
Diego Antonio Mezzano Abedrapo



Santiago, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Platelet Physiology and Pathophysiology; Platelet Tissue Factor; Platelet Pro-coagulant Activity; Mechanisms of Atherothrombosis; Primary Hemostasis Disorders; Functions of Neo-synthesized Proteins by Platelets; Platelet Aging in Circulation.


  •  Medical Doctor, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Chile, 1969

Experiencia Académica

  •   Professor Full Time

    Physician, Sótero del Río Hospital


    Santiago, Chile

    1974 - At present

  •   Medical Doctor Full Time

    Hospital Sótero del Río

    Medicine, P. Catholic University of Chile

    Santiago, Chile

    1972 - 1974

  •   Hematology Fellowship Full Time



    Santiago, Chile

    1974 - 1976

  •   National Institutes of Health, Fogarty Center, Research Fellowship Full Time

    Blood Center of South-Eastern Milwaukee

    Associated with Medical College of Wisconsin

    Milwaukee, Estados Unidos

    1978 - 1980

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Research fellowship Full Time

    Blood Ctr. South-Eastern Milwaukee

    Milwaukee, Estados Unidos

    1978 - 1980

  •   Attending Physician, Internal Medicine Full Time

    Hospital Sótero del Río

    Santiago, Chile

    1972 - 1974

  •   Internal Medicine Fellowship Full Time

    School of Medicine, Catholic Univ of Chile

    Santiago, Chile

    1969 - 1972

  •   Hematology Fellowship Full Time

    School of Medicine, Catholic Univ of Chile

    Santiago, Chile

    1974 - 1976

  •   Associate Editor Other

    Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis

    Leiden, Holanda

    2014 - At present

  •   Co-Chairman, Platelet Physiology Sub-Committee Other

    International Society for Thrombosis and Haemostasis

    Chapel Hill, Estados Unidos

    2012 - At present

  •   Member, Lectures and Awards Committee Other

    International Society for Thrombosis and Haemostasis

    Chapel Hill, Chile

    2012 - At present

Formación de Capital Humano

Medical Students.
1997-2004: Director, Organizer and Lecturer in the course of Pathophysiology: Cellular and Molecular Basis of the Disease. For 3rd grade students of Medicine. First semester
2005-2009: Co-Direction of the Integrated Course "Functional and Morphological Pathology". First semester. Lecturer in this course until now.
1997-2006: Lectures and Bibliographic Seminars in the Course Molecular Biology of the Cell, for 2nd grade students of Medicine. First Semester.
1983-1985 and 1988-2009: Director of the chapter of Blood Physiology. Collaborator since 2010 in the same course, for 2nd grade students of Medicine.2nd Semester.
1976-2011: Lectures in Thrombosis, Hemostasis and Transfusion Medicine in the Chapter of Clinical Hematology in the Integrated Medical-Surgical Course for Medical Students, 4th grade.
1990-1999: Programmed Hematology, Hemostasis-Thrombosis and Transfusion Medicine Rounds with groups of students during their Internship.
1985-1989: Optative Course: Training Program in Blood Banking for Pre-Graduate Medical Students. 1 semester.

Pre-Graduate Students in other Health-Related Careers.
1983-1986: Coordinator of the Course Pathophysiology for Nursery Students. 2nd Semester.
1998-2014: Lectures in Hemostasis in the Course Introduction to Clinical Laboratory, for Biochemistry and Biology Students (Faculty of Biological Sciences)
1998-2014: Lectures in Hemostasis in the Course Introduction to Clinical Laboratory, for Chemistry and Pharmacy Students (Faculty of Chemistry)
2012-2014: Lectures in Pathophysiology of the Blood for Dentistry Students (Health Sciences Faculty)

Post-Graduate Students.
1997-2003: Director, Subspecialty Clinical and Laboratory Training in Hemostasis-Thrombosis and Transfusion Medicine. Duration: 1 year. or Hematologists, Pediatricians, Clinical Pathologists, Internists,
2004-2014: Director, Subspecialty Clinical and Laboratory Training in Hemostasis-Thrombosis, 1 year duration for Hematologists, Pediatricians, Clinical Pathologists, Internists,
1995-2014: Medical Sciences PhD Program: Lectures and Seminars in successive courses of this program: Integrative Physiology, Basic Biologic Processes in Human Diseases, Cell-cell interactions in disease: mechanisms and functions.
1997-2013: Magister of Nutrition. Lectures on pathophysiology of disorders related with nutrition and metabolism (atherosclerosis, thrombosis, hemostatic disorders associated with vitamin K deficiency, diabetes, homocysteine metabolism)

