Marcela Andrea Jarpa Parra
Director de Investigación
Universidad Adventista de Chile
Chillán, Chile
Structure, functionality and industry applications of plant proteins. Food enrichment by utilizing plant-origin compounds
Food Science and Technology, UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA. Canada, 2015
Educación, Universidad Adventista de Chile. Chile, 2007
Ingeniero en Alimentos, UNIVERSIDAD DEL BIO-BIO. Chile, 1997
Director de Posgrado Full Time
Universidad Adventista de Chile
Dirección de Posgrado
Chillán, Chile
2016 - A la fecha
Teaching Assistant Other
University of Alberta
Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science
Edmonton, Canada
2012 - 2013
Profesor Full Time
Universidad Adventista de Chile
Facultad de Ingeniería
Chillán, Chile
1997 - 2010
Becas Chile
Feeding Tomorrow-Institute of Food Technologists
Institute of Food Technologists
Estados Unidos, 2014
Feeding Tomorrow awards annual scholarships to students pursuing a graduate degree in a variety of disciplines within the science of food. The Feeding Tomorrow General Education fund provides scholarship funding to graduate students (MS or Ph.D.) demonstrating exceptional scholastic achievements, leadership experience, and a devotion to the food science and technology profession.
FGRS Travel Award
Canada, 2015
The Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (FGSR) offers graduate travel awards to financially support graduate students who travel in the interests of disseminating their research results or developing their research.
FGSR Mary Louise Imrie Graduate Student Award
Canada, 2015
Funds are provided from endowments and funds for the Profiling Alberta’s Graduate Students Awards are provided by Alberta Advanced Education and Technology on an annual basis. The trip should be a highlight of the student's research program and will involve attendance at a major national or international research gathering where the student must be actively participating by presenting a paper or poster session, exhibiting work, or participating in a panel discussion.
AFNS Fall 2014 Tuition Award
Chile, 2014
Financial assistance for graduate students is available on a competitive basis. Each year, over forty awards are offered to graduate students by academic staff and various agencies and endowments. Graduate Students Stipends - minimum of $19,000 per annum for students in the MSc thesis-based graduate program and $21,000 per annum for students in the PhD graduate program.
Ñuble Eco-Pack: economía circular y sustentable |
A liquid foam templating approach to study structural reinforcement and tailoring of biofoams from pulse protein and cellulose fibers generated by microfluidics and freeze-drying. |
Optimización de la extracción de proteína de garbanzo y la influencia de la germinación y tratamiento térmico en sus propiedades funcionales |
Applications of Plant Polymer-Based Solid Foams: Current Trends in the Food Industry |

Carolina Herrera
Asistente de Investigación
Ingeniería en Alimentos
Universidad del Bío-Bío
Chillán, Chile

Ricardo Villalobos
Ingeniería en Alimentos
University of Bio Bio
Chillán, Chile