Rody San Martín
Valdivia, Chile
Nucleoside metabolism; Pharmacology and signaling properties of adenosine receptor; Pathology of diabetic kidney disease; Multiple Drug Resistance transporters; Endothelial dysfunction, renal fibrosis, diabetic kidney disease
Molecular and Cellular Biology, UNIVERSIDAD AUSTRAL DE CHILE. Chile, 2004
Bachelor in Biochemistry, UNIVERSIDAD AUSTRAL DE CHILE. Chile, 1998
Associate Professor Full Time
Sciences Faculty
Valdivia, Chile
2010 - 2016
Assistant Professor Full Time
Sciences Faculty
Valdivia, Chile
2005 - 2010
Professor Full Time
Sciences Faculty
Valdivia, Chile
2016 - At present
Member of the biology group 3 of Fondecyt Other
2011 - 2013
Director Magister in Biochemistry Biochemistry Other
Universidad Austral de Chile
2012 - 2014
Director PhD Program in Sciences mention Cellular and Molecular Biology Other
Universidad Austral de Chile
2014 - At present
Coordinator Commission for Accreditation of the Doctoral Program in Sciences mention Cell and Molecular Biology Other
Universidad Austral de Chile
Valdivia, Chile
2016 - At present
Undergraduate Formation Sponsorship(23) :
-2019 Muñoz K. “Papel de los péptidos ang 2-7, Ang 2-8 y Ang 2-10 en el desarrollo de fibrosis glomerular mediado por el receptor AT1 en un modelo de nefropatía diabética en ratas”. BIOQUÍMICA. Universidad Austral de Chile.
-2018 Tellez A. “La señalización de TGF-ß1 promueve cambios epigenéticos en las modificaciones post-traduccionales de las histonas asociadas al promotor del gen CD73 para aumentar su expresión génica”. BIOQUÍMICA. Universidad Austral de Chile.
-2018 Concha D. “Estudio cuantitativo del efecto de diabetes sobre la actividad de aminopeptidasa a en ratas”. BIOQUÍMICA. Universidad Austral de Chile.
-2017 Huentelican S. “Caracterización de Péptidos del Sistema Renina Angiotensina (RAS) generados por la Hidrósis de Aminopeptidasa A (APA) en Nefropatía Diabética (ND) y su efecto sobre cardiomiocitos de Rata”. TECNOLOGÍA MÉDICA. Universidad Austral de Chile.
-2017 Salinas C. “Actividad de Ecto 5' nucelotidasa (CD73) en pacientes diabéticos su relación con nefropatía diabética”. BIOQUÍMICA. Universidad Austral de Chile.
-2017. Barrientos S. '' Diabetes and their role in the activity of the glomerular ENT2 transporter ''. BIOCHEMISTRY. Universidad Austral de Chile.
-2016. Catalan J. Role of the kinases CK2 and PKA on the activity of the equilibrating transporters of Nucleosides 1 and 2 (hENT1 and hENT2) in HK-2 "renal epithelial cells. BIOCHEMISTRY. Universidad Austral de Chile.
-2015. Pérez G. '' Study of the factors that affect the expression of the A2B adenosine receptor in Glomeruli of rats ". BIOCHEMISTRY. Universidad Austral de Chile.
-2015. Ojeda A. "Effect of adenosine on expression of aminopeptidase A in renal glomeruli." BIOCHEMISTRY. Universidad Austral de Chile.
-2015. Vega G. Effect of D-Glucose and Insulin on Expression and Activity of Conveyors Equilibrating nucleoside type 1 (rENT1) and type 2 (rENT2) in glomerulus and rat mesangial cells ''.BIOCHEMISTRY. Universidad Austral de Chile.
-2014. Herrera D. '' Evaluation of the interaction of adenosine signaling with the Renin system Angiotensin (RAS) ". MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY. Universidad Austral de Chile.
-2014. Ross T. Generation of a plasmid vector for the overexpression of the A2B adenosine receptor in Renal cell lines ". Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences. Universidad Austral de Chile.
-2014. Villablanca C. '' Role of the ectoenzyme CD73 on the maintenance of the epithelial phenotype of the cells of Proximal renal tubule ''. BIOCHEMISTRY. Universidad Austral de Chile.
-2013. Fuentealba V. '' Changes in the Glomerular Adenosine balance associated with the function of the Equilibrating nucleoside transporters in mesangial cells ". BIOCHEMISTRY. Universidad Austral de Chile.
-2013. Kretschmar C. '' Role of adenosine receptors on epithelial-mesenchymal transdifferentiation In HK-2 "human proximal tubule cells. BIOCHEMISTRY. Universidad Austral de Chile.
-2013. Toledo C. '' Signaling pathways involved in the production of vascular endothelial growth factor Mediated by adenosine in glomeruli of rats ". BIOCHEMISTRY. Universidad Austral de Chile.