Tutorship of Pre-Graduate Students in the Hemostasis and Thrombosis Laboratory.
1992-2014: Pre-Graduate Students of Medical Technology (Internship), Biochemistry and Biology (Clinical Lab Courses) rotate permanently in our Laboratories. These include students of our and other Universities: Universidades Andrés Bello, Mayor, San Sebastián.
1985-2009: Tutorship of 31 Medical Students to help in teaching activities, consultative functions in the courses I directed.
1985-1996: Tutorship of 18 medical students to participate in specific areas of our research projects. Six of them are co-authors in our papers.

Tutorship of Post-Graduate Students in the Hemostasis and Thrombosis Laboratory.
1982-2014: more than 50 physicians, mainly hematologists and clinical pathologists, either during their specialty fellowships or for further training, have spent from 1 to 3 months of stay in our Laboratories for training. We receive fellows or hematologists from all along the country, and almost all the accredited Hematology Fellowship Programs are trained by us.
1982-2014: all the Hematology and Hematology-Oncology Fellows (Adults and Pediatricians) of our Institution are trained in Hemostasis and Thrombosis in our Laboratory

1982-2014: I have tutored or co-tutored the Pre-Graduate Thesis of 30 students of Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry and Pharmacy, from other Faculties or Universities. The results of the Thesis of almost all of them have been presented in scientific meetings and most of them have co-authored the publications of our laboratory.
2007-2010: co-tutor of the PhD Thesis in Medical Sciences of Sebastián Cabrera,, from the University of Chile: “Transport of L-Arginina in Human Platelets. Role of platelet dysfunction in chronic renal failure".

Premios y Distinciones

  •   IV Latin-american Scientific Meeting of Medical Students


    Venezuela, 1991

    I was the tutor of the students Mariela Torrente and Ignacio Campos. First Prize in Clinical Sciences. "Tubular Necrosis and Acute Renal Failure in Rats Treated with 5-Hydroxi tryptofan .

  •   X Chilean Congress of Hematology


    Chile, 1994

    Prize to the Best Scientific Work: "Inhibition of fibrinolysis corrects the bleeding time (BT) in patients with terminal renal failure. Mezzano D, Tagle R, Downey P, Thambo S, González F, Mezzano S, Barja P, Pérez M, Panes O, Rodríguez MS, Muñoz B, Pereira J.

  •   Chilean Meeting of the Societies of Hypertension, Nephrology and Transplantation

    Societies of Hypertension, Nephrology and Transplantation

    Chile, 1994

    Prize to the Best Scientific Work. Fibrinolysis inhibition corrects the bleeding time in most patients with terminal chronic renal failure" Tagle R, Downey P, González F, Pais E, Mezzano S, Thambo S, Barja P, Pérez M, Panes O, Pereira J, Mezzano D. La Serena, 1994.

  •   Faculty of Medicine Scientific Meeting of Residents and Fellows

    Faculty of Medicine, P. Catholic University of Chile

    Chile, 1995

    First Prize to the Best Abstract. "Fibrinolysis inhibition corrects the bleeding time in most patients with terminal chronic renal failure" Fellow: Rodrigo Tagle, M.D. Tutor: D. Mezzano, M.D.

  •   IX Chilean Congress of Clinical Chemistry

    Chilean Society of Clinical Chemistry

    Chile, 1995

    "Disorders of primary hemostasis can be the consequence of clotting and fibrinolysis activation in terminal chronic renal failure" O. Panes, B. Muñoz, M. Pérez, J. Pereira, D. Mezzano.

  •   Best Publication 1996

    Sociedad Médica de Santiago

    Chile, 1996

    "Hemostatic disorder of uremia: the platelet defect, main determinant of the prolonged bleeding time, is correlated with indices of activation of coagulation and fibrinolysis". Thromb Haemostas 1996; 76: 312-321. Mezzano D, Tagle R, Panes O, Pérez M, Downey P, Muñoz B, Aranda E, Barja P, Thambo S, González F, Mezzano S, Pereira J.

