Rodrigo Antonio Naves Pichuante
Associate Professor
Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile
NeuroImmunology and Immune response in Tuberculosis
Cell and molecular biology, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2000
Sciences with mention in Biology, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 1992
Assistant Professor Full Time
Santiago, Chile
2014 - 2018
Associate professor Full Time
Santiago, Chile
2018 - A la fecha
Associate professor Full Time
Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile
2018 - A la fecha
Research stay Other
Institut Pasteur
Paris, Francia
1998 - 1998
Postdoctoral Fellow Other
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Santiago, Chile
2000 - 2002
Postdoctoral Fellow Other
University of Alabama
Birmingham, Estados Unidos
2009 - 2010
Assistant professor Full Time
Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile
2014 - 2018
Participation in Postgraduate Mentoring:
1. Period: 2016-2018.
Postdoctoral Mentor.
Student: Dr. Luis González.
2. Period: 2015-2017.
Postdoctoral Mentor.
Student: Dr. Juan Tichauer.
3. Period: 2017.
Postgraduate Research Unit Mentor, Program in Immunology.
Student: Dr. Gabriela Romero.
Escuela de Medicina. Universidad de Chile.
4. Period: 2015.
Postgraduate Research Unit Mentor, Program in Immunology.
Student: Dr. Francisco Sosa.
Escuela de Medicina. Universidad de Chile.
5. Period: 2014 (I semester).
Mentor Research Unit, Doctoral in Biomedical Sciences.
Student: Mr. Gabriel Arellano Lorca, First year student.
Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Chile.
Participation in Undergraduate Mentoring:
6. Period: 2016.
Research Unit Mentor, Career Medical Technology.
Student: Ms. Nicole Oliva Aravena.
Course of Medical Technology “Tecnologías Moleculares aplicadas al diagnóstico”. Escuela de Medicina. Universidad de Chile.
7. Period: 2015.
Mentor of Student Assistant, Career of Medicine.
Student: Mr. Javier Moreno.
Escuela de Medicina. Universidad de Chile.
8. Period: 2013 March -June.
Research Unit Mentor, Career in Biochemistry.
Student: Ms. Macarena Cielo.
Universidad San Sebastián.
9. Period: 2013 December- January.
Professional Practice to qualify for the Degree in Plant Biotechnology Engineering.
Student: Mr. Felipe Ruiz.
Universidad de Concepción.
10. Period: July-December 2012.
Research Unit Mentor, Career in Biochemistry.
Student: Mr. Emiliano Molina.
Universidad de Chile.
11. Period: March 2006
Research Unit Mentor, Medical Career.
Students: Lorna Villagrán, Pablo Díaz, Camilo Iñiguez
Clínica Alemana - Universidad del Desarrollo
12. Period: 2005 March
Research Unit Mentor, Medical Career.
Student: Ms. Francisca León.
Clínica Alemana - Universidad del Desarrollo
13. Period: 2004 March
Research Unit Mentor, Medical Career.
Student: Mrs. María Fernanda Rozas.
Clínica Alemana - Universidad del Desarrollo
Master and Doctoral thesis director.
1. Period: 2014 - 2017.
PhD Thesis Mentor in Biomedical Sciences.
Student: Mr. Gabriel Arellano Lorca.
Escuela de Medicina. Universidad de Chile.
Thesis director.
1. Period: 2014 - 2017.
PhD thesis Mentor.
Student: Mr. Gabriel Arellano Lorca.
Thesis for the Degree of Doctor of Biomedical Sciences.
Escuela de Medicina. Universidad de Chile.
2. Period: 2014 - 2017.
Undergraduate Thesis Mentor.
Student: Mr. Cristian Castillo Bravo.
Thesis for the Bachelor's Degree in Biotechnology
Universidad Iberoamericana de Ciencias y Tecnología.
He graduated in January 2017.
3. Period: 2011 - 2012.
Undergraduate Thesis Mentor.
Student: Mr. Fabián Vergara Morales
Thesis for the degree of Biochemistry (USACH).
Escuela de Medicina. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
He graduated in July 2012.
4. Period: 2011 - 2012.
Undergraduate Thesis Mentor.
Student: Mr. Gabriel Arellano Lorca.
Thesis for the degree of Biochemistry (USACH).
Escuela de Medicina. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
He graduated in July 2012.
Member of thesis committees.
1. 2018
Ms. Carla Álvarez Rivas.
Doctoral thesis. Doctoral Program in Biomedical Sciences.
First chair commission
Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Chile.
2. 2017
Mr. Ignacio Montorfano Navarro.
Doctoral thesis. Doctoral Program in Biomedical Sciences.
Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Chile.
3. 2017
Miss Elizabeth Rivas Yáñez.
Doctoral thesis. Doctoral Program in Biomedical Sciences.
Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Chile.
4. 2016
Miss Elianet Fonseca Pérez.
Master's thesis. Master's Program in Immunology.
First chair commission
Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Chile.
5. 2016
Mr. Felipe Gálvez Jirón.
Master's thesis. Master's Program in Immunology.
Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Chile.
6. 2015
Miss Paulina García González.
Doctoral thesis. Doctoral Program in Biomedical Sciences.
Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Chile.
7. 2014
Ms. María Josefina Siña Barriga.
Defense thesis project. Master in Immunology
Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Chile.
8. 2013
Mr. Mauricio Olivares Morales.
Doctoral thesis. Doctoral Program in Biomedical Sciences.
Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Chile.
Undergraduate Teaching at Universidad de Chile from 2014 - present.
1. Course "Inmunología".
Third year students of Nutrición y Dietética
Escuela de Medicina de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Chile.
Professor in charge of the course of "Inmunología".
2. Annual Course "Unidad de Investigación I y II".
Second year students of Medicine.
Escuela de Medicina de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Chile.
3. Course "Inmunología".
Second year students of Tecnología Médica.
Escuela de Medicina de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Chile.
Teaching lectures, seminars and clinical cases
4. Course "Inmunología".
Second year students of Obstetricia y Puericultura.
Escuela de Medicina de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Chile.
Teaching lectures, seminars and clinical cases
5. Course "Respuesta Inmune el Ser Humano".
Second year students of Enfermería.
Escuela de Medicina de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Chile.
Teaching theory classes and seminars
6. Course "Inmunología".
Third year students of Kinesiología.
Escuela de Medicina de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Chile.
Teaching theory classes and seminars
7. Course "Inmunología".
Second year students of Medicine.
Escuela de Medicina de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Chile.
Teaching theory classes and seminars
Postgraduate teaching at Universidad de Chile from 2014 - present.
1. Postgraduate Course "Introducción a la Inmunología"
Programa Disciplinario de Inmunología, Instituto de Ciencias Biomédica de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Chile.
Teaching theory classes and seminars
2. Postgraduate Course "Nuevos conceptos en enfermedades neurodegenerativas: mecanismos y terapias".
Programa de Biología Celular y Molecular Instituto de Ciencias Biomédica de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Chile.
Teaching theory classes and seminars
3. Postgraduate Course "Inmunología Celular y Molecular"
Programa Disciplinario de Inmunología, Instituto de Ciencias Biomédica de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Chile.
Teaching theory classes and seminars
4. Postgraduate Bibliographic Seminar "Rol de mal plegamiento de proteínas en enfermedades neurodegenerativas: mecanismos y terapias".
Programa de Biología Celular y Molecular, Instituto de Ciencias Biomédica de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Chile.
Teaching theory classes and seminars
Participation in Extension Activities in Courses:
Santiago, October 25. 2016
2. Member Organizing Committee. IMMUNOLOGY WEEK.
Santiago, October 21-28. 2016
Fondecyt - VID University of Chile
Santiago, October 24, 2016
LVIII Reunión Anual de la Sociedad de Biología de Chile.
Puerto Varas, November 23 - 25, 2015
Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Chile.
Santiago, April 11, 2013
Universidad Austral de Chile.
Valdivia, January 16 - 17, 2013
Universidad San Sebastián.
Santiago, December 27,. 2012
Topic "Mecanismos inmunopatogénicos de la esclerosis múltiple y de la búsqueda e innovación de las nuevas terapias inmunomoduladoras, que pueden servir para llevar un mejo tratamiento de los pacientes y superar todos los problemas".
8. Speaker. PROGRAMA EXPLORA DE CONICYT with the talk ""Inmunología y enfermedades autoinmunes"
Schools in Santiago: Liceo Salesianos de Macul y Merryland from Puente Alto.
Santiago, 2012
Escuela de Medicina de la Pontificia Universidad de Chile.
Santiago, June 25 - 26, 2012
Media participation.
Year 2019:
1. Interviewed in newspaper Las Ultimas Noticias about the development of a nanoformulation to treat multiple sclerosis. April 06, 2019
2. Interviewed on Channel 24 horas of TVN about the development of a nanoformulation to treat multiple sclerosis. April 11, 2019.
3. Interviewed by EMOL TV about the development of a nanoformulation to treat the multiple sclerosis. April 16, 2019.
4. Interviewed by Canal MEGA about nanotechnology and its application to medicine. April 17, 2019.
5. Interviewed by ICBM journalist about the development of a nanoformulation for treat multiple sclerosis April 3, 2019.
