construcción of a new webpage. It is working since 2015.
-2014-2017. Coorditation of outreach activities from Biological sciences faculty. .
-2014-2017. Coordination and organization of outreach activities by University of Concepción
-2017. Organizing of NOS magazine publication, Facebook and twitter. The article is written by journalist from Biological sciences faculty.
-2014-2017. As a director of Communication of Biological sciences faculta I had to coordinate all the outreach activities of the Faculty journalist by the different social net (WEB-Faculty, panorama, Facebook and Twitter).
- 2015- presente. “Vocacional Rotation” .Colegio Concepción Pedro de Valdivia.
-2015- presents. Coordination of Visit from Colegio Thomas Jefferson.
- 2015-2018. Coordination Scientific fair of Instituto de Humanidades.
- 2015. “School and Science”, XXXVII Annual Meeting Sociedad de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular de Chile. Puerto Varas September 30 to 4 de October,
- 2014. Class Molecular Wifi: Information transmition December 2014.
-2014-2015. Donation activity to Escuela de Vegas de Coliumo.
- 2015-2017. Science Day coordination, UdeC.
- 2015-present. Postgraduate Fair organization
- 2015- 2017. Participation in “Water path" "Camino del Agua”. UdeC.
-2016. Organization and coordination “Lanzamiento Concurso Literario: Tinta en el Matraz”, 23 March 2016.
-2016. Participation in update course for teacher "Molecular Biology and Genomics" " October 2016.
-2016- presente. Organization of Visit from Thomas Jefferson School. October and November.
International Meetings
- 2015. Toro-Tapia G., Rodríguez M., Mayor R., Torrejón M. Ric-8A/G?13 signaling pathway is required to proper cranial neural crest migration in Xenopus. Gordon Research Conference. Neural Crest & Cranial Placodes 07/19/2015 - 07/24/2015. Bentley University in Waltham MA United States.
- 2015. Beyer, A., Toro-Tapia, G., Henríquez, J., Torrejón, M. The heterotrimeric G-protein GEF Ric-8A is involved in the migration of motoneuron-like cells and fibroblasts. EMBO Workshop “Cell and Developmental Systems”. 18 – 22 de Agosto de 2015, Arolla, Suiza.
- 2016. Toro-Tapia G., Beyer A., Villaseca S., Leal JL., Mayor R., Torrejón Marcela. Ric-8A/G?13 signaling pathway is required to proper cranial neural crest migration in Xenopus. 16th International Xenopus. From Fundamental Processes to Modelling Human Disease. 28 Agosto – 1 Septiembre 2016. Grecia.
- 2016. Beyer A., Toro-Tapia G., Henriquez JP., Torrejón Marcela. Ric-8A, a heterotrimeric G-protein signaling regulator, is involved in the migration of motoneuron-like cells and fibroblasts. EMBO/EMBL Symposium Actin in Action: from molecules to Cellular Functions. 7-10 Septiembre 2016. Heidelberg, Alemania.
- 2017. Toro-Tapia G., Beyer A., Villaseca S., Leal JI., Mayor R., Torrejón M. Ric-8A/G?13 signaling pathway is required to proper cranial neural crest migration in Xenopus. Gordon Research Conference. Neural Crest & Cranial Placodes. 5- 10 Febrero, 2017. Four Points Sheraton / Holiday Inn Express in Ventura CA United States
- 2017. Villaseca S., Toro-Tapia G., Beyer A., Leal J., Torrejón, M. G?i2/Ric-8A a novel signaling pathway that regulates Cranial Neural Crest cell migration in Xenopus. Gordon Research Conference. Neural Crest & Cranial Placodes. 5- 10 Febrero, 2017. Four Points Sheraton / Holiday Inn Express in Ventura CA United States.
- 2017. Villaseca S., Toro-Tapia G., Leal JI., Beyer A., Torrejón, M. G?i2/Ric-8A a novel signaling pathway that regulates Cranial Neural Crest cell migration in Xenopus. IX Latin American Society for Developmental Biology Meeting 2017. Octubre 9-13. Medellin, Colombia.
-2018. S. Villaseca, J.I. Leal, A. Beyer, M. Torrejon. G?i2/Ric-8A a novel signaling pathway that regulates cranial neural crest cell migration in Xenopus. 17th International Xenopus. Agosto 12-16, 2018, Seattle, WA, US.
-2019. S. Villaseca and M. Torrejon. Gai2 regulates focal adhesion disasembly and collective cell polarity during Cranial Neural Crest cell migration in Xenopus. Gordon Conference: Neural crest and cranial placodes. April 14-19, 2019. Italy.