  •   Best Professor 3rd Grade of Medicine, 1997

    School of Medicine, P. Catholic University of Chile

    Chile, 1997

    Voted by the Students of 3rd Grade of Medicine

  •   Prize Araucaria Foundation on Coronary Artery Disease

    Chilean Society of Cardiology and cardiovascular Surgery

    Chile, 1998

    “Coronary Heart Disease: asociation with C677T gene mutation of 5,10-methylen-tetrahydrofolate reductase and plasma levels of folic acid and homocysteine". Mezzano D, Guarda E, Villagrán C, Goycoolea M, Aranda E, Quiroga T, Fajuri A, Marchant E, Martínez A, Maiz A, Pereira J.

  •   Best Professor 3rd Grade Medicine 1998

    School of Medicine, P. Catholic University of Chile

    Chile, 1998

    Voted by the 3rd Grade students

  •   Prize Senior Investigator 1999

    Faculty of Medicine, P. Catholic University of Chile

    Chile, 1999

    Elected by the Faculty Council.

  •   Prize Second Best Publication XIII Congress Chilean Society of Hematology

    Chilean Society of Hematology

    Chile, 2000

    Selected by the Scientific Committee and the Society Directors.

  •   Prize Best Professor 3rd Grade of Medicine 2000

    School of Medicine, P. Catholic University of Chile

    Chile, 2000

    Voted by the 3rd Grade Students of Medicine.

  •   Prize Medical Society of Santiago 1999 to the Best Publication during 1999.

    Medical Society of Santiago

    Chile, 1999

    “Complementary Benefits of Mediterranean diet and red wine on hemostatic factors with cardiovascular risk". Mezzano D, Martínez C, Marshall G, Muñoz B, Rodríguez S, San Martín A, Pereira J, Leighton F.

  •   Prize Academy of Medicine 2000 to a Research Career

    Chilean Academy of Medicine

    Chile, 2000

    Physiology, Pathophysiology and Clinical Aspects of Primary Hemostasis", granted during the XXII Congress of the Chilean Congress of Internal Medicine.

  •   Prize Chilean Society of Clinical Chemistry to the Best Oral Presentacion.

    Chilean Society of Clinical Chemistry

    Chile, 2001

    “Prevalence of heparin-induced anti-phospholipid and anti-platelet antibodies in patients on hemodialysis”. Palomo I, Pereira J, Jara E, Alarcón M, Espinoza M, Moore R, Hernández A, Hernández E, Díaz G, Quiroga G, Rojas P, Vásquez M, Mezzano D, Arce I.

  •   Prize Best Professor 3rd Grade 2002 of Medicine

    School of Medicine, P. Catholic University of Chile

    Chile, 2002

    Voted by the 3rd Grade Students of Medicine.

  •   Prize Dr. Germán Ducach Grinberg 2003 to the Best Publication in Clinical Hematology.

    Chilean Society of Internal Medicine

    Chile, 2003

    “Mediterranean diet, but not red wine, is associated with beneficial changes on primary haemostasis”. Mezzano D, Leighton F, Strobel P, Martínez C, Marshall G, Cuevas A, Castillo O, Panes O, Muñoz B, Rozowski J, Pereira J. Eur J Clin Nutr 2003; 57: 439-446.

  •   Prize Dr. Germán Ducach Grinberg 2005 to the Best Publication in Clinical Hematology.

    Chilean Society of Internal Medicine

    Chile, 2005

    “Template bleeding time and PFA-100® have low sensitivity to screen patients with hereditary mucocutaneous haemorrhages: comparative study in 148 patients. Quiroga T, Goycoolea M, Muñoz B, Morales M, Aranda E, Panes O, Pereira J, Mezzano D. J Thromb Haemost 2004; 2: 892-8.

  •   Prize Medical Society of Santiago 2007 to the Best Scientific Work in the XXIX Congress of the Chilean Society of Internal Medicine

    Medical Society of Santiago

    Chile, 2007

    Cerebral perfusion defects associated with hemostasis activation in chronic cocain consumers". Massardo T, Jaimovich R, Pallavicini J, Quintana JC, Panes O, Hidalgo P, Mezzano D, Sáez C, Pereira J.

