Associated Professor
1. Pathophysiology and Pharmacology of vitamin C 2. Antioxidants and Free Radicals in Cancer 3. Cellular and Molecular Biology of Redox Systems 4. Molecular and Structural Biology of Transports 5. Mitochondrial, Neurodegenerative Diseases
Associate Professor Full Time
Biological Sciences
Concepcion, Chile
2008 - A la fecha
Academic Assistant Part Time
Valdivia, Chile
1983 - 1986
Assistant Professor Full Time
Biological Sciences
Concepcion, Chile
2004 - 2007
Research Fellow Full Time
Denver, Estados Unidos
1986 - 1988
Professor Full Time
Biological Sciencias
Concepción, Chile
2022 - A la fecha
Concepcion, Chile
2002 - 2004
Concepcion, Chile
2004 - 2008
Research Fellow Full Time
University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
Denver, Estados Unidos
1986 - 1988
Research Fellow Full Time
Laboratory of Membrane Developmental Biology, Program in Molecular Biology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
New York, Estados Unidos
1988 - 1990
Research Assistant Full Time
Laboratory of Hematopoietic Kinetics, Program in Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
New York, Chile
1990 - 1991
Research Assistant Full Time
Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Hematology, Program in Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
New York, Estados Unidos
1992 - 1996
Research Associate Full Time
Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Hematology, Program in Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
New York, Estados Unidos
1997 - 2001
2008 - A la fecha
Directora Sec. Graduado Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas Other
Concepción, Chile
2014 - 2016
2008 - A la fecha
Management Thesis
Undergraduate Thesis Direction
1. Student: Kirsty Jane Mansfield Sotomayor . Title of Biochemistry , University of Concepcion . Thesis title : Characterization of the accumulation of vitamin C and reductase expression in the tumor cell line DU-145 . completed 2004
2 . Student: Michelle Maurin Marietta Meier . Title of Biochemistry , University of Concepcion . Thesis title : Characterization of the transport of vitamin C in breast cancer cells Ended 2005
3. Student: Carlos Alberto Soliz Soto. Career : Biochemistry, University of Concepcion Title Thesis: Cloning and functional characterization of glutaredoxins present in prostate tumor cells . Presentation Date : January Finalized 2007.
4 . Student: Exequiel Sobarzo Adolay Escares . Stroke: BS in Medical Technology, Title Practice , University of Concepcion . Thesis title : Characterization of ascorbic acid transporters and SVCT2 SVCT1 in prostate tissue samples . Presentation Date : Completed 2007 .
5. Student: Eduardo Andrés Peña Alarcón. Stroke: BS in Medical Technology , Title Practice , University of Concepcion . Thesis title : Characterization of ascorbic acid transporters in SVCT2 SVCT1 and breast tissue samples . Presentation Date : Completed 2007 .
6 . Student: Alejandra Espinoza Karena Saavedra. Stroke: BS in Medical Technology , Title Practice , University of Concepcion . Thesis Title : Application of In Situ Hybridization Technique for detecting vitamin C transporter SVCT2 . Presentation Date : Completed 2008 .
7 . Student: Andrea Riquelme Gizella Balogh . Stroke: BS in Medical Technology , Title Practice , University of Concepcion . Thesis Title : Application of the FISH technique for the detection of vitamin C transporter SVCT2 . Presentation Date : Completed 2008 .
8 . Student: Carlos Alejandro Toro Chacon. Career : Biochemistry, University of Concepcion. Thesis Title : Generation of biotechnological tools for marking structures in living cells. Presentation Date : Completed 2008 .
9. Student: Evelyn Alvarado Mariana Gonzalez . Stroke: BS in Medical Technology , Title Practice , University of Concepcion . Thesis title : Characterization of vitamin C transporter liver stellate cells I. Presentation Date : Completed 2009 .
10 . Student: Favio Araneda Valdes . Stroke: BS in Medical Technology , Title Practice , University of Concepcion Thesis Title : Characterization of vitamin C transporter in liver stellate cells II . Presentation Date : Completed 2009 .
