Karina de las Mercedes Pino Lagos
Group Leader/Associate Professor
Universidad de los Andes
Santiago, Chile
Transplantation Immunology; Tolerance Induction; Autoimmunity
Immunology, Dartmouth College. Estados Unidos, 2012
Ingeniero en Biotecnología Molecular, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2005
Lic en Ingeniería en Biotecnología Molecular, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2004
Assistant Professor Full Time
Santiago, Chile
2013 - 2015
Investigator Full Time
Universidad de los Andes
Santiago, Chile
2015 - 2016
Associate Professor Full Time
Universidad de los Andes
Santiago, Chile
2016 - A la fecha
Researcher Full Time
Dartmouth College
Lebanon, Estados Unidos
2010 - 2011
Researcher Full Time
Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile
2011 - 2011
Visitor Scholar Full Time
Dartmouth College
Lebanon, Estados Unidos
2012 - 2012
• Carolina Rojas (Co-Tutor). Student of “PhD in Odontology” Program, Faculty of Odontology, Universidad de Chile. Activity: PhD Thesis (2020-Present)
• Masyelly Rojas (Tutor). Student of “PhD in Biomedicine” Program, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de los Andes. Activity: Lab Rotation (2018-2019)
• Carolina Rojas (Tutor). Student of “PhD in Odontology” Program, Faculty of Odontology, Universidad de Chile. Activity: Lab Rotation (2018-2019)
• Diego Prieto (Thesis Co-Director). Student of “Master in Odontology” Program, Faculty of Odontology, Universidad de los Andes. Activity: Master thesis. 2018-2019.
• Pamina Contreras (Tutor). Undergraduate student of the “Engineering in Molecular Biotechnology” Career, Faculty of Sciences, Universidad de Chile. Activity: Undergrad Thesis 2018-2019.
•. Karina Oyarce. Postdoctoral Fellow. Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de los Andes. 2017-2018
• Mauricio Campos (Thesis Co-Director). Student of “PhD in Biomedical Sciences” Program, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de Chile. Activity: PhD thesis. 2017-2020.
• Pamina Contreras (Tutor). Undergraduate student of the “Engineering in Molecular Biotechnology” Career, Faculty of Sciences, Universidad de Chile. Activity: Lab Rotation 2016-2017.
• Ricardo Fuentes (Tutor). Undergraduate student of the “Medical Technology” career, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Pedro de Valdivia. Activity: Undergraduate thesis. 2015-2016.
• Carla Álvarez (Tutor). PhD student of the “PhD in Biomedical Sciences Program”, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de Chile. Activity: Lab Rotation. 2016-2017.
• Claudia Terraza (Tutor). Undergraduate student of “Engineering in Molecular Biotechnology” Career, Faculty of Sciences, Universidad de Chile. Activity: Lab Rotation and Undergraduate thesis. 2015-2016.
• Luz Yáñez (Tutor). Undergraduate student of “Engineering in Biotechnology” Career, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander, Cucuta, Colombia. Activity: Professional Practice and Thesis. 2015-2016.
• Tania Gajardo (Tutor). Undergraduate student of “Engineering in Molecular Biotechnology” Career, Faculty of Sciences, Universidad de Chile. Activity: Lab Rotation and Undergraduate thesis (defended in August, 2015). 2014-2015.
• Mauricio Campos (Tutor). Undergraduate student of “Engineering in Molecular Biotechnology” Career, Faculty of Sciences, Universidad de Chile. Activity: Lab Rotation and Undergraduate thesis (defended in December, 2014). 2013-2014.
• Francisco Pérez (Tutor). Undergraduate student of “Engineering in Molecular Biotechnology” Career, Faculty of Sciences, Universidad de Chile. Activity: Lab Rotation and Undergraduate thesis (not presented/defended). 2012-2013.
• Rodrigo Morales (Tutor). PhD student of the “Cellular and Molecular Biology and Neurosciences Program”, Faculty of Sciences, Universidad de Chile. Activity: Lab Rotation. 2013.
• Paulina García (Tutor). PhD student of the “Biomedical Sciences Program”, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de Chile. Activity: Research proposal for the “Advanced Immunology” Course, 2013.
• Gabriel Arellano (Tutor). PhD student of the “Biomedical Sciences Program”, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de Chile. Activity: research proposal for the “Advanced Immunology” Course, 2013.
• Javier Pizarro (Tutor). Master student, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de Chile. Activity: research proposal for the “Advanced Immunology” Course, 2013.
• Franz Strauss (Tutor). Master student, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de Chile. Activity: Research proposal for the “Advanced Immunology” Course, 2013.
• Cristián Gutiérrez (Tutor). Undergraduate student of “Medical Technology” Career, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de Chile. Activity: Lab Rotation, 2013.
• Darío Vergara (co-tutor). Undergraduate student of “Medical Technology” Career, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de Chile. Actity: Undergraduate Thesis, 2013.
• Co-Organizer of the Annual Reunion of the Chilean Association of Immunology 2019. November 20-22nd, Viña del Mar. Chile. 2019 (Postponed).
• Co-Organizer of the II Simposio Arte & Ciencia. September 23-24, Universidad de los Andes, Santiago. Chile. 2019.
• Co-Organizer of the III Jornadas Científicas en Salud. August 1-2, Universidad de los Andes, Santiago. Chile. 2019.
• Co-Organizer of the Annual Reunion of the Chilean Association of Immunology 2018. November 13th, Convention Center Araucano Park, Santiago. Chile. 2018.
• Evaluator of projects submitted to XIII Congreso Regional Explora CRECyT RM Sur Oriente, September 2018.
• Hostess of 2 high school students (Katherine Medel & Mayra Encina) as participants of “Un día con un científic@” program organized by PAR Explora Región Metropolitana Sur Oriente, June 2018.
• Co-organizer of the 3rd International Symposium, Cancer and inflammation: from cell biology to therapy. Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile, 2018
• Tutor of high school students Camila Astrain and Andrea Lange, Bradford School, Santiago, Chile. Participation at the Scientific Fair 2017 at Instituto Nacional with poster presentation, Santiago-Centro. Santiago, Chile. September 6th, 2017. “Effect of immunosuppressive drugs on Foxp3+ Regulatry T cells population in vivo”. Camila Astrain, Andrea Lange, Mauricio Campos-Mora, Tania Gajardo, Karina Oyarce, Claudio Soto and Karina Pino-Lagos.
• Co-Organizer of the II Jornadas Científicas en Salud. August 3-4, Universidad de los Andes, Santiago. Chile. 2017.
• Co-Organizer of the Reunion of the Chilean Association of Immunology 2017. April 28th, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaiso, Valparaiso. Chile. 2017.
• Member of FONDECYT Study Group (Medicine G2-G3). 2016-2018.
• Member of the Accreditation Council for the PhD program at Universidad de los Andes. 2016-2017.
• Member of the PhD in Biomedicine Council, Universidad de los Andes. 2015-Present.
• Member of the PhD in Biomedical Sciences Council, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de Chile. 2013-2014.
• Guest Editor. Frontiers in Immunology. 2014-Present.
• Co-Organizer of “II Symposium on Immune Regulation 2014: From Basic Science to Novel Immunotherapeutic Strategies”. Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de Chile. October, 2014. Santiago, Chile.
• Co-Organizer of “I Symposium on Immune Regulation 2013: From Basic Science to Novel Immunotherapeutic Strategies”. Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de Chile. November, 2013. Santiago, Chile.
• Participant in EXPLORA Iniciative. “How does your immune system combat the flu?” Class offered to “Escuela Básica Hermanos Matte”, Santiago. Octubre 2014, Chile.
• Participant in EXPLORA Iniciative. “How does your immune system react to a transplanted organ?” Class offered to “Liceo Francisco Tello González”, Rancagua. Octubre 2013, Chile.
Full Scholarship for Graduate Studies
Estados Unidos, 2006
Scholarship to enroll into a PhD program at this Institution
Beca Postdoctorado
Chile, 2011
I renounced to this scholarship.
Best Basic Research Award
Sociedad Chilena de Trasplante
Chile, 2013
Monetary award
Best Basic Research
Sociedad Chilena de Trasplante
Chile, 2015
Monetary award
Fellowship to attend to a Course Overseas
Chile, 2015
Funding to attend to a course at King´s College London, UK
Dr. Federico Leighton Annual Award for the Best Undergraduate Thesis
Chile, 2015
One of my students received this award.
Editorial: Searching for immune tolerance Manipulating New Molecules and Exploiting New Concepts on lymphocyte Biology |
Mesenchymal stem cells and their immunosuppressive role in transplantation tolerance |
The essential role of chemokines in the selective regulation of lymphocyte homing |