  •   Prize Dr. Germán Ducach Grinberg 2009 to the Best Publication in Clinical Hematology

    Chilean Society of Internal Medicine

    Chile, 2009

    “High prevalence of bleeders of unknown cause among patients with inherited mucocutaneous bleeding. Prospective study of 280 patients and 299 controls”. Quiroga T, Goycoolea M, Panes O, Aranda E, Martínez C, Belmont S, Muñoz B, Zúñiga P, Pereira J, Mezzano D. Haematologica 2007, 92:357-365.

  •   Prize Eduardo Bunster Montero 2012, Chilean Society of Hematology

    Chilean Society of Hematology

    Chile, 2012

    Prize to the Professional Career, Elected by the Directors of the Chilean Society of Hematology. Plenary Conference 2012, Congress of the Chilean Society of Hematology.

  •   Prize Germán Ducach Grinberg 2014 to the Best Publication in Clinical Hematology.

    Chilean Society of Internal Medicine

    Chile, 2014

    An adenine insertion in exon 6 of human GP6 generates a truncated protein associated with a bleeding disorder in 4 Chilean families. V. Matus, G. Valenzuela, C. G. Sáez, P. Hidalgo, M. Lagos, E. Aranda, O. Panes, J. Pereira, X. Pillois, A.T. Nurden and D. Mezzano. J Thromb Haemost 2013; 11(9):1751-9.


Article (94)