-2011. Montecinos P. Characterization of adenosine receptors in rat coronary endothelial cells. BIOCHEMISTRY. Universidad Austral de Chile.
-2011. Guaiquil O. Role of adenosine receptors in myofibroblastic transdifferentiation of cells Mesangial. " MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY. Universidad Austral de Chile.
-2011. Cárdenas Á. '' Evaluation of the effect of an A2B adenosine receptor antagonist on production of vascular endothelial growth factor in the development of diabetic nephropathy in an in vivo model. MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY. Universidad Austral de Chile.
-2009. Roa H. Role of adenosine receptors on the production of TGF-B1 and PKC activity in Rat renal glomeruli ". Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences. Universidad Austral de Chile.
-2008. Gajardo C. Effect of diabetes on the extracellular bioavailability of adenosine and the expression of its Receptors on the rat renal glomeruli ". BIOCHEMISTRY. Universidad Austral de Chile.
-2007. Valladares D. Role of adenosine receptors on the production of growth factor Vascular endothelium (VEGF) in rat renal glomeruli. BIOCHEMISTRY. Universidad Austral de Chile.
-2007. Tejeda C. '' Role of adenosine on the expression of protein components of the filtration barrier Glomerular: Implications in diabetic nephropathy ". BIOCHEMISTRY. Universidad Austral de Chile
Undergraduate Formation Co-Sponsorship (8) :
-2017. Huentelican S. Activity of Ecto 5 'nuecleotidase (CD73) in diabetic patients its relation with Diabetic nephropathy ". MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY. Universidad Austral de Chile.
-2017. Uribe C. 'Characterization of Peptides of the Renin Angiotensin System (RAS) generated by the Hydrosis Of Aminopeptidase A (APA) in Diabetic Nephropathy (ND) and its effect on rat cardiomyocytes. MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY. Universidad Austral de Chile.
-2015. Salinas C. '' Characterization of the activity and expression of the CD73 ectonucleotidase in renal tubules of Diabetic rats during the progression of diabetic nephropathy. " BIOCHEMISTRY. Universidad Austral de Chile.
-2014. Dellarossa A. '' Role of adenosine in multiple drug resistance in glioma-starter cells of high grade''. BIOCHEMISTRY. Universidad Austral de Chile.
-2012. Muñoz M. '' Tacrolimus modulates the expression and activity of drug resistance transporters in Brain tumors ". CHEMISTRY AND PHARMACY. Universidad Austral de Chile.
-2011. Geoffroy C. Effect of sodium tungstate on the expression and activation of glycogen 3? kinase Synthase in diabetic kidney ". BIOCHEMISTRY. Universidad Austral de Chile.
-2011. Salinas J. Effect of the inhibition of the MRP1 transporter on the chemoresistance in glioblastoma Human multiforme ". CHEMISTRY AND PHARMACY. Universidad Austral de Chile.
-2009. Alarcón S. '' Effect of diabetic syndrome on the expression and activity of ABC proteins ''. BIOCHEMISTRY. Universidad Austral de Chile.
Postgrade formation Sponsorship (8) :
-2020. Mendoza P. Estudio de la Señalización del Receptor de Adenosina A2B en la Adhesión de Podocitos: Implicancias en la Nefropatía Diabética. Doctorado en Ciencias M/ Biología Celular y Molecular (en ejecución), Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile.
-2020. Suarez R. Estudio de la Regulación de la Actividad del transportador ENT2 y sus implicancias en la glomerulopatía Diabética. Doctorado en Ciencias M/ Biología Celular y Molecular (en ejecución), Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile.
-2019. Ojeda A. Efecto de adenosina sobre el equilibrio del sistema renina angiotensina durante el desarrollo de la nefropatía diabética. Magister en Biotecnología Bioquímica (en ejecución), Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile.
-2018. García J. Identificación de las vías metabólicas y de señalización reguladas por el receptor de adenosina A2B en la glomerulopatía diabética. Magister en Genética (en ejecución), Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile.
