Francisco Javier Matus Baeza
Full Professor
Soil carbon sequestration/Biogeochemistry cycles; Forest ecology/soil nutrient cycling; Soil Fertility/nutrient managements; Isotope based studies in soil-plants systems; Statistics: Experimental design and analysis; Agronomical design experiments
Soil fertility and Plant Nutrition, PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DE CHILE. Chile, 1988
Full Professor Full Time
Ingeniería y Ciencias
2006 - A la fecha
Full Professor Full Time
Universidad de La Frontera
2012 - A la fecha
Asesor Other
Santiago, Chile
2000 - 2002
- Hector Herrera. Transferencia de nutrientes y mecanismos de supresión en la simbiosis de hongos micorrízicos con plantas micoheterótrofas nativas del bosque templado-lluvioso del sur de Chile. Proyecto Nº 3200134. Supervisor. 2019-2022
- Ignacio Jofré. Biotic and abiotic impact of ROS scavenging by manganese on lignin degradation in temperate rainforest soils. Proyecto Nº 3200758 Supervisor. 2019-2022
- Carolina Merino. Does the anoxic-abiotic condition influence the rhizosphere priming effect in allophanic and metamorphic soils developed under temperate rainforest? Proyecto Nº 3200758. 2016-2019
- Marcelo Panichini Proyecto. Efecto del cambio de uso y manejo del suelo sobre la movilidad de los coloides orgánicos en suelos volcánicos del sur de chile. Proyecto Nº 3130647. 2014-2016
- Dries Huygens Increased plant and arbuscular mycorrhizal species diversity to address drought stress in temperate Chilean pasture ecosystems. Proyecto No 1090455. 2009-2011
- Gleb Uzenkov Impact of land use and liming on volcanic soil properties. PhD Program in Natural Resource Sciences. University of La Frontera. Supervisor. 2023 - 2026
- Jhenkhar Mallikarjun: Geo-Biosphere Interactions Thesis within the EarthShape and Firing project: “Redistribution induced by fire and loss of elements in the weathering zone” Co-supervisor. 2019-2023
- Karla Erazo Post-fire soil mineralogy functionality and microbial community structure in temperate forest ecosystems. PhD Program in Natural Resource Sciences. University of La Frontera.Co-supervisor. 2021- 2024
- Camila Cifuentes (on going) Estudio de los efectos de la severidad de los incendios forestales en la diversidad de organismos, procesos biológicos del suelo y aspectos eco-fisiológicos para su restauración. Universidad Austral de Chile. Co-supervisor. 2022-2025
- Rodrigo Castro: (on going) Effect of fire disturbances on soil denudation rates in Nahuelbuta National Park, La Araucanía, Chile. PhD Program in Natural Resource Sciences. University of La Frontera. 2018-2022
- Dalia López (on going) Snow melting effects on microbial community and andic properties in temperate rainforest of southern Chile. PhD Program in Natural Resource Sciences. University of La Frontera. 2018-2022
- Francisco Nájera: Effect of drying, rewetting and thawing on soil gas fluxes: Understanding the response and underlying mechanisms. PhD Program in Natural Resource Sciences. University of La Frontera. Supervisor. 2017-2021
- Carolina Merino: Effect of soil mineral composition on available carbon and priming effect in pristine old growth temperate rain forests. PhD Program in Natural Resource Sciences. University of La Frontera. Supervisor. 2016-2019
- Raúl Orrego: Projecting the impact of climate change on central southern Chile: a case study for Araucanía Region on winter wheat. PhD Program in Natural Resource Sciences. University of La Frontera Co-supervisor. 2014-2018
- Rodrigo Neculmán: Carbon stabilization and destabilisation processes operating in the top- and subsoil of Andisols under temperate rainforest, southern Chile, Universidad de La Frontera/Universidad Paris VII. Supervisor. 2012-2016
- Marcelo Panichini: Organic carbon storage capacity of Chilean allophanic soils. PhD Program in Natural Resource Sciences. University of La Frontera. Co-supervisor. 2010-2014
- Yessica Rivas. Post-fire effects on quantity and quality of organic matter in a forest Andisol araucaria – nothofagus Tolhuaca national park, Chile. Universidad Austral de Chile. Co-supervisor. 2010-2014
- Estrella Garrido: Factors and mechanisms of stabilization of soil organic matter in chilean soils. Universidad Austral de Chile. Co-supervisor. 2007-2011
- Leonardo Vera: Hominid frontier expansion in cultural landscape of the andes mountains of Araucanía. PhD Program in Natural Resource Sciences. University of La Frontera. Co- Supervisor. 2008-2012