Atorvastatin Reduces the Proadhesive and Prothrombotic Endothelial Cell Phenotype Induced by Cocaine and Plasma From Cocaine Consumers In Vitro.
Diagnosing type 1 von Willebrand disease: good for patient's health or for doctor's prestige? Comment.
Diagnosis of suspected inherited platelet function disorders: results of a worldwide survey.
Quantitative impact of using different criteria for the laboratory diagnosis of type 1 VWD.
An adenine insertion in exon 6 of human GP6 generates a truncated protein associated with a bleeding disorder in four Chilean families
Is my patient a bleeder? A diagnostic framework for mild bleeding disorders
Clot lysis time in platelet-rich plasma: Method assessment, comparison with assays in platelet-free and platelet-poor plasmas, and response to tranexamic acid
Increased number of circulating endothelial cells and plasma markers of endothelial damage in chronic cocaine users
Novel loci involved in platelet function and platelet count identified by a genome-wide study performed in children
Platelet activation in chronic cocaine users: Effect of short term abstinence
Rare homozygous status of P43 beta 1-tubulin polymorphism causes alterations in platelet ultrastructure
Daño endotelial y activación del sistema hemostático asociado al uso crónico de cocaína: estudios ex vivo e in vitro
Influence of the F12-4 C > T polymorphism on hemostatic tests
Inherited disorders of platelet function and challenges to diagnosis of mucocutaneous bleeding
La atorvastatina no modifica el incremento agudo de los niveles de p-selectina y fibrinógeno inducido con esfuerzo físico máximo
Study of 18 functional hemostatic polymorphisms in mucocutaneous bleeding disorders
Diagnosis of mild platelet function disorders. Reliability and usefulness of light transmission platelet aggregation and serotonin secretion assays
Genotype-phenotype relationship for six common polymorphisms in genes affecting platelet function from 286 healthy subjects and 160 patients with mucocutaneous bleeding of unknown cause
Health impact of Mediterranean diets in food at work
Platelet Tissue Factor: Fast and Specific Clotting Activation Pathway Mediated by VWF-GPIba Interaction and Platelet Membrane FVII. Human Platelets Contain All the Components for Assembling the Prothrombinase Complex and Their Procoagulant Function Is Ind
Procarboxypeptidase U (TAFI) and the Thr325Ile proCPU polymorphism in patients with hereditary mucocutaneous hemorrhages
Laboratory Assessment of Familial, Nonthrombocytopenic Bleeding: A Definitive Not Possible Mucocutaneous Diagnosis Is Often Not Possible
Tissue factor storage, synthesis and function in normal and activated human platelets
High prevalence of bleeders of unknown cause among patients with inherited mucocutaneous bleeding. A prospective study of 280 patients and 299 controls
Human platelets synthesize and express functional tissue factor
Pregnant rats treated with a serotonin precursor have reduced fetal weight and lower plasma volume and kallikrein levels
Circulating platelet-derived microparticles in systemic lupus erythematosus - Association with increased thrombin generation and procoagulant state
Blood cells cholinesterase activity in early stage Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia
Distinctive Effects of Red Wine and Diet on Haemostatic Cardiovascular Risk Factors
Primary thombophilia. Report of 93 cases and 12 asymptomatic relatives
Template bleeding time and PFA-100 (R) have low sensitivity to screen patients with hereditary mucocutaneous hemorrhages: comparative study in 148 patients
Template bleeding time and PFA-100® have low sensitivity to screen patients with hereditary mucocutaneous hemorrhages: Comparative study of 148 patients - A rebuttal (multiple letters) [13]
Haemostatic cardiovascular risk factors: Differential effects of red wine and diet on healthy young population
Mediterranean diet, but not red wine, is associated with beneficial changes in primary haemostasis
Platelet membrane glycoprotein polymorphisms do not influence the clinical expressivity of von Willebrand disease type I
Thrombin generation in platelet-poor plasma is normal in patients with hereditary mucoputaneous haemorrhages
Platelet aging in vivo is associated with activation of apoptotic pathways: Studies in a model of suppressed thrombopoiesis in dogs
Complementary effects of Mediterranean diet and moderate red wine intake on haemostatic cardiovascular risk factors
Increased activation of protein C, but lower plasma levels of free, activated protein C in uraemic patients: relationship with systemic inflammation and haemostatic activation
Inflammation, not hyperhomocysteinemia, is related to oxidative stress and hemostatic and endothelial dysfunction in uremia
Cardiovascular risk factors in vegetarians: Normalization of hyperhomocysteinemia with vitamin B-12 and reduction of platelet aggregation with n-3 fatty acids
Glycoprotein Ib/IX complex is the target in rifampicin-induced immune thrombocytopenia
Systemic inflammatory reaction may explain the activation of coagulation and fibrinolysis in patients with chronic renal failure (CRF)
Endothelial cell markers in chronic uremia: Relationship with hemostatic defects and severity of renal failure
Hemostatic disorder of uremia: The platelet defect, main determinant of the prolonged bleeding time, is correlated with indices of activation of coagulation and fibrinolysis
Human intraplatelet 5-hydroxytryptamine is correlated with mean platelet survival time
In vivo effect of bile salts on platelet aggregation in rats.
[Determination of IgG associated with platelets by immunoelectroassay]
[Diagnosis of von Willebrand's disease subtypes by the analysis of multimeric composition of plasma von Willebrand factor].
[Kinetic studies of platelets labeled with 51Cr]
[Neonatal autoimmune purpura: laboratory study of 5 cases].
[Skin and mucous membrane hemorrhages: clinical assessment, study sequence and relative frequency of hereditary diseases of the hemostasis in a Chilean population].
Endothelial damage and activation of the haemostatic system associated to chronic use of cocaine: an ex vivo and in vitro study.
[A study of blood clearance and spleen sequestration of heat-damaged erythrocytes in patients with hypersplenism]
[Acquired inhibition of coagulation factor VIII].
[Activated C protein resistance: laboratory study and prevalence of the defect in the Chilean population].
[Chloramphenicol induced sideroblastic anemia]
[Effect of 1-deamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin (DDAVP) on bleeding time in uremic patients].
[Enough, timely, safe and cheap, blood: how?]
[Essential thrombocythemia: clinical and laboratory study of 6 cases].
[Evaluation of commercial kits used for Chagas disease diagnosis in blood banks in Chile. II. Routine application].
[Frequency of platelet specific alloantigens HPA-1a (P1A1) and HPA-4a (Pen(a)) expression in Chilean population].
[Glanzmann's disease: diagnostic study of 6 patients].
[Hemophilia A: analysis of intron 18 and intron 7 of factor VIII gene and their role in a diagnostic strategy for carrier detection in a Chilean population].
[Platelet alloimmunization in patients with oncologic blood disorders treated with multiple transfusions: prospective study in adults and children].
[Platelet consumption and platelet dysfunction during and after surgery with extracorporeal circulation]
[Sjogren's syndrome associated with lymphoproliferative syndrome and monoclonal mixed cryoglobulinemia].
[The patient with hemorrhage and prolonged bleeding time: classification and differential diagnosis].
[Transplacental alloimmunization against specific platelet antigens: prevalence and features in a Chilean population].
[von Willebrand's disease: study of 58 patients].
[von Willebrand's disease].
Accumulation of 5-hydroxytryptamine by aging platelets: studies in a model of suppressed thrombopoiesis in dogs
Activación Plaquetaria en el Síndrome Hipertensivo Inducido por el Embarazo
Anticuerpos antiplaquetarios inducidos por heparina: prevalencia en pacientes portadores de insuficiencia renal crónica en hemodiálisis
Bleeding time in preeclampsia.
Changes in platelet beta-thromboglobulin, fibrinogen, albumin, 5-hydroxytryptamine, ATP, and ADP during and after surgery with extracorporeal circulation in man.
Characteristics of total platelet populations and of platelets isolated in platelet-rich plasma.
Comparative study of size, total protein, fibrinogen and 5-HT content of human and canine platelet density subpopulations
Decreased platelet counts and decreased platelet serotonin in poststreptococcal nephritis.
Determinación de los antígenos grupo ABO y factor Rh de pacientes con cáncer vesicular y colelitiasis y de pacientes con colelitiasis sin cáncer.
Diagnosis of Type 1-Von Willebrand Disease: Investigators, Not Clinical Doctors Prestige Stays in Debt. A Rebuttal. Letter to the Editor.
Effects of diterpene forskolin on the release reaction and protein phosphorylation of human platelets.
Evaluación pre operatoria de la hemostasia.
Increase in density and accumulation of serotonin by human aging platelets.
Kinetics of platelet density subpopulations in splenectomized mongrel dogs.
La atorvastatina no modifica el incremento agudo de los niveles de P-selectina y fibrinógeno inducido con esfuerzo físico máximo.
Manejo intraparto de embarazadas con trastornos hereditarios de la coagulación.
Palmitoyl-CoA and the acyl-CoA thioester of the carcinogenic peroxisome-proliferator ciprofibrate potentiate diacylglycerol-activated protein kinase C by decreasing the phosphatidylserine requirement of the enzyme.
Polimorfismo del receptor de ADP plaquetario en pacientes con enfermedad coronaria y variabilidad en agregación plaquetaria.
Screening tests and platelet function assays in the workup of bleeding disorders: Evidence from studies of South American patients.
Sex-related difference in plasma von Willebrand factor (vWF:Ag and vWF:RiCof) levels in adolescents
Tissue Factor-Dependent Pro-Coagulant Activity Of Human Platelets Is Directly Related To Membrane Cholesterol Content. Rosuvastatin, But Not Atorvastatin, Reduces The Platelet Cholesterol, Tissue Factor Protein and Clotting Activity In Hypercholesterolemic Patients.
Total sialic acid in human and canine platelets does not change with the platelet age.