-2016. Alarcón S. Efecto de insulina y alta concentración de glucosa sobre la disponibilidad extracelular de adenosina en podocitos de rata, posibles implicancias en la producción de VEGF. Doctorado en Ciencias M/ Biología Celular y Molecular, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile.
-2015 Jaramillo C., "Effect of adenosine on cytoarchitecture, filtration diaphragm conformation and podocyte adhesion: implication in diabetic nephropathy". Doctoral Program in Sciences, mention Cellular and Molecular Biology, Universidad Austral de Chile.
-2015 Oyarzún C, "Evaluation of adenosine and the ecto-CD73 enzyme as new markers of diabetic nephropathy". Magister Program in Pathology. Universidad Austral de Chile
-2015 Santander L. "Evaluation of human PEG-ADA treatment in an experimental model of diabetic nephropathy". Magister Program in Pathology. Universidad Austral de Chile
Postgrade formation Co-sponsorship (2):
-2017. Torres A. '' Generation of a model of high-grade brain tumor in rats. In vivo study of Multiple drug resistance chemosensitizers ". DOCTORATE IN VETERINARY SCIENCES. Sponsor: Dra. Claudia Quezada
Universidad Austral de Chile.
-2013 Wallys Garrido "Role of nucleoside adenosine in the chemoresistance and angiogenesis of human glioblastoma multiforme". Doctoral Program in Sciences, mention Cellular and Molecular Biology, Universidad Austral de Chile. Sponsor: Dra. Claudia Quezada
Posdoc (2):
- 2018 – 2021. Proyecto FONDECYT POSTDOCTORADO 3180749 “Rol del receptor de adenosina A2B en la capacidad de infiltración y diferenciación miofibroblástica de monocitos/macrófagos en la gloméruloesclerosis diabética”. (Principal Researcher: Angelo Torres) ''. Sponsor Researcher
-2017 - 2020, FONDECYT POSTDOCTORADO 3170812. '' TGF-beta and adenosine signaling Converge to induce the transcriptional activation of cd73 and support the pro-fibrotic trans-differentiation of Renal epithelial cells. (Principal Researcher: Claudio Cappelli Leon) ''. Sponsor Researcher
-2015 - 2017, FONDECYT POSTDOCTORADO 3150548. '' Study of purinergic signaling that mediates fibrosis Renal failure in diabetic nephropathy. " (Principal Research: Wallys Garrido). Sponsor Researcher.
Technological Transfer Projects:
-2019 – 2021. Proyecto FIC19-70 Región de Los Ríos “Biomarkers in gallbladder cancer”. Alternate Director
-2017 - 2018. FONDEF VIU16E0107 “Development of a prototype enzyme kit to assess cardiovascular risk in diabetics”. Universidad Austral de Chile. Tutor
-2015-2016, FONDEF VIU15P0054. '' Sensor for the early detection of Diabetic Nephropathy. (First stage)''. Sponsoring Researcher. 2 years.
-2016-2017, FONDEF VIU15P0054. '' Sensor for the early detection of Diabetic Nephropathy. (Second stage)''. Sponsoring Researcher. 2 years.
-2013-2016, CORFO 13IDL2-23502. '' Identification of new early diagnosis and progression markers Of diabetic nephropathy for the development of a molecular diagnostic kit. " Alternate Director. 3 years.
Management Projects:
-2015. FONDEQUIP EQM130208. In vivo animal image analysis platform for the study of Pathogenesis of diseases. Responsible Researcher.
-2013 - 2015, REDES130102. '' Team research projects in science and technology ACT-73 and University rings Medical Center Groningen (UCMG), University of Groningen (UG) Netherlands ''. Investigator. 2 years.
-2019 The link between metabolic imbalance and the pathogenesis of kidney disease in diabetes, R. San Martín. Symposium "Recent Advances in Metabolism and Disease". 21 de Marzo 2019, Auditorio Hugo Campos, Universidad Austral de Chile.
-2018 Loss of adenosine homeostasis leads to kidney injury, R San Martín. Symposium "Chronic Kidney Disease: Pathogenesis and interventio”. 22 de Marzo 2018, Auditorio Hugo Campos, Universidad Austral de Chile.
-2017 "Pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy: loss of adenosine homeostasis" R San Martín, Seminar "Diabetic Nephropathy: new trends in diagnosis and therapy. 21 de Diciembre 2017, Auditorio Nahmías, Universidad Austral de Chile.
-2016 “The nucleoside adenosine is a link between the metabolic imbalance in diabetes and kidney damage. " Symposium Metabolism in Health and Disease, Austral University of Chile, Valdivia 11 de abril 2016, Auditorio Hugo Campos, Edificio Emilio Pugin, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Austral de Chile.
-2015. Alterations of adenosine signaling in diabetic kidney disease. I Workshop in Molecular Pathology: "Cancer Stem cells biology and nucleoside metabolism in diseases. "Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile
-2014. Adenosine and its use as a potential marker of diabetic nephropathy. Attention Teaching Center Comprehensive Ambulatory (CENAIA) of the Universidad Austral de Chile. Valdivia, Chile.
-2013. Chat. "Effect of Complications of Diabetes", 1000 Scientists 1000 Classes .. San Luis de Alba College. Responsable.
-2011. Role of adenosine on the dysfunction of podocytes and mesangial cells in diabetic rats. Institute of Biomedicine, University of Barcelona. Barcelona, ??Spain.
2011. Adenosine-induced changes in glomerular function: implications in diabetic nephropathy. Symposium "Role of adenosine in pathologies". Universidad Austral de Chile. Valdivia, Chile.
-2010. Course. School of Talents of the Universidad Austral de Chile ALTA-UACH. Southern University of Chile. Responsable
-2010. Role of adenosine in diabetic nephropathy. University of Antofagasta. Antofagasta, Chile.
-2009. Role of Adenosine Receptors in Complications of Diabetes. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Barcelona. Barcelona, ??Spain.
-2008. Finding new therapeutic targets to treat nephropathy associated with diabetes. Cycle Seminars Institute of Histology and Pathology, Universidad Austral de Chile. Valdivia, Chile.
-2008. Regulation of the production of VEGF by adenosine and its receptors in the renal glomerulus. Workshop "Effect of diabetes in metabolism and tissue damage". Universidad Austral de Chile. Valdivia, Chile.
-2008. Role of Adenosine in Diabetic Nephropathy. Symposium "Role of nucleoside transporters in Pathologies ". Universidad Austral de Chile. Valdivia, Chile.
-2006. Effect of adenosine and its receptors on the expression and activity of the nucleoside transporter ENT-1 in Fetal endothelium. Workshop "Role of nucleoside transporters in diabetes and cancer". University of Bío-Bío. Concepción, Chile.
-2006. New actors in the pathogenesis and treatment of diabetic nephropathy. Cycle of SeminarsInstitute of Biochemistry, Universidad Austral de Chile. Valdivia, Chile.
-2005. Transcriptional repression of the equilibrative nucleoside transporter 1 in human umbilical vein endothelium From gestational diabetes. II Latin-American Symposium on Fetal-Maternal Interaction and Placenta (SLIMP Chile 2005) and XIX Annual Meeting of the Chilean Society of Physiological Sciences (SCHCF). Santiago, Chile
2015 to date. Participation Agreement in the STUDENT RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT CENTER Program, University Metropolitan, San Juan, Puerto Rico for research stays at the Laboratory of Molecular Pathology of the UACH.
2013 to date. Scientific Research Agreement with the Center for Primary Care CESFAM-CENAIA de Valdivia.
2010 to date. Research agreement with Fundación Puigvert. Barcelona, Spain.
Award for Scientific Research "Cure and Prevention of Cancer".
Santander Universia-El Mercurio
Chile, 2013
Coinvestigator. Integrant research team Award for Scientific Research University Santander-El Mercurio "Cure and Prevention of Cancer". Topic: Chemical resistance in Glioblastoma multiforme. . Banco Santander - El Mercurio. Chile. Principal Research: Dra. Claudia Quezada
Research Grant to Stay
International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB)
Canada, 2009
Scholarship for Research Stays of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB).
Distinguished Achievement Award
Chile, 2004
Distinction Award to the academic merit 2004 to the best student of Doctorate. Doctorate in Sciences Mention Cellular Biology and Molecular. School of Graduates of the Faculty of Sciences. Austral University of Chile. Chile.
Adenosine receptors: A novel therapeutic alternative for diabetic nephropathy |
Do adenosine receptors offer new therapeutic options for diabetic nephropathy? |
Gestational diabetes and the adenosine/L-arginine/nitric oxide (ALANO) pathway in human umbilical vein endotheliurn |
Claudia Quezada
Full Professor
Institute of Biochemistry and Microbiology
Universidad Austral de Chile
Valdivia, Chile