6. Interviewed by journalist from the Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de Chile, about the development of a nanoformulation to treat multiple sclerosis. March 27, 2019.
7. Interview by Prensa U Chile, about the development of a nanoformulation to treat multiple sclerosis April 9, 2019
Year 2017:
1. Interview disseminated by the website of the Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de Chile about the research to be developed in the FONDEF-IDEA project.
Year 2016:
1. Consulted by the newspaper El Mercurio, Section of Science and Technology to comment about the contribution of the ANIMUS International Symposium 2016. October 24, 2016.
2. Consulted by the newspaper El Mercurio, Section of Science and Technology, to comment about the dissemination of a research article in Neuro-Immunology: "Sistemas inmune y nervioso: “La Neuroinmunología tendría la clave para curar vario males." August 19 of 2016.
3. Interview disseminated by the website of the Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de Chile, about the International Symposium ANIMUS 2016.
Year 2014:
1. Consulted by the newspaper El Mercurio, Science and Technology Section to comment about the dissemination of a research article in Neuroimmunology. " August 14, 2014.
2. Participation in the chapter entitled "Esclerosis Múltiple: enemigo puertas adentro" of the scientific program "Vida Conciencia", Neuroscience season, transmitted by the Canal CNN Chile.
Year 2012:
1. Interviewed by the newspaper El Mercurio, Science and Technology Section about “El tratamiento de la esclerosis múltiple avanza lento, pero seguro" July 02, 2012.
Year 2010:
1. Interviewed by the newspaper El Mercurio, Science and Technology Section about my research participation describing a scientific finding in Multiple Sclerosis". April 10, 2010.
Extension to the Society:
1. Exhibition "Inmunología y enfermedades autoinmunes" in two schools in Santiago: Liceo Salesianos de Macul and Merryland de Puente Alto. Explora Program from CONICYT. Santiago, 2012.
Requested Conferences:
1. Date: April 8 - 12, 2018.
Invitation received to deliver a conference on Neuroinflammation.
2018 Biomedical and Life Sciences Meeting (BLS Victoria). Victory. Canada.
2. Date: December 15, 2017
Conference "El mito del privilegio inmunológico del cerebro".
I Curso de NeuroInmunología en Pediatría. Santiago. Chile.
3. Date: November 18, 2016
Conference "Actividad dual de interferón-gamma en neuroinflamación autoinmune "
XXXIV Congreso Nacional de Sociedad de Psiquiatría y Neurología de la Infancia y
Adolescencia (SOPNIA). Puerto Varas. Chile.
4. Date: November 17, 2016
Conference "Identificando biomarcadores de progresión de enfermedad y respuesta a tratamiento en esclerosis múltiple".
XXXIV Congreso Nacional de Sociedad de Psiquiatría y Neurología de la Infancia y Adolescencia (SOPNIA). Puerto Varas. Chile.
5. Date: October 24, 2016
Conference "Dual role of interferon-gamma in experimental and human multiple sclerosis. "
ANIMUS (Advancing in Neuroimmunology and Multiple Sclerosis) International Symposium 2016. Santiago, Chile.
6. Date: November 23 - 25, 2015
Conference "Funciones opuestas de Interferón-gamma en diferentes fases de la encefalomielitis aguda experimental y esclerosis múltiple".
National Symposium on "Neuroimmunology". XIII Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Chilena de Inmunología. Puerto Varas. Chile.
7. Date: April 2013
Guest speaker
Symposium on Neuroimmunology. "Immunopathogenesis and Immunotherapy of Multiple Sclerosis. "Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile.
8. Date: January 16, 2013
Guest speaker
International Symposium "Cancer and Inflammation: from adherens junctions to disease".
Facultad de Medicina. Universidad Austral de Chile. Valdivia, Chile.
9. Date: November 2012
Conference "Immunopathogenesis and development of therapies in Multiple Sclerosis".
Symposium "Neuroinmunología en la Medicina del Futuro" organized by Universidad San Sebastián. Santiago, Chile.
10. Date: October 2012
Conference "nmunopatogénesis de la Esclerosis Múltiple y desarrollo de nuevas terapias inmunomoduladoras."
Research seminars organized by Dirección de Investigación, Escuela de Medicina, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Santiago, Chile.
11. Date: June 25-26, 2012
Conference "Interferon-gamma in MS: an immunological duality".
International Symposium: "Multiple Sclerosis: integrating scientific research biomedical and clinical practice. "Santiago, Chile.
12. Date: May 2012
Conference "Interferón-gamma en Esclerosis Múltiple: una dualidad inmunológica".
Programa de Inmunología. Instituto de Ciencias Biomédicas. Escuela de Medicina. Universidad de Chile.
13. Date: December 2011
Conference "Inmunopatogénesis de la Esclerosis Múltiple".