Abstract (13)

Association between endothelial dysfunction markers and regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) changes in cocaine dependent patients under recent abstinence.
Human Platelets Express Functional Pannexin-1
Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) and tissue factor (TF) co-localize in lipid rafts of platelet membranes: mechanism to inhibit platelet procoagulant (PCA) activity?
Clot lysis time (CLT) of PRP and PPP in hypercholesterolemia. Effect of atorvastatin and relationships with inflammatory markers
Effect of Short-Term Abstinence on Cocaine-Induced Endothelial Dysfunction and Platelet Activation
Platelet Tissue Factor Activity In Patients with Hypercholesterolemia: Modulation of Procoagulant Activity by Statins
Evidence of Endothelial Dysfunction in Cocaine Users
Platelet Tissue Factor: Expression of Pro-Coagulant Activity depends on Gpib alpha Activation and Signaling through Lyn-Mediated Phosphorylation. A Platelet-Based Model of Hemostasis
Human platelet tissue factor is localized in lipid rafts and is associated with GPIb-IX-V complex in the membrane: Association between adhesive and procoagulant activities of platelets.
Elevated levels of cell-derived microparticles with procoagulant activity in cocaine abusers: Association with increased thrombin generation and a prothrombotic state.
Diagnostic assessment of patients with inherited mucocutaneous hemorrhages (IMCH): Opening a pandora box?
Loss of platelet membrane phospholipid asymmetry in systemic lupus erythematosus: Association with disease activity and hypercoagulable state.
Amphotericin B induces premature apoptosis in stored platelets.