Division of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Paola Casanello
Profesor Asociado
División de Obstetricia y Ginecología
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Marcelo Farias
Assistant Professor
Division of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Santiago, Chile

Romulo Melo
Department of Neurosurgery
Instituto de Neurocirugía Dr. Asenjo
Santiago, Chile

Juan Carcamo
Profesor Titular
Instituto de Bioquímica y Microbiología
Universidad Austral de Chile
Valdivia, Chile

Ángelo Torres
Postdoctorado/Profesor Adjunto
Microbiología y Bioquímica
Universidad Austral de Chile
Valdivia, Chile

Daniel Uribe
Profesor Adhonorem
Institute of Biochemistry and Microbiology
Universidad Austral de Chile
Valdivia, Chile

Marco Alvarez
Full Professor
Department of Biological Science
Universidad Andres Bello
Viña del Mar, Chile

Bernardo Krause
Associate Professor
Insituto de Ciencias de la Salud
Universidad de O'Higgins
Rancagua, Chile

Andrea Vecchiola
Profesor Asistente
Santiago, Chile

J Daniel Carpio
Director Ejecutivo-Profesor Asociado
Unidad Microscopía Electrónica
Universidad Austral de Chile
Valdivia, Chile

José Rocha
Postdoctoral Researcher
Facultad de Veterinaria
Universidad San Sebastián
Puerto Montt, Chile

Katia Fernández
Académico - Profesor Asociado
Facultad de Salud y Odontología
Universidad Diego Portales
Santiago, Chile


Constanza Salinas
Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios del Sistema Nervioso (CISNe)
Universidad Austral de Chile
Valdivia, Chile

Lucía Podestá
Facultad de Medicina
Valdivia, Chile

Juan Pontigo
Medicina Veterinaria
Universidad San Sebastián
Puerto Montt, Chile

Full Professor and Scientific Director
Cellular Biology and Center for Advanced Microscopy CMA BIO-BIO
Concepcion, Chile

Cristopher Villablanca
Investigador post doctoral
Centro de Gerociencia, Salud Mental y Metabolismo (GERO)
Santiago, Chile

Luis Burzio
Scientific Director
Andes Biotechnologies
Santiago, Chile

Andrea Leiva
Profesor Asociado
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Universidad San Sebastián
Santiago, Chile

Jaime Figueroa
Profesor Titular
Bioquimica y Microbiologia
Valdivia, Chile

Claudio Aguayo
Profesor Asociado
Bioquimica Clinica e Inmunologia
Concepción, Chile