Post-graduate course "Inmunología Celular y Molecular”, Escuela de Medicina, Universidad de Chile.
14. Date: October 2011
Lecture "Balance de citoquinas Th1 y Th17 en pacientes con diferentes formas clínicas de Esclerosis Múltiple. "
Departamento Kinesiología. Escuela de Medicina. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
15. Date: April 2011
Conference "Nuevas terapias y marcadores biológicos para el tratamiento de la Esclerosis Múltiple".
Núcleo Milenio de Biología Regenerativa. Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Santiago, Chile
16. Date: June 3, 2010
Conference "Biomarcadores para el diagnóstico y tratamiento diferencial de la esclerosis múltiple".
Departamento de Biología Celular. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Santiago. Chile
17. Date: May 2010
Conference "Función individual y cooperativa de interferones tipo I y II en Neuroinflamación Autoinmune. "
Departamento de Biología Celular. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Santiago. Chile
18. Date: June 3, 2010
Conference "Biomarcadores para el diagnóstico y tratamiento diferencial de la Esclerosis Múltiple".
Depto. Biología Celular y Molecular. Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Santiago, Chile.
19. Date: April 2010
Conference "Marcadores Biológicos para un diagnóstico y tratamiento diferencial de la Esclerosis Múltiple".
Departamento de Neurología. Escuela de Medicina. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Santiago, Chile
MECESUP Scholarship
Chile, 2011
The scholarship allow me to hold the position of Assistant Professor in the School of Medicine at the University.
Postdoctoral scholarship
Confirmar institución
Chile, 2010
The scholarship allowed me to perform Postgraduate studies abroad in the Division of Clinical Immunlogy and Rheumatology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
Chile CONICYT Bicentennial Scholarship
Chile, 2009
The scholarship allowed me to perform Postgraduate studies abroad.
Postdoctoral scholarship
Instituto Milenio para la Investigación Fundamental y Aplicada (MIFAB)
Chile, 2000
The scholarship allowed me to perform national Postgraduate studies.
CONICYT Scholarship
Chile, 1993
The scholarship allowed me to perform a PhD in Sciences in Chile.
Academic assistance scholarship
Confirmar Institución
Chile, 1990
Used in the Department of Biology. Faculty of Sciences, University of Chile
Research units of medical students, Thematic in Immune Response
Congreso de las Unidades de Investigación
Chile, 2017
First place in the Research units of medical students, Thematic in Immune Response. The research was presented at the XXV Congreso de las Unidades de Investigación, with the work entitled "Bajas dosis de IFN-gamma in vitro inducen un fenotipo M2 en microglia de ratones en fase crónica con encefalomielitis autoinmune experimental".
Research in Neurology
Congreso Anual Chileno de Neurología, Psiquiatría y Neurocirugía
Chile, 2012
First place in Research in Neurology at LXVII Congreso Anual Chileno de Neurología, Psiquiatría y Neurocirugía with the work entitled "El balance Th1/Th17 predice discapacidad y respuesta a tratamiento en pacientes con esclerosis múltiple recurrente-remitente".
Travel Award
Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies
Estados Unidos, 2010
The Travel Award allowed me to attend the 10th Annual Meeting of the Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies (FOCIS 2010) in Boston, United States. This scholarship, consisting of US $ 750, was awarded through open competition in relation to merits of the postulants and quality of the submitted works. The abstract sent was also selected for oral presentation. The presentation was titled: “Distinctive and cooperative role of type I and type II interferons in the pathogenesis of Th1 and Th17 cells in autoinmune neuroinflammation”.
Research Award
The Office of Postdoctoral Education and the UAB
Chile, 2010
Every year, the University of Alabama at Birmingham Postdoctoral Office organizes scientific activities where all postdoctoral students of the University present their results. The event is organized in several sessions according to different thematic areas. The presentation title "Distinctive and cooperative role of type I and type II interferons in the pathogenesis of Th1 and Th17 cells in autoimmune neuroinflammation" won the second place in its respective thematic area session.
Sanofi-Aventis “Dr. Antonio Reginato 2004”
XXV Congreso Anual de Reumatología
Chile, 2004
The work titled “Expresión de BAFF en fibroblastos sinoviales de pacientes con artritis reumatoidea”, received an honorable mention
Citoquinas |
Ontogenia y diferenciación de células B y T |

