
Paula Andrea Muñoz Venturelli

Clinical Research Center Director

Universidad del Desarrollo

Santiago, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Clinical Neurology, Cerebrovascular Diseases, Cervical Arteries dissection, Transcraneal Doppler, COVID-19, LongCOVID


  •  Medicine, Universidad de Los Andes. Chile, 2005
  •  Neurology, Universidad de Valparaíso. Chile, 2009
  •  Vascular Neurology, Universidad del Desarrollo. Chile, 2011
  •  Medicine (clinical trials), UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY. Australia, 2017

Experiencia Académica

  •   Clinical Research Center Director Part Time



    Santiago, Chile

    2018 - A la fecha

  •   Conjoint Senior Lecturer Other



    2018 - A la fecha

  •   Conjoint Senior Lecturer Other

    The George Institute for Global Health


    2018 - A la fecha

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Neurology Staff Part Time

    Clínica Alemana de Santiago


    2011 - A la fecha

  •   Clinical Research Center Director Part Time

    Universidad del Desarrollo


    2018 - A la fecha

Formación de Capital Humano

- Member of the Academic Committee and Nucleo of the PhD program in Sciences and Innovation in Medicine (DCIM), Faculty of Medicine, Universidad del Desarrollo, since 2018.
- Member of the Doctoral Thesis Committee, for PhD candidates of the DCIM program, Faculty of Medicine Universidad del Desarrollo, since 2018.
- Tutor of Undergraduate Thesis and Research Seminar student Karen Rojas, Medical Technology, year 2019, Julio Santelices Medical Technology, year 2021-2022.
- Tutor of Research Unit, PhD program in Sciences and Innovation in Medicine (DCIM), Faculty of Medicine, Universidad del Desarrollo, since 2019.
- Lecturer in Study Designs in Epidemiology, Ph.D. program in Sciences and Innovation in Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad del Desarrollo, since 2019.
- Mentoring of the research PONT program of students of the Faculty of Medicine, Universidad del Desarrollo, since 2018.
- Clinical practice sessions for Medicine students of the Universidad del Desarrollo years 2016, 2017, 2018.
- Site Director of the Principal and Practice in Clinical Research (PPCR), online program from School of Public Health, University of Harvard at Clínica Alemana de Santiago, since 2017.
- Teacher at Clinica Alemana Santiago, at the Scientific Medicine workshop in Santiago years 2015, 2016, 2017.
- Tutor of the neurology scholarship holders of the APS-MINSAL mixed program of the Universidad del Desarrollo-Clínica Alemana de Santiago, year 2011.
- Associate Professor of Physiopathology for the career of Medical Technology, Andrés Bello University. Viña del Mar, years 2006, 2007, 2008.

Difusión y Transferencia

- Member of the Scientific Advisors Committee to the Chilean Ministry of Sciences and Technology, for the COVID-19 vaccine national strategy (since 2020)
- Honorary appointment at the Scientific Ethics Committee, Universidad del Desarrollo, Santiago, Chile (since 2018)
- European Stroke Organization and World Stroke Organization Membership (since 2018)
- Member of the Evaluation Panel of the Fondecyt program of the National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT), Contest Regular Fondecyt table G2G3 year 2019.
- External evaluator of projects in the XV National Fund for Research and Development in Health Projects - FONIS 2018
- Editorial Board of Sex and Gender Differences in Disease as Review Editor for Frontiers in Global Women's Health since 2020
- Editorial Board Member of the Cerebrovascular Diseases journal since 2020


Article (67)

Implementation of low-intensity thrombolysis monitoring care in routine practice: process evaluation of the Optimal Post rtPA-IV Monitoring in Acute Ischemic Stroke (OPTIMISTmain) study in the United States
The effect of a cognitive training therapy based on stimulation of brain oscillations in patients with mild cognitive impairment in a Chilean sample: study protocol for a phase IIb, 2 x 3 mixed factorial, double-blind randomised controlled trial
Association between spontaneous internal carotid artery dissection and perivascular adipose tissue attenuation on computed tomography angiography
Cardiovascular events risk in patients with systemic autoimmune diseases: a prognostic systematic review and meta-analysis
Dilated optic nerve sheath by ultrasound predicts mortality among patients with acute intracerebral hemorrhage
Disparities in Stroke Incidence Over Time by Sex and Age in Latin America and the Caribbean Region 1997 to 2021: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Effects of intensive blood pressure lowering on cerebral ischaemia in thrombolysed patients: insights from the ENCHANTED trial
Genetics of spontaneous cervical and coronary artery dissections
The main Optimal Post rTpa-Iv Monitoring in Ischemic Stroke Trial (OPTIMISTmain): protocol for a pragmatic, stepped wedge, cluster randomized controlled trial
The third Intensive Care Bundle with Blood Pressure Reduction in Acute Cerebral HaemorrhageTrial (INTERACT3) an international, stepped wedge cluster randomised controlled trial
Who is in the emergency room matters when we talk about door-to-needle time: a single-center experience
A Chilean Experience of Telestroke in a COVID-19 Pandemic Year
Deep immunophenotyping reveals biomarkers of multisystemic inflammatory syndrome in children in a Latin American cohort
Safety and Non-Inferiority Evaluation of Two Immunization Schedules with an Inactivated SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine in Adults: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Stroke symptoms, risk factors awareness and personal decision making in Chile. A national survey
Heart rate and cardiac autonomic responses to concomitant deep breathing, hand grip exercise, and circulatory occlusion in healthy young adult men and women
In-Hospital Acute Ischemic Stroke is Associated with Worse Outcome: Experience of a Single Center in Santiago Chile
Incidence, risk factors, prognosis, and health-related quality of life after stroke in a low-resource community in Chile (NANDU): a prospective population-based study
Influence of Including Patients with Premorbid Disability in Acute Stroke Trials: The HeadPoST Experience
INTEnsive care bundle with blood pressure reduction in acute cerebral hemorrhage trial (INTERACT3): study protocol for a pragmatic stepped-wedge cluster-randomized controlled trial
Interim Report: Safety And Immunogenicity Of An Inactivated Vaccine Against Sars-Cov-2 In Healthy Chilean Adults In A Phase 3 Clinical Trial
Low blood pressure and adverse outcomes in acute stroke: HeadPoSTstudy explanations
Oxygen desaturation and adverse outcomes in acute stroke: Secondary analysis of the HeadPoST study
Safety and Immunogenicity of an Inactivated Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Vaccine in a Subgroup of Healthy Adults in Chile
Cervical Artery Dissections with and without stroke, risk factors and prognosis: a Chilean prospective cohort
Determinants of door to needle time for intravenous thrombolysis in acute ischemic stroke
Dysphagia screening and risks of pneumonia and adverse outcomes after acute stroke: An international multicenter study
Low blood pressure and adverse outcomes in acute stroke: HeadPoST study explanations
Low dosis of alteplase, for ischemic stroke after Enchanted and its determinants, a single center experience
No benefit of flat head positioning in early moderate-severe acute ischaemic stroke: a HeadPoST study subgroup analysis
Prognostic significance of early urinary catheterization after acute stroke: Secondary analyses of the international HeadPoST trial
Quantifying regional variations in components of acute stroke unit (ASU) care in the international HeadPoST study
Transcranial Doppler as a Predictor of Ischemic Events in Vertebral Artery Dissection
Impact of Evidence-Based Stroke Care on Patient Outcomes: A Multilevel Analysis of an International Study
Sex differences in treatment and outcome after stroke Pooled analysis including 19,000 participants
Yield of Echocardiography in the Evaluation of Cerebral Ischemic Events: A Single Center Cohort Study
Diffusion-weighted imaging determinants for acute ischemic stroke diagnosis in the emergency room
Flat-head positioning increases cerebral blood flow in anterior circulation acute ischemic stroke. A cluster randomized phase IIb trial
Cluster-Randomized, Crossover Trial of Head Positioning in Acute Stroke
Intensive Care Unit Admission for Patients in the INTERACT2 ICH Blood Pressure Treatment Trial: Characteristics, Predictors, and Outcomes
Reliability of Hand-Held Transcranial Doppler with M-mode Ultrasound in Middle Cerebral Artery Measurement
Statistical analysis plan for the Head Position in Stroke Trial (HeadPoST): An international cluster cross-over randomized trial
Statistical analysis plan of the head position in acute ischemic stroke trial pilot (HEADPOST pilot)
The distribution of the modified Rankin scale scores change according to eligibility criteria in acute ischemic stroke trials=> A consideration for sample size calculations when using ordinal regression analysis.
Transcranial Doppler as a Predictor of Ischemic Events in Carotid Artery Dissection
Withdrawal of active treatment after intracerebral haemorrhage in the INTERACT2 study
Estimated GFR and the Effect of Intensive Blood Pressure Lowering after Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage
Head position and cerebral blood flow in acute ischemic stroke patients: Protocol for the pilot phase, cluster randomized, Head Position in Acute Ischemic Stroke Trial (HeadPoST pilot)
Prognostic Significance of Hyperglycemia in Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage The INTERACT2 Study
Prophylactic heparin in acute intracerebral hemorrhage: a propensity score-matched analysis of the INTERACT2 study
Regional variation in acute stroke care organisation
Thrombolysis in Stroke Mimics=> Experience in 10 Cases
Trombolisis intravenosa en cuadros imitadores de isquemia cerebral: experiencia de un centro
Accuracy of power mode transcranial Doppler in the diagnosis of brain death
Head Position in Stroke Trial (HeadPoST) - sitting-up vs lying-flat positioning of patients with acute stroke: study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial
Head position in the early phase of acute ischemic stroke: An international survey of current practice
Increasing frequency of intravenous thrombolysis use in acute ischemic stroke over 17years of experience in a single academic medical center
Mannitol and Outcome in Intracerebral Hemorrhage Propensity Score and Multivariable Intensive Blood Pressure Reduction in Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage Trial 2 Results
Head Position and Cerebral Blood Flow Velocity in Acute Ischemic Stroke: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Long-term Adherence to National Guidelines for Secondary Prevention of Ischemic Stroke: A Prospective Cohort Study in a Public Hospital in Chile
Sonothrombolysis for acute ischemic stroke
Accuracy of Diffusion-Weighted Imaging in the Diagnosis of Stroke in Patients With Suspected Cerebral Infarct
Exclusion Criteria for Intravenous Thrombolysis in Stroke Mimics=> An Observational Study
Transcranial Doppler in a Hispanic-Mestizo population with neurological diseases: a study of sonographic window and its determinants
Primary vasculitis of the Central Nervous System. Report of one case
Vasculitis Primaria de Sistema Nervioso Central, diagnóstico diferencial de demencia subaguda
Breaking down barriers: Easter Island's first Telestroke thrombolysis Experience and Case Report