11. Student: Maria Josefa Lopez Hermosilla. Stroke: BS in Medical Technology , Title Practice , University of Concepcion . Thesis Title : Expression of GLUT1 transporter in colon cancer progression I. Presentation Date : Completed 2009 .
12. Student : Isabel Andrea Riffo IBACA . Stroke: BS in Medical Technology , Title Practice , University of Concepcion . Thesis Title : Expression of GLUT1 transporter in colon cancer progression II. Presentation Date : Completed 2009 .
13. Student: Viviana Marcela Suazo Paz Muñoz . Stroke: BS in Medical Technology , Title Practice , University of Concepcion . Thesis Title : Implementation of the technique by vascular perfusion for histological study of expression of transporters of vitamin C in rats I. Presentation Date : Completed 2009 .
14. Student: Amnie Rose Vasquez Castro. Stroke: BS in Medical Technology , Title Practice , University of Concepcion . Thesis Title : Implementation of the technique by vascular perfusion for histological study of expression of transporters of vitamin C in rats II . Presentation Date : Completed 2009 .
15. Student: Dominique Marisel Medina Nuñez . Career : BA in Biology, University of Concepcion . Thesis Title Research Unit : TrxR1 expression and participation in the processes of accumulation and recycling of vitamin C on prostate cancer. Presentation Date : Completed 2010 .
16. Student: Francisco Javier Roa Cartes . Career : Biochemistry, University of Concepcion . Title Dissertation: Regulation of the expression of Vitamin C transporter in response to oxidative stress in breast cancer cells . Presentation Date : Completed 2011 .
17. Student: Jorge Luis Vera Becerra . Career : Biochemistry, Universidad Austral de Chile. Thesis title : Characterization of residues involved in binding the substrate exofacial conveyor SVCT2 ascorbic acid . Presentation Date : Completed 2011
18. Student: Dominique Marisel Medina Nuñez . Stroke: Biologist, University of Concepción. Seminar Title : Participation of TrxR1 in the accumulation and recycling of vitamin C on prostate cancer. Presentation Date : Completed 2011 .
19. Student: José Luis Galdames Hidalgo. Stroke: BS in Medical Technology , Title Practice, University of Concepcion. Thesis Title :Immunolocalization of Vitamin C Transporter Proteins in Colon Cancer Tissues. Presentation Date : Completed 2012
20. Student: Dominique Letic Troncoso Monsalve. Stroke: BS in Medical Technology , Title Practice, University of Concepcion . Thesis Title: Expression of SVCT2 transporter under hormonal treatment in breast cancer cell lines. Presentation Date : Completed 2012.
21. Student: Jorge Esteban Peñaranda Flores. Stroke: BS in Medical Technology, Title Practice, University of Concepcion. Thesis Title: Expression of the ascorbic acid transporter SVCT2 under hormonal treatment in breast cancer cell lines. Presentation Date : Completed 2012.
22. Student: Alejandro Eduardo Fernández Moya. Stroke: BS in Medical Technology, Title Practice, University of Concepcion. Thesis Title: Modulation of the expression of vitamin C transporters in experimental diabetes Step 1. Presentation Date : Completed 2015.
23. Student: Maríajosé C. Marchant Nahuel. Stroke: BS in Medical Technology, Title Practice, University of Concepcion. Thesis Title: Modulation of the expression of vitamin C transporters in experimental diabetes Step 2. Presentation Date : Completed 2015.
24. Student: Alonso A. Del Pino Yáñez. Stroke: BS in Medical Technology, Title Practice, University of Concepcion. Thesis Title: Modulation of the expression of vitamin C transporters in experimental diabetes Step 3. Presentation Date : Completed 2015.
Professor Undergraduate Thesis Evaluation Committee
1. Student: Paula Camila Fahrenkrog Stefania Sotomayor . Career : Biochemistry, University of Concepción . Thesis title : Characterization of ascorbic acid transporter in kidney cell lines (HEK -293 , and MDCK OK). Presentation Date : Completed 2005 .
2 . Student: Maria Elizabeth Escobar Sagredo . Career : Biochemistry, University of Concepción .
Thesis title : Accumulation of vitamin C and expression of dehydroascorbic acid reductase in human myeloid leukemia cells HL-60 . Presentation Date : Completed 2005 .
