
Hugo Andres Neyem



Macul, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Software Engineering, Mobile and Cloud Computing, Machine Learning for Intelligent Systems, Engineering and Medical Education and Extended Reality


  •  Computer Science, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2008

Experiencia Académica

  •   Profesor Full Time


    Facultad de Ingenieria

    Santiago, Chile

    2009 - A la fecha

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Jefe de Proyecto

    Instituto de Energía Eléctrica, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Argentina


    1999 - 2003

  •   Analista y Desarrollador

    Instituto de Informática, Facultad de Cs. Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, U. Nacional de San Juan


    1997 - 1998


Article (34)

Gamified Educational Software Platform: Experience with Anatomy Students at Universidad de La Frontera
Improving learning experiences in software engineering capstone courses using artificial intelligence virtual assistants
Biomechanical analysis of expert anesthesiologists and novice residents performing a simulated central venous access procedure
Fostering the use of online learning resources: results of using a mobile collaboration tool based on gamification in a blended course
New heuristics for scheduling and distributing jobs under hybrid dew computing environments
Impresiones 3D de Cortes Transversales de un Cuerpo Humano: Un Recurso Didáctico para el Estudio de la Anatomía Seccional
Minimally invasive tele-mentoring opportunity-the mito project
Towards a practical framework for code offloading in the Internet of Things
A Cloud-Based Mobile System to Improve Project Management Skills in Software Engineering Capstone Courses
A User-Centered Mobile Cloud Computing Platform for Improving Knowledge Management in Small-to-Medium Enterprises in the Chilean Construction Industry
MobiCOP: A Scalable and Reliable Mobile Code Offloading Solution
MyMOOCSpace: Mobile cloud-based system tool to improve collaboration and preparation of group assessments in traditional engineering courses in higher education
Anatomicis Network: Una Plataforma de Software Educativa basada en la Nube para Mejorar la Enseñanza de la Anatomía en la Educación Médica
MyMOOCSpace: A cloud-based mobile system to support effective collaboration in higher education online courses
A Cloud-based Mobile System to Improve Respiratory Therapy Services at Home
A cloud-based mobile system to improve respiratory therapy services at home
A Cloud-based Mobile System to Improve Respiratory Therapy Services at Home.
A Cloud-based Mobile System to Manage Lessons-learned in Construction
A Cloud-based Mobile System to Manage Lessons-learned in Construction
A Lessons-learned System for Construction Project Management: A Preliminary Application
A Lessons-learned System for Construction Project Management: A Preliminary Application
Improving Healthcare Team Collaboration in Hospital Transfers through Cloud-Based Mobile Systems
A Lessons-learned Mobile System for Construction Companies: Motivation and Design
A Lessons-learned Mobile System for Construction Companies: Motivation and Design
A Reusable Structural Design for Mobile Collaborative Applications
A Reusable Structural Design for Mobile Collaborative Applications
Communication Support for Mobile Collaborative Work: An Experimental Study
Communication Support for Mobile Collaborative Work: An Experimental Study
A Patterns System to Coordinate Mobile Collaborative Applications
A Patterns System to Coordinate Mobile Collaborative Applications
Mobile Computing in Urban Emergency Situations: Improving the Support to Firefighters in the Field
Mobile Computing in Urban Emergency Situations: Improving the Support to Firefighters in the Field
The Iceberg Effect: Behind the User Interface of Mobile Collaborative Systems
Integrating Service-Oriented Mobile Units to Support Collaboration in Ad-hoc Scenarios

Proyecto (23)

Estrategias de Aprendizaje Activo basadas en Realidad Virtual para Mejorar el Desempeño Académico y la Metacognición sobre Anatomía Humana en Estudiantes del Área de Ciencias de la Salud
Centro Nacional de Inteligencia Artificial (CENIA)
Plataforma de realidad mixta para apoyar la toma de decisiones en actividades de construcción al interior de edificaciones
Plataforma web y app móvil para optimizar la donación, distribución y resultado del trasplante de órganos en Chile
A Cloud-based Mobile Platform for Improving Effective Collaboration in Higher Education Online Courses
Desarrollo de un sistema inteligente de control de flota basado en IoT y Fog Computing,
A Cloud-based Computation Offloading Platform for Improving Energy Saving and Performance in Mobile Devices
Centro Interdisciplinario para la Productividad y Construcción Sustentable
Prosección anatómica en réplicas y reconstrucciones 3D de secciones corporales humanas
Prosección anatómica en réplicas y reconstrucciones 3D de secciones corporales humanas
Designing Mobile Applications for Cloud Environments
Vigilancia remota de pacientes hospitalizados en el hogar=> Un modelo que favorece la salud familiar
Desarrollo de una plataforma móvil basada en la nube, para ayudar a la toma de decisión y vigilancia de los paciente con apoyo ventilatorio en domicilio
Developing Mobile Cloud Shared Workspace for Preserving Latin America’s Wildlife
Improving the Preservation of Latin America’s Wildlife through a Cloud Shared Workspace
Red Latinoamericana de Coordinación y Coorperación para unificar buenas prácticas de desarrollo de software.
Live ANDES as a citizen science tool for Latin America
Latin American Network to Support Collaborative Education on Experimental Software Engineering
LiveANDES=> Advanced Network for Distributions of Endangered Species
Red Latinoamericana de investigacion apliacada en ingenieria de software experimental soportada en redes academicas de alta velocidad
Developing Adaptable Shared Workspaces for Mobile Work Contexts
Collaborating in Disaster Relief Efforts
Smart Phones and Ambient Displays to Support Collaboration in Hospital Work
Hugo Neyem


Departamento de Ciencia de la Computacion


Macul, Chile

Luis Ramirez


Ciencias de la Computación

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Julián Varas

Director Alterno Centro de Simulación, miembro directorio Simulación UC

Departamento de Cirugía Digestiva


Santiago, Chile

Oscar Inzunza

Profesor Titular


Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Martin Inzunza

Fellow simulación


Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Marcos Sepúlveda

Assistant Professor

Computer Science

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Pablo Achurra

Cirujano Digestivo/ Instructor Adjunto

Cirugía Digestiva

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Isabel Hilliger

Assistant Profesor of Practice

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Gabriel Escalona

Cirujano general


Complejo Hospitalario Dr. Sótero del Río

Santiago, Chile

Ximena Ferrada

Docente Investigador

Universidad del Desarrollo

Santiago, Chile

Jaime Navon

Profesor Asociado

Ciencia de la Computación

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile, Chile