- José Parada Larson. The liming of volcanic soils increase the formation of allophan but reduces the carbon sequestration. Magister in Recursos Naturales, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales University of La Frontera. Supervisor. 2021-2024
- Margaux Moreno Duborgel: Understanding carbon dynamics in evergreen and deciduous temperate rainforest soil in Chile using carbon isotopic analysis. K U Leuven, Belgium. Co-supervisor. 2017-2020
- Ricardo Herrera: Efecto de la textura del suelo y del tipo de arcilla sobre la acumulación de materia orgánica. Calibracion absoluta de la energía disipada en agua pura de una sonda de ultrasonido. Universidad de Talca. Supervisor. 2004-2006
- Juan C. Villacura: Efecto de la dosis y parcialización del nitrogeno sobre el rendimiento y eficiencia de recuperación aparente en tomate (Licopersicum escullentum Mill.) industrial. Universidad de Talca. 2008-2010
- Schneider, J., Monreal, C., De Rosa, M., Choi, P. Tsae, P., Matus, F. WO2020051717 - ROOT EXUDATE-ACTIVATED SYSTEM FOR AGROCHEMICAL DELIVERY (2021)
PostDoc Fellow Carleton University
Canada, 2008
2008-2013 Intelligent fertilizer. AAFC - Carleton U of Ottawa U of Alberta U (Co- researcher).
Nominado para ser miembro del Panel Técnico Intergubernamental de Expertos en Suelos de la FAO
Chile, 2022
Nominado para ser miembro del Panel Técnico Intergubernamental de Expertos en Suelos de la FAO
Universidad y la Investigación |
Irrigation-management decision system (IMDS) for vineyards (Regions VI and VII of Chile) |
FOREWORD: Second International Symposium of Soil, Ecology and Environment November 8-9,2007 |
Are organo-mineral complexes and allophane content determinant factors for the carbon level in Chilean volcanic soils? (vol 92C, pg 106, 2012) |
FiRING: Multiscale effects of extreme forest fires on erosion, water, and biogeochemical cycles in natural and managed forest soils - Reported Information |
Smart nitrogen fertilizer to face climate change and food security. |
Biotic and abiotic impact of ROS scavenging by manganese on lignin degradation in temperate rainforest soils. |
Deep EarthShape Geomicrobiology: Iron-metabolizing bacteria as a driving force in the weathering of silicate minerals. |
Fire-Induced Redistribution and Losses of Elements in the Weathering Zone. |
ForCARe, Forest Carbon Associative Research: Quantifying the effect of forest use intensification on soil carbon stabilization processes |
Transferencia de nutrientes y mecanismos de supresión en la simbiosis de hongos micorrízicos con plantas micoheterótrofas nativas del bosque templado-lluvioso del sur de Chile. |
Effect of drying and thawing cycles on soil carbon sequestration along soil development gradient formed in extreme environment in Chile. |
Influencia de procesos pedogénicos sobre el carbono radicular y el ciclo de nutrientes en suelos volcánicos del sur de Chile |
NEXER=> Effect of drying and thawing cycles on soil carbon sequestration along soil development gradient formed in extreme environment in Chile. National grant (UFRO). |
Relationship between plant mycorrhizal type and soil fungal assemblages of endangered Araucaria araucana forest in Nahuelbuta National Park, Chile. |
Antarctic project INACH Effect of freezing and thawing on soil formation in maritime Antarctic soils. |
Effect of freezing-thawing cycles on soil carbon sequestration along soil development gradients formed by glacier retreat in the Maritime Antarctic, King George Island. |
Is nitrosation an important mechanism of organic nitrogen sequestration in temperate rainforest soils? A comparison between Andean and coastal mountains in southern-central Chile |
Is nitrosation an important mechanism of organic nitrogen sequestration in temperate rainforest soils? A comparison between Andean and coastal mountains in southern-central Chile (National grant Fondecyt N° 1170119) Principal Investigator. |
Earthsahpe=> Earth surface shaping by biota. DFG, Priority Program, Germany. (Invited researcher). |
Root carbon shapes nutrient mobilization and recycling in the weathering zone. |
Etarth surface shaping by biota. DFG, Priority Program, Germany. (Invited researcher). |
Understanding the origin and stabilization of organic phosphorus in agricultural soils to improve its bioavailability by biotechnological tools. Proyecto ECOS-CONICYT C13U02 (Co-researcher). |
Desarrollo de una estrategia tecnológica sustentable para la producción hortícola, basada en la aplicación de Biocarbón. Proyecto de Inserción de capital humano avanzado en el sector productivo chileno. |
Organic matter stability and composition in pristine temperate rain forest Andisols |
Antarctic Plant Ecophysiology: Unraveling the biological consequences of climate change on plant populations of the Maritime Antarctic. |
Antarctic Plant Ecophysiology=> Unraveling the biological consequences of climate change on plant populations of the Maritime Antarctic |
Efecto del cambio de uso y manejo de suelo sobre la movilidad de los coloides orgánicos en suelo volcánicos del sur de Chile. |
Efecto del cambio de uso y manejo de suelo sobre la movilidad de los coloides orgánicos en suelo volcánicos del sur de Chile. Inv. Principal Dr. Marcelo Panichini, Profesor Patrocinante. Dr. Francisco Matus. |
Programming and optimization service of water use in irrigated soils (SEPOR) (Co-researcher) (Running project until 2010). |
Carbon sequestration in Andosols as influenced by mineral interactions, energy input and climate ECOSUD-Conicyt C08 U01. (Project leader) (Running project until 2012). |
Increased plant and arbuscular mycorrhizal species diversity to address=> Drought stress in temperate Chilean pasture ecosystem |
Technological bases to create industry of Ecofertilizer: Using Biocarbon produced from waste biomass. |
Technological bases to create industry of Ecofertilizer=> Using Biocarbon produced from waste biomass (FONDEF D07I1096) (Co-researcher) (Running project until 2013). |
Decision support systems for traditional crop rotation based on integrating GIS-Simulation-Model and remote weather stations SSD-SIGMSEM (FONDEF D06I1100) (Project leader) (Running project until 2012). |
Carbon storage in Chilean soils of contrasting mineralogy under different land-use managements |
Clustering agro-ecological for yield and quality of Durum wheat between the Metropolitan and VII Region (Advisor) Found for Agricultural Innovation (FIA-ES-L-2005-1-A) (Finished). |
Decision support systems for traditional crop rotation based on integrating GIS-Simulation-Model and remote weather stations SSD-SIGMSEM. |
Intelligent fertilizer. AAFC - Carleton U of Ottawa U of Alberta U (Co- researcher) |
Intelligent fertilizer. AAFC - Carleton U of Ottawa U of Alberta U (Co-researcher) (Running project until 2012) |
Biotechnology for the preservation of the environment from pollution by pesticides. First national initiatives and evaluation for technological solutions. Explora CONICYT program. (Co-researcher) (Finished). |
Project GFT f/op15 “Chile=> Sustainable managements of land-use”. Soil section module. Financial support by World Bank (Project leader) (Finished). |
Mechanisms of soil organic matter stabilization in volcanic soils and contribution of black carbon under burning zero tillage system in Chile. (National Founding, FONDECYT 1060421) (Project leader) (Finished). |
Report for Chilean Rice Fertilization (Spanish reports) (Founding, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile- TUCAPEL company) (Project leader) (Finished). |
National network for precision viticulture (Spanish reports) (National Founding, FONDEF, D02I1045, Co-researcher) (Finished). |
Why are conifers naturally scarce on productive sites? (National founding, FONDECYT 1030811, Co-researcher) (Finished). |
Arroz-check, an integral methods for improving the profitability of Chilean Rice (Spanish reports) (National Founding, FIA) (Project leader) (Finished). |
Toward to an optimum quality and yield grain of industrial barley crop through fertilization inputs rates (Spanish reports) (CORFO-MALTERÍAS UNIDAS company) (Project leader) (Finished). |
Strategic bases to consolidate the development of apple Chilean industry=> Establishment of standard combinations/variety and nutritional standards. FONDEF D00I1150 (Co-researcher, UTALCA) (Finished). |
Determinant of primary productivity in stratified forests (National Founding, FONDECYT 1030811, Co-researcher) (Finished). |
Nutritional diagnostic system in asparagus through the measurement of organic reserves in the roots (Spanish reports) (CORFO-PROHORTAL Company) (Project leader) (Finished). |
Assessment of soil erosion in the Province of Hualañé (Spanish reports) (National Founding, FNDR) (Project leader) (Finished). |
Development of a methodology to determine the crop evapotranspiration using automatic weather system (Spanish reports) (National Founding, FONDECYT 1970309, Co-researcher) (Finished). |
Regional Evaluation of Fertilization for Industrial Tomato (Spanish reports) (Private company, IANSAGRO) (Project leader) (Finished). |