Profesor Asociado
Santiago, Chile

Mirentxu Iruretagoyena
Jefe Seccion Inmunologia
Laboratorio Clinico
Clinica Alemana de Santiago
Santiago, Chile

Reinaldo Uribe
Instructor Adjunto
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Santiago, Chile

María Balcells
Associate Professor
Department of Infectious Diseases of the Adult
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Nayaret Chamorro
Centro de Biologia Integrativa
Biome Therapeutics/Universidad Mayor
Santiago, Chile

roberto vidal
Head of Pathogenic Escherichia coli Laboratory
Director Microbiology and Mycology Program
Santiago, Chile

Patricia García
Jefe de Laboratorio de Microbiologia
Escuela de Medicina
Santiago, Chile

Rodrigo Pacheco
Associate Investigator; Head of the Laboratory of Neuroimmunology
Fundación Ciencia para la Vida
Santiago, Chile

Fabian Montecino
Asistente de investigación
Biología Celular y Molecular
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Daniela Parada
Asistente de investigación
Programa Disciplinario de Inmunología
Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Fabián Segovia
Associate professor
Department of Cell Biology
Universidad de Concepción
Concepción, Chile

Juan Tichauer
Medicina intensiva
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Cinthya Ruiz-Tagle
Research Assistant
Department of Infectious Disease
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Santiago, Chile