National meetings
- 2014. Sanches R., Maureira A., Morin V., Torrejón M., Hinrichs M., Olate J. Ric-8B is important for neuronal differentiation of human Neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells. XXXVII Annual Meeting Sociedad de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular de Chile. Puerto varas Septiembre 30 al 4 de Octubre, 2014.
- 2014. Beyer, A., Pinto, C., Henríquez, J., Torrejón, M. Expression of the heterotrimeric G-protein GEFs, Ric-8A and Ric-8B, and the Wnt recetors Frizzled, during the differentiation of motoneuron-like NSC34 cells. XXVIII Reunión Anual de la Sociedad de Biología Celular de Chile. Puerto Varas. 26 al 30 de Octubre, 2014.
- 2014. Rodríguez, M., Toro-Tapia, G., Villaseca, S., Hinrichs, M., Torrejón, M. Ric-8A regulates neural crest cells induction in Xenopus tropicalis. XXVIII Reunión Anual de la Sociedad de Biología Celular de Chile. Puerto Varas. 26 al 30 de Octubre.
- 2014. Leal, J., Maureira, A., Olate, J., Torrejón, M. Co-expression of Ric-8A and G?13 increases their solubility. XXVIII Reunión Anual de la Sociedad de Biología Celular de Chile. Puerto Varas. 26 al 30 de Octubre.
- 2015. Toro-Tapia G., Beyer A., Villaseca S., Leal JL., Mayor R., Torrejón Marcela. Ric-8A/G?13 signaling pathway is required to proper cranial neural crest migration in Xenopus. Poster Day, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas. Enero 2015.
- 2015. Maureira A., Snachez R., Leal JI., Leiva AM., Hinrichs MV., Torrejon M., Olate J., Gutierrez JL. Implication of cAMP/PKA pathway on regulation of Human Ric8B gene expression by C/EBPb and CREB transcription factor. Poster Day, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas. Enero 2015.
- 2015. Riquelme Orlando, Bustamante Sergio, Torrejón Marcela, Gutiérrez Soraya, Castro Ariel, Morín Violeta. Participation of cathepsin L in apoptosis of colorectal cancer cell lines subjected to metabolic stress. XXXVIII Reunión Anual Sociedad de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular de Chile. Puerto Varas, 22-25 septiembre 2015
- 2015. Rivas, Brian., Ide, Walther., Riquelme, Orlando., Bustamante Sergio., Reyes Camila., Inzunza Bárbara., Gavilan, Juan., Torrejón, Marcela., Morin, Violeta. Standardization of Comet assay for the evaluation of genotoxic damage caused to COLO320 carcinoma cell line. XXXVIII Reunión Anual Sociedad de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular de Chile. Puerto Varas, 22-25 septiembre 2015.
- 2015. Toro-Tapia G., Rodríguez M., Beyer A.,Villaseca S., Marcellini S., Mayor R., Torrejón M. Ric-8A/G?13 signaling pathway is required to proper cranial neural crest migration in Xenopus. XXIX ANNUAL MEETING Sociedad de Biología Celular de Chile. Puerto Varas, octubre, 25 – 29, 2015.
- 2015. Beyer, A., Henríquez, J., Torrejón, M. The heterotrimeric G-protein GEF Ric-8A is involved in the migration of motoneuron-like cells and fibroblasts migration. XXIX ANNUAL MEETING Sociedad de Biología Celular de Chile. Puerto Varas, octubre, 25 – 29, 2015.
- 2015. Maureira A., Sánchez R., Hinrichs M. V., Olate J., Gutiérrez L., Torrejón M. Human RIC-8B gene expression is downregulated by PKA activation and cell differentiation through CREB and C/EBP? transcription factors. XXIX ANNUAL MEETING Sociedad de Biología Celular de Chile. Puerto Varas, octubre, 25 – 29, 2015.
- 2015. Fernández A., Rodriguez M., Torrejón M. Function of Ric-8A during mesodermal tissue formation in Xenopus tropicalis. XXIX ANNUAL MEETING Sociedad de Biología Celular de Chile. Puerto Varas, octubre, 25 – 29, 2015.
- 2015. Villaseca S., Toro-Tapia G., Torrejón, M. Cranial neural crest cell migration is regulated by Ric-8A, through G?i2 signaling in Xenopus tropicalis. XXIX ANNUAL MEETING Sociedad de Biología Celular de Chile. Puerto Varas, octubre, 25 – 29, 2015.
- 2015. Leal, J., Maureira, A., Torrejón, M. Purification of G?13 by co-expression of Ric-8A. XXIX ANNUAL MEETING Sociedad de Biología Celular de Chile. Puerto Varas, octubre, 25 – 29, 2015.
- 2016. Beyer Andrea., Henriquez Juan P., Torrejón Marcela. The heterotrimeric G-protein GEF Ric-8A is involved in the migration of motoneuron-like cells and fibroblasts migration. Poster Day, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas. Enero 2016.