Abstract (3)

Workshop for Studies in Development Effects of mannitol on the clinical outcomes in acute intracerebral hemorrhage: Analysis in INTERACT2
Headpost: Head position in stroke trial
Rationale of the Head Position in Acute Stroke Trial (HeadPoST)

Proyecto (12)

Inflammation, cerebrovascular hemodynamics and neuroimaging in patients with COVID-19 long-lasting neurological symptoms and their impact in mid-term functional outcome
The effects of Colchicine on coronary microvascular reperfusion and residual inflammatory risk in patients with acute coronary syndrome
Genomics of cervical artery dissection: A comprehensive characterization of micro RNA expression and genetic polymorphisms
Genomics of Cervical Artery Dissection=> A comprehensive characterization of microRNA expression and genetic polymorphisms
Head Position in Stroke Trial - HEADPOST
Head position in Stroke Pilot - HEADPOST PILOT
Intensive Blood Pressure Reduction in Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage Trial INTERACT2
Evaluación de una terapia de entrenamiento cognitivo basada en estimulación de oscilaciones cerebrales en pacientes con Deterioro Cognitivo Leve mediante un ensayo clínico randomizado
Head Positioning in Acute Stroke Trial HEADPOST MAIN
Head Positioning in Acute Stroke Trial Pilot
INTEnsive care bundle with blood pressure Reduction in Acute Cerebral haemorrhage Trial INTERACT3
the second INTEnsive blood pressure Reduction in Acute Cerebral heamorrhage Trial INTERACT2