3 . Student: Marcelo Alejandro Villagrán Orellana. Career : Biochemistry, University of Concepción . Title Dissertation: Regulation of the expression of the messenger RNA sodium transporter 1 ascorbic acid ( SVCT1 ) in human rectal adenocarcinoma cells ( Caco-2 ) deficient in glutathione. Presentation Date : Completed 2006 .
4 . Student: Henny Marianne Haensgen Sáez . Career : Biochemistry, University of Concepción . Thesis title : Importance binding sites Ca2 + and Mg2 + in the transport mechanism of ascorbic acid transporter mediated SVCT2 . Presentation Date : Completed 2007 .
5 . Student: Carlos Francisco Aylwin Ramirez. Career : Biochemistry, University of Concepción . Thesis title : Identification of binding sites as nucleotide regulatory domains in SVCT2 ascorbic acid transporter . Presentation Date : Completed 2007 .
6. Student: Alejandra Andrea Muñoz Vega. Career : Biochemistry, University of Concepción . Degree thesis : Contribution and functional analysis of chimeric ascorbic acid transporters SVCT1 - SVCT2 . Presentation Date : Completed 2007 .
7 . Student: Felipe Ignacio Paredes Díaz . Career : Biochemistry, University of Concepción . Thesis Title : Development of a method for identifying bioinformatic functionally important amino - structural membrane proteins. Presentation Date : Completed 2010 .
8. Student: David Andrés Escobar Flores. Career : Biochemistry, University of Concepción . Thesis title : Molecular Analysis of the regulation of the expression of Vitamin C transporters in human cells CaCo2 . Presentation Date : Completed 2010 .
9. Student: Esteban Francis Caamaño Molina. BS in Biology, University of Concepción . Thesis title : Standardization of an in vitro model of hepatic oxidative stress induced by carbon tetrachloride . Completed 2012.
10 . Student: Paulina Andrea Saavedra Sieyes . Career: Biology, University of Concepción . Thesis Title : Expression of SMRT and NCOR corepresores in prostate cancer. Completed 2012.
11. Student: Cristina Angélica Padilla Ruiz. Career : Biochemistry, University of Concepción . Thesis title : Cloning, expression and functional characterization of SVCT3, a new member of the ascorbic acid transporter family . Presentation Date : Completed 2012 .
12. Student: Maria de Los Angeles Sepulveda Parada . Career : Biochemistry, University of Concepción . Thesis title : Analysis of the functional importance of amino acid residues binding domain transporter exofacial SVCT1 ascorbic acid . Presentation Date : Completed 2012.
13. Student: Karen Susan Sweet Alvarado. Career : Biochemistry, University of Concepción . Thesis title : Identification and functional characterization of cysteine residues with the potential regulatory SVCT2 ascorbic acid transporter . Presentation Date : Completed 2012.
14. Student: Ibeth Alejandra González Galdames . Career: Biology, University of Concepción . Thesis title : Modulation of promoter transcriptional activity mediated rat SVCT1 exogenous oxidative stress in rat hepatoma cells H4IIE . Completed 2012.
15. Student: Pamela Soledad Careaga Novoa . Career: Bioengineering , University of Concepción . Thesis Title : Effect of oxidative stress on the expression and activity of L -arginine transporter in human fetal endothelium . Completed 2012.
16. Student: Noemi Estela Candia González. Career: Biology, University of Concepción . Thesis Title : Functional activity hexose transporter GLUT4 in diabetes : Completed 2012.
17. Student: Carla Silvana Muñoz Espinoza. Major: Biology, University of Concepción . Thesis Title : Kinetic Properties ascorbic acid transporter SVCT1 : Completed 2012.
18. Student: Esteban Francis Caamaño Molina . Career: Biology, University of Concepción . Thesis title : Protective effect of glutathione in an in vitro model of carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic oxidative stress . Completed 2013.
19. Student: Carolina Andrea Muñoz Flores . Career: Bioengineering, University of Concepción . Thesis title : Molecular tools targeting vitamin C metabolism in cancer cells through modification of SVCT2 transporter expression . Completed 2013.
20. Student: Katherine Alejandra Oporto Palma . Career: Biochemistry, University of Concepción . Thesis title : . Completed 2013.
21. Student: Natalia Cristhy Belmar Sazón . Career: Engineering in Marine Biotechnology and Aquaculture, University of Concepción . Thesis title : Molecular tools targeting vitamin C metabolism in cells Variation in the expression of estrogen receptors in androgen-independent prostate cancer . Completed 2014.
22. Student: José Mario Henriquez Toro. Career : Biochemistry, University of Concepción . Thesis Title : Role of estrogen in prostate cancer progression to androgen independence and metastasis. Date of presentation : Completed 2015.
Graduate Thesis Supervision
1. Student: Jessica Andrea Quilodrán Calderon. Magister Program in Physiology, University of Concepción . Thesis title : Expression and characterization of ascorbic acid transporters and SVCT2 SVCT1 in human prostate cancer cells . completed 2006
2 . Student: Marcell Alejandra Gatica Miranda . Program : MSc in Biochemistry and Bioinformatics, University of Concepción . Thesis title : Identification and structural and functional characterization of amino acids forming part of the binding pocket endofacial ascorbic acid on the conveyor. Co -Tutor . Presentation Date : Completed 2009 .
3 . Student: Perla Kathanina Salgado Mejias . Program : Master of Clinical Biochemistry and Immunology , University of Concepción . Thesis Title : Protective effect of cellular GSH in the defense to oxidative stress by exposure to snuff smoke in human endofaciales cells . Presentation Date : Completed 2010 .
4. Student: Claudia Solange Jaña Martínez. Program : MSc in Biochemistry and Bioinformatics, University of Concepción . Degree thesis : Cloning , expression and characterization of dehydroascorbate reductase in human tumor cells . Presentation Date : Completed 2011 .
5 . Student: Pablo Antonio Binder Saldaña. Program : Master in Biochemistry and Bioinformatics, University of Concepción . Thesis title : Functional characterization of the promoter region of dehydroascorbic acid reductase glutarredoxina 1. Presentation Date : Completed 2011 .
6 Student: Eduardo Andrés Peña Alarcón. Program : Master of Physiology, University of Concepción . Thesis title : Differential expression of Vitamin C transporters in breast cancer cells negative for the estrogen receptor . Presentation Date : Completed 2011 .
7. Student: Marilyn Denisse Vergara Valenzuela . Program : Master of Clinical Biochemistry and Immunology , University of Concepción . Thesis title : Molecular Analysis of the expression of Vitamin C transporters in colon cancer. Presentation Date : Completed 2012.
8. Student: Carla Jeno Salgado. Program in Master Human Physiology, University of Concepción . Thesis title : Role of microRNAs in gastric cancer. Presentation Date : Completed 2014.
9. Student: Manuel Rain Gajardo. Program in Master Human Physiology, University of Concepción . Thesis title : Physical exercise and colorectal cancer: Molecular Mechanism. Presentation Date : Completed 2014.
Professor Magister Thesis Evaluation Committee
1. Student: Paula Angelica Guzman Gonzalez . Program : Master of Science mention Biochemistry, University of Concepción. Thesis Title : Oxidative stress in human endothelial cells and the effect of glutathione couple vitamin C. Presentation Date : Completed 2005
2 . Student: Marcela Inés Hechenleitner Carvallo . Program : Master of Science mention Biochemistry, University of Concepción . Title : Vitamin C and glutathione in defense against acute oxidative stress in CaCo -2 cells . Presentation Date : Completed 2007 .
3. Student: Carlos Francisco Solomon Gallo. Program : MSc in Biochemistry and Bioinformatics, University of Concepción . Degree thesis : Cloning , characterization and expression of low density lipoprotein receptor -linked lectin ( LOX -1) in prostate cancer cells . Presentation Date : Completed 2008 .
4 . Student: Gloria Onate Alejandre Mardones . Program : Master of Physiology, University of Concepción . Thesis Title : Essential role of glutathione in oxidative stress defense induced snuff smoke in human endothelial cells . Presentation Date : Completed 2009 .
5 . Student: Pablo Miguel Torres Vergara. Program : Master of Pharmaceutical Sciences , University of Concepción . Thesis title : Evaluation of Influence of chitosan derivatives on intestinal permeability capreomycin models in vivo and in vitro. Date of presentation : closed in January 2010 .
6. Alumno: Paulina Carola Tálitha Fernández Garcés. Programa: Magister en Bioquímica y Bioinformática, Universidad de Concepción. Título Tesis: Efecto de adenosina sobre la movilización y angiogénesis in vitro de células progenitoras endoteliales humanas. Completed 2011.
7. Alumno: Karen Susan Sweet Alvarado. Programa: Magister en Bioquímica y Bioinformática, Universidad de Concepción. Título Tesis: Determinantes moleculares del sitio de unión de sustrato y el canal de transporte en el transportador de sodio-ascorbato SVCT2. Completed 2012.
8. Alumno: Carolina Andrea Muñoz Flores. Programa: Magister en Bioquímica y Bioinformática, Universidad de Concepción. Título Tesis: Construcción y caracterización de un modelo celular de las vías moleculares responsables de la homeostasis de vitamina C en humanos. Completed 2013
1. Student: Carola Andrea Muñoz Montesino . Program : PhD in Biological Sciences Cellular and Molecular Biology Area , University of Concepción . Thesis Title : Intracellular Transport of Vitamin C in breast cancer as a model of compartmentalization of Vitamin C. CONICYT doctoral scholarship . Co -Tutor . Presentation Date : Completed 2009 .
2 . Student: Kirsty Jane Mansfield Sotomayor . Program : PhD in Biological Sciences Cellular and Molecular Biology Area , University of Concepción . Thesis title : Central role dehydroascorbic acid reductases in the metabolism of vitamin C in prostate cancer cells . CONICYT doctoral scholarship . Tutor. Presentation Date : Completed 2012.
3 . Student: Henny Marianne Haensgen Sáez . Program : PhD in Biological Sciences Cellular and Molecular Biology Area , University of Concepción . Degree thesis : Structural determinants translocation pathway substrates ascorbic acid transporter SVCT1 . CONICYT doctoral scholarship . Co -Tutor . Presentation Date : Completed 2013 .
4. Student: Carlos Francisco Aylwin Ramirez. Program : PhD in Biological Sciences Cellular and Molecular Biology Area , University of Concepción . Thesis Title : Construction of a conveyor without cysteines ( cys -less ) and structural and functional characterization of the migration path of substrates in the ascorbic acid transporter SVCT2 . CONICYT doctoral scholarship . Co -Tutor . Presentation Date : Completed : 2014
5. Student: Carlos Alberto Soliz Soto. Program : PhD in Biological Sciences Cellular and Molecular Biology Area , University of Concepción . Thesis Title : Metabolism of vitamin C during tumor progression in a model of co -culture of prostate cancer cells and stromal . CONICYT doctoral scholarship . Tutor. Presentation Date : Completed 2014.
6 . Student: Francisco Javier Roa Cartes. Program : PhD in Biological Sciences Cellular and Molecular Biology Area, University of Concepción . Thesis Title : Role of vitamin C transporter SVCT2 in mitochondria in human cells. Presentation Date: Completed 2016.
7. Student: Marcell Alejandra Gatica Miranda. Program : PhD in Biological Sciences Cellular and Molecular Biology Area, University of Concepción . Thesis Title : Quaternary structure of vitamin C transporter SVCT2. Co-Tutor. Presentation Date : Completed : 2016
Graduada 2016.
8. Student: Pamela Lorena Mendoza Muñoz. Program : PhD in Biological Sciences Cellular and Molecular Biology Area, University of Concepción . Thesis Title : Saturating mutational analysis of the substrate translocation pathway in the ascorbic acid transporter SVCT2. Presentation Date: Completed 2017.
9 . Student: Mauricio Gonzalez Oyarzun : Doctoral Program in Biological Sciences Cellular and Molecular Biology Area , University of Concepción . Thesis Title : Mechanistic aspects and structural determinants of the transport cycle : ascorbic acid transporters and intracellular plasma membrane . MECESUP doctoral Fellowship . Tutor. Date of presentation : Running.
Professor PhD Thesis Evaluation Committee
1. Student: Lamperti Ivine Liliana Fernandez. Program : PhD in Biological Sciences Cellular and Molecular Biology Area , University of Concepción . Thesis title : Expression and function of the receptor LOX -1 in human normal and tumor cells . Presentation Date : Completed 2009 .
2. Student: Sandra Céspedes Ivanova Ulloa . Program : PhD in Biological Sciences Cellular and Molecular Biology Area , University of Concepción . Title : Characterization of pathogenicity islands in strains of Brucella abortus and identificacción of potential immunogens. Presentation Date : Completed 2011 .
3 . Student: Mary Elizabeth Escobar Sagredo . Program : Ph.D. in Biology , Cell Biology and Moleular area , Universidad de Concepción. Thesis title : Mutational analysis of a domain -binding EF-hand calcium vitamin C transporter SVCT1 . CONICYT doctoral scholarship . Completed 2012.
4 . Student: Paula Angelica Guzman Gonzalez. Program : PhD in Biological Sciences Cellular and Molecular Biology Area , University of Concepción . Thesis title : Transcriptional regulation of vitamin C transporters SVCT2 SVCT1 and during differentiation and response to oxidative stress in human intestinal cells Caco-2 . Running.
5. Student: Andrea Alejandra Muñoz Vega. Program : PhD in Biological Sciences Cellular and Molecular Biology Area , University of Concepción . Thesis title : Characterization of the promoter region of vitamin C transporter SVCT2 rat . CONICYT doctoral scholarship . Running.
6. Student: Marcell Alejandra Gatica Miranda . Program : PhD in Biological Sciences Cellular and Molecular Biology Area , University of Concepción . Thesis Title : Quaternary structure of vitamin C transporter SVCT2 . Running.
7 . Student: Eliana Maldonado Mafalda Villagran . Program : PhD in Biological Sciences Cellular and Molecular Biology Area , University of Concepción . Thesis Title : Early regulation of metabolism and molecular determinants of vitamin C post- partial hepatectomy in rats.
1. Dr. Maria Valeria Bar Pantoja. 2005-2008. Postdoctoral Program School of Biological Sciences . University of Concepción . Subject to develop: realtime PCR dehydroascorbic acid reductases during differentiation , tumorigenesis and cellular response to oxidative stress. Ring Technology - ACT28 . completed 2008
2. Dr. Chethan Sampath Kumar. 2010-2013. India's foreign student and gets postulated Postdoctoral Fellowship Program Conicyt School of Biological Sciences . University of Concepción . Topic to be developed: Antioxidant defense in prostate cancer cells: molecular mechanism and pharmacological modification .
2010 Biomedicine Workshop 2.0. Designing a Science Company linking strategy, TABLE III: Workshop of Cluster BíoBío Health, Genetic Engineering Workshop for Leaders of Bio-Bio Region. The workshop was attended by representatives of companies, government agencies Chile earmarked to financing R & D and regional print media. Antioxidants Laboratory, School of Biological Sciences, University of Concepción, January 27, 2010
Scientists for a Day: Genetic Engineering Workshop: Southern Journal, Sunday January 31, 2010.
2010 Interview Program Conceptions of TVU, "Research in Cancer" broadcast on Thursday 9th December at 20:0 pm and rebroadcast on Sunday 12th at 20:40 hours.
2012 UdeC Scientists create transgenic mice with novel
technique. Panorama UdeC, 26 de July.
Award: Academic Merit
University of Concepcion
Chile, 2006
For exceptional performance in all of the university's academic activities related to the formation of human resources, resource management and scientific research
Award: Academic Merit
University of Concepcion
Chile, 2008
For exceptional performance in all of the university's academic activities related to the formation of human resources, resource management and scientific research
Award: Academic Merit
University of Concepcion
Chile, 2011
For exceptional performance in all of the university's academic activities related to the formation of human resources, resource management and scientific research
Award: Academic Merit
Chile, 2015
For exceptional performance in all of the university's academic activities related to the formation of human resources, resource management and scientific research.
Direct inhibition of the Glut1 hexose transporter by resveratrol. |
SpH-protease exists in Caco-2 cells |
Vitamin C metabolism in human cancer cells |
Molecular basis of antitumor therapy |
Therapeutic Use of Vitamin C in Cancer: Physiological Considerations |
Vitamin C transporters |

Alejandro Reyes
Profesor Titular
Instituto de Bioquímica y Microbiología
Universidad Austral de Chile
Valdivia, Chile

Lorena Mardones

Juan Carcamo
Profesor Titular
Instituto de Bioquímica y Microbiología
Universidad Austral de Chile
Valdivia, Chile

Profesor asociado
Departamento de Ciencias Básicas
Universidad Catolica de la Santísima Concepción
Concepcion, Chile

Viviana Montecinos
Assistant Professor
Hematology Oncology
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Alejandro Godoy
Associate Professor
Centro de Biología Celular y Biomedicina
Universidad San Sebastián
Santiago, Chile

Profesional Bioquímico
Laboratorio Clínico
Hospital Clínico Regional de Concepción Guillermo Grant Benavente
Concepción, Chile

Felipe Zuñiga
Profesor Asistente
Bioquimica Clinica e Inmunologia
Concepcion, Chile

Marcell Gatica
Profesora asistente
Bioquímica y Biología Molecular
Universidad de Concepción
Concepción, Chile

Sergio Onate
Associate Professor
Medical Specialties
concepcion, Chile

Angara Zambrano
Assistant Professor
Biochemistry and Microbiology
Valdivia, Chile

Gustavo Moraga
Profesor Asistente
Departamento de Fisiología
Universidad De Concepción
Concepción, Chile

Marcelo Bustamante
Basisc Sciences

Full Professor and Scientific Director
Cellular Biology and Center for Advanced Microscopy CMA BIO-BIO
Concepcion, Chile

Division of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Carlos Soliz
Coordinador del área de Fisiología Sede Concepción
Ciencias Biológicas
Universidad Andrés Bello
Talcahuano, Chile

Marcelo González
Profesor Asistente
Obstetricia y Ginecología
Concepción, Chile

Fernando Delgado
Associate Professor
Division of Medicine
Universidad Catolica del Maule
Talca, Chile

Paulina Saavedra
Lab Manager / Asistente de Investigación
Universidad de Concepción
Concepción, Chile

Encargado de proyectos de desarrollo de Unidad de Anatomía Patológica
CR Diagnóstico Terapéutico
Hospital Regional Concepción HGGB
Concepcion, Chile

Enrique Guzman
Profesor Asistente
Bioquímica Clínica e Inmunología
Universidad de Concepción
Concepción, Chile

Rodrigo Maldonado
Docente Investigador
Facultad de Medicina y Ciencia
Universidad San Sebastián
Valdivia, Chile

Pablo Strobel
Prrofesional de laboratorio
Facultad Ciencias Veterinarias
Universidad Austral de Chile
Valdivia, Chile

Carolina Muñoz
Colaboradora Docente, Investigadora
Universidad de Concepción
Concepción, Chile

Brigitte van Zundert
Full Professor
Santiago, Chile

María Starck
Colaboradora Académica
Departamento de Farmacología
Universidad de Concepción
Concepción, Chile

María Rauch
Valdivia, Chile

Mirna Muñoz
Profesor Asistente
Ciencias Básicas
Concepción, Chile

Fredy Diaz
Concepción, Chile