Karina Pino
Group Leader/Associate Professor
Centro de Investigación Biomédica
Universidad de los Andes
Santiago, Chile

Diego Catalán
Associate Professor
Programa Disciplinario de Inmunología
Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Rodrigo Morales
Postdoctoral researcher
Dept. of Medicine Solna (MedS)
Karolinska Institutet
Stockholm, Suecia

Roberto Elizondo
Profesor Asistente
Departamento de Biología Celular
Universidad de Concepción

Luis Federico Batiz
Full Professor
Center for Biomedical Research and Innovation (CIIB)
Universidad de Los Andes
Santiago, Chile

Vinicius Ramos Henriques
Associate Professor
Advanced Center for Chronic Diseases - ACCDiS
Univesidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Franck Quero
Profesor Asociado
Ingeniería Química, Biotecnología y Materiales
Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Rolando Vernal
Profesor Titular
Departamento de Odontología Conservadora
Santiago, Chile

Paulo Diaz
Profesor Asociado
Escuela de Nutrición y Dietética
Santiago, Chile

Angela Court
Asistente de Investigación
Medicina Nanoregenerativa
Universidad de Los Andes
Santiago, Chile

Cristina Padilla
Administrador de laboratorio e Investigador
Centro de Investigaciones Biomedicas
Universidad de Los Andes
Santiago, Chile

Flavia Zacconi
Associate Professor
Organic Chemistry
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Franck Quero
Profesor Asistente
Ingeniería Química, Biotecnología y Materiales
Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Fabiola Osorio
Associate Professor
Programa Disciplinario de Inmunologia
Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Veronica Ramos
Inmunologia, VIH y Alergias
Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile