Jimmy Ran Stehberg Liberman
Associate Professor
Neurobiology of learning and memory and psychiatric diseases, including the role of cortical monoamines in stress and fear, the role of astrocytes in memory and stress, drug discovery and age-related cognitive decline.
Science, Weizmann Institute of Science. Israel, 2005
Associate Professor Full Time
Biological Sciences
santiago, Chile
2009 - At present
Assistant Professor Full Time
Biological Sciences
Santiago, Chile
2009 - 2014
Postdoctorate Scholar Other
Weizmann Institute of Science
Rehovot, Israel
2005 - 2006
Postdoctorate Scholar Other
University of California
Irvine, Estados Unidos
2006 - 2009
Assistant Professor Full Time
Universidad Andrés Bello
Santiago, Chile
2010 - 2014
Associate Professor Full Time
Universidad Andrés Bello
Santiago, Chile
2014 - At present
Msc Student theses (Date of completion, University program)
1. Paulina Nuñez (co-tutor Dr. Stehberg): “Effect of the binding of Runx1 to the promoter of the P2X3 receptor on inflammatory pain”. (Terminated in 2015, Masters in Biotechnology, UNAB)
2. Rodrigo Moraga-Amaro: "Development of small molecules for the treatment of ischemia in an animal model of stroke" (terminated in 2015, Masters in Biotechnology, UNAB)
3. Daisy Quintana: "Effects of insular dopamine receptor manipulation on gustatory neophobia in low and high arousal environments" (terminated in 2016, Masters in Biotechnology, UNAB)
4. Sebatián Rojas: "Effects of insular adrenergic activation on taste neophobia" (terminated in 2017, Masters in Biotechnology, UNAB).
5. Giovanni Tamburini: "Action of epinephrine over the behavioral effects induced by glucocorticoids" (terminated in 2017, Masters in Biotechnology, UNAB).
6. Luis Mendez: "Dose-time response of glucocorticoids prior to training in conditioned fear memory" (To be terminated in 2017, Masters in Biotechnology, UNAB)
1. Raúl Diaz-Galarce: "Use of astrocytes as a target to treat anxiety" (terminated in 2017, Biotechnology, UNAB)
2. Juan Manuel Jerez: "Role of glucocorticoids at the insular cortex in fear of novel tastes exacerbated by arousing contexts" (terminated in 2016, Biotechnology, UNAB)
3. Felipe Manriquez: "Automatization of a Laboratory rat ambient" (co-tutor, terminated in 2016, Universidad de Santiago)
PhD Student Theses
1. Sergio Linsambarth: "Changes in hemichannel and pannexon activity in astrocytes during fear memory consolidation" (PhD student, Ongoing since 2016; doctorate program: PhD in molecular biosciences, UNAB; funded by CONICYT)
Direction of postdoctoral fellows:
1. Dr. Yorley Duarte; "Drug design for targetting astrocytes" (2015-2017; funded by the PMI Grant, UNAB).
Participation in activities directed to the general Public (last 5 years)
1. 2-day course on anxiety, stress and memory (open to public), july, 2017. Organized by J. Stehberg.
2. Current Member of the Grupo de Estudios Medicina 1 (G1), FONDECYT. 2016-2018
3. Public Seminar: "Imaging of neuroinflammation with Positron Emission Tomography (PET): implications for Schizophrenia. of De Vries E (U. Groningen). Jul 13, 2015. Organized by J. Stehberg.
4. Public Seminar "Animal models for chronic pain comorbidities". By Treede RD. (U. Heidelberg). Oct 5, 2015. Organized by J. Stehberg.
5. 2-day Public Symposium on Memory and Stress. Santiago, Jan 28, 2014. UNAB. Organized by J. Stehberg.
6. Seminar entiled: "Memoria: Neurociencias y Terapéutica" at the Symposium "Actualizaciones en Psiquiatría y Salud Mental", for medical professionals, organized by the Sociedad Chilena de Salud Mental, Agosto, 2012.
Appearances in media coverage (last 5 years)
1. La Tercera (2012). Científicos Chilenos identifican tipo cellular clave para formar recuerdos traumáticos.
2. Medical Daily (2012). New drugs targetting brain cells could block traumatic memories
3. Thisischile.cl (2012). Experts from Chilean Universities find new component in the formation of memories.
4. La Tercera (2013). Cientificos Chilenos crean terapia para borrar recuerdos traumáticos.
5. El Mercurio (2012). Crean Cascos especiales para tratar depresión, Parkinson y Bipolaridad.
6. La Nación (2012). Tecnología para tratar enfermedades psiquiátricas y Neurológicas llega a Chile.
7. Buena Salud (2013). El DeepTMS en Chile.
8. Buena Salud (2012). Revolucionaria Tecnología para el tratamiento de enfermedades psiquiátricas y neurológicas.
9. CNN Chile (2012). Nuevo tratamiento Neuronal.
10. La Palabra Israelita (2012). Ya está en Chile el casco que cura varias enfermedades mentales
11. La Segunda Online (2013). Revolucionaria tecnología para tratamientos siquiátricos y neurológicos llega a Chile
12. El Mercurio (2013). Las Artes: Un pasaje al placer y la felicidad.
13. 24 horas (2013). Científicos chilenos descubren células cerebrales involucradas en memoria
14. El Mercurio (2013). Investigación de calidad en la U Andrés Bello.
15. El Mercurio (julio) (2013) Neuroquímicos de la felicidad.
16. Universia (2013). Cientificos chilenos estudian una nueva terapia para borrar recuerdos traumáticos.
17. La Opiñon (2013). Crean fármaco para borrar los malos recuerdos.
18. Exactas.UBA.AR (2013). Aunque no se exprese, la memoria siempre está.
19. CNN Chile. Capítulo 1- Vida ConCiencia (2013) salió al aire nov. 2013 y marzo 2014.
20. Noticias UNAB. U. Andrés Bello será sede del primer simposio de memoria y estrés en Chile (2014).
21. Radio Universidad de Chile. Programa Milenio, 9 diciembre 2013.
22. Noticias UNAB. Con gran asistencia de público se realizó el I Simposio Anual de Memoria y Estrés (2014).
23. El Mercurio. Arte en el cerebro; un pasaje. Enero 2014.
24. Radio Bio-Bio, con Julio César Rodríguez. Científicos trabajan en píldora que ayudaría a eliminar efectos derivados de hechos traumáticos. 22 abril, 2014.
25. La Cuarta. Píldora creada en Chile ayudará a dejar atrás las penas. 22 de abril, 2014.
26. La Hora. Fármaco Chileno promete borrar traumas. 22 abril 2014.
27. El Mercurio. Neuroestimulación Magnética profunda. Julio 2014.
28. El Mercurio. Dormir menos al final sale caro. Junio 2014.
29. El Mercurio Neuroquímicos de la felicidad: Las sustancias cerebrales que nos hacen sonreír. Julio, 2014.
30. El país (Uruguay). Dormir menos al final sale caro. Junio 2014. Investigador UNAB describen
31. Radio ADN. Experto en neurología explicó cómo cuidar y ejercitar la memoria. 24 de Septiembre, 2014.
32. Telecanal. A las Once. Depresión. Enero 2015.
33. La Nación. Con innovadora técnica especialistas combaten depresión. 3 de febrero, 2015.
34. Unab.cl. Desconocida red de conexiones cerebrales. 3 de Marzo, 2015.
35. El Mercurio. Desconocida red de conexiones cerebrales. 5 de Abril, 2015.
36. Memoria. Mega Mayo 2015.
37. Buenos Días a Todos. Cómo entrenar la memoria. 11 de septiembre, 2015.
Participation at National/International Scientific Congresses and International Seminars
International Congresses
1. Stehberg J. A role for astrocytes in memory, stress and stress-induced memory enhancements. Satélite de la SAN, Encuentro de Neuroetología y Memoria , Cordoba, Argentina. 2013.
2. Moraga-Amaro R., Diaz-Galarce R., Rojas S., Roozendaal B., Stehberg J. Perceived experiences are modulated by interplay between stress hormones and monoamines in cortex; lessons from insula-dependent arousal-induced taste neophobia. 113th International Forum on Mood and Anxiety Disorders
Monte Carlo. Monaco. 2013.
3. Stehberg. Retrospective Safety and Efficacy of the Deep TMS in a variety of pathologies including refractory Major Depression, Parkinson´s Disease, Aphasia and Stroke in a clinical setting; an update on the experience in Chile. International Congress in Neurology. Philippines. 2014.
4. Stehberg J. Retrospective Safety and Efficacy of the dTMS in refractory Major Depression, Bipolar Depression, Parkinson´s Disease, negative symptoms of Schizophrenia and Stroke in a clinical setting: an update on the post-Marketing experience in Chile. Second Annual Clinical TMS Society Meeting, New York, USA. 2015.
5. Stehberg J. Safety and efficacy of DeepTMS in Chile. Brainsway's First Provider's Meeting. Las Vegas. February 15, 2015.
6. Rôle du cortex insulaire dans le traitement de l'information gustative etla réticence à la nouveauté / The role of the Insula in the processing of taste and in the reluctance to novelty. J. Stehberg. Oral Presentation at Symposium. Colloque Societe Neurociences (SN) 201519 - Montpellier, France. 22 May, 2015.
7. Interactions between stress hormones at the insular cortex modulate arousal-induced reluctance to novelty (neophobia), stress and anxiety. J Stehberg. Oral Presentation. 22nd Multidisciplinary International Neuroscience and Biological Psychiatry Conference “Stress and Behavior”ISBS Conference. St-Petersburg, Russia. May 16-19, 2015.
8. Role of the Insula in Anxiety. J. Stehberg. Oral Presentation at Nanosymposium. Society for Neuroscience (SFN), Chicago, USA. Oct 17, 2015.
9. Insula And Anxiety. Congreso de la Asociación Psiquiátrica Mexicana. México, 2016.
National Congresses
1. Jerez-Baraona JM, Rojas S, Moraga-Amaro R, Díaz-Galarce R, Quintana D and Stehberg J.The anxiolytic effects of Glucocorticoids in the Insular Cortex: lessons from arousal induced taste neophobia in rats. Congreso SCHBC. Puerto Varas. 2013.
2. Stehberg J. Role of brain monoamines in arousal induced experiences. Congreso SCHBC. Puerto Varas. 2013.
3. Diaz-Galarce R, Moraga-Amaro R, Retamal MA, Orellana JA, Saez JC, Butynck G, Lybaert L, Roozendaal B, Stehberg J. A role for astrocytes in memory, stress and stress-induced memory enhancements. Congreso SCHBC. Puerto Varas. 2013.
4. Moraga-Amaro R, Diaz-Galarce R, Rojas S, Roozendaal B, Stehberg J. Role of stress hormones in insula-dependent arousal-induced neophobia. Congreso SCHBC. Puerto Varas. 2013
5. The D3 dopamine receptor knock-out mice are chronically depressed. Rojas S, Diaz-Galarce R, Gonzalez H, Pacheco R., Stehberg J. Congreso SCHBC. Puerto Varas. 2013.
6. Quintana-Donoso D, Rojas-Silva S, Jeréz-Baraona J, Díaz-Galarce R, Moraga-Amaro R, Stehberg J. Role of Dopamine Receptors in Arousal-induced Taste Neophobia. Congreso Sociedad Chilena de Neurociencias. 2014.
7. Jerez-Baraona JM, Rojas S, Moraga-Amaro R, Díaz-Galarce R, Quintana D and Stehberg J. Glucocorticoids in the Insular Cortex: anxiolytic effects?. Congreso Sociedad Chilena de Neurociencias. 2014.
8. Stehberg J, Simon F, Sáez JC, Retamal MA, Orellana JA. Role of astrocytes in Stress, Anxiety and Depression. Congreso Sociedad Chilena de Neurociencias. 2014.
9. Díaz-Galarce R, Moraga-Amaro R, Rojas S, Stehberg J. Targeting astrocytes in the treatment of anxiety and depression. Congreso Sociedad Chilena de Neurociencias. 2014.
10. Moraga-Amaro R, Gonzalez H, Díaz-Galarce R, Pacheco R and Stehberg J. Dopamine D3 receptor deficiency induces chronic depression, increased anxiety and decrease in taste neophobia. Congreso Sociedad Chilena de Neurociencias. 2014.
11. Stehberg J. Role of brain monoamines in arousal induced experiences. Congreso SCHBC. Puerto Varas
Stehberg J, Simon F, Sáez JC, Retamal MA, Orellana JA. Role of astrocytes in Depression and Anxiety. Congreso SCHBC. Puerto Varas. 2015.
12. Moraga-Amaro R, Gonzalez H, Díaz-Galarce R, Pacheco R and Stehberg J. Dopamine D3 receptor deficiency induces chronic depression, increased anxiety and decrease in taste neophobia. Congreso SCHBC. Puerto Varas. 2015.
13. Rojas-Silva S, Jeréz-Baraona J, Quintana D, Díaz-Galarce R, Moraga-Amaro R, Stehberg J. Role of the adrenergic system in arousal induced taste neophobia. Congreso SCHBC. Puerto Varas. 2015.
14. Role for the insular cortex in fear of the new and anxiety. J. Stehberg. Oral Presentation at Symposium. Congreso conjunto de las Sociedades Científicas Chilenas de Farmacología, Ciencias Fisiológicas y Neurociencia, Coquimbo, Chile. Sept 25, 2015
15. Tamburini G, Rubio FJ, Moraga-Amaro R, Díaz-Galarce R, Donoso-Ramos JP, Ampuero E, Wyneken U, Stehberg J. Long-term effects of prenatal Fluoxetine on memory and motivation in adult male rat offspring. Congreso conjunto de las Sociedades Científicas Chilenas de Farmacología, Ciencias Fisiológicas y Neurociencia, Coquimbo, Chile. Sept 25, 2015
16. Méndez L, Jerez-Baraona JM, Rojas S, Diaz-Galarce R., Quintana-Donoso D, Moraga-Amaro R and Stehberg J. Interactions between adrenergic activity and glucocorticoids in the Insular Cortex modulate arousal-induced taste Neophobia. Congreso conjunto de las Sociedades Científicas Chilenas de Farmacología, Ciencias Fisiológicas y Neurociencia, Coquimbo, Chile. Sept 25, 2015
17. Quintana-Donoso D, Rojas-Silva S, Jeréz-Baraona J, Díaz-Galarce R, Moraga-Amaro R, Stehberg J. Role of Dopamine Receptors in Arousal-induced Taste Neophobia. Congreso Sociedad Chilena de Neurociencias, 2016.
18. Moraga-Amaro R, González H, Donoso-Ramos JP, Ugalde V, Rojas P, Pacheco R, Stehberg J. Dopamine Receptor type 5 knockout mice (D5RKO) show memory impairments but normal affective behavior. Congreso Sociedad Chilena de Neurociencias, 2016.
19. Linsambarth S, Torres F, Villalon E, Poblete P, Moraga-Amaro R, Riquelme R, Zangen A, Stehberg J. Retrospective Evaluation of Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (dTMS) as Add-On Treatment for Parkinson's Disease. Congreso Sociedad Chilena de Neurociencias, 2016.
20. Rojas-Silva S, Jeréz-Baraona J, Quintana D, Díaz-Galarce R, Moraga-Amaro R, Stehberg J. The insula modulates arousal-induced reluctance to try novel tastes through adrenergic transmission in the rat. Congreso Sociedad Chilena de Neurociencias, 2016.
21. Escorza T, Tamburini G, Méndez L, Rojas S, Diaz-Galarce R, Quintana-Donoso D, Moraga-Amaro R and Stehberg J. Determining the role of insular cortex in anxiety: a study of anxiety behavior in different zones of the Insula. Congreso Sociedad Chilena de Neurociencias, 2016.
22. Stehberg J. Determinación de la función diferencial de tipos celulares del cerebro en memoria y estrés mediante el uso de péptidos miméticos in vivo. Workshop: péptidos terapéuticos. Pontifica Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. 2016.
23. Role of astrocytes in memory and anxiety. Congreso Sociedad Chilena de fisiología, Huilo Huilo, 2016.
24. The Insular Cortex within the Anxiety Circuitry. Congreso Sociedad Chilena de fisiología, Huilo Huilo, 2016.
Efferent connections from the subpostremal nucleus of the solitary tract: anatomical evidence for a reflex pathway? |
Projections from the thalamic reticular nucleus to the visceral thalamic nucleus |
The Amygdala and Anxiety |
Chapter 7: The Neurobiology of PTSD and Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) |
The Insular Cortex and the Amygdala: Shared functions and interactions |
Epigenetic changes in the pathogenesis of dementia=> contribution of environmental stressors |
Descifrando el rol de la gliotransmisión en plasticidad y aprendizaje en el bulbo olfatorio |
Descifrando el rol de la gliotransmisión en plasticidad y aprendizaje en el bulbo olfatorio |
The Role of the Insula in Anxiety and Anxiety-related disorders |
Uncovering the role of hemichannels in glial and neuronal dysfunction induced by alpha-synuclein |
Astrocyte-to-neuron communication in plasticity, learning and memory |
Desarrollo de potenciales fármacos usando los astrocitos como blanco farmacológico para el tratamiento de enfermedades psiquiátricas |
Diseño de potenciales fármacos antidepresivos y ansiolíticos que actúan sobre astrocitos |
Role of PSD95 in NMDAR-mediated refinement of the neuronal structure and consolidation of fear memories. |
Role of PSD95 in NMDAR-mediated refinement of the neuronal structure and consolidation of fear memories |
Interplay between stress hormones and brain monoamines in Cortex modulates the reaction to emotionally arousing experiences |
Interplay between stress hormones and brain monoamines in Cortex modulates the reaction to emotionally arousing experiences |
Joint European and Latin American Research Network on Diabetic Microangiopathy |
Use of astrocytes as a pharmacological target for the treatment of psychiatric disorders |