Review (3)

Stroke in Latin America: Systematic review of incidence, prevalence, and case-fatality in 1997-2021
The Role of Colchicine in Atherosclerosis: From Bench to Bedside
Acute Treatment of Stroke (Except Thrombectomy)
Paula Muñoz

Clinical Research Center Director

Universidad del Desarrollo

Santiago, Chile

Pablo Lavados


Departamento Científico Docente

Clínica Alemana de Santiago

Santiago, Chile

Craig Anderson

Executive Director

The George Institute for Global Health

Beijing, China

Verónica Olavarria


Neurología y Psqiquiatría

Clinica Alemana de Santiago

Santiago, Chile

Gabriel Cavada

Académico, Jefe de Programa

Instituto de Salud Poblacional

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Craig Anderson

Executive Director

The George Institute for Global Health, China

Beijing, China

Rodrigo Rivas

Médico jefe

Servicio Medicina Física y Rehabilitación

Clínica Alemana Temuco

Temuco, Chile

Javier Gaete


Hospital Clínico de Magallanes

Punta Arenas, Chile

María Domínguez

Profesora asistente adjunta

Departamento de Salud Pública

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Susan Bueno

Profesor Asociado

Genética Molecular y Microbiología


Santiago, Chile

Eloy Mansilla



Servicio de Salud Metropolitano Sur

Santiago, Chile

Omar Vallejos

Lab Manager y Coordinador

Genética Molecular y Microbiología

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Pablo Vial


School of Medicine


Santiago, Chile


Profesor Asistente

Ciencias Biológicas

Universidad Andrés Bello

Santiago, Chile

carolina iturriaga

Sub Directora Laboratorio de inmunología y Alergia Traslacional UC


Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

santiago, Chile

Monique Le Corre

Assistant Professor

Faculty of medicine, Pediatric division

Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Farides Saavedra


Fundación Ciencia y Vida

Ñuñoa, Chile

Maria Vial

Associate Professor/Profesor Asociado

Instituto de Ciencias e Innovación de Medicina


Santiago, Chile

Fernando Valiente

Profesor Asociado


Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Ricardo Soto





Jorge Soto

Profesor Asociado

Ciencias Biológicas

Universidad Andrés Bello

Santiago, Chile

Fernando Ortiz

profesor asistente

Departmento de Biología, Facultad de Quimica y Biología

Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Santiago, Chile

David Andrade

Associate Professor


Universidad de Antofagasta

Antofagasta, Chile

Enrico Mazzon


Departamento de Gestión de Redes

Servicio de Salud Metropolitano Sur

Santiago, Chile


Investigadora Postdoctoral

Facultad de Medicina

Universidad del Desarrollo

Santiago, Chile

Aaron Cortes

Jefe de Investigación

Dirección Médica

Clínica Universidad de los Andes

Santiago, Chile

Gisela Canedo

Investigadora y Profesora

Facultad de Odontología

Universidad de Los Andes

Santiago, Chile

Dona Benadof

Jefe laboratorio

laboratorio clinico

Hospital Roberto del río

santiago , Chile

Francisca González

Project Manager

Instituto de Ciencias de la Investigación Medica ICIM

Universidad del Desarrollo

Santiago, Chile

Alejandra Figueroa

Coordinadora del Laboratorio de Neurociencia Social y Neuromodulación, Centro de Investigación en Complejidad Social

Universidad del Desarrollo

Santiago, Chile

Begoña Góngora


Universidad de Valparaíso

viña del mar, Chile

Luis Federico Batiz

Full Professor

Center for Biomedical Research and Innovation (CIIB)

Universidad de Los Andes

Santiago, Chile

Eva Madrid

Profesor titular

Public Health

Universidad de valparaiso

Viña del mar, Chile

Pablo Billeke

Investigador Docences

Universidad del Desarrollo

Santiago, Chile


Assistant Researcher Professor

Instituto de Ciencias e innovación en Medicina, Facultad de Medicina

Universidad del Desarrollo

Santiago, Chile