- 2016. Villaseca S., Toro-Tapia G., Torrejon M. Cranial neural crest cell migration is regulated by ric-8A, through Gai2 signaling in Xenopus tropicalis. Poster Day, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas. Enero 2016.
- 2016. Beyer Andrea., Henriquez Juan P., Torrejón Marcela. The heterotrimeric G-protein GEF Ric-8A is involved in the migration of motoneuron-like cells and fibroblasts migration. Institut Curie and Fundación Ciencias y Vida’s Cell Biology Intensive course “The cell in times of interdisciplinary research”. Santiago, Chile, 18-22 Enero 2016.
- 2016. Villaseca S., Toro-Tapia G., Torrejon M. Cranial neural crest cell migration is regulated by ric-8A, through Gai2 signaling in Xenopus tropicalis. Institut Curie and Fundación Ciencias y Vida’s Cell Biology Intensive course “The cell in times of interdisciplinary research”. Santiago, Chile, 18-22 Enero 2016.
- 2016. Leal J., Villaseca S., Torrejón Marcela. Spatiotemporal analysis of RhoA and Rac1 activation for cell polarization. Chilean Society for cell Biology, XXX Annual Meeting. Puerto Varas, Chile, 2-6 Noviembre 2016.
- 2016. Villaseca S., Toro-Tapia G., Beyer A., Leal J., Torrejón M. G?i2/Ric-8A a novel signaling pathway that regulates Cranial Neural Crest cell migration in Xenopus. Chilean Society for cell Biology, XXX Annual Meeting. Puerto Varas, Chile, 2-6 Noviembre 2016.
- 2016. Riffo E., Torres V., Torrejón Marcela, Pincheira Roxana. The Sall2 transcription factor regulates polarity and cell adhesion promoting Mouse Embryo Fibroblast cell migration. Chilean Society for cell Biology, XXX Annual Meeting. Puerto Varas, Chile, 2-6 Noviembre 2016.
- 2017. Leal J., Villaseca S., Torrejón Marcela. Spatiotemporal analysis of RhoA and Rac1 activation for cell polarization. Poster Day, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas. Enero 2017.
- 2017. Villaseca S., Toro-Tapia G., Beyer A., Leal J., Torrejón M. G?i2/Ric-8A a novel signaling pathway that regulates Cranial Neural Crest cell migration in Xenopus. Poster Day, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas. Enero 2017.
- 2017. Villaseca S., Toro-Tapia G., Leal JI., Beyer A., Torrejón, M. G?i2/Ric-8A a novel signaling pathway that regulates Cranial Neural Crest cell migration in Xenopus. Chilean Society for cell Biology, XXXI Annual Meeting. Puerto Varas, Chile, 22-26 Octubre 2017.
- 2017. Beyer A, Lennon-Dumenil AM, Henriquez JP, Torrejon M. Characterization of Ric-8A as a novel cell migration regulator. Chilean Society for cell Biology, XXXI Annual Meeting. Puerto Varas, Chile, 22-26 Octubre 2017.
-2017. Leal J., Villaseca S., Perez C., Torrejón M. Ric-8A, a GEF for heterotrimeric G protein signaling controls cell polarization. Chilean Society for cell Biology, XXXI Annual Meeting. Puerto Varas, Chile, 22-26 Octubre 2017.
-2018. Garrido-Bigotes A., Solano R., Figueroa P., Figueroa CR., Torrejón M. A new non-canonical degron in Fragaria JAZ proteins shows functionality for jasmonate perception. Poster Day, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas. Enero 2018.
- 2018. Beyer A, Lennon-Duménil AM, Henriquez JP, Torrejon M. Characterization of Ric-8A as a novel cell migration regulator. Poster Day, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas. Enero 2018.
- 2018. Leal J., Villaseca S., Perez C., Torrejón M. Ric-8A, a GEF for heterotrimeric G protein signaling controls cell polarization. Poster Day, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas. Enero 2018.
-2018. Riffo EN, Alarcón C, Palma M, Torres V, Torrejón M, Castro AF and Pincheira R. SALL2 transcription factor promotes Mouse Embryo Fibroblast cell migration. Poster Day, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas. Enero 2018.
- 2018. Torrejón M. The Lord of the G: a master regulator of Neural Crest migration. January 19. Quintay.
-2019. Torrejon M. Heterotrimeric G-protein signaling controlling collective cell migration. Simposium "Migration in different cellular context". January 9, 2019.
University of Concepcion Award
Chile, 1994
Award for the best generation student
Best Ph.D. Cellular Biology theses award
Sociedad de Biologia Celular de Chile
Chile, 2000
Best Ph.D. Cellular Biology theses award
Study of XtRic-8 during the neural development of X. tropicalis |