BookSection (16)

Dieta Mediterránea, Vino y Factores de Riesgo Cardiovascular.
Disfunciones plaquetarias hereditarias y adquiridas. Chapter 43.
Emergency Transfusion Therapy in Acute Hemorrhage. Chapter 24
Hemostasis: General Principles. Mechanisms of Regulation. Chapter 8
Transfusion Therapy in Intensive Care Units. Chapter 4
Trombocitopenias y trombocitopatías adquiridas. Chapter 3.
Blood Transfusion Support in Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy. Chapter 13.
Contenido de los gránulos plaquetarios
Emergency Blood Transfusion in Acute Hemorrhage.
Enfermedad de von Willebrand, Chapter 38
Exploración clínica y de laboratorio de la hemostasia.
Influence of Diet in Clotting and Thrombosis
Radioinmunoensayo de Factor Plaquetario 4 (FP4).
Thrombocytopenias and Platelet Function Disorders. Chapter 21
Von Willebrand Disease, Chapter 36.
Women and Thrombophilia, Chapter 28.

BookWhole (2)

Blood Physiology. 1993
Transfusion Therapy. 1979

ConferencePaper (1)

Mediterranean Food and Diets, Global Resource for the Control of Metabolic Syndrome and Chronic Diseases

Letter (3)

Influence of the Thr325Ile polymorphism on procarboxypeptidase U (thrombin-activable fibrinolysis inhibitor) activity-based assays
High plasma levels of lipoprotein(a) in uremic patients are related to markers of inflammation, and to activated, not impaired, fibrinolysis
Fast decrease of bleeding time by tranexamic acid in uremia

Review (2)

New oral anticoagulant drugs
The Level of Laboratory Testing Required for Diagnosis or Exclusion of a Platelet Function Disorder Using Platelet Aggregation and Secretion Assays
Diego Mezzano




Santiago, Chile

Olga Panes

Technical Director/ Associated Research



Santiago, Chile

Jaime Pereira




Santiago, Chile

Valeria Matus

Associate Researcher



Santiago, Chile

Eduardo Aranda




Santiago, Chile

Patricio Downey



Claudia Saez

Associate Professor


Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Iván Palomo

Hematology Professor

Clinical Biochemistry and Immunohematology


Talca, Chile

Pablo Strobel

Prrofesional de laboratorio

Facultad Ciencias Veterinarias

Universidad Austral de Chile

Valdivia, Chile


Titular Professor

Division of Cardiovascular Diseases



oscar castillo

Director Escuela

Facultad de Medicina

Universidad Finis Terrae

Santiago, Chile

Ada Cuevas


Nutrición Clínica


Santiago, Chile

Pamela Zúñiga

Profesor Asociado


Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago , Chile

Ines Urquiaga

Coordinador Cientifico

Escuela de Medicina


Santiago, Chile

Andres Aizman

Assitant Professor

Internal Medicine

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chil

Santiago, Chile

Guillermo Bugedo

Staff Medicina Intensiva

Medicina Intensiva

Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Dante Lindefjeld

Staff, Assistant Professor


Clinical Hospital of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Guadalupe Echeverría


Center for Molecular Nutrition and Chronic Diseases

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Luz Letelier

Jefe de Departemento

Medicina Interna

Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Facultad de Medicina

Santiago, Chile

Edgard Pais

Director Médico

Nefrodiálisis San Lucas

Santiago, Chile

Patricio Fuentes

Medico Neurologo


Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Luis Villarroel

Profesor Asociado

Salud Publica


Santiago, Chile

Marcelo Garrido



Santiago, Chile

Carlos Vio




Santiago, Chile

Rommy von Bernhardi

Full Professor



Santiago, Chile

Nibaldo Inestrosa

Full Professor


Santiago, Chile

Maria Massardo

Docente Investigador


Universidad San Sebastián

Santiago, Chile


Prof. Asistente

Bioquímica Clínica e Inmunohematología

Universidad de Talca

Talca, Chile




Universidad Andrés Bello

